blob: 9192f1fd8d8ec30a0d7b4f2ee369a9f9a7c63593 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.dto.FormData;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.dto.FormData.SdkCommand;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldAddSearchTermsChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldCalculateVisibleChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldChangedMasterValueChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldDataChangedChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldDisposeFieldChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldInitFieldChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldIsEmptyChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldIsSaveNeededChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.FormFieldChains.FormFieldMarkSavedChain;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.extension.ui.form.fields.IFormFieldExtension;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.DataChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.WeakDataChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.action.ActionUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.action.keystroke.IKeyStroke;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.desktop.IDesktop;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.IForm;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.IFormFieldVisitor;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.groupbox.AbstractGroupBox;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.groupbox.IGroupBox;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.sequencebox.AbstractSequenceBox;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.BEANS;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.IOrdered;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.Order;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.Replace;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.annotations.ConfigOperation;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.annotations.ConfigProperty;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.classid.ClassId;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.ExceptionHandler;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.PlatformError;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.exception.ProcessingException;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.reflect.AbstractPropertyObserver;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.reflect.BasicPropertySupport;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.reflect.ConfigurationUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.status.IMultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.status.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.status.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.util.CollectionUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.util.XmlUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.dimension.IDimensions;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.extension.AbstractExtension;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.extension.ContributionComposite;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.extension.IContributionOwner;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.extension.IExtensibleObject;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.extension.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.shared.extension.ObjectExtensions;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@FormData(value = AbstractFormFieldData.class, sdkCommand = SdkCommand.USE)
public abstract class AbstractFormField extends AbstractPropertyObserver implements IFormField, IContributionOwner, IExtensibleObject {
private static final String ENABLED_SLAVE = "ENABLED_SLAVE";
private static final String INITIALIZED = "INITIALIZED";
private static final String TOUCHED = "TOUCHED";
private static final String LABEL_VISIBLE = "LABEL_VISIBLE";
private static final String MASTER_REQUIRED = "MASTER_REQUIRED";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractFormField.class);
private static final NamedBitMaskHelper VISIBLE_BIT_HELPER = new NamedBitMaskHelper(IDimensions.VISIBLE, IDimensions.VISIBLE_GRANTED);
private static final NamedBitMaskHelper LABEL_VISIBLE_BIT_HELPER = new NamedBitMaskHelper(LABEL_VISIBLE);
private static final NamedBitMaskHelper ENABLED_BIT_HELPER = new NamedBitMaskHelper(IDimensions.ENABLED, IDimensions.ENABLED_GRANTED, ENABLED_SLAVE);
private static final NamedBitMaskHelper FLAGS_BIT_HELPER = new NamedBitMaskHelper(INITIALIZED, TOUCHED, MASTER_REQUIRED);
* Provides 8 dimensions for enabled state.<br>
* Internally used: {@link IDimensions#ENABLED}, {@link IDimensions#ENABLED_GRANTED}, {@link #ENABLED_SLAVE}.<br>
* 5 dimensions remain for custom use. This FormField is enabled, if all dimensions are enabled (all bits set).
private byte m_enabled;
* Provides 8 dimensions for visibility.<br>
* Internally used: {@link IDimensions#VISIBLE}, {@link IDimensions#VISIBLE_GRANTED}.<br>
* 6 dimensions remain for custom use. This FormField is visible, if all dimensions are visible (all bits set).
private byte m_visible;
* Provides 8 dimensions for label visibility.<br>
* Internally used: {@link #LABEL_VISIBLE} and one level by the {@link AbstractSequenceBox}.<br>
* 6 dimensions remain for custom use. This FormField's label is visible, if all dimensions are visible (all bits
* set).
private byte m_labelVisible;
* Provides 8 boolean flags.<br>
* Currently used: {@link #INITIALIZED}, {@link #TOUCHED}, {@link #MASTER_REQUIRED}
private byte m_flags;
private IForm m_form;
private byte m_labelPosition;
private byte m_labelHorizontalAlignment;
private int m_labelWidthInPixel;
private Permission m_visiblePermission;
private Permission m_enabledPermission;
private IValueField<?> m_masterField;
protected int m_valueChangeTriggerEnabled = 1;// >=1 is true
private BasicPropertySupport m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport;
private P_MasterListener m_currentMasterListener;// my master
private DataChangeListener m_internalDataChangeListener;
protected ContributionComposite m_contributionHolder;
private String m_initialLabel;
private final ObjectExtensions<AbstractFormField, IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> m_objectExtensions;
public AbstractFormField() {
public AbstractFormField(boolean callInitializer) {
m_enabled = NamedBitMaskHelper.ALL_BITS_SET; // default enabled
m_visible = NamedBitMaskHelper.ALL_BITS_SET; // default visible
m_labelVisible = NamedBitMaskHelper.ALL_BITS_SET; // default label visible
m_objectExtensions = new ObjectExtensions<AbstractFormField, IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>>(this, false);
if (callInitializer) {
public final List<Object> getAllContributions() {
return m_contributionHolder.getAllContributions();
public final <T> List<T> getContributionsByClass(Class<T> type) {
return m_contributionHolder.getContributionsByClass(type);
public final <T> T getContribution(Class<T> contribution) {
return m_contributionHolder.getContribution(contribution);
public final <T> T optContribution(Class<T> contribution) {
return m_contributionHolder.optContribution(contribution);
protected final void callInitializer() {
if (isInitialized()) {
try {
finally {
public final List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> getAllExtensions() {
return m_objectExtensions.getAllExtensions();
protected IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField> createLocalExtension() {
return new LocalFormFieldExtension<AbstractFormField>(this);
public <T extends IExtension<?>> T getExtension(Class<T> c) {
return m_objectExtensions.getExtension(c);
* @return The text to show as the label of the current {@link IFormField}.
protected String getConfiguredLabel() {
return null;
* One of the LABEL_POSITION_* constants or a custom constants interpreted by the ui.
