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* <copyright>
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* $Id: RefactoringController.javajet,v 1.3 2011/01/21 13:08:06 tarendt Exp $
package org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactorings.uml24.pushdownattribute;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil.Copier;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.core.Refactoring;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.interfaces.IController;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.interfaces.IDataManagement;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.papyrus.managers.PapyrusManager;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.runtime.ltk.LtkEmfRefactoringProcessorAdapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactorings.uml24.UmlUtils;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.BasicCompartment;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Diagram;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Node;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Shape;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringProcessor;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property;
import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.VisibilityKind;
public final class RefactoringController implements IController{
* Refactoring supported by the controller.
* @generated
private Refactoring parent;
* DataManagement object of the model refactoring.
* @generated
private RefactoringDataManagement dataManagement =
new RefactoringDataManagement();
* Invocation context of the model refactoring.
* @generated
private List<EObject> selection = new ArrayList<EObject>();
* Ltk RefactoringProcessor of the model refactoring.
* @generated
private InternalRefactoringProcessor refactoringProcessor = null;
* Gets the Refactoring supported by the controller.
* @return Refactoring supported by the controller.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.refactor.common.core.IController#getParent()
* @generated
public Refactoring getParent() {
return this.parent;
* Sets the Refactoring supported by the controller.
* @param Refactoring Refactoring supported by the controller.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.refactor.common.core.IController#
* setParent(org.eclipse.emf.refactor.common.core.Refactoring)
* @generated
public void setParent(Refactoring Refactoring) {
this.parent = Refactoring;
* Returns the DataManagement object of the model refactoring.
* @return DataManagement object of the model refactoring.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.refactor.common.core.IController#
* getDataManagementObject()
* @generated
public IDataManagement getDataManagementObject() {
return this.dataManagement;
* Returns the ltk RefactoringProcessor of the model refactoring.
* @return Ltk RefactoringProcessor of the model refactoring.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.refactor.common.core.IController#
* getLtkRefactoringProcessor()
* @generated
public RefactoringProcessor getLtkRefactoringProcessor() {
return this.refactoringProcessor;
* Sets the selected EObject (invocation context of the model refactoring).
* @param selection Invocation context of the model refactoring.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.refactor.common.core.IController#
* setSelection(java.util.List)
* @generated
public void setSelection(List<EObject> selection) {
this.selection = selection;
this.refactoringProcessor =
new InternalRefactoringProcessor(this.selection);
* Returns a Runnable object that executes the model refactoring.
* @return Runnable object that executes the model refactoring.
* @generated
private Runnable applyRefactoring() {
return new Runnable() {
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
* @generated
public void run() {
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property selectedEObject =
(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property) dataManagement.
// execute: copy selected attribute to each subclass
System.out.println(">>>> hallloooo >>>");
Class owningClass = selectedEObject.getClass_();
ArrayList<Class> subClasses = UmlUtils.getAllSubClasses(owningClass);
for (Class subClass : subClasses) {
// create copy of the selected attribute
Copier attCopier = new Copier();
Property newAttribute = (Property) attCopier.copy(selectedEObject);
// add copied attribute to subclass
// if attribute is no association end: add shape copy to attribute compartments of each subclass
if (selectedEObject.getAssociation() == null) {
View view = getView(selectedEObject);
if (view != null) {
System.out.println("--> View: " + view);
Copier viewCopier = new Copier();
View newView = (View) viewCopier.copy(view);
BasicCompartment bc = getAttributeCompartment(subClass);
// if (selectedEObject.getAssociation() != null) {
// // selected attribute is member end of an association
// Association assoc = selectedEObject.getAssociation();
// Property oldOppositeEnd = assoc.getOwnedEnds().get(0);
// // create copy of the opposite association end
// Copier aeCopier = new Copier();
// Property newAssocEnd = (Property) aeCopier.copy(oldOppositeEnd);
// aeCopier.copyReferences();
// newAssocEnd.setType(subClass);
// // create new association and add association ends
// Package owningPackage = assoc.getPackage();
// Association newAssociation = UMLFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssociation();
// String assocName = "a_" + subClass.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" +
