blob: 6c9364b61f370a08ae460a416a2e9b215bdbf468 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.IStyleable;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.action.keystroke.IKeyStroke;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.IForm;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.IFormFieldVisitor;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.groupbox.IGroupBox;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.IOrdered;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.classid.ITypeWithClassId;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.reflect.IPropertyObserver;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.status.IMultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.status.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.util.Assertions.AssertionException;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.dimension.IDimensions;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.dimension.IEnabledDimension;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.dimension.IVisibleDimension;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* The {@link IForm} and <code>IFormField</code> classes are the prominent classes of the application model: An
* <code>IForm</code> consists of multiple <code>IFormField</code>s.<br/>
* A wide variety of form fields exist, the most important are the following:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link IValueField}:<br/>
* Value fields allow user input through the GUI and contain a value of a certain type. Typical examples are:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.stringfield.IStringField IStringField}: A text field containing
* a single line string (no line breaks).</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.datefield.IDateField IDateField}: A field containing a
* formatted date.</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.smartfield.ISmartField ISmartField}: A smart field allows to
* choose from a possibly predefined list of values.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.button.IButton IButton}:<br/>
* Buttons allow the user to trigger events on the GUI. Typical examples on a form are the 'Ok' and 'Close' buttons (see
* {@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.button.AbstractOkButton AbstractOkButton} or
* {@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.button.AbstractCancelButton AbstractCancelButton}).</li>
* <li>{@link IComposite}:<br/>
* Composite fields group multiple form fields. The most common are:<br/>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link IGroupBox}: Groups multiple form fields and draws a border on the GUI.</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.tabbox.ITabBox ITabBox}: Groups multiple form fields which are
* represented within tabs.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @see IForm
public interface IFormField extends IPropertyObserver, ITypeWithClassId, IOrdered, IStyleable, IVisibleDimension, IEnabledDimension {
* Properties
* {@link ICompositeField}
String PROP_PARENT_FIELD = "parentField";
String PROP_VISIBLE = "visible";
String PROP_ENABLED = "enabled";
String PROP_ENABLED_COMPUTED = "enabledComputed";
String PROP_MANDATORY = "mandatory";
String PROP_ORDER = "order";
String PROP_ERROR_STATUS = "errorStatus";
String PROP_TOOLTIP_TEXT = "tooltipText";
String PROP_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "foregroundColor";
String PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "backgroundColor";
String PROP_FONT = "font";
String PROP_LABEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "labelForegroundColor";
String PROP_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "labelBackgroundColor";
String PROP_LABEL_FONT = "labelFont";
String PROP_SAVE_NEEDED = "saveNeeded";
String PROP_EMPTY = "empty";
String PROP_LABEL = "label";
String PROP_LABEL_VISIBLE = "labelVisible";
String PROP_KEY_STROKES = "keyStrokes";
String PROP_STATUS_VISIBLE = "statusVisible";
String PROP_STATUS_POSITION = "statusPosition";
String PROP_GRID_DATA = "gridData";
String PROP_GRID_DATA_HINTS = "gridDataHints";
* if the field is focusable or not, value is of type {@link Boolean}
* @deprecated will be removed with 7.1, property is no longer supported by Html UI
String PROP_FOCUSABLE = "focusable";// Build 205
* if the field can get the initial focus when the form is opened, value is of type {@link Boolean}
* @since 6.1
String PROP_PREVENT_INITIAL_FOCUS = "preventInitialFocus";
* Flag to indicate whether this field is currently loading data. Default is <code>false</code>. The exact
* interpretation of this flag (and also if it should be respected at all) is left to the UI.
String PROP_LOADING = "loading";
* Style to apply when the field is rendered as "disabled".
* <p>
* Note that this property may be moved to the not-yet-existing "IWidget" in the future.
String PROP_DISABLED_STYLE = "disabledStyle";
* position the label at the default location (normally left of the field)<br>
* see {@link #setLabelPosition(int)} and {@link #getLabelPosition()}
* position the label left of the field<br>
* see {@link #setLabelPosition(int)} and {@link #getLabelPosition()}
* position the label on the field, meaning that the label is only displayed when the field is empty (vista style)<br>
* see {@link #setLabelPosition(int)} and {@link #getLabelPosition()}
* position the label right of the field<br>
* see {@link #setLabelPosition(int)} and {@link #getLabelPosition()}
* position the label on the top of the field
* see {@link #getGridDataHints()}<br>
* this marker value defines the field to have a logical spanning all over the group box width
int FULL_WIDTH = 0;
* use the systemwide default label with see {@link #setLabelWidthInPixel(int)} and {@link #getLabelWidthInPixel()}
* use the ui-specific "real" with of the label see {@link #setLabelWidthInPixel(int)} and
* {@link #getLabelWidthInPixel()}
int LABEL_WIDTH_UI = -1;
* use the default label alignment of the UI
* left alignment
* center alignment
* right alignment
IForm getForm();
* Use this listener only in very rare cases and only if absolutely needed (performance!)
void addSubtreePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
* Use this listener only in very rare cases and only if absolutely needed (performance!)
void addSubtreePropertyChangeListener(String propName, PropertyChangeListener listener);
void removeSubtreePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener);
void removeSubtreePropertyChangeListener(String propName, PropertyChangeListener listener);
* do not use this internal method
void setFormInternal(IForm form);
* get the first ancestor of this field (not including this field) which is of type IGroupBox
IGroupBox getParentGroupBox();
* get the first ancestor of this field (not including this field) which is of type ICompositeField
ICompositeField getParentField();
* do not use this internal method
void setParentFieldInternal(ICompositeField f);
* do not use this internal method
void postInitConfig();
void initField();
void disposeField();
void setView(boolean visible, boolean enabled, boolean mandatory);
* create a FormData structure to be sent to the backend the configurator is creating typed subclasses of FormData and
* FormFieldData
* <p>
* Do not override this method
void exportFormFieldData(AbstractFormFieldData target);
* apply FormData to this form field
* <p>
* Do not override this method
void importFormFieldData(AbstractFormFieldData source, boolean valueChangeTriggersEnabled);
String storeToXmlString();
void loadFromXmlString(String xml);
void storeToXml(Element x);
void loadFromXml(Element x);
* add verbose information to the search filter
void applySearch(SearchFilter search);
boolean hasProperty(String name);
* marks field as changing all model events and property events are cached until the change is done
* <p>
* when done, all cached events are sent as a batch
void setFieldChanging(boolean b);
boolean isFieldChanging();
* This property controls whether value changes are calling {@link AbstractValueField#execChangedValue()}. The
* {@link IValueField#PROP_VALUE} property change is always fired.
* <p>
* When FormFieldData is being applied this property may be set to false, see
* {@link #importFormFieldData(AbstractFormFieldData, boolean)} to disable sideeffects when the new data is applied to
* the form
* <p>
boolean isValueChangeTriggerEnabled();
* This property controls whether value changes are calling {@link AbstractValueField#execChangedValue()} The
* {@link IValueField#PROP_VALUE} property change is always fired.
* <p>
* When FormFieldData is being applied this property may be set to false, see
* {@link #importFormFieldData(AbstractFormFieldData, boolean)} to disable sideeffects when the new data is applied to
* the form
* <p>
* This property is a transitive property, that means callers need not to care when setting and resetting this
* property multiple times or nested. But they have to care to set/unset this property inside a try...finally block.
* <p>
* recommended: <code><xmp>
* try{
* setValueChangeTriggerEnabled(false);
* ...
* }
* finally{
* setValueChangeTriggerEnabled(true);
* }
* </xmp></code>
* <p>
* do <b>not</b> write: <code><xmp>
* boolean oldValue=isValueChangeTriggerEnabled();
* try{
* setValueChangeTriggerEnabled(false);
* ...
* }
* finally{
* setValueChangeTriggerEnabled(oldValue);
* }
* </xmp></code>
void setValueChangeTriggerEnabled(boolean b);
* the default field ID is the simple class name of a field
String getFieldId();
* @return Returns the list of fields that are enclosing this field, starting with the furthermost (from outside to
* inside). An enclosing field is part of the enclosing classes path that is abstract or the outermost
* enclosing class. The latter is the primary type.
