# Copyright (c) 2011 Formal Mind GmbH and University of Dusseldorf. | |
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials | |
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 | |
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at | |
# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html | |
# | |
# Contributors: | |
# Michael Jastram - initial API and implementation | |
pluginName = RMF ProR Edit Support (Incubation) | |
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project | |
_UI_Unnamed_Element = <PLEASE PROVIDE "LONG NAME"> | |
_UI_CreateChild_text = {0} | |
_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} | |
_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} | |
_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature | |
_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. | |
_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. | |
_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} | |
_UI_AccessControlledElement_type = Access Controlled Element | |
_UI_Identifiable_type = Identifiable | |
_UI_AttributeValueXhtml_type = Attribute Value Xhtml | |
_UI_AttributeValue_type = Attribute Value | |
_UI_SpecElementWithAttributes_type = Spec Element With Attributes | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionXhtml_type = Attribute Definition Xhtml | |
_UI_AttributeDefinition_type = Attribute Definition | |
_UI_SpecType_type = Spec Type | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_type = Req If Content | |
_UI_ReqIf_type = Req If | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_type = Req If Header | |
_UI_ReqIfToolExtension_type = Req If Tool Extension | |
_UI_SpecObject_type = Spec Object | |
_UI_SpecObjectType_type = Spec Object Type | |
_UI_Specification_type = Specification | |
_UI_SpecificationType_type = Specification Type | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_type = Spec Hierarchy | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinition_type = Datatype Definition | |
_UI_SpecRelation_type = Spec Relation | |
_UI_SpecRelationType_type = Spec Relation Type | |
_UI_RelationGroup_type = Relation Group | |
_UI_RelationGroupType_type = Relation Group Type | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionXhtml_type = Datatype Definition Xhtml | |
_UI_AlternativeId_type = Alternative Id | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionBoolean_type = Attribute Definition Boolean | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionSimple_type = Attribute Definition Simple | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionBoolean_type = Datatype Definition Boolean | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionSimple_type = Datatype Definition Simple | |
_UI_AttributeValueBoolean_type = Attribute Value Boolean | |
_UI_AttributeValueSimple_type = Attribute Value Simple | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionDate_type = Attribute Definition Date | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionDate_type = Datatype Definition Date | |
_UI_AttributeValueDate_type = Attribute Value Date | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionEnumeration_type = Attribute Definition Enumeration | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionEnumeration_type = Datatype Definition Enumeration | |
_UI_EnumValue_type = Enum Value | |
_UI_EmbeddedValue_type = Embedded Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueEnumeration_type = Attribute Value Enumeration | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionInteger_type = Attribute Definition Integer | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionInteger_type = Datatype Definition Integer | |
_UI_AttributeValueInteger_type = Attribute Value Integer | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionReal_type = Attribute Definition Real | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionReal_type = Datatype Definition Real | |
_UI_AttributeValueReal_type = Attribute Value Real | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionString_type = Attribute Definition String | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionString_type = Datatype Definition String | |
_UI_AttributeValueString_type = Attribute Value String | |
_UI_XhtmlContent_type = Xhtml Content | |
_UI_Unknown_type = Object | |
_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value | |
_UI_AccessControlledElement_isEditable_feature = Is Editable | |
_UI_Identifiable_desc_feature = Desc | |
_UI_Identifiable_identifier_feature = Identifier | |
_UI_Identifiable_lastChange_feature = Last Change | |
_UI_Identifiable_longName_feature = Long Name | |
_UI_Identifiable_alternativeId_feature = Alternative Id | |
_UI_AttributeValueXhtml_isSimplified_feature = Is Simplified | |
_UI_AttributeValueXhtml_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueXhtml_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueXhtml_theOriginalValue_feature = The Original Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueXhtml_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeValue_specElAt_feature = Spec El At | |
_UI_SpecElementWithAttributes_values_feature = Values | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionXhtml_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionXhtml_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_AttributeDefinition_specType_feature = Spec Type | |
_UI_SpecType_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_SpecType_specAttributes_feature = Spec Attributes | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_documentRoot_feature = Document Root | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_specObjects_feature = Spec Objects | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_specifications_feature = Specifications | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_datatypes_feature = Datatypes | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_specRelations_feature = Spec Relations | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_specRelationGroups_feature = Spec Relation Groups | |
_UI_ReqIfContent_specTypes_feature = Spec Types | |
_UI_ReqIf_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_ReqIf_theHeader_feature = The Header | |
_UI_ReqIf_toolExtensions_feature = Tool Extensions | |
_UI_ReqIf_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_comment_feature = Comment | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_creationTime_feature = Creation Time | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_identifier_feature = Identifier | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_repositoryId_feature = Repository Id | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_reqIfToolId_feature = Req If Tool Id | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_reqIfVersion_feature = Req If Version | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_sourceToolId_feature = Source Tool Id | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_ReqIfHeader_documentRoot_feature = Document Root | |
