blob: fe3c8286dc0fa32956c46297111f9677a6684251 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.pror.configuration.util;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Switch;
import org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.pror.configuration.*;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
* It supports the call {@link #doSwitch(EObject) doSwitch(object)}
* to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model,
* starting with the actual class of the object
* and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy
* until a non-null result is returned,
* which is the result of the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see org.eclipse.rmf.reqif10.pror.configuration.ConfigurationPackage
* @generated
public class ConfigurationSwitch<T> extends Switch<T> {
* The cached model package
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected static ConfigurationPackage modelPackage;
* Creates an instance of the switch.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public ConfigurationSwitch() {
if (modelPackage == null) {
modelPackage = ConfigurationPackage.eINSTANCE;
* Checks whether this is a switch for the given package.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @parameter ePackage the package in question.
* @return whether this is a switch for the given package.
* @generated
protected boolean isSwitchFor(EPackage ePackage) {
return ePackage == modelPackage;
* Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
* @generated
protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) {
switch (classifierID) {
case ConfigurationPackage.PROR_TOOL_EXTENSION: {
ProrToolExtension prorToolExtension = (ProrToolExtension)theEObject;
T result = caseProrToolExtension(prorToolExtension);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case ConfigurationPackage.PROR_SPEC_VIEW_CONFIGURATION: {
ProrSpecViewConfiguration prorSpecViewConfiguration = (ProrSpecViewConfiguration)theEObject;
T result = caseProrSpecViewConfiguration(prorSpecViewConfiguration);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case ConfigurationPackage.COLUMN: {
Column column = (Column)theEObject;
T result = caseColumn(column);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
ProrPresentationConfigurations prorPresentationConfigurations = (ProrPresentationConfigurations)theEObject;
T result = caseProrPresentationConfigurations(prorPresentationConfigurations);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
ProrPresentationConfiguration prorPresentationConfiguration = (ProrPresentationConfiguration)theEObject;
T result = caseProrPresentationConfiguration(prorPresentationConfiguration);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case ConfigurationPackage.PROR_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION: {
ProrGeneralConfiguration prorGeneralConfiguration = (ProrGeneralConfiguration)theEObject;
T result = caseProrGeneralConfiguration(prorGeneralConfiguration);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case ConfigurationPackage.LABEL_CONFIGURATION: {
LabelConfiguration labelConfiguration = (LabelConfiguration)theEObject;
T result = caseLabelConfiguration(labelConfiguration);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case ConfigurationPackage.UNIFIED_COLUMN: {
UnifiedColumn unifiedColumn = (UnifiedColumn)theEObject;
T result = caseUnifiedColumn(unifiedColumn);
if (result == null) result = caseColumn(unifiedColumn);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
default: return defaultCase(theEObject);
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Tool Extension</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Tool Extension</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseProrToolExtension(ProrToolExtension object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Spec View Configuration</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Spec View Configuration</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseProrSpecViewConfiguration(ProrSpecViewConfiguration object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Column</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Column</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseColumn(Column object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Presentation Configurations</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Presentation Configurations</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseProrPresentationConfigurations(ProrPresentationConfigurations object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Presentation Configuration</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror Presentation Configuration</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseProrPresentationConfiguration(ProrPresentationConfiguration object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror General Configuration</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Pror General Configuration</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseProrGeneralConfiguration(ProrGeneralConfiguration object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Label Configuration</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Label Configuration</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseLabelConfiguration(LabelConfiguration object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Unified Column</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Unified Column</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public T caseUnifiedColumn(UnifiedColumn object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)
* @generated
public T defaultCase(EObject object) {
return null;
} //ConfigurationSwitch