blob: 646ca2d2fe2b8f625ba1f5a094eafd34ba47cd61 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Element-Name: Switch Workspace
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _3-uE0BZaEeWduqDErBxjvw
Runtime-Version: 2.2.0.qualifier
Save-Time: 4/30/16 1:35 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Xored Software Inc and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Xored Software Inc - initial creation and/or initial documentation
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-menu "File/Switch Workspace/Other..." | click
set-dialog-result Folder "platform:/resource/new_workspace"
with [get-window "Eclipse Launcher"] {
get-button "Browse..." | click
get-button OK | click
get-menu "Window/Perspective/Open Perspective/Other..." | click
with [get-window "Open Perspective"] {
get-table | select Resource
get-button OK | click