_UI_ReqIfToolExtension_documentRoot_feature = Document Root | |
_UI_SpecObject_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_SpecObject_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_Specification_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_Specification_children_feature = Children | |
_UI_Specification_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_isTableInternal_feature = Is Table Internal | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_parent_feature = Parent | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_children_feature = Children | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_editableAtts_feature = Editable Atts | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_root_feature = Root | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinition_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_SpecRelation_target_feature = Target | |
_UI_SpecRelation_source_feature = Source | |
_UI_SpecRelation_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_SpecRelation_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_RelationGroup_specRelations_feature = Spec Relations | |
_UI_RelationGroup_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_RelationGroup_sourceSpecification_feature = Source Specification | |
_UI_RelationGroup_targetSpecification_feature = Target Specification | |
_UI_RelationGroup_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_AlternativeId_identifier_feature = Identifier | |
_UI_AlternativeId_ident_feature = Ident | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionBoolean_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionBoolean_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueBoolean_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueBoolean_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueBoolean_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionDate_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionDate_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueDate_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueDate_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueDate_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionEnumeration_multiValued_feature = Multi Valued | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionEnumeration_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionEnumeration_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionEnumeration_specifiedValues_feature = Specified Values | |
_UI_EnumValue_properties_feature = Properties | |
_UI_EnumValue___feature = | |
_UI_EmbeddedValue_key_feature = Key | |
_UI_EmbeddedValue_otherContent_feature = Other Content | |
_UI_EmbeddedValue_enumValue_feature = Enum Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueEnumeration_values_feature = Values | |
_UI_AttributeValueEnumeration_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueEnumeration_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionInteger_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionInteger_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionInteger_max_feature = Max | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionInteger_min_feature = Min | |
_UI_AttributeValueInteger_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueInteger_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueInteger_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionReal_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionReal_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionReal_accuracy_feature = Accuracy | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionReal_max_feature = Max | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionReal_min_feature = Min | |
_UI_AttributeValueReal_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueReal_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueReal_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionString_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionString_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionString_maxLength_feature = Max Length | |
_UI_AttributeValueString_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueString_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueString_owningDefinition_feature = Owning Definition | |
_UI_XhtmlContent_attributeValue_feature = Attribute Value | |
_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified | |
_UI_ProrToolExtension_type = Pror Tool Extension | |
_UI_ProrSpecViewConfiguration_type = Pror Spec View Configuration | |
_UI_Column_type = Column | |
_UI_ProrPresentationConfigurations_type = Pror Presentation Configurations | |
_UI_ProrPresentationConfiguration_type = Pror Presentation Configuration | |
_UI_ProrGeneralConfiguration_type = Pror General Configuration | |
_UI_LabelConfiguration_type = Label Configuration | |
_UI_ProrToolExtension_specViewConfigurations_feature = Spec View Configurations | |
_UI_ProrToolExtension_generalConfiguration_feature = General Configuration | |
_UI_ProrToolExtension_presentationConfigurations_feature = Presentation Configurations | |
_UI_ProrSpecViewConfiguration_specification_feature = Specification | |
_UI_ProrSpecViewConfiguration_columns_feature = Columns | |
_UI_Column_label_feature = Label | |
_UI_Column_width_feature = Width | |
_UI_ProrPresentationConfigurations_presentationConfigurations_feature = Presentation Configurations | |
_UI_ProrPresentationConfiguration_datatype_feature = Datatype | |
_UI_ProrGeneralConfiguration_labelConfiguration_feature = Label Configuration | |
_UI_LabelConfiguration_defaultLabel_feature = Default Label | |
_UI_SpecHierarchyPropertyCategory = Spec Hierarchy | |
_UI_IdentifiablePropertyCategory = Identifiable | |
_UI_SpecObjectPropertyCategory = Spec Object | |
_UI_SpecificationPropertyCategory = Specification | |
_UI_RelationGroupPropertyCategory = Relation Group | |
_UI_SpecRelationPropertyCategory = Spec Relation | |
_UI_ProrSpecViewConfiguration_leftHeaderColumn_feature = Left Header Column | |
_UI_AttributeValueXHTML_type = Attribute Value XHTML | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionXHTML_type = Attribute Definition XHTML | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_type = Req IF Content | |
_UI_ReqIF_type = Req IF | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_type = Req IF Header | |
_UI_ReqIFToolExtension_type = Req IF Tool Extension | |
_UI_DatatypeDefinitionXHTML_type = Datatype Definition XHTML | |
_UI_AlternativeID_type = Alternative ID | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_type = Abbr Type | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_type = Acronym Type | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_type = Address Type | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_type = AType | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_type = Blockquote Type | |
_UI_XhtmlBrType_type = Br Type | |
_UI_XhtmlCaptionType_type = Caption Type | |
