blob: ec1958e9a84a59826d251d63a06f00848c10e2a9 [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _qy4DwH_5EeK9FdRInrmHdQ,_DyPzwH_sEeKzh4ksbY4F-Q,_vdsV8IriEeKFictDEDHejA
Element-Name: QS-1892_Incorrect working with tables/trees inside section
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _tS5OYIVoEeKoJ7PviL-2Dw
Save-Time: 7/15/13 5:06 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
Clicking in a tree table
Recorded: select "New Record Group" | get-cell 0 0 | click
Manual change to get proper playback: get-tree | select "Record Group 0"
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Q7 Explorer" | get-tree | select [get-item Q7Project | get-item PluginProject -index 1] | double-click
get-editor PluginProject | get-button Record | click
wait 50
//exec-process -command "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"" -args "-r \"C:\\Users\\bamboo\\Documents\\SikuliTests\\TablesInsideSection.sikuli\" -s" -ignoreExitCode
//exec-process -command "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"" -args [substitute-variables "-r \"${resource_loc:sikuli/TablesInsideSection.sikuli}\" -s"] -ignoreExitCode
exec-process "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"""-r" [substitute-variables "\"${resource_loc:sikuli/TablesInsideSection.sikuli}\""]"-s"-ignoreExitCode
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-button Stop | click
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-editbox | get-property text
| equals "get-editor MyProject | get-tab-folder | get-tab-item Dependencies | click\n"
+ "get-view Outline | get-tree | select \"Dependencies/org.eclipse.core.runtime\"\n"
+ "with [get-editor MyProject] {\n"
+ " get-tab-folder | get-tab-item Build | click\n"
+ " get-section \"Source Build\" | get-tree | select \"META-INF\"\n"
+ "}" | verify-true