* @since 17.11.2009
protected byte getConfiguredLabelPosition() {
* @since 19.11.2009
* @return the fixed label witdh &gt;0 or LABEL_WIDTH_DEFAULT or LABEL_WIDTH_UI for ui-dependent label width
protected int getConfiguredLabelWidthInPixel() {
* @since 19.11.2009
* @return one of the following {@link IFormField#LABEL_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT},
protected byte getConfiguredLabelHorizontalAlignment() {
protected boolean getConfiguredLabelVisible() {
return true;
* Specifies if the form field is enabled initially.
protected boolean getConfiguredEnabled() {
return true;
protected int getConfiguredDisabledStyle() {
* Specifies if the form field is visible initially.<br>
* Affects only the field itself. In case of a composite field the property does not get broadcasted initially.
protected boolean getConfiguredVisible() {
return true;
* Specifies if the form field is mandatory (required) initially.<br>
* Affects only the field itself. In case of a composite field the property does not get broadcasted initially.
protected boolean getConfiguredMandatory() {
return false;
* Configures the view order of this form field. The view order determines the order in which the field appears.<br>
* The view order of field with no configured view order ({@code < 0}) is initialized based on the {@link Order}
* annotation of the form field class.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. The default is {@link IOrdered#DEFAULT_ORDER}.
* @return View order of this form field.
protected double getConfiguredViewOrder() {
return IOrdered.DEFAULT_ORDER;
protected String getConfiguredTooltipText() {
return null;
* Configures the css class(es) of this field.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is {@code null}.
* @return a string containing one or more classes separated by space, or null if no class should be set.
protected String getConfiguredCssClass() {
return null;
protected String getConfiguredForegroundColor() {
return null;
protected String getConfiguredBackgroundColor() {
return null;
protected String getConfiguredFont() {
return null;
* Configures the foreground color of the label. The color is represented by the HEX value (e.g. FFFFFF).
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is {@code null}.
* @return Foreground color HEX value of the label.
protected String getConfiguredLabelForegroundColor() {
return null;
* Configures the background color of the label. The color is represented by the HEX value (e.g. FFFFFF).
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is {@code null}.
* @return Background color HEX value of the label.
protected String getConfiguredLabelBackgroundColor() {
return null;
* Configures the font of the label. See {@link FontSpec#parse(String)} for the appropriate format.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is {@code null}.
* @return Font of the label.
protected String getConfiguredLabelFont() {
return null;
* Configures the horizontal alignment of the fields inside this group box.<br>
* This property typically only has an effect if fill horizontal is set to false which can be configured by
* {@link #getConfiguredFillHorizontal()}.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default alignment is left.
* @return -1 for left, 0 for center and 1 for right alignment
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredHorizontalAlignment() {
return -1;
* Configures the vertical alignment of the fields inside this group box.<br>
* This property typically only has an effect if fill vertical is set to false which can be configured by
* {@link #getConfiguredFillVertical()}.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default alignment is top.
* @return -1 for top, 0 for center and 1 for bottom alignment
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredVerticalAlignment() {
return -1;
* Configures whether this field should horizontally fill the grid cell.<br>
* If the property is set to true, the field takes all the horizontal space and therefore is as width as the grid
* cell.<br>
* If it's set to false, the width is computed based on the properties {@link #getConfiguredGridUseUiWidth()} and
* {@link #getConfiguredWidthInPixel()}. If non of these are set, a default value is used which typically is the width
* of a logical grid column.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is true.
* @return {@code true} if this field should horizontally fill the grid cell, {@code false} otherwise
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected boolean getConfiguredFillHorizontal() {
return true;
* Configures whether this field should vertically fill the grid cell.<br>
* If the property is set to true, the field takes all the vertical space and therefore is as height as the grid cell.
* <br>
* If it's set to false, the height is computed based on the properties {@link #getConfiguredGridUseUiHeight()} and
* {@link #getConfiguredHeightInPixel()}. If non of these are set, a default value is used which typically is the
* height of a logical grid row.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is true.
* @return {@code true} if this field should vertically fill the grid cell, {@code false} otherwise
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected boolean getConfiguredFillVertical() {
return true;
* Configures the x position (horizontal) of this field in the logical grid of the surrounding group box.<br>
* If the value is set to -1, the property will be ignored. If the value is >= 0, it's considered as grid column. <br>
* It is not necessary to explicitly set a column count by {@link AbstractGroupBox#getConfiguredGridColumnCount()}.
* <p>
* This property only has an effect if every field inside the group box has a fix position which means every field
* inside the group box need to have x and y to be set which can be configured by {@link #getConfiguredGridX()} and
* {@link #getConfiguredGridY()}.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is -1.
* @return the x position in the grid.
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredGridX() {
return -1;
* Configures the y (vertical) position of this field in the logical grid of the surrounding group box.<br>
* If the value is set to -1, the property will be ignored. If the value is >= 0, it's considered as grid row. <br>
* <p>
* This property only has an effect if every field inside the group box has a fix position which means every field
* inside the group box need to have x and y to be set which can be configured by {@link #getConfiguredGridX()} and
* {@link #getConfiguredGridY()}.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is -1.
* @return the y position in the grid.
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredGridY() {
return -1;
* Configures the column span of this field.<br>
* The value defined by this property refers to the number of columns defined by the group box which contains this
* field. This column count can be configured by {@link AbstractGroupBox#getConfiguredGridColumnCount()}.
* <p>
* <b>Example:</b><br>
* If the column count of the group box is set to 3 and a column span of this field is set to 2 it means 2/3 of the
* group box width is used for this field:<br>
* <table border="1">
* <colgroup align="center" width="40"/> <colgroup align="center" width="40"/> <colgroup align="center" width="40"/>
* <tr>
* <td colspan="2">this</td>
* <td>...</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>...</td>
* <td>...</td>
* <td>...</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is 1.
* @return the number of columns to span
* @see #getConfiguredGridWeightX(), {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredGridW() {
return 1;
* Configures the row span of this field.<br>
* Compared to the number of columns, which is a configurable value and therefore static, the number of rows is
* dynamic. That number depends on the number of fields used in the group box which contains this field, as well as
* the number of columns defined by that group box.
