blob: 24e25fa0a63db5c0cb9a7388dfcaa4309f3a4ed1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2015 Xored Software Inc and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Xored Software Inc - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
package org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.Arg;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.Id;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.LiteralArg;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.Node;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.Parser;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.PipelineArg;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.Script;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.ast.ScriptArg;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.model.NodePath;
import org.eclipse.rcptt.core.ecl.parser.model.PathBuilder;
public class PathTest {
public void testFindCommands() {
String text = "with a { with b { let { //marker } } }";
int offset = text.indexOf("//marker") - 1;
Script script = Parser.parse(text);
NodePath path = PathBuilder.path(script, offset);
assertEquals(2, path.findCommands("with").size());
public void testFindLiteralArgName() {
String text = "command -argName argValue";
int offset = text.indexOf("-argName") + 1;
Script script = Parser.parse(text);
NodePath path = PathBuilder.path(script, offset);
Node last = path.lastNode();
assertTrue(last instanceof Id);
Arg parent = (Arg) path.fromEnd(1);
assertTrue(parent instanceof LiteralArg);
assertEquals(, last);
public void testFindPipeArgName() {
String text = "command -argName [argValue]";
int offset = text.indexOf("-argName") + 1;
Script script = Parser.parse(text);
NodePath path = PathBuilder.path(script, offset);
Node last = path.lastNode();
assertTrue(last instanceof Id);
Arg parent = (Arg) path.fromEnd(1);
assertTrue(parent instanceof PipelineArg);
assertEquals(, last);
public void testFindScriptArgName() {
String text = "command -argName { argValue }";
int offset = text.indexOf("-argName") + 1;
Script script = Parser.parse(text);
NodePath path = PathBuilder.path(script, offset);
Node last = path.lastNode();
assertTrue(last instanceof Id);
Arg parent = (Arg) path.fromEnd(1);
assertTrue(parent instanceof ScriptArg);
assertEquals(, last);
public void testLast() {
NodePath path = new NodePath(Arrays.<Node> asList(new Id("a", 0, 0), new Id("b", 0, 0)), null, 0);
assertEquals("b", ((Id) path.lastNode()).text);
assertEquals("b", ((Id) path.fromEnd(0)).text);
assertEquals("a", ((Id) path.fromEnd(1)).text);
assertEquals(null, path.fromEnd(2));