blob: 604e9fc50e4cf38952d37cedc0b8535905ff1eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _Lv5cQH_rEeKzh4ksbY4F-Q,_ffbh0IFzEeKinvTtsw86yA,_WbMmAIrbEeKFictDEDHejA
Element-Name: QS-2069_Dropping contexts to test case editor records some junk
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _-Fik8IFyEeKinvTtsw86yA
Save-Time: 7/15/13 5:30 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
1. Use Q7 as AUT.
2. Drag context into Contexts section of test case editor
3. Observe the following script:
with [get-view "Q7 Explorer" | get-tree] {
select "foo/wb"
get-item "foo/wb" | drag-start 18 13
get-item "foo/wb" | drag-enter 6 10 -detail 2 -operation 7
get-item "foo/wb" | drag-over 6 10 -operation 7
get-item "foo/ws2" | drag-over 80 8 -operation 7
drag-over 245 110 -operation 7
drag-enter -x 260 -y 198 -detail 2 -operation 7
with [get-control Unknown -after [get-label "1 items selected"] -index 28] {
drag-enter 5 168 -detail 16 -operation 5
drag-over 13 171 -detail 1 -operation 5
with [get-editor ts | get-section Contexts | get-table] {
drag-enter 5 29 -detail 2 -operation 2
drag-over 29 41 -detail 2 -operation 2
drag-accept 29 41 -detail 2 -operation 2
get-view "Q7 Explorer" | get-tree | drag-set-data
Replay fails on line drag-enter -x 260 ....
Replay goes fine after removing these lines:
drag-enter -x 260 -y 198 -detail 2 -operation 7
with [get-control Unknown -after [get-label "1 items selected"] -index 28] {
drag-enter 5 168 -detail 16 -operation 5
drag-over 13 171 -detail 1 -operation 5
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Q7 Explorer" | get-tree | select "MyProject/TC1" | double-click
get-editor TC1 | get-button Record | click
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | minimize
//exec-process -command "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"" -args "-r \"C:\\Users\\bamboo\\Documents\\SikuliTests\\DragDropContext.sikuli\" -s" -ignoreExitCode
//exec-process -command "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"" -args [substitute-variables "-r \"${resource_loc:sikuli/DragDropContext.sikuli}\" -s"] -ignoreExitCode
exec-process "\"C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\Sikuli-IDE.exe\"""-r" [substitute-variables "\"${resource_loc:sikuli/DragDropContext.sikuli}\""]"-s"-ignoreExitCode
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-button Stop | click
get-window "Q7 Control Panel.*" | get-editbox | get-property text
| equals "with \\[get-view \"Q7 Explorer\" \\| get-tree\\] \\{\n"
+ " select Q7Project \\| double-click\n"
+ " select \"Q7Project\\/TestCase\" \\| double-click\n\\}\n"
+ "get-editor TestCase \\| get-section Contexts \\| click\n"
+ "with \\[get-view \"Q7 Explorer\" \\| get-tree\\] \\{\n"
+ " select \"Q7Project\\/WsContext\"\n"
+ " get-item \"Q7Project\\/WsContext\" \\| drag-start 18 8\n"
+ " drag-enter .* .* -detail move\n"
+ " drag-over .* .*\n"
+ " drag-exit\n\\}\n"
+ "with \\[get-editor TestCase \\| get-section Contexts \\| get-table\\] \\{\n"
+ " drag-enter .* .* -detail move\n"
+ " drag-over .* .* -detail move\n"
+ " drag-exit\n"
+ " drag-accept .* .* -detail move\n\\}\n"
+ "get-view \"Q7 Explorer\" \\| get-tree \\| drag-set-data\n"
+ "get-editor TestCase \\| get-section Contexts \\| get-table \\| drop .* .* -detail move\n"
+ "get-view \"Q7 Explorer\" \\| get-tree \\| drag-end -detail move" | verify-true