* <p>
* <b>Example:</b> A group box with 2 columns contains 3 fields: The first 2 fields have gridW = 1 and gridH = 1 and
* the third field has gridW = 1 and gridH = 2. In this case the third field would be as height as the other 2 fields
* together because it spans two rows:<br>
* <table border="1">
* <colgroup align="center" width="40"/> <colgroup align="center" width="40"/>
* <tr>
* <td>1</td>
* <td rowspan="2">3</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>2</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <p>
* Note that this value is actually the minimum logical height if the field is scalable (see
* {@link #getConfiguredGridWeightY()}.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is 1.
* @return the number of rows to span
* @see {@link #getConfiguredGridWeightY()} comment about weightY logic which depends on the gridH value configured
* here
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredGridH() {
return 1;
* Configures how much a grid cell should horizontally grow or shrink.<br>
* <p>
* The value for this property can either be -1 or between 0 and 1.
* <ul>
* <li>0 means fixed width and the grid cell won't grow or shrink.</li>
* <li>Greater 0 means the grid cell will grab the excess horizontal space and therefore grow or shrink. If the group
* box contains more than one field with weightX > 0, the weight is used to specify how strong the width of the grid
* cell should be adjusted.</li>
* <li>-1 means the ui computes the optimal value so that the fields proportionally grab the excess space.</li>
* </ul>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>A group box with 3 columns contains 3 fields: Every field has gridW = 1 and weightX = -1. This leads to 1 row
* and 3 grid cells which would grow and shrink proportionally because weightX is automatically set to > 0.</li>
* <li>If the weight of these 3 fields were set to 0.1, 0.1 and 1, the first two fields would adjust the size very
* slowly and would mostly be as big as a logical grid column (because gridW is set to 1), whereas the third field
* would adjust it's size very fast.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is -1.
* @return a value between 0 and 1, or -1
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected double getConfiguredGridWeightX() {
return -1;
* Configures how much a grid cell should vertically grow or shrink.<br>
* <p>
* The value for this property can either be -1 or between 0 and 1.
* <ul>
* <li>0 means fixed height and the grid cell won't grow or shrink.</li>
* <li>Greater 0 means the grid cell will grab the excess vertical space and therefore grow or shrink. If the group
* box contains more than one field with weightY > 0, the weight is used to specify how strong the height of the grid
* cell should be adjusted.</li>
* <li>-1 means the ui computes the optimal value so that the fields proportionally grab the excess space, but only if
* gridH is > 1. If gridH is 1 a weight of 0 is set and the grid cell does not grow or shrink.</li>
* </ul>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>A group box with 1 column contains 3 fields: Every field has gridH = 1 and weightY = -1. This leads to 3 rows
* with fixed height, no additional space is grabbed, because weightY will automatically be set to 0.</li>
* <li>If the weight of these 3 fields were set to 1, the fields would grow and shrink proportionally.</li>
* <li>If the weight of these 3 fields were set to 0.1, 0.1 and 1, the first two fields would adjust the size very
* slowly and would mostly be a as big as one logical grid row (because gridH is set to 1), whereas the third field
* would adjust it's size very fast.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is -1.
* @return a value between 0 and 1, or -1
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected double getConfiguredGridWeightY() {
return -1;
* Configures whether the field should be as width as preferred by the ui. The preferred width normally is the
* computed width of the child fields.<br>
* This property typically has less priority than {@link #getConfiguredWidthInPixel()} and therefore only has an
* effect if no explicit width is set.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is false.
* @return {@code true} if this field should be as width as preferred by the ui, {@code false} otherwise
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected boolean getConfiguredGridUseUiWidth() {
return false;
* Configures whether the field should be as height as preferred by the ui. The preferred height normally is the
* computed height of the child fields.<br>
* This property typically has less priority than {@link #getConfiguredHeightInPixel()} and therefore only has an
* effect if no explicit height is set.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is false.
* @return {@code true} if this field should be as height as preferred by the ui, {@code false} otherwise
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected boolean getConfiguredGridUseUiHeight() {
return false;
* Configures the preferred width of the field. <br>
* If the value is <=0 the property will be ignored by the ui layout manager.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is 0.
* @return the preferred width in pixel
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredWidthInPixel() {
return 0;
* Configures the preferred height of the field. <br>
* If the value is <=0 the property will be ignored by the ui layout manager.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is 0.
* @return the preferred height in pixel
* @see {@link #getGridData()}, {@link #getGridDataHints()}
protected int getConfiguredHeightInPixel() {
return 0;
protected Class<? extends IValueField> getConfiguredMasterField() {
return null;
protected boolean getConfiguredMasterRequired() {
return false;
* @deprecated will be removed with 7.1, property is no longer supported by Html UI
* @return
protected boolean getConfiguredFocusable() {
return true;
* @return <code>false</code> if this field can get the initial focus when the form is opened (default). Set to
* <code>true</code> to prevent this field from getting the initial focus. In both cases, the field will still
* be manually focusable by the user.
protected boolean getConfiguredPreventInitialFocus() {
return false;
* Configures whether or not the space for the status is visible.
* <p>
* If set to false, the space is not visible unless there is a status message, tooltip or menu. <br>
* If set to true the space is always visible, even if there is no status message, no tooltip and no menu.
* @return {@code true} if the space for the status should always be visible, {@code false} otherwise
protected boolean getConfiguredStatusVisible() {
return true;
* Configures the position of the status.
* <p>
* Subclasses can override this method. Default is {@value IFormField#STATUS_POSITION_DEFAULT}.
