blob: a36b8ff50db2c4bb79b67e1319b46e32e8ea1496 [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _g1CYYY-hEeK_GsTYGlxpVQ,_ilbtEI-jEeK_GsTYGlxpVQ,_jmVzoI-nEeK_GsTYGlxpVQ
Element-Name: QS-137_Q7 can't replay Values section expanding
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _veW_8I-mEeK_GsTYGlxpVQ
Save-Time: 7/15/13 5:57 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
It gives the following error:
Failed to replay [get-section Values | get-link | click] at line 4
Reason:There is no Link with name: "[]" could be found.
Tesla command:SelectCommand -id {0} -data { kind={Link} multiplicity={1} parent=Expandable1}
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Q7 Explorer" | get-tree | select "Vozone/OpenedDTEditor" | double-click
get-editor OpenedDTEditor | get-button Record | click
//exec-process -command "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"" -args [substitute-variables "-r \"${resource_loc:sikuli/ExpandValuesSection.sikuli}\" -s"] -ignoreExitCode
exec-process "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"""-r" [substitute-variables "\"${resource_loc:sikuli/ExpandValuesSection.sikuli}\""]"-s"-ignoreExitCode
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-button Stop | click
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-editbox | get-property text
| equals "with [get-editor DT] {\n"
+ " get-section Attributes | get-table | select attribute\n"
+ " get-section Values | click\n"
+ "}" | verify-true