blob: 539862a4f680f81e3ddf75b14f232f4b78bb140b [file] [log] [blame]
# find list of maven dependencies and check the result against existing eclipse cqs
# (1) create list of dependencies (in org.eclipse.scout.rt root directory): mvn dependency:list 2>&1 | tee dependencies.txt
# (2) run this script: python dependencies.txt | cut -d' ' -f2- | sort -u
import sys
cq_approved = {
'com.sun.mail:javax.mail:jar': '',
cq_approved_version = {
'com.sun.mail:javax.mail:jar:1.5.5': '',
def printf(format, *args):
sys.stdout.write(format % args)
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
# process line
items = line.split()
if(items[0] == '[INFO]'):
lastToken = items[-1]
# skip over org.eclipse.* stuff
if(lastToken.startswith('org.eclipse.jetty') or lastToken.startswith('org.eclipse.scout') or lastToken.startswith('org.eclipse.aether') or lastToken.startswith('org.eclipse.sisu')):
printf('%s %s %s %s\n', 'compile', 'CQ_OK_ECLIPSE', lastToken, '<none>')
if(lastToken.endswith(':compile') or lastToken.endswith(':test') or lastToken.endswith(':provided')):
dependency = lastToken.split(':')
jar = ':'.join(dependency[:-2])
jar_version = ':'.join(dependency[:-1])
status = 'CQ_MISSING'
cq_link = ''
# special case for batik
if(jar_version.startswith('org.apache.xmlgraphics:batik-') and jar_version.endswith(':jar:1.7')):
status = 'CQ_BATIK'
cq_link = '<no link for this one>'
if(jar in cq_approved):
status = 'CQ_BAD_VERSION'
cq_link = cq_approved[jar]
if(jar_version in cq_approved_version):
status = 'CQ_OK'
cq_link = cq_approved_version[jar_version]
printf('%s %s %s %s\n', dependency[-1], status, jar_version, cq_link)