blob: 0a74aa079a669139e9cdff449b4e8d343414519e [file] [log] [blame]
This project helps starting eclipse to build features or run test suites.
Add the following definitions to your ant build file to use this macros:
<import file="${basedir}/macros/eclipse.xml" />
Change History
date author comments
2011-12-08 mvi initial version
<project name="Eclipse Ant Macros">
Launches eclipse and builds the given feature.
Please note: Feature Build expects that binaries of dependent features are already present.
So dependent features are not built automatically, only the plugins of the given features are built.
To ensure dependent features are present run the build for these features in the same workspace first.
The given eclipse installation must contain the deltapack
All existing attributes must be provided. Please see below for description of each attribute.
< eclipseBaseDir="${workspace}/working/eclipse" timestamp="${featureTimestamp}"
archivePrefix="myFeature" featureName="" buildType="N" pdeBuildPluginVersion="3.7.0.v20110512-1320" />
<macrodef name="" description="Builds the given feature">
<attribute name="eclipseBaseDir" /> <!-- The base directory pointing to the eclipse home to use to build the feature. this folder must contain e.g. the "plugins" folder. -->
<attribute name="timestamp" /> <!-- The timestamp to use for the build -->
<attribute name="archivePrefix" /> <!-- The name of the archive root folder -->
<attribute name="featureName" /> <!-- The feature to build -->
<attribute name="buildType" /> <!-- The build type (one of N=nightly, S=stable, R=release) -->
<attribute name="pdeBuildPluginVersion" /> <!-- The version of the "" plugin to use -->
<java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" maxmemory="512m" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner " />
<arg line="-buildfile @{eclipseBaseDir}/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_@{pdeBuildPluginVersion}/scripts/build.xml" />
<arg line="-Dtimestamp=@{timestamp}" />
<arg line="-DarchivePrefix=@{archivePrefix}" />
<arg line="-DforceContextQualifier=@{timestamp}" />
<arg line="-DtopLevelElementId=@{featureName}" />
<arg line="-Dbuilder=${buildFileDir}/featureBuild" />
<arg line="-DbaseLocation=@{eclipseBaseDir}" />
<arg line="-DrelengRootDir=${relengRootDir}" />
<arg line="-Djavahome=${env.JAVA_HOME}" />
<arg line="-DIndividualSourceBundles=true" />
<arg line="-DbuildType=@{buildType}" />
<arg line="-DjavacDebugInfo=true" />
<fileset dir="@{eclipseBaseDir}/plugins">
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/>
Launches eclipse and runs the given test suite.
Please note: The eclipse is started including UI to ensure all tests can be executed (might contain UI tests)
and that the behaviour of eclipse is the same as for the user.
The test plugin containing the test suite is expected to be part of the given eclipse platform.
The given eclipse installation must contain the deltapack and test framework.
All existing attributes must be provided. Please see below for description of each attribute.
<pde.launch.test.suite workspaceBaseDir="${myEmptyTestWorkspace}" eclipseBaseDir="${workspace}/working/eclipse"
testPluginName="" testSuiteClassName=""
junitReportOutputFile="${workspace}/output/testReports/" />
<macrodef name="pde.launch.test.suite" description="Launches the given test suite in a new eclipse workbenach (with UI)">
<attribute name="workspaceBaseDir" /> <!-- The base directory of the workspace to use when running the tests. -->
<attribute name="eclipseBaseDir" /> <!-- The base directory pointing to the eclipse home to use to run the tests. this folder must contain e.g. the "plugins" folder. -->
<attribute name="testPluginName" /> <!-- The plugin symbolic name that contains the test suite class -->
<attribute name="testSuiteClassName" /> <!-- The fully qualified class name of the suite to start -->
<attribute name="junitReportOutputFile" /> <!-- The output filename (incl. path) where to store the test results -->
<java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main" maxmemory="512m" fork="true" failonerror="false">
<arg line="-application org.eclipse.test.uitestapplication " />
<arg line="-data @{workspaceBaseDir} " />
<arg line=",@{junitReportOutputFile} " />
<arg line="-testPluginName @{testPluginName} " />
<arg line="-className @{testSuiteClassName} " />
<arg line="-nosplash " />
<fileset dir="@{eclipseBaseDir}/plugins">
<include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/>