* @since 3.8.1
List<ICompositeField> getEnclosingFieldList();
String getLabel();
void setLabel(String name);
String getInitialLabel();
void setInitialLabel(String name);
* @since 19.11.2009
* @return one of the LABEL_POSITION_* constants or a custom constants interpreted by the ui
byte getLabelPosition();
* @since 19.11.2009
* @param pos
* one of the LABEL_POSITION_* constants or a custom constants interpreted by the ui
void setLabelPosition(byte pos);
* @since 19.11.2009
* @return the fixed label witdh &gt;0 or LABEL_WIDTH_DEFAULT or LABEL_WIDTH_UI for ui-dependent label width
int getLabelWidthInPixel();
* @since 19.11.2009
* @param w
* the fixed label witdh &gt;0 or LABEL_WIDTH_DEFAULT or LABEL_WIDTH_UI for ui-dependent label width
void setLabelWidthInPixel(int w);
* @since 19.11.2009
* @return negative for left, 0 for center and positive for right, LABEL_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT for default of
* ui
byte getLabelHorizontalAlignment();
* @since 19.11.2009
* @param a
* negative for left, 0 for center and positive for right, LABEL_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT for default of
* ui
void setLabelHorizontalAlignment(byte a);
* @return fully qualified label. This is the path in the container tree
String getFullyQualifiedLabel(String separator);
Object getProperty(String name);
* With this method it's possible to set (custom) properties.
* <p>
* <b>Important: </b> Although this method is intended to be used for custom properties, it's actually possible to
* change main properties as well. Keep in mind that directly changing main properties may result in unexpected
* behavior, so do it only if necessary. Rather use the provided API instead.<br>
void setProperty(String name, Object value);
boolean isInitialized();
boolean isMandatory();
void setMandatory(boolean b);
* Adds an error status to field. use {@link ScoutFieldStatus} in order to set a custom icon.
* @param newStatus
void addErrorStatus(IStatus newStatus);
* Adds an error status of type {@link DefaultFieldStatus} with the given message to the field.
* @param message
void addErrorStatus(String message);
* Removes all error status of the given type.
void removeErrorStatus(Class<? extends IStatus> statusClazz);
* @return null iff no status (e.g. error status) is set, non-null if a status is set, e.g. if the value has semantic
* errors.
IMultiStatus getErrorStatus();
* @param status
* Sets the error multi-status. Use {@link #addErrorStatus(IStatus)} to add a single error.
void setErrorStatus(IMultiStatus status);
* clear all error statuses
void clearErrorStatus();
* @return true if field content (value on value fields) is valid, no error status is set on field and mandatory
* property is met. Shorthand form for {@link #getContentProblemDescriptor()==null}
boolean isContentValid();
* @return either null when everything is valid or a problem descriptor that contains more details.
IValidateContentDescriptor validateContent();
String getTooltipText();
void setTooltipText(String text);
* Rebuild the {@link IFormField#PROP_KEY_STROKES} property using the internal set of properties and by calling
* {@link #getContributedKeyStrokes()} and {@link #getLocalKeyStrokes()}
void updateKeyStrokes();
* @return local and contributed key strokes
List<IKeyStroke> getKeyStrokes();
String getForegroundColor();
void setForegroundColor(String c);
String getBackgroundColor();
void setBackgroundColor(String c);
FontSpec getFont();
void setFont(FontSpec f);
String getLabelForegroundColor();
void setLabelForegroundColor(String c);
String getLabelBackgroundColor();
void setLabelBackgroundColor(String c);
FontSpec getLabelFont();
void setLabelFont(FontSpec f);
* @return the grid data hints used by the {@link org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.internal.GridDataBuilder
* GridDataBuilder} to create the final grid data which can be accessed using {@link #getGridData()}.
GridData getGridDataHints();
void setGridDataHints(GridData data);
* @return the resulting (validated) grid data which is also used by the ui layout manager to layout this field in a
* logical grid.
GridData getGridData();
* Sets the life {@link GridData} of this field.<br>
* Do not use this internal method, for grid layout hints use {@link #setGridDataHints(GridData)}.
void setGridDataInternal(GridData data);
* true if the field has data that requires save
boolean isSaveNeeded();
void checkSaveNeeded();
* mark form so that<br>
* {@link IFormField#isSaveNeeded()} returns true
void touch();
void markSaved();
* true if the field does not contain data (semantics)
boolean isEmpty();
* @deprecated will be removed with 7.1, property is no longer supported by Html UI
boolean isFocusable();
* @deprecated will be removed with 7.1, property is no longer supported by Html UI
void setFocusable(boolean b);
boolean isPreventInitialFocus();
void setPreventInitialFocus(boolean preventInitialFocus);
* Convenience for {@link IForm#requestFocus(IFormField)}
void requestFocus();
* Convenience for {@link IForm#requestInput(IFormField)}
void requestInput();
* MasterSlave
IValueField getMasterField();
void setMasterField(IValueField field);
boolean isMasterRequired();
void setMasterRequired(boolean b);
// commodity helper
Object getMasterValue();
* Returns whether or not the status icon is visible.