_UI_XhtmlCiteType_type = Cite Type | |
_UI_XhtmlCodeType_type = Code Type | |
_UI_XhtmlColgroupType_type = Colgroup Type | |
_UI_XhtmlColType_type = Col Type | |
_UI_XhtmlDdType_type = Dd Type | |
_UI_XhtmlDfnType_type = Dfn Type | |
_UI_XhtmlDivType_type = Div Type | |
_UI_XhtmlDlType_type = Dl Type | |
_UI_XhtmlDtType_type = Dt Type | |
_UI_XhtmlEditType_type = Edit Type | |
_UI_XhtmlEmType_type = Em Type | |
_UI_XhtmlH1Type_type = H1 Type | |
_UI_XhtmlH2Type_type = H2 Type | |
_UI_XhtmlH3Type_type = H3 Type | |
_UI_XhtmlH4Type_type = H4 Type | |
_UI_XhtmlH5Type_type = H5 Type | |
_UI_XhtmlH6Type_type = H6 Type | |
_UI_XhtmlHeadingType_type = Heading Type | |
_UI_XhtmlHrType_type = Hr Type | |
_UI_XhtmlInlPresType_type = Inl Pres Type | |
_UI_XhtmlKbdType_type = Kbd Type | |
_UI_XhtmlLiType_type = Li Type | |
_UI_XhtmlObjectType_type = Object Type | |
_UI_XhtmlOlType_type = Ol Type | |
_UI_XhtmlParamType_type = Param Type | |
_UI_XhtmlPreType_type = Pre Type | |
_UI_XhtmlPType_type = PType | |
_UI_XhtmlQType_type = QType | |
_UI_XhtmlSampType_type = Samp Type | |
_UI_XhtmlSpanType_type = Span Type | |
_UI_XhtmlStrongType_type = Strong Type | |
_UI_XhtmlTableType_type = Table Type | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_type = Tbody Type | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_type = Td Type | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_type = Tfoot Type | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_type = Thead Type | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_type = Th Type | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_type = Tr Type | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_type = Ul Type | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_type = Var Type | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_type = Document Root | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_type = Document Root | |
_UI_AccessControlledElement_editable_feature = Editable | |
_UI_Identifiable_alternativeID_feature = Alternative ID | |
_UI_AttributeValueXHTML_simplified_feature = Simplified | |
_UI_AttributeValueXHTML_definition_feature = Definition | |
_UI_AttributeValueXHTML_theOriginalValue_feature = The Original Value | |
_UI_AttributeValueXHTML_theValue_feature = The Value | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionXHTML_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_AttributeDefinitionXHTML_defaultValue_feature = Default Value | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_datatypes_feature = Datatypes | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_specTypes_feature = Spec Types | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_specObjects_feature = Spec Objects | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_specRelations_feature = Spec Relations | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_specifications_feature = Specifications | |
_UI_ReqIFContent_specRelationGroups_feature = Spec Relation Groups | |
_UI_ReqIF_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_ReqIF_theHeader_feature = The Header | |
_UI_ReqIF_toolExtensions_feature = Tool Extensions | |
_UI_ReqIF_coreContent_feature = Core Content | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_comment_feature = Comment | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_creationTime_feature = Creation Time | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_identifier_feature = Identifier | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_repositoryId_feature = Repository Id | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_reqIFToolId_feature = Req IF Tool Id | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_reqIFVersion_feature = Req IF Version | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_sourceToolId_feature = Source Tool Id | |
_UI_ReqIFHeader_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_ReqIFToolExtension_any_feature = Any | |
_UI_SpecHierarchy_tableInternal_feature = Table Internal | |
_UI_AlternativeID_identifier_feature = Identifier | |
_UI_XhtmlContent_p_feature = P | |
_UI_XhtmlContent_div_feature = Div | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_xhtmlInlineMix_feature = Xhtml Inline Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_code_feature = Code | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_samp_feature = Samp | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_var_feature = Var | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_abbr_feature = Abbr | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_acronym_feature = Acronym | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_tt_feature = Tt | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_i_feature = I | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_a_feature = A | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlAbbrType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_xhtmlInlineMix_feature = Xhtml Inline Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_code_feature = Code | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_samp_feature = Samp | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_var_feature = Var | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_abbr_feature = Abbr | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_acronym_feature = Acronym | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_tt_feature = Tt | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_i_feature = I | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_a_feature = A | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlAcronymType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_xhtmlInlineMix_feature = Xhtml Inline Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_code_feature = Code | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_samp_feature = Samp | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_var_feature = Var | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_abbr_feature = Abbr | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_acronym_feature = Acronym | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_tt_feature = Tt | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_i_feature = I | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_a_feature = A | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlAddressType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_xhtmlInlNoAnchorMix_feature = Xhtml Inl No Anchor Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_code_feature = Code | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_samp_feature = Samp | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_var_feature = Var | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_abbr_feature = Abbr | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_acronym_feature = Acronym | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_tt_feature = Tt | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_i_feature = I | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_accesskey_feature = Accesskey | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_charset_feature = Charset | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_href_feature = Href | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_hreflang_feature = Hreflang | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_rel_feature = Rel | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_rev_feature = Rev | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_tabindex_feature = Tabindex | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlAType_type_feature = Type | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_xhtmlBlockMix_feature = Xhtml Block Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_h1_feature = H1 | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_h2_feature = H2 | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_h3_feature = H3 | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_h4_feature = H4 | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_h5_feature = H5 | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_h6_feature = H6 | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_ul_feature = Ul | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_ol_feature = Ol | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_dl_feature = Dl | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_p_feature = P | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_div_feature = Div | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_pre_feature = Pre | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_blockquote_feature = Blockquote | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_address_feature = Address | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_hr_feature = Hr | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_table_feature = Table | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlBlockquoteType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlBrType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlBrType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlBrType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlBrType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlCaptionType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlCaptionType_xhtmlInlineMix_feature = Xhtml Inline Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlCaptionType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlCaptionType_span_feature = Span | |
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_UI_XhtmlSampType_small_feature = Small | |
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_UI_XhtmlSpanType_var_feature = Var | |
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_UI_XhtmlSpanType_q_feature = Q | |
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_UI_XhtmlStrongType_q_feature = Q | |
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_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_charoff_feature = Charoff | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlTbodyType_title_feature = Title | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_xhtmlFlowMix_feature = Xhtml Flow Mix | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_h2_feature = H2 | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_h3_feature = H3 | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_h4_feature = H4 | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_h5_feature = H5 | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_ul_feature = Ul | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_ol_feature = Ol | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_dl_feature = Dl | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_p_feature = P | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_div_feature = Div | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_pre_feature = Pre | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_address_feature = Address | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_hr_feature = Hr | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_table_feature = Table | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_code_feature = Code | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_var_feature = Var | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_tt_feature = Tt | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_a_feature = A | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_ins_feature = Ins | |
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_UI_XhtmlTdType_align_feature = Align | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_axis_feature = Axis | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_char_feature = Char | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_charoff_feature = Charoff | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_colspan_feature = Colspan | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_headers_feature = Headers | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_rowspan_feature = Rowspan | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_scope_feature = Scope | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlTdType_valign_feature = Valign | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_tr_feature = Tr | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_align_feature = Align | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_char_feature = Char | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_charoff_feature = Charoff | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlTfootType_valign_feature = Valign | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_tr_feature = Tr | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_align_feature = Align | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_char_feature = Char | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_charoff_feature = Charoff | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlTheadType_valign_feature = Valign | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_xhtmlFlowMix_feature = Xhtml Flow Mix | |
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_UI_XhtmlThType_h2_feature = H2 | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_h3_feature = H3 | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_h4_feature = H4 | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_h5_feature = H5 | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_h6_feature = H6 | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_ul_feature = Ul | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_ol_feature = Ol | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_dl_feature = Dl | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_p_feature = P | |
