blob: 693f14810cb75da84a9cfb5ffe4253e3e909b3aa [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.eraser.managers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectNature;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.core.Refactoring;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.refactoring.managers.RefactoringManager;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.core.ModelSmell;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.eraser.core.RefactoringToSmellsRelation;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.eraser.core.SmellToRefactoringsRelation;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.eraser.utils.ModelRefactoringStub;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.eraser.utils.ModelSmellStub;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.eraser.utils.ProjectEntries;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.managers.ModelSmellManager;
import org.eclipse.emf.refactor.smells.runtime.core.EObjectGroup;
* Central controller class of EMF Fix. It holds the logic for most of the use cases.
* @author Matthias Burhenne
public class EraseManager {
private static final SmellToRefactoringsRelation smellToRefactorings = SmellToRefactoringsRelation.INSTANCE;
private static final RefactoringToSmellsRelation refactoringToSmellsRelation = RefactoringToSmellsRelation.INSTANCE;
private static final List<Refactoring> allRefactorings = RefactoringManager.getAllRefactorings();
private static final List<ModelSmell> allSmells = ModelSmellManager.getAllModelSmells();
public EraseManager() { }
public static ModelSmell getSmell(String id) {
for(ModelSmell currentSmell : allSmells) {
return currentSmell;
return null;
public static Refactoring getRefactoring(String id) {
for(Refactoring currentRefactoring : allRefactorings) {
return currentRefactoring;
return null;
* Returns all applicable refactorings for the given EObjectGroup.
* @param group - The EObjectGroup for which the applicable refactorings are requested
* @return Map containing the applicable refactorings (key) and their possible context objects (value)
public static Map<Refactoring, Set<EObject>> getApplicableRefactoringsDynamically(EObjectGroup group){
Map<Refactoring, Set<EObject>> applicableRefactorings = new HashMap<Refactoring, Set<EObject>>();
for(Refactoring refactoring : allRefactorings){
for(EObject eObject : group.getEObjects()){
boolean isApplicable = passesInitialCheck(eObject, refactoring);
if(isApplicable) {
Set<EObject> contextObjects = applicableRefactorings.get(refactoring);
if(contextObjects == null){
contextObjects = new HashSet<EObject>();
applicableRefactorings.put(refactoring, contextObjects);
return applicableRefactorings;
* Return a boolean indicating whether or not the initial check passed for the given Refactoring and
* context object.
* @param contextObject - the EObject used as the refactoring's context object
* @param refactoring - the EMFRefactoring of which the initial check is supposed to be performed
* @return boolean indicating whether or not the initial check passed (true) or not (false)
public static boolean passesInitialCheck(EObject contextObject, Refactoring refactoring) {
ArrayList<EObject> selection = new ArrayList<EObject>();
if (refactoring.getGui().showInMenu(selection)) {
System.out.println("Context: " + contextObject + "; Refactoring: " + refactoring.getName());
boolean isApplicable = false;
try {
isApplicable = refactoring.getController().getLtkRefactoringProcessor().checkInitialConditions(new NullProgressMonitor()).isOK();
} catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
} catch (CoreException e) {
System.out.println("applicable: " + isApplicable);
return isApplicable;
return false;
* Writes the provided relations for model smells and model refactorings back the the
* target project's plugin.xml
* @param monitor - the progressmonitor provided by the caller
* @param project - the target project
* @param entries - the RelationEntries in which the relations are stored
* @param saveDanglingEntries - flag indicating whether dangling relations should be saved (true) or discarded (false)
public static void saveRelations(IProgressMonitor monitor, IProject project, ProjectEntries entries, boolean saveDanglingEntries){
PluginXMLManager.saveProjectEntries(entries, project, saveDanglingEntries);
try {
project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_ZERO, monitor);
project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_ONE, monitor);
project.refreshLocal(IProject.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);
IFile manifest = project.getFile("MANIFEST.MF");
manifest.refreshLocal(IFile.DEPTH_ZERO, monitor);
manifest.refreshLocal(IFile.DEPTH_ONE, monitor);
manifest.refreshLocal(IFile.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);
} catch (CoreException e) {
* Returns all fixing refactorings for the smell passed as a parameter as defined by the installed relations.
