blob: 2d35ad8d3734e704d61abb7457b883f17a786668 [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _g1CYYY-hEeK_GsTYGlxpVQ,_ilbtEI-jEeK_GsTYGlxpVQ,_jCjE8JFmEeKjY6e2O6h0ow
Element-Name: QS-400_Can't assert minimum number of items for SO instance (Vozone).
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: __LgwMJFlEeKjY6e2O6h0ow
Save-Time: 7/15/13 5:59 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Q7 Explorer" | get-tree | select "Vozone/SO2" | double-click
get-editor SO2 | get-button Record | click
get-aut Vozone | eval{
with [get-editor SO2 | get-diagram | get-edit-part -name SO2 | get-edit-part -name sA1] {
mouse-move 114 16 button1 -height 114 -width 130
mouse-press 114 16 button1 -height 114 -width 130
mouse-release 114 16 button1 524288 -height 114 -width 130
mouse-hover 114 16 -height 114 -width 130
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-button "Switch to Assertion Mode" | click
//exec-process -command "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"" -args [substitute-variables "-r \"${resource_loc:sikuli/MinNumInstances.sikuli}\" -s"] -ignoreExitCode
exec-process "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"""-r" [substitute-variables "\"${resource_loc:sikuli/MinNumInstances.sikuli}\""]"-s"-ignoreExitCode
with [get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*"] {
with [get-window Assertion] {
get-tree | select "Text \\(Basic Properties\\)" | get-item "Text \\(Basic Properties\\)/text" | check
get-button Add | click
get-button Record | click
get-window "Q7 Control Panel .*" | get-editbox | get-property text
| equals "with [get-editor SO2 | get-diagram | get-edit-part -name SO2 | get-edit-part -name sA1] {\n"
+ " mouse-move 114 16 button1 -height 114 -width 130\n"
+ " mouse-press 114 16 button1 -height 114 -width 130\n"
+ " mouse-release 114 16 button1 524288 -height 114 -width 130\n"
+ " mouse-hover 114 16 -height 114 -width 130\n}\n"
+ "get-view Properties | get-editbox -after [get-label \"Minimum number of items:\"] | get-property text | equals \"0.0\" \n"
+ " | verify-true" | verify-true