* @since 6.0
protected String getConfiguredStatusPosition() {
private List<Class<? extends IKeyStroke>> getConfiguredKeyStrokes() {
Class[] dca = ConfigurationUtility.getDeclaredPublicClasses(getClass());
List<Class<IKeyStroke>> fca = ConfigurationUtility.filterClasses(dca, IKeyStroke.class);
return ConfigurationUtility.removeReplacedClasses(fca);
protected void execInitField() {
* On any value change or call to {@link #checkSaveNeeded()} this method is called to calculate if the field needs
* save
protected boolean execIsSaveNeeded() {
return false;
* Make field saved, for example a table is maring all rows as non-changed
protected void execMarkSaved() {
* on any value change or call to {@link #checkEmpty()} this method is called to calculate if the field represents an
* empty state (semantics)
protected boolean execIsEmpty() {
return true;
* see {@link IDesktop#dataChanged(Object...)}
protected void execDataChanged(Object... dataTypes) {
protected void execDisposeField() {
public final void applySearch(SearchFilter search) {
* add verbose information to the search filter
protected void execAddSearchTerms(SearchFilter search) {
* override this method to apply new default handling
protected void applySearchInternal(final SearchFilter search) {
ISearchFilterService sfs = BEANS.get(ISearchFilterService.class);
if (sfs != null) {
sfs.applySearchDelegate(this, search, true);
* AFTER a new valid master value was stored, this method is called
protected void execChangedMasterValue(Object newMasterValue) {
protected final void interceptInitConfig() {
m_objectExtensions.initConfigAndBackupExtensionContext(createLocalExtension(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
protected void initConfig() {
setGridDataInternal(new GridData(-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1));
setGridDataHints(new GridData(-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1));
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_EMPTY, true);
m_contributionHolder = new ContributionComposite(this);
if (getConfiguredBackgroundColor() != null) {
if (getConfiguredForegroundColor() != null) {
if (getConfiguredFont() != null) {
if (getConfiguredLabelBackgroundColor() != null) {
if (getConfiguredLabelForegroundColor() != null) {
if (getConfiguredLabelFont() != null) {
setGridDataHints(new GridData(getConfiguredGridX(), getConfiguredGridY(), getConfiguredGridW(), getConfiguredGridH(), getConfiguredGridWeightX(), getConfiguredGridWeightY(), getConfiguredGridUseUiWidth(), getConfiguredGridUseUiHeight(),
getConfiguredHorizontalAlignment(), getConfiguredVerticalAlignment(), getConfiguredFillHorizontal(), getConfiguredFillVertical(), getConfiguredWidthInPixel(), getConfiguredHeightInPixel()));
// private listener for subtree property change events
addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
* Calculates the formfield's view order, e.g. if the @Order annotation is set to 30.0, the method will return 30.0.
* If no {@link Order} annotation is set, the method checks its super classes for an @Order annotation.
* @since 4.0.1
@SuppressWarnings("squid:S1244") // Floating point numbers should not be tested for equality
protected double calculateViewOrder() {
double viewOrder = getConfiguredViewOrder();
if (viewOrder == IOrdered.DEFAULT_ORDER) {
Class<?> cls = getClass();
while (cls != null && IFormField.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
if (cls.isAnnotationPresent(Order.class)) {
Order order = (Order) cls.getAnnotation(Order.class);
return order.value();
cls = cls.getSuperclass();
return viewOrder;
public boolean isInitialized() {
return FLAGS_BIT_HELPER.isBitSet(INITIALIZED, m_flags);
private void setInitialized() {
m_flags = FLAGS_BIT_HELPER.setBit(INITIALIZED, m_flags);
* do not use this method
public void postInitConfig() {
// key strokes, now all inner fields are built
// master listener, now the inner field is available
if (getConfiguredMasterField() != null) {
IValueField master = findNearestFieldByClass(getConfiguredMasterField());
* Searching the nearest field implementing the specified class by processing the enclosing field list bottom-up.
* @since 3.8.1
private <T extends IFormField> T findNearestFieldByClass(final Class<T> c) {
List<ICompositeField> enclosingFields = getEnclosingFieldList();
if (enclosingFields.isEmpty()) {
// there are no enclosing fields (i.e. this field is not part of a field template)
return getForm().getFieldByClass(c);
// search requested field within critical parent field
for (ICompositeField parentField : enclosingFields) {
T field = parentField.getFieldByClass(c);
if (field != null) {
return field;
// field has not been found in a critical parent field
return getForm().getFieldByClass(c);
* This is the init of the runtime model after the form and fields are built and configured
public final void initField() {
try {
// init key strokes
finally {
protected void initFieldInternal() {
public final void disposeField() {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Field [{}]", getClass().getName(), e);
try {
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Field [{}]", getClass().getName(), e);
protected void disposeFieldInternal() {
* Register a {@link DataChangeListener} on the desktop for these dataTypes<br>
* Example:
* <pre>
* registerDataChangeListener(CRMEnum.Company, CRMEnum.Project, CRMEnum.Task);
* </pre>
public void registerDataChangeListener(Object... dataTypes) {
if (m_internalDataChangeListener == null) {
m_internalDataChangeListener = new WeakDataChangeListener() {
public void dataChanged(Object... innerDataTypes) {
IDesktop.CURRENT.get().addDataChangeListener(m_internalDataChangeListener, dataTypes);
* Unregister the {@link DataChangeListener} from the desktop for these dataTypes<br>
* Example:
* <pre>
* unregisterDataChangeListener(CRMEnum.Company, CRMEnum.Project, CRMEnum.Task);
* </pre>
public void unregisterDataChangeListener(Object... dataTypes) {
if (m_internalDataChangeListener != null) {
IDesktop.CURRENT.get().removeDataChangeListener(m_internalDataChangeListener, dataTypes);
protected void fireSubtreePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
// fire up the tree
IFormField parentField = getParentField();
if (parentField instanceof AbstractFormField) {
((AbstractFormField) parentField).fireSubtreePropertyChange(e);
// fire my level
if (m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport != null) {
public boolean acceptVisitor(IFormFieldVisitor visitor, int level, int fieldIndex, boolean includeThis) {
if (!includeThis) {
return true;
return CompositeFieldUtility.applyFormFieldVisitor(visitor, this, null, level, fieldIndex);
public IForm getForm() {
return m_form;
public IGroupBox getParentGroupBox() {
ICompositeField f = getParentField();
while (f != null && !(f instanceof IGroupBox)) {
f = f.getParentField();
return (IGroupBox) f;
public ICompositeField getParentField() {
return (ICompositeField) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_PARENT_FIELD);
public void setParentFieldInternal(ICompositeField f) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_PARENT_FIELD, f);
* do not use this internal method
public void setFormInternal(IForm form) {
m_form = form;
public String toString() {
return getLabel() + "/" + getFieldId() + " (" + getClass().getName() + ")";
public void setView(boolean visible, boolean enabled, boolean mandatory) {
public boolean isValueChangeTriggerEnabled() {
return m_valueChangeTriggerEnabled >= 1;
public void setValueChangeTriggerEnabled(boolean b) {
if (b) {
else {
public void addSubtreePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
if (m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport == null) {
m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport = new BasicPropertySupport(this);
public void addSubtreePropertyChangeListener(String propName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
if (m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport == null) {
m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport = new BasicPropertySupport(this);
m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propName, listener);
public void removeSubtreePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
if (m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport != null) {
public void removeSubtreePropertyChangeListener(String propName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
if (m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport != null) {
m_subtreePropertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(propName, listener);
public boolean hasProperty(String name) {
return propertySupport.hasProperty(name);
public boolean isFieldChanging() {
return propertySupport.isPropertiesChanging();
public void setFieldChanging(boolean b) {
public String getFieldId() {
Class<?> c = getClass();
while (c.isAnnotationPresent(Replace.class)) {
c = c.getSuperclass();
return c.getSimpleName();
* Computes a unique class id.
