blob: 90a21996e6a3234289391494c7bdb0940273874b [file] [log] [blame]
24.08.2011 imo
bsi ticket 102089, bug 355669
When a listbox or treebox is checkable=true then it shows checkmarks as icons.
However if the listbox also has an icon defined either directly on the listbox
or via its data provider (codetype/lookupcall), then this icon is not shown.
In this (rare) case both icons are displayed as a composite icon.
25.08.2011 dwi
BSI ticket #105'026
Default font specific issues in HTML cleanup which is applied to the HTML text prior being provided to AbstractHtmlField:
- Application specific default font settings should always be applied to body style definition if not specified yet
- default font size unit on SWT should be pt instead of px
- precedence of font-families should be supported in default font settings
- Changed HTMLUtility#cleanupHtml(..) to ensure default font settings to be contained in CSS style definition
- changed default font size unit in AbstractSwtEnvironment#createDefaultFontSettings(Control) to pt
Plug-Ins changed:
- org.eclipse.scout.commons
- org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swt
- org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.swing
- org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap
21.12.2011 sle
The Flag enabledAsReadOnly was introduced ca. two years ago. The "true" case is
today standard, also in all other ui reprecentations. As the naming is not
realy clear the idea came up, to remove this flag alltogether. All internal
projects are ok with this.
Removed extension point element “enableBehaviour”.
Plug-Ins changed: org.eclipse.scout.rt.ui.rap
Migration: Remove extension point “enableBehaviour” in projects rap-bundle.
12.01.2012 imo
Bugzilla: 364574
New busy handling facility
The default rwt implementation RwtBusyHandler is attached in AbstractRwtEnvironment.attachBusyHandler.
It shows a wait cursor for 3 seconds and then blocks all views/dialog of the same IClientSession.
07.02.2012 abr
Bugzilla: 370798
memory leak in KeyStrokeManager
Several Scout RWT composites register key strokes on the KeyStorkeManager. A widget and all its key strokes
are put into maps on the KeyStrokeManager. They are however not always removed when the widget is disposed.
Hence the KeyStrokeManager keeps references and prevents the garbage collection of disposed UI and model objects.
Migration: None
08.02.2012 imo
Added ui property to set minimum width of tool forms on right side