* @return {@code true} if status icon is visible, {@code false} otherwise
boolean isStatusVisible();
* Sets whether or not the status icon is visible.
* @param statusVisible
* {@code true} if status icon should be visible, {@code false} otherwise
void setStatusVisible(boolean statusVisible);
String getStatusPosition();
void setStatusPosition(String statusPosition);
* @return true, if the mandatory property is fulfilled (a value set or not mandatory)
boolean isMandatoryFulfilled();
void setLoading(boolean loading);
boolean isLoading();
* @return If the label of this {@link IFormField} is visible. It is visible if all label-visibility dimensions are
* <code>true</code>.
boolean isLabelVisible();
* Changes the value of the default label-visibility dimension to the given value.
* @param b
* The new value specifying if the label of this {@link IFormField} is visible.
void setLabelVisible(boolean b);
* Checks if the given label-visibility dimension is set to <code>true</code>.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to check. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given dimension is set to visible. By default all dimensions are visible.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for label visibility. One dimension is already used by the
* {@link IFormField} itself. Therefore 7 dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
boolean isLabelVisible(String dimension);
* Changes the label-visibility value of the given dimension.
* @param visible
* The new value for the given dimension.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for label visibility. One dimension is already used by the
* {@link IFormField} itself. Therefore 7 dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setLabelVisible(boolean visible, String dimension);
* @return <code>true</code> if this {@link IFormField} and all parent {@link IFormField}s are visible (all
* dimensions).
* @see #isVisible()
boolean isVisibleIncludingParents();
* @return If this {@link IFormField} is visible. It is visible if all visibility-dimensions are <code>true</code>.
boolean isVisible();
* Changes the visible property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param visible
* The new visible value.
void setVisible(boolean b);
* Changes the visible property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param visible
* The new visible value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the visible property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as
* well.
void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents);
* Changes the visible property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param visible
* The new visible value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the visible property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as
* well.
* @param updateChildren
* if <code>true</code> the visible property of all child {@link IFormField}s (recursive) are updated to same
* value as well.
void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren);
* Sets a new visible-permission that is used to calculate the visible-granted property of this {@link IFormField}.
* @param p
* The new {@link Permission} that is used to calculate the visible-granted value.
* @see IAccessControlService#checkPermission(Permission)
* @see #setVisibleGranted(boolean)
void setVisiblePermission(Permission p);
* @return The visible-permission of this {@link IFormField}.
Permission getVisiblePermission();
* @return The visible-granted property of this {@link IFormField}.
boolean isVisibleGranted();
* Changes the visible-granted property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param visible
* The new visible-granted value.
void setVisibleGranted(boolean b);
* Changes the visible-granted property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param visible
* The new visible-granted value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the visible-granted property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same
* value as well.
void setVisibleGranted(boolean visible, boolean updateParents);
* Changes the visible-granted property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param visible
* The new visible-granted value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the visible-granted property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same
* value as well.
* @param updateChildren
* if <code>true</code> the visible-granted property of all child {@link IFormField}s (recursive) are updated
* to same value as well.
void setVisibleGranted(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren);
* Changes the field-visibility value of the given dimension.
* @param visible
* The new visibility value for the given dimension.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for visibility. Two dimensions are already used by the
* {@link IFormField} itself ({@link IDimensions#VISIBLE}, {@link IDimensions#VISIBLE_GRANTED}). Therefore 6
* dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setVisible(boolean visible, String dimension);
* Changes the field-visibility value of the given dimension.
* @param visible
* The new visibility value for the given dimension.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as well.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for visibility. Two dimensions are already used by the
* {@link IFormField} itself ({@link IDimensions#VISIBLE}, {@link IDimensions#VISIBLE_GRANTED}). Therefore 6
* dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, String dimension);
* Changes the field-visibility value of the given dimension.
* @param visible
* The new visibility value for the given dimension.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as well.
* @param updateChildren
* if <code>true</code> all child {@link IFormField}s (recursive) are updated to same value as well.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for visibility. Two dimensions are already used by the
* {@link IFormField} itself ({@link IDimensions#VISIBLE}, {@link IDimensions#VISIBLE_GRANTED}). Therefore 6
* dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren, String dimension);
* @return <code>true</code> if this {@link IFormField} and all parent {@link IFormField}s are enabled (all
* dimensions).