* <p>
* If the class is annotated with {@link ClassId}, the annotation value is used. If the field is defined in a template
* (outside of its form class), the ids of the enclosing fields are appended, if necessary, to make the id unique.
* <p>
* If the class is not annotated with {@link ClassId}, a unique id is computed using the simple class name.
* <p>
* For dynamically injected fields this method needs to be overridden to make sure it is unique.
public String classId() {
StringBuilder classId = new StringBuilder(computeClassId());
boolean appendFormId = !getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ClassId.class);
if (appendFormId && getForm() != null) {
boolean duplicate = existsDuplicateClassId();
if (duplicate) {
LOG.warn("Found a duplicate classid for {}, adding field index. Override classId for dynamically injected fields.", classId);
int fieldIndex = (getParentField() == null ? 0 : getParentField().getFieldIndex(this));
return classId.toString();
* Computes a class id by considering the enclosing field list.
* <p>
* Does not consider the complete path for lenient support. For dynamically injected fields {@link #classid()} needs
* to be overridden.
* </p>
private String computeClassId() {
StringBuilder fieldId = new StringBuilder();
String simpleClassId = ConfigurationUtility.getAnnotatedClassIdWithFallback(getClass(), true);
List<ICompositeField> enclosingFieldList = getEnclosingFieldList();
for (int i = enclosingFieldList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
ICompositeField enclosingField = enclosingFieldList.get(i);
String enclosingClassId = ConfigurationUtility.getAnnotatedClassIdWithFallback(enclosingField.getClass(), true);
return fieldId.toString();
* Sanity check for class ids. Scans all fields in a form to find duplicate class ids.
* @return <code>true</code>, if another field with the same id is found. <code>false</code> otherwise.
private boolean existsDuplicateClassId() {
IForm form = getForm();
String currentClassId = computeClassId();
if (form != null) {
List<String> classIds = new ArrayList<String>();
for (IFormField f : form.getAllFields()) {
if (f != this) {
String fClassId = ConfigurationUtility.getAnnotatedClassIdWithFallback(f.getClass(), true);
if (classIds.contains(currentClassId)) {
return true;
return false;
* Data i/o
public void exportFormFieldData(AbstractFormFieldData target) {
public void importFormFieldData(AbstractFormFieldData source, boolean valueChangeTriggersEnabled) {
* XML i/o
public void storeToXml(Element x) {
List<ICompositeField> enclosingFieldList = getEnclosingFieldList();
for (ICompositeField field : enclosingFieldList) {
Element enclosingField = x.getOwnerDocument().createElement("enclosingField");
setXmlFormFieldId(enclosingField, field);
// Enclosing fields are traversed from outside to inside. Hence add XML child at the end.
// set field ids
setXmlFormFieldId(x, this);
public List<ICompositeField> getEnclosingFieldList() {
List<ICompositeField> enclosingFieldList = new ArrayList<ICompositeField>();
// compute enclosing field path
ICompositeField p = getParentField();
while (p != null) {
if (!(p instanceof AbstractCompositeField) || ((AbstractCompositeField) p).isTemplateField()) {
enclosingFieldList.add(0, p);
p = p.getParentField();
return enclosingFieldList;
protected final void setXmlFormFieldId(Element x, IFormField f) {
x.setAttribute("fieldId", f.getFieldId());
x.setAttribute("fieldQname", f.getClass().getName());
public void loadFromXml(Element x) {
public final void loadFromXmlString(String xml) {
if (xml == null) {
try {
Document doc = XmlUtility.getXmlDocument(xml);
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ProcessingException("Error in AbstractFormField.setXML: ", e);
public final String storeToXmlString() {
Document x = XmlUtility.createNewXmlDocument("field");
return XmlUtility.wellformDocument(x);
public String getInitialLabel() {
return m_initialLabel;
public void setInitialLabel(String name) {
m_initialLabel = name;
public String getLabel() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyString(PROP_LABEL);
public void setLabel(String name) {
propertySupport.setPropertyString(PROP_LABEL, name);
public byte getLabelPosition() {
return m_labelPosition;
public void setLabelPosition(byte position) {
m_labelPosition = position;
public int getLabelWidthInPixel() {
return m_labelWidthInPixel;
public void setLabelWidthInPixel(int w) {
m_labelWidthInPixel = w;
public byte getLabelHorizontalAlignment() {
return m_labelHorizontalAlignment;
public void setLabelHorizontalAlignment(byte a) {
m_labelHorizontalAlignment = a;
public String getFullyQualifiedLabel(String separator) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
IFormField p = getParentField();
if (p != null) {
String s = p.getFullyQualifiedLabel(separator);
if (s != null) {
String s = getLabel();
if (s != null) {
if (b.length() > 0) {
return b.toString();
public boolean isLabelVisible() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_LABEL_VISIBLE);
public void setLabelVisible(boolean labelVisible) {
setLabelVisible(labelVisible, LABEL_VISIBLE);
public void setLabelVisible(boolean visible, String dimension) {
m_labelVisible = LABEL_VISIBLE_BIT_HELPER.changeBit(dimension, visible, m_labelVisible);
public boolean isLabelVisible(String dimension) {
return LABEL_VISIBLE_BIT_HELPER.isBitSet(dimension, m_labelVisible);
* Do not use this internal method
protected void calculateLabelVisibleInternal() {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_LABEL_VISIBLE, NamedBitMaskHelper.allBitsSet(m_labelVisible));
public Object getProperty(String name) {
return propertySupport.getProperty(name);
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
propertySupport.setProperty(name, value);
public Permission getEnabledPermission() {
return m_enabledPermission;
public void setEnabledPermission(Permission p) {
m_enabledPermission = p;
boolean b = true;
if (p != null) {
b = BEANS.get(IAccessControlService.class).checkPermission(p);
public boolean isEnabledGranted() {
return isEnabled(IDimensions.ENABLED_GRANTED);
public void setEnabledGranted(boolean enabled) {
setEnabledGranted(enabled, false);
public void setEnabledGranted(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents) {
setEnabledGranted(enabled, updateParents, false);