* @param smell - ModelSmell for which the fixing refactorings are found
* @return - Set of Refactoring objects
public static Set<Refactoring> getFixingRefactorings(ModelSmell smell){
return smellToRefactorings.getFixingRefactorings(smell);
* Returns all potentially caused model smells for the refactoring passed as parameter as defined by the installed relations.
* @param refactoring - the Refactoring for which the caused smells are to be found
* @return Set of ModelSmell objects
public static Set<ModelSmell> getCausedModelSmells(Refactoring refactoring){
return refactoringToSmellsRelation.getCausedSmells(refactoring);
* Finds all the potentially caused smells for a given set of Refactorings
* @param refactorings - the Collection of refactorings for which the smells are to be found
* @return Map containing the refactorings as keys and the lists of caused smells as values
public static Map<Refactoring, Set<ModelSmell>> getCausedModelSmells(Collection<Refactoring> refactorings){
HashMap<Refactoring, Set<ModelSmell>> relation = new HashMap<Refactoring, Set<ModelSmell>>();
for(Refactoring refactoring : refactorings){
relation.put(refactoring, getCausedModelSmells(refactoring));
return relation;
* Returns all the metamodel URIs for which there are model smell or model refactorings installed.
* @return Set of Strings representing the metamodel URIs
public static Set<String> getMetamodelURIs(){
HashSet<String> metamodelURIs = new HashSet<String>();
for(ModelSmell smell : allSmells){
for(Refactoring refactoring : allRefactorings){
return metamodelURIs;
* Getter for the field allRefactorings.
* @return List of Refactoring objects.
public static List<Refactoring> getAllrefactorings() {
return allRefactorings;
* Getter for the field allSmells.
* @return List of ModelSmell objects
public static List<ModelSmell> getAllsmells() {
return allSmells;
* Returns all the ModelSmell objects whose metamodels have the URI provided by the passed String.
* @param metamodelURI - String containing the metamodel URI
* @return Set of ModelSmell objects.
public static Set<ModelSmell> getAllInstalledSmellsForMetamodel(String metamodelURI){
return filterSmellsForMetamodel(allSmells, metamodelURI);
* Returns all the EmfRefactor objects whose metamodels have the URI provided by the passed String.
* @param metamodelURI - String containing the metamodel URI
* @return Set of Refactoring objects
public static Set<Refactoring> getAllInstalledRefactoringsForMetamodel(String metamodelURI){
return filterRefactoringsForMetamodel(allRefactorings, metamodelURI);
* Loads stubs for all the Refactorings defined in the currently active workspace.
* @return Set of ModelRefactoringStub objects
public static Set<ModelRefactoringStub> getAllRefactoringStubsFromWorkspace(){
Set<ModelRefactoringStub> refactorings = new HashSet<ModelRefactoringStub>();
List<IProject> pluginProject = getAllPluginProjects();
for(IProject project : pluginProject){
return refactorings;
* Loads stubs for all the Refactorings defined in the currently active workspace and
* corresponding to the provided metamodel.
* @param metamodelURI - String containing the metamodel URI
* @return Set of ModelRefactoringStub objects
public static Set<ModelRefactoringStub> getAllRefactoringStubsFromWorkspaceForMetamodel(String metamodelURI){
return filterRefactoringStubsForMetamodel(getAllRefactoringStubsFromWorkspace(), metamodelURI);
* Filters a Set of ModelRefactoringStubs to contain only those corresponding to a certain metamodel.
private static Set<ModelRefactoringStub> filterRefactoringStubsForMetamodel(Set<ModelRefactoringStub> refactoringStubs, String metamodelURI) {
HashSet<ModelRefactoringStub> result = new HashSet<ModelRefactoringStub>();
for(ModelRefactoringStub stub : refactoringStubs){
return result;
* Filters a Collection of Refactoring objects to contain only those corresponding to a certain metamodel.
private static Set<Refactoring> filterRefactoringsForMetamodel(Collection<Refactoring> refactorings, String metamodelURI){
HashSet<Refactoring> result = new HashSet<Refactoring>();
for(Refactoring refactoring : refactorings){
return result;
* Loads stubs for all the ModelSmells defined in the currently active workspace.
