blob: fb507f400bd0a7d078bab4f45ebb4319f9f9a511 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _ymiyse5IEeCU6db9MgIBkA,_zOzvECeMEeGm5NjoKhWsPQ,_4QQJ8GJ5EeOG77tsPvjNlQ
Element-Name: SaveContextBeforeLaunchTestCasePrompt
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _fvKSYGJ8EeOG77tsPvjNlQ
Save-Time: 7/29/14 7:24 AM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Xored Software Inc and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Xored Software Inc - initial creation and/or initial documentation
Tests that context is prompted for save before launch when configured to do so.
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
set-save-before-launch Prompt
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | select "Q7Project/Delete Test" | double-click
get-editor "Delete Test" | get-button Replay | click
get-window "Save Resource" | get-button Cancel | click
get-editor "Delete Test" | get-button Replay | click
get-window "Save Resource" | get-button No | click
try {get-window "Select an Application Under Test" | get-button Cancel | click}-catch{}
get-tab-folder | get-property "pages[0]" | equals "*Create New Project" | verify-true
get-editor "Delete Test" | get-button Replay | click
get-window "Save Resource" | get-button Yes | click
try {get-window "Select an Application Under Test" | get-button Cancel | click}-catch{}
get-tab-folder | get-property "pages[0]" | equals "Create New Project" | verify-true
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | select "Q7Project/Delete Test" | get-menu "Run As/1 Test Cases" | click
get-window "Save Resource" | get-button Cancel | click
get-tab-folder -index 1 | get-property "pages[0]" | equals "*Create New Project" | verify-true
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | select "Q7Project/Delete Test" | get-menu "Run As/\\d+ Test Cases" | click
get-window "Save Resource" | get-button No | click
try {get-window "Select an Application Under Test" | get-button Cancel | click}-catch{}
get-tab-folder -index 1| get-property "pages[0]" | equals "*Create New Project" | verify-true
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | select "Q7Project/Delete Test" | get-menu "Run As/\\d+ Test Cases" | click
get-window "Save Resource" | get-button Yes | click
try {get-window "Select an Application Under Test" | get-button Cancel | click}-catch{}
get-tab-folder -index 1| get-property "pages[0]" | equals "Create New Project" | verify-true
with [get-editor "Delete Test" | get-section Contexts] {
get-table | select "Create New Project \\(Q7Project\\)" | get-menu Remove | click
get-button "Save (M1+S)" | click
get-editor "Delete Test" | get-button Replay | click
try {get-window "Select an Application Under Test" | get-button Cancel | click}-catch{}
get-tab-folder | get-property "pages[0]" | equals "*Create New Project" | verify-true
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | select "Q7Project/Delete Test" | get-menu "Run As/\\d+ Test Cases" | click
try {get-window "Select an Application Under Test" | get-button Cancel | click}-catch{}
get-tab-folder | get-property "pages[0]" | equals "*Create New Project" | verify-true