public void setEnabledGranted(boolean enabled, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren) {
setEnabled(enabled, updateParents, updateChildren, IDimensions.ENABLED_GRANTED);
private void setEnabledSlave(boolean enabled) {
setEnabled(enabled, ENABLED_SLAVE);
public boolean getEnabledProperty() {
return isEnabled(IDimensions.ENABLED);
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
setEnabled(enabled, false);
if (enabled) {
public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled, final boolean updateParents) {
setEnabled(enabled, updateParents, false);
public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled, final boolean updateParents, final boolean updateChildren) {
setEnabled(enabled, updateParents, updateChildren, IDimensions.ENABLED);
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled, String dimension) {
setEnabled(enabled, false, dimension);
public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled, final boolean updateParents, final String dimension) {
setEnabled(enabled, updateParents, false, dimension);
public void setEnabled(final boolean enabled, final boolean updateParents, final boolean updateChildren, final String dimension) {
m_enabled = ENABLED_BIT_HELPER.changeBit(dimension, enabled, m_enabled);
if (enabled && updateParents) {
// also enable all parents
visitParents(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
field.setEnabled(true, dimension);
return true;
if (updateChildren) {
// propagate change to children
acceptVisitor(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
field.setEnabled(enabled, dimension);
return true;
}, 0, 0, false);
public boolean isEnabled(String dimension) {
return ENABLED_BIT_HELPER.isBitSet(dimension, m_enabled);
public boolean isEnabledIncludingParents() {
if (!isEnabled()) {
return false;
return visitParents(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
return field.isEnabled();
public boolean visitParents(IFormFieldVisitor v) {
return visitParents(v, -1);
protected boolean visitParents(IFormFieldVisitor v, int level) {
IFormField curField = this.getParentField();
IFormField lastField = this;
if (curField == null) {
curField = getOuterFormField(lastField);
if (curField == null) {
return true;
do {
lastField = curField;
boolean continueVisiting = v.visitField(curField, level, 0);
if (!continueVisiting) {
return false;
curField = curField.getParentField();
if (curField == null) {
curField = getOuterFormField(lastField);
while (curField != null);
return true;
protected IFormField getOuterFormField(IFormField owner) {
if (owner == null) {
return null;
IForm innerForm = owner.getForm();
if (innerForm == null) {
return null;
return innerForm.getOuterFormField();
* Do not use this internal method
protected void calculateEnabledInternal() {
final boolean enabled = NamedBitMaskHelper.allBitsSet(m_enabled);
boolean changed = propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_ENABLED, enabled);
if (!changed || !isInitialized()) {
// notify myself and children that their inherited value might have changed
acceptVisitor(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
if (field instanceof AbstractFormField) {
boolean b = (enabled ? field.isEnabledIncludingParents() : false);
((AbstractFormField) field).propertySupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_ENABLED_COMPUTED, !b, b);
return true;
}, 0, 0, true);
public boolean isEnabled() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_ENABLED);
public void setDisabledStyle(int disabledStyle) {
propertySupport.setPropertyInt(PROP_DISABLED_STYLE, disabledStyle);
public int getDisabledStyle() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyInt(PROP_DISABLED_STYLE);
public Permission getVisiblePermission() {
return m_visiblePermission;
public void setVisiblePermission(Permission p) {
m_visiblePermission = p;
boolean b = true;
if (p != null) {
b = BEANS.get(IAccessControlService.class).checkPermission(p);
* for thread-safety-reason this method is final
public final boolean isSaveNeeded() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_SAVE_NEEDED);
* Default implementation just calls {@link #interceptIsSaveNeeded()}<br>
* For thread-safety-reason this method is final
public final void checkSaveNeeded() {
if (isInitialized()) {
try {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_SAVE_NEEDED, isTouched() || interceptIsSaveNeeded());
catch (RuntimeException | PlatformError e) {
private boolean isTouched() {
return FLAGS_BIT_HELPER.isBitSet(TOUCHED, m_flags);
private void setTouched(boolean touched) {
m_flags = FLAGS_BIT_HELPER.changeBit(TOUCHED, touched, m_flags);
public void touch() {
* Default implementation does nothing
public final void markSaved() {
try {
catch (RuntimeException | PlatformError e) {
public final boolean isEmpty() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_EMPTY);
* Default implementation just calls {@link #interceptIsEmpty()}
protected final void checkEmpty() {
if (isInitialized()) {
try {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_EMPTY, interceptIsEmpty());
catch (RuntimeException | PlatformError e) {
public boolean isVisibleGranted() {
return isVisible(IDimensions.VISIBLE_GRANTED);
public void setVisibleGranted(boolean visible) {
setVisibleGranted(visible, false);
public void setVisibleGranted(boolean visible, boolean updateParents) {
setVisibleGranted(visible, updateParents, false);
public void setVisibleGranted(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren) {
setVisible(visible, updateParents, updateChildren, IDimensions.VISIBLE_GRANTED);
public boolean isVisible() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_VISIBLE);
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
setVisible(visible, false);
public void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents) {
setVisible(visible, updateParents, false);
public void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, boolean updateChildren) {
setVisible(visible, updateParents, updateChildren, IDimensions.VISIBLE);
public void setVisible(boolean visible, boolean updateParents, final String dimension) {
setVisible(visible, updateParents, false, dimension);
public void setVisible(final boolean visible, final boolean updateParents, final boolean updateChildren, final String dimension) {
m_visible = VISIBLE_BIT_HELPER.changeBit(dimension, visible, m_visible);