* @return Set of ModelSmellStub objects
public static Set<ModelSmellStub> getAllSmellStubsFromWorkspace(){
Set<ModelSmellStub> smells = new HashSet<ModelSmellStub>();
List<IProject> pluginProjects = getAllPluginProjects();
for(IProject project : pluginProjects){
return smells;
* Loads stubs for all the ModelSmells defined in the currently active workspace and
* corresponding to the provided metamodel.
* @param metamodelURI - String containing the metamodel URI
* @return Set of ModelSmellStub objects
public static Set<ModelSmellStub> getAllSmellStubsFromWorkspaceForMetamodel(String metamodelURI){
return filterSmellStubsForMetamodel(getAllSmellStubsFromWorkspace(), metamodelURI);
* Filters a Set of ModelSmellStubs to contain only those corresponding to a certain metamodel.
private static Set<ModelSmellStub> filterSmellStubsForMetamodel(Set<ModelSmellStub> smellStubs, String metamodelURI) {
HashSet<ModelSmellStub> result = new HashSet<ModelSmellStub>();
for(ModelSmellStub stub : smellStubs){
return result;
* Filters a Set of ModelSmells to contain only those corresponding to a certain metamodel.
private static Set<ModelSmell> filterSmellsForMetamodel(Collection<ModelSmell> smells, String metamodelURI){
HashSet<ModelSmell> result = new HashSet<ModelSmell>();
for(ModelSmell smell : smells){
return result;
* Returns all projects in the currently active workspace which are plugin projects.
private static List<IProject> getAllPluginProjects(){
LinkedList<IProject> projects = new LinkedList<IProject>();
IProject[] allProjects = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
for (IProject project : allProjects) {
if (project.isOpen()) {
IProjectNature nature = null;
try {
nature = project.getNature("org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature");
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (null != nature)
return projects;
* Returns ModelSmellStub objects for all the currently installed model smells.
* @return - Set of ModelSmellStub objects
public static Set<ModelSmellStub> getStubsForAllModelSmells(){
Set<ModelSmellStub> allStubs = new HashSet<ModelSmellStub>();
for(ModelSmell smell : getAllsmells()){
return allStubs;
* Returns ModelRefactoringStubs for all the currently installed model refactorings.
* @return - Set of ModelRefactoringStubs
public static Set<ModelRefactoringStub> getStubsForAllRefactorings(){
Set<ModelRefactoringStub> allStubs = new HashSet<ModelRefactoringStub>();
for(Refactoring refactoring : getAllrefactorings()){
return allStubs;
* Returns all the ModelSmellStubs for all the ModelSmells currently installed and
* corresponding to the provided metamodel.
* @param metamodelURI - String containing the metamodel URI
* @return - Set of ModelSmellStubs
public static Set<ModelSmellStub> getAllSmellStubsForMetamodel(String metamodelURI){
return filterSmellStubsForMetamodel(getStubsForAllModelSmells(), metamodelURI);
* Returns all the ModelRefactoringStubs for all the Refactorings currently installed and
* corresponding to the provided metamodel.
* @param metamodelURI - String containing the metamodel URI
* @return - Set of ModelRefactoringStubs
public static Set<ModelRefactoringStub> getAllRefactoringStubsForMetamodel(String metamodelURI){
return filterRefactoringStubsForMetamodel(getStubsForAllRefactorings(), metamodelURI);