* @see #isEnabled()
boolean isEnabledIncludingParents();
* @return If this {@link IFormField} is enabled. It is enabled if all enabled-dimensions are <code>true</code>.
boolean isEnabled();
* @return The enabled property value of this {@link IFormField}.
boolean getEnabledProperty();
* Changes the enabled property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param enabled
* The new enabled value.
void setEnabled(boolean b);
* Changes the enabled property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param enabled
* The new enabled value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the enabled property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as
* well.
void setEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents);
* Changes the enabled property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param enabled
* The new enabled value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the enabled property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as
* well.
* @param updateChildren
* if <code>true</code> the enabled property of all child {@link IFormField}s (recursive) are updated to same
* value as well.
void setEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren);
* @return The enabled-permission of this {@link IFormField}.
Permission getEnabledPermission();
* Sets a new enabled-permission that is used to calculate the enabled-granted property of this {@link IFormField}.
* @param p
* The new {@link Permission} that is used to calculate the enabled-granted value.
* @see IAccessControlService#checkPermission(Permission)
* @see #setEnabledGranted(boolean)
void setEnabledPermission(Permission p);
* @return The enable-granted property of this {@link IFormField}.
boolean isEnabledGranted();
* Changes the enabled-granted property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param enabled
* The new enable-granted value.
void setEnabledGranted(boolean b);
* Changes the enabled-granted property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param enabled
* The new enable-granted value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the enabled-granted property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same
* value as well.
void setEnabledGranted(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents);
* Changes the enabled-granted property of this {@link IFormField} to the given value.
* @param enabled
* The new enable-granted value.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> the enabled-granted property of all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same
* value as well.
* @param updateChildren
* if <code>true</code> the enabled-granted property of all child {@link IFormField}s (recursive) are updated
* to same value as well.
void setEnabledGranted(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren);
* Changes the enabled-state value of the given dimension.
* @param enabled
* The new enabled-state value for the given dimension.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for enabled-state. Three dimensions are already used by
* the {@link IFormField} itself ({@link IDimensions#ENABLED}, {@link IDimensions#ENABLED_GRANTED},
* ENABLED_SLAVE). Therefore 5 dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setEnabled(boolean enabled, String dimension);
* Changes the enabled-state value of the given dimension.
* @param enabled
* The new enabled-state value for the given dimension.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as well.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for enabled-state. Three dimensions are already used by
* the {@link IFormField} itself ({@link IDimensions#ENABLED}, {@link IDimensions#ENABLED_GRANTED},
* ENABLED_SLAVE). Therefore 5 dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents, String dimension);
* Changes the enabled-state value of the given dimension.
* @param enabled
* The new enabled-state value for the given dimension.
* @param updateParents
* if <code>true</code> all parent {@link IFormField}s are updated to same value as well.
* @param updateChildren
* if <code>true</code> all child {@link IFormField}s (recursive) are updated to same value as well.
* @param dimension
* The dimension to change. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @throws AssertionException
* if the given dimension is <code>null</code>.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if too many dimensions are used. This {@link IFormField} supports up to
* {@link NamedBitMaskHelper#NUM_BITS} dimensions for enabled-state. Three dimensions are already used by
* the {@link IFormField} itself ({@link IDimensions#ENABLED}, {@link IDimensions#ENABLED_GRANTED},
* ENABLED_SLAVE). Therefore 5 dimensions may be used by developers.<br>
* <b>Note:</b> these dimensions are shared amongst all {@link IFormField}s of an application. They are not
* available by instance but by class!
void setEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren, String dimension);
* Accepts the given {@link IFormFieldVisitor}. This {@link IFormField} and all child {@link IFormField}s are visited
* recursively.
* @param visitor
* The {@link IFormFieldVisitor} to use. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param level
* The start level. Usually zero.
* @param fieldIndex
* The field index of this {@link IFormField} in its parent list.
* @param includeThis
* <code>true</code> if this {@link IFormField} and all children should be visited. <code>false</code> if
* only the child {@link IFormField}s should be visited.
* @return <code>true</code> if all fields have been visited. <code>false</code> if the visitor cancelled the visit.
* @see IFormFieldVisitor#visitField(IFormField, int, int)
boolean acceptVisitor(IFormFieldVisitor visitor, int level, int fieldIndex, boolean includeThis);
* Visits all parent {@link IFormField}s
* @param v
* The {@link IFormFieldVisitor} to use. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @return <code>true</code> if all parent fields have been visited. <code>false</code> if the visitor cancelled the
* visit.
* @see IFormFieldVisitor#visitField(IFormField, int, int)
boolean visitParents(IFormFieldVisitor visitor);
void setDisabledStyle(int disabledStyle);
int getDisabledStyle();