blob: 075071222deffc38d56a37b6346a19892f9652bd [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Element-Name: AssertionGroupping
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _GLGj8FFQEeqyG-160wAoew
Runtime-Version: 2.5.2.qualifier
Save-Time: 3/10/20 6:11 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
Copyright (c) 2020 Xored Software Inc and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Xored Software Inc - initial creation and/or initial documentation
Test Steps:
1. Create test for self-aut
2. Add to created test script with variables defenition
3. Start asserting selfQ7
4. Assert columns in expressions table
5. Check if generate correct code with grouping by item
6. Remove all expressions
7. Start asserting selfQ7
8. Assert Edit menu
9. Check if generated code with grouping by menu
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | get-menu -path "New/RCP Testing Tool Project" | click
with [get-window "New Project"] {
with [get-editbox -after [get-label "Project name:"]] {
set-text test
get-button Finish | click
get-view "Test Explorer" | get-tree | select test | get-menu -path "New/Test Case" | click
with [get-window "New Test Case"] {
get-editbox -after [get-label "Name:"] | set-text t2
get-button Finish | click
with [get-editor t2 | get-section Script | get-text-viewer] {
set-text "get-button \"Open Perspective\" | click\n" +
"get-window \"Open Perspective\" | get-table | select Debug | double-click\n" +
"with [get-view Expressions] {\n" +
"click\n" +
"with [get-tree] {\n" +
"select \"Add new expression\" | activate-cell-edit -type MouseClickSelection\n" +
"with [get-editbox] {\n" +
"set-text 123\n" +
"key-type Enter\n" +
"}\n" +
"apply-cell-edit -deactivate\n" +
"select \"Add new expression\" | activate-cell-edit -type MouseClickSelection\n" +
"with [get-editbox] {\n" +
"set-text 456\n" +
"key-type Enter\n" +
"}\n" +
"apply-cell-edit -deactivate\n" +
"}\n" +
get-editor t2 | get-button Record | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Recording]"] {
get-button "Switch to Recording Mode" | click
get-button "Switch to Assertion Mode" | click
get-aut selfQ7 | eval {
with [get-view Expressions | get-tree] {
get-item -path "\"123\"" | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Asserting]"] {
with [get-window "Assertion and Verification"] {
get-tree | get-item -path "TreeItem \\(Basic Properties\\)/columns" | expand
get-tree | get-item -path "TreeItem \\(Basic Properties\\)/columns" | check
get-button Add | click
get-aut selfQ7 | eval {
with [get-view Expressions | get-tree] {
get-item -path "\"456\"" | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Asserting]"] {
with [get-window "Assertion and Verification"] {
get-tree | get-item -path "TreeItem \\(Basic Properties\\)/columns" | expand
get-tree | get-item -path "TreeItem \\(Basic Properties\\)/columns" | check
get-button Add | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Asserting]"] {
get-text-viewer | get-property text
| contains "with [get-view Expressions | get-tree] {\n"
+ " with [get-item -path \"\\\"123\\\"\"] {\n"
+ " get-property \"columns[0]\" | equals \"\\\"123\\\"\" | verify-true\n"
+ " get-property \"columns[1]\" | equals \"\" | verify-true\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " with [get-item -path \"\\\"456\\\"\"] {\n"
+ " get-property \"columns[0]\" | equals \"\\\"456\\\"\" | verify-true\n"
+ " get-property \"columns[1]\" | equals \"\" | verify-true\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}" | verify-true
get-button "Switch to Recording Mode" | click
get-aut selfQ7 | eval {
get-button "Remove All Expressions" | click
get-window "Remove All Expressions" | get-button Yes | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Recording]"] {
get-button "Switch to Recording Mode" | click
get-button "Switch to Assertion Mode" | click
get-aut selfQ7 | eval {
get-menu -path "Edit" | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Asserting]" | get-window "Assertion and Verification"] {
get-tree | get-item -path "MenuItem \\(Basic Properties\\)/caption" | check
get-button Add | click
get-aut selfQ7 | eval {
get-menu -path "Edit" | click
with [get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Asserting]" | get-window "Assertion and Verification"] {
get-tree | get-item -path "MenuItem \\(Basic Properties\\)/index" | check
get-button Add | click
get-window "Control Panel - t2 (test) - selfQ7 [Asserting]" | get-text-viewer | get-property text
| contains "with [get-menu -path Edit] {\n"
+ " get-property caption | equals \"&Edit\" | verify-true\n"
+ " get-property index | equals 1 | verify-true\n"
+ "}" | verify-true