if (visible && updateParents) {
// also enable all parents
visitParents(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
field.setVisible(true, dimension);
return true;
if (updateChildren) {
// propagate change to children
acceptVisitor(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
field.setVisible(visible, dimension);
return true;
}, 0, 0, false);
public void setVisible(boolean visible, String dimension) {
setVisible(visible, false, dimension);
protected boolean execCalculateVisible() {
return true;
public boolean isVisible(String dimension) {
return VISIBLE_BIT_HELPER.isBitSet(dimension, m_visible);
public boolean isVisibleIncludingParents() {
if (!isVisible()) {
return false;
return visitParents(new IFormFieldVisitor() {
public boolean visitField(IFormField field, int level, int fieldIndex) {
return field.isVisible();
* Do not use this internal method
protected void calculateVisibleInternal() {
boolean changed = propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_VISIBLE, NamedBitMaskHelper.allBitsSet(m_visible) && interceptCalculateVisible());
if (!changed) {
IForm form = getForm();
if (form != null) {
public boolean isMandatory() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_MANDATORY);
public void setMandatory(boolean b) {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_MANDATORY, b);
public double getOrder() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyDouble(PROP_ORDER);
public void setOrder(double order) {
propertySupport.setPropertyDouble(PROP_ORDER, order);
public IMultiStatus getErrorStatus() {
final IMultiStatus ms = getErrorStatusInternal();
return (ms == null) ? null : new MultiStatus(ms);
* @return the live error status
protected MultiStatus getErrorStatusInternal() {
return (MultiStatus) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_ERROR_STATUS);
public void setErrorStatus(IMultiStatus status) {
setErrorStatusInternal(new MultiStatus(status));
protected void setErrorStatusInternal(MultiStatus status) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_ERROR_STATUS, status);
public void clearErrorStatus() {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_ERROR_STATUS, null);
public void addErrorStatus(String message) {
addErrorStatus(new DefaultFieldStatus(message));
* Adds an error status
public void addErrorStatus(IStatus newStatus) {
final MultiStatus status = ensureMultiStatus(getErrorStatusInternal());
// Create a copy, otherwise no PropertyChange event is fired
final MultiStatus copy = new MultiStatus(status);
* Remove IStatus of a specific type
public void removeErrorStatus(Class<? extends IStatus> statusClazz) {
final MultiStatus ms = getErrorStatusInternal();
if (ms != null && ms.containsStatus(statusClazz)) {
// Create a copy, otherwise no PropertyChange event is fired
final MultiStatus copy = new MultiStatus(ms);
if (copy.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
else {
private MultiStatus ensureMultiStatus(IStatus s) {
if (s instanceof MultiStatus) {
return (MultiStatus) s;
final MultiStatus ms = new MultiStatus();
if (s != null) {
return ms;
public IValidateContentDescriptor validateContent() {
if (!isContentValid()) {
return new ValidateFormFieldDescriptor(this);
return null;
public boolean isContentValid() {
return !hasError() && isMandatoryFulfilled();
public boolean isMandatoryFulfilled() {
return !isMandatory() || !isEmpty();
* @return true, if it contains an error status with severity >= IStatus.ERROR
protected boolean hasError() {
IStatus errorStatus = getErrorStatus();
return errorStatus != null && (errorStatus.getSeverity() >= IStatus.ERROR);
public void setTooltipText(String text) {
propertySupport.setPropertyString(PROP_TOOLTIP_TEXT, text);
public String getTooltipText() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyString(PROP_TOOLTIP_TEXT);
public String getCssClass() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyString(PROP_CSS_CLASS);
public void setCssClass(String cssClass) {
propertySupport.setPropertyString(PROP_CSS_CLASS, cssClass);
public void setForegroundColor(String c) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_FOREGROUND_COLOR, c);
public String getForegroundColor() {
return (String) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_FOREGROUND_COLOR);
public void setBackgroundColor(String c) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR, c);
public String getBackgroundColor() {
return (String) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
public void setFont(FontSpec f) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_FONT, f);
public FontSpec getFont() {
return (FontSpec) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_FONT);
public void setLabelForegroundColor(String c) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_LABEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, c);
public String getLabelForegroundColor() {
return (String) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_LABEL_FOREGROUND_COLOR);
public void setLabelBackgroundColor(String c) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, c);
public String getLabelBackgroundColor() {
return (String) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_LABEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
public void setLabelFont(FontSpec f) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_LABEL_FONT, f);
public FontSpec getLabelFont() {
return (FontSpec) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_LABEL_FONT);
public GridData getGridData() {
return (GridData) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_GRID_DATA);
public void setGridDataInternal(GridData data) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_GRID_DATA, data);
public GridData getGridDataHints() {
return new GridData((GridData) propertySupport.getProperty(PROP_GRID_DATA_HINTS));
public void setGridDataHints(GridData hints) {
propertySupport.setProperty(PROP_GRID_DATA_HINTS, new GridData((GridData) hints));
public void requestFocus() {
IForm form = getForm();
if (form != null) {
public void setFocusable(boolean b) {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_FOCUSABLE, b);
public boolean isFocusable() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_FOCUSABLE);
public void requestInput() {
IForm form = getForm();
if (form != null) {