// newAttribute.getType().getName().toLowerCase();
// newAssociation.setName(assocName);
// owningPackage.getPackagedElements().add(newAssociation);
// newAssociation.getOwnedEnds().add(newAssocEnd);
// newAssociation.getMemberEnds().add(newAttribute);
// }
// execute: remove selected attribute from owning class
// if (selectedEObject.getAssociation() != null) {
// // selected attribute is member end of an association
// // delete association from owning package
// Association assoc = selectedEObject.getAssociation();
// Package owningPackage = assoc.getPackage();
// owningPackage.getPackagedElements().remove(assoc);
// }
// if attribute is no association end: remove shape from attribute compartment
if (selectedEObject.getAssociation() == null) {
View view = getView(selectedEObject);
if (view != null) {
System.out.println("--> View: " + view);
BasicCompartment bcOld = (BasicCompartment) view.eContainer();
// execute: remove selected attribute from owning class
private View getView(Property property) {
Diagram diagram = null;
if (selection.size() > 1) {
diagram = (Diagram) selection.get(1);
System.out.println(">> diagram 1: " + diagram);
} else {
diagram = PapyrusManager.getInstance().getDiagram();
System.out.println(">> diagram 2: " + diagram);
System.out.println(">> diagram: " + diagram);
if (diagram != null) {
TreeIterator<EObject> iter = diagram.eAllContents();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
EObject eo =;
if (eo instanceof View) {
View view = (View) eo;
if (view.getElement() == property) {
System.out.println(">> view: " + view);
System.out.println(">> diagram: " + diagram);
return view;
return null;
private BasicCompartment getAttributeCompartment(Class clazz) {
Shape shapeNewClass = getShapeNewClass(clazz);
System.out.println("shapeNewClass : " + shapeNewClass);
System.out.println("children index 1: " + shapeNewClass.getChildren().get(1));
return (BasicCompartment) shapeNewClass.getChildren().get(1);
private Shape getShapeNewClass(Class clazz) {
EList<Shape> shapes = getAllShapes();
System.out.println("number of shapes : " + shapes.size());
for (Shape shape : shapes) {
if (shape.getElement() == clazz) {
return shape;
return null;
private EList<Shape> getAllShapes() {
EList<Shape> shapes = new BasicEList<Shape>();
Diagram diagram = null;
if (selection.size() > 1) {
diagram = (Diagram) selection.get(1);
} else {
diagram = PapyrusManager.getInstance().getDiagram();
if (diagram != null) {
for (Object o : diagram.getChildren()) {
Node node = (Node) o;
return shapes;
private EList<Shape> getAllShapes(Node node) {
EList<Shape> shapes = new BasicEList<Shape>();
if (node instanceof Shape) {
shapes.add((Shape) node);
for (Object o : node.getChildren()) {
Node innerNode = (Node) o;
return shapes;
* Internal class for providing an instance of a LTK RefactoringProcessor
* used for EMF model refactorings.
* @generated
public final class InternalRefactoringProcessor extends
LtkEmfRefactoringProcessorAdapter {
* Constructor using the invocation context of the model refactoring.
* @param selection Invocation context of the model refactoring.
* @generated
private InternalRefactoringProcessor(List<EObject> selection){
super(getParent(), selection, applyRefactoring());
* @see org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringProcessor#
* checkInitialConditions(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
* @generated
public RefactoringStatus checkInitialConditions(){
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property selectedEObject =
(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property) dataManagement.
// test: the selected property must be an attribute (owned by a class)
String msg = "This refactoring can only be applied" +
" on properties which are owned attributes of a class!";
if (selectedEObject.getClass_() == null) {
} else {
// test: the selected attribute must be public
msg = "This refactoring can only be applied on public class attributes!";
if (! selectedEObject.getVisibility().equals(VisibilityKind.PUBLIC_LITERAL))
// test: the owning class must have at least one subclass
msg = "This refactoring can not be applied because the owning class " +
"of the selected attribute does not have any subclasses!";
if (! UmlUtils.hasSubclasses(selectedEObject.getClass_()))
// test: the owning class must not have any subclasses which own
// attributes with the same name as the selected attribute
msg = "This refactoring can not be applied because at least one subclass " +
"already owns an attribute named '" + selectedEObject.getName() +"'!";
if (UmlUtils.oneSubClassHasEquallyNamedAttribute
(selectedEObject.getClass_(), selectedEObject)) result.addFatalError(msg);
// test: the owning class must not have any subclasses which inherit
// elements with the same name as the selected attribute
msg = "This refactoring can not be applied because at least one subclass " +
"already inherits an element named '" + selectedEObject.getName() +"'!";
if (UmlUtils.oneSubClassInheritsEquallyNamedAttribute
(selectedEObject.getClass_(), selectedEObject)) result.addFatalError(msg);
return result;
* @see org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringProcessor#
* checkFinalConditions(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor,
* org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.CheckConditionsContext)
* @generated
public RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(){
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
// the refactoring has no final checks
return result;