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_UI_XhtmlThType_blockquote_feature = Blockquote | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_address_feature = Address | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_hr_feature = Hr | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_table_feature = Table | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_code_feature = Code | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_samp_feature = Samp | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_var_feature = Var | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_abbr_feature = Abbr | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_acronym_feature = Acronym | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_tt_feature = Tt | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_i_feature = I | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_a_feature = A | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_abbr1_feature = Abbr1 | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_align_feature = Align | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_axis_feature = Axis | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_char_feature = Char | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_charoff_feature = Charoff | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_colspan_feature = Colspan | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_headers_feature = Headers | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_rowspan_feature = Rowspan | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_scope_feature = Scope | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlThType_valign_feature = Valign | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_group_feature = Group | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_th_feature = Th | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_td_feature = Td | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_align_feature = Align | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_char_feature = Char | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_charoff_feature = Charoff | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlTrType_valign_feature = Valign | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_li_feature = Li | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlUlType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_xhtmlInlineMix_feature = Xhtml Inline Mix | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_br_feature = Br | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_span_feature = Span | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_em_feature = Em | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_strong_feature = Strong | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_dfn_feature = Dfn | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_code_feature = Code | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_samp_feature = Samp | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_kbd_feature = Kbd | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_var_feature = Var | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_cite_feature = Cite | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_abbr_feature = Abbr | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_acronym_feature = Acronym | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_q_feature = Q | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_tt_feature = Tt | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_i_feature = I | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_b_feature = B | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_big_feature = Big | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_small_feature = Small | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_sub_feature = Sub | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_sup_feature = Sup | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_a_feature = A | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_object_feature = Object | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_ins_feature = Ins | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_del_feature = Del | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_style_feature = Style | |
_UI_XhtmlVarType_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_xMLNSPrefixMap_feature = XMLNS Prefix Map | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_xSISchemaLocation_feature = XSI Schema Location | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_class_feature = Class | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_DocumentRoot_title_feature = Title | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_mixed_feature = Mixed | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_xMLNSPrefixMap_feature = XMLNS Prefix Map | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_xSISchemaLocation_feature = XSI Schema Location | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_base_feature = Base | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_id_feature = Id | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_lang_feature = Lang | |
_UI_XMLNamespaceDocumentRoot_space_feature = Space | |
_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_comment_feature = Comment | |
_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_text_feature = Text | |
_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_processingInstruction_feature = Processing Instruction | |
_UI_XMLTypeDocumentRoot_cDATA_feature = CDATA | |
_UI_AlignType_left_literal = left | |
_UI_AlignType_center_literal = center | |
_UI_AlignType_right_literal = right | |
_UI_AlignType_justify_literal = justify | |
_UI_AlignType_char_literal = char | |
_UI_DeclareType_declare_literal = declare | |
_UI_FrameType_void_literal = void | |
_UI_FrameType_above_literal = above | |
_UI_FrameType_below_literal = below | |
_UI_FrameType_hsides_literal = hsides | |
_UI_FrameType_lhs_literal = lhs | |
_UI_FrameType_rhs_literal = rhs | |
_UI_FrameType_vsides_literal = vsides | |
_UI_FrameType_box_literal = box | |
_UI_FrameType_border_literal = border | |
_UI_RulesType_none_literal = none | |
_UI_RulesType_groups_literal = groups | |
_UI_RulesType_rows_literal = rows | |
_UI_RulesType_cols_literal = cols | |
_UI_RulesType_all_literal = all | |
_UI_ScopeType_row_literal = row | |
_UI_ScopeType_col_literal = col | |
_UI_ScopeType_rowgroup_literal = rowgroup | |
_UI_ScopeType_colgroup_literal = colgroup | |
_UI_ValignType_top_literal = top | |
_UI_ValignType_middle_literal = middle | |
_UI_ValignType_bottom_literal = bottom | |
_UI_ValignType_baseline_literal = baseline | |
_UI_ValuetypeType_data_literal = data | |
_UI_ValuetypeType_ref_literal = ref | |
_UI_ValuetypeType_object_literal = object | |
_UI_FrameTargetMember0_blank_literal = _blank | |
_UI_FrameTargetMember0_self_literal = _self | |
_UI_FrameTargetMember0_parent_literal = _parent | |
_UI_FrameTargetMember0_top_literal = _top | |
_UI_SpaceType_default_literal = default | |
_UI_SpaceType_preserve_literal = preserve | |
_UI_ReqIFToolExtension_extensions_feature = Extensions | |
_UI_XhtmlContent_xhtml_feature = Xhtml | |
_UI_XhtmlContent_xhtmlSource_feature = Xhtml Source |