public void setPreventInitialFocus(boolean preventInitialFocus) {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_PREVENT_INITIAL_FOCUS, preventInitialFocus);
public boolean isPreventInitialFocus() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_PREVENT_INITIAL_FOCUS);
public void setMasterField(IValueField field) {
IValueField oldMasterField = getMasterField();
// remove old listener
if (oldMasterField != null && m_currentMasterListener != null) {
m_currentMasterListener = null;
// add new listener and set enabling
if (field != null) {
m_currentMasterListener = new P_MasterListener();
setEnabledSlave(field.getValue() != null || !isMasterRequired());
m_masterField = field;
public IValueField getMasterField() {
return m_masterField;
// commodity helper
public Object getMasterValue() {
if (getMasterField() != null) {
return getMasterField().getValue();
return null;
public void setMasterRequired(boolean masterRequired) {
m_flags = FLAGS_BIT_HELPER.changeBit(MASTER_REQUIRED, masterRequired, m_flags);
public boolean isMasterRequired() {
public void updateKeyStrokes() {
m_objectExtensions.runInExtensionContext(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
m_contributionHolder.resetContributionsByClass(AbstractFormField.this, IKeyStroke.class);
List<IKeyStroke> keyStrokes = initLocalKeyStrokes();
propertySupport.setPropertyList(PROP_KEY_STROKES, keyStrokes);
protected List<IKeyStroke> initLocalKeyStrokes() {
List<Class<? extends IKeyStroke>> configuredKeyStrokes = getConfiguredKeyStrokes();
List<IKeyStroke> contributedKeyStrokes = m_contributionHolder.getContributionsByClass(IKeyStroke.class);
Map<String, IKeyStroke> ksMap = new HashMap<String, IKeyStroke>(configuredKeyStrokes.size() + contributedKeyStrokes.size());
for (Class<? extends IKeyStroke> keystrokeClazz : configuredKeyStrokes) {
IKeyStroke ks = ConfigurationUtility.newInnerInstance(this, keystrokeClazz);
if (ks.getKeyStroke() != null) {
ksMap.put(ks.getKeyStroke().toUpperCase(), ks);
for (IKeyStroke ks : contributedKeyStrokes) {
try {
if (ks.getKeyStroke() != null) {
ksMap.put(ks.getKeyStroke().toUpperCase(), ks);
catch (Exception e) {
BEANS.get(ExceptionHandler.class).handle(new ProcessingException("error initializing key stroke '" + ks.getClass().getName() + "'.", e));
return CollectionUtility.arrayListWithoutNullElements(ksMap.values());
public List<IKeyStroke> getKeyStrokes() {
return CollectionUtility.arrayList(propertySupport.<IKeyStroke> getPropertyList(PROP_KEY_STROKES));
public boolean isStatusVisible() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_STATUS_VISIBLE);
public void setStatusVisible(boolean statusVisible) {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_STATUS_VISIBLE, statusVisible);
public String getStatusPosition() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyString(PROP_STATUS_POSITION);
public void setStatusPosition(String statusPosition) {
propertySupport.setPropertyString(PROP_STATUS_POSITION, statusPosition);
public void setLoading(boolean loading) {
propertySupport.setPropertyBool(PROP_LOADING, loading);
public boolean isLoading() {
return propertySupport.getPropertyBool(PROP_LOADING);
private class P_MasterListener implements MasterListener {
public void masterChanged(Object newMasterValue) {
// only active if the unique listener itself
if (this == m_currentMasterListener) {
setEnabledSlave(newMasterValue != null || !isMasterRequired());
try {
catch (RuntimeException | PlatformError e) {
* The extension delegating to the local methods. This Extension is always at the end of the chain and will not call
* any further chain elements.
protected static class LocalFormFieldExtension<OWNER extends AbstractFormField> extends AbstractExtension<OWNER> implements IFormFieldExtension<OWNER> {
public LocalFormFieldExtension(OWNER owner) {
public void execDataChanged(FormFieldDataChangedChain chain, Object... dataTypes) {
public void execAddSearchTerms(FormFieldAddSearchTermsChain chain, SearchFilter search) {
public void execChangedMasterValue(FormFieldChangedMasterValueChain chain, Object newMasterValue) {
public void execDisposeField(FormFieldDisposeFieldChain chain) {
public void execInitField(FormFieldInitFieldChain chain) {
public boolean execCalculateVisible(FormFieldCalculateVisibleChain chain) {
return getOwner().execCalculateVisible();
public void execMarkSaved(FormFieldMarkSavedChain chain) {
public boolean execIsEmpty(FormFieldIsEmptyChain chain) {
return getOwner().execIsEmpty();
public boolean execIsSaveNeeded(FormFieldIsSaveNeededChain chain) {
return getOwner().execIsSaveNeeded();
protected final void interceptDataChanged(Object... dataTypes) {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldDataChangedChain chain = new FormFieldDataChangedChain(extensions);
protected final void interceptAddSearchTerms(SearchFilter search) {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldAddSearchTermsChain chain = new FormFieldAddSearchTermsChain(extensions);
protected final void interceptChangedMasterValue(Object newMasterValue) {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldChangedMasterValueChain chain = new FormFieldChangedMasterValueChain(extensions);
protected final void interceptDisposeField() {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldDisposeFieldChain chain = new FormFieldDisposeFieldChain(extensions);
protected final void interceptInitField() {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldInitFieldChain chain = new FormFieldInitFieldChain(extensions);
protected final boolean interceptCalculateVisible() {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldCalculateVisibleChain chain = new FormFieldCalculateVisibleChain(extensions);
return chain.execCalculateVisible();
protected final void interceptMarkSaved() {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldMarkSavedChain chain = new FormFieldMarkSavedChain(extensions);
protected final boolean interceptIsEmpty() {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldIsEmptyChain chain = new FormFieldIsEmptyChain(extensions);
return chain.execIsEmpty();
protected final boolean interceptIsSaveNeeded() {
List<? extends IFormFieldExtension<? extends AbstractFormField>> extensions = getAllExtensions();
FormFieldIsSaveNeededChain chain = new FormFieldIsSaveNeededChain(extensions);
return chain.execIsSaveNeeded();