blob: ae20962d125605744f3d59b4c04c45ff036b4273 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.columns;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.ITypeWithClassId;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.annotations.IOrdered;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.beans.IPropertyObserver;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.exception.ProcessingException;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.IHtmlCapable;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.ColumnSet;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.IHeaderCell;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.ITable;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.basic.table.ITableRow;
import org.eclipse.scout.rt.client.ui.form.fields.IFormField;
public interface IColumn<VALUE> extends IPropertyObserver, ITypeWithClassId, IOrdered, IHtmlCapable {
* type boolean
String PROP_VISIBLE = "visible";// defined as: visibleGranted &&
// displayable && visibleProperty
* type boolean
String PROP_DISPLAYABLE = "displayable";
* type int
String PROP_WIDTH = "width";
* type boolean
String PROP_FIXED_WIDTH = "fixedWidth";
* type int
String PROP_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX_HINT = "viewColumnIndexHint";
* type {@link String}
String PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "backgroundColor";
* type {@link String}
String PROP_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "foregroundColor";
* type {@link ScoutFont}
String PROP_FONT = "font";
* type int
String PROP_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT = "horizontalAlignment";
* type boolean
String PROP_AUTO_OPTIMIZE_WIDTH = "autoOptimizeWidth";
String PROP_EDITABLE = "editable";
String PROP_VIEW_ORDER = "viewOrder";
void initColumn() throws ProcessingException;
void disposeColumn() throws ProcessingException;
void setVisiblePermission(Permission p);
boolean isVisibleGranted();
void setVisibleGranted(boolean b);
int getColumnIndex();
* the field ID is the simple class name of a column without the suffix "Column"
String getColumnId();
ITable getTable();
int compareTableRows(ITableRow r1, ITableRow r2);
VALUE getValue(int rowIndex);
VALUE getValue(ITableRow r);
List<VALUE> getValues(Collection<? extends ITableRow> rows);
* <p>
* Updates the value of the given row.
* </p>
* <p>
* If any cell editor is active, editing is canceled and it's value rejected.
* </p>
* @param r
* @param value
* @throws ProcessingException
void setValue(ITableRow r, VALUE value) throws ProcessingException;
* <p>
* Updates the value of the given row.
* </p>
* <p>
* If any cell editor is active, editing is canceled and it's value rejected.
* </p>
* @param r
* @param value
* @throws ProcessingException
void setValue(int rowIndex, VALUE value) throws ProcessingException;
* fill all values in this column with the new value
void fill(VALUE rawValue) throws ProcessingException;
List<VALUE> getValues();
List<VALUE> getValues(boolean includeDeleted);
List<VALUE> getSelectedValues();
List<VALUE> getInsertedValues();
List<VALUE> getUpdatedValues();
List<VALUE> getDeletedValues();
List<VALUE> getNotDeletedValues();
* @return display text for this row's cell on this column
String getDisplayText(ITableRow r);
* @return display texts for all row's cells on this column
List<String> getDisplayTexts();
* @return display text for selected row's cell on this column
String getSelectedDisplayText();
* @return display texts for all selected row's cells on this column
List<String> getSelectedDisplayTexts();
Class<VALUE> getDataType();
* first selected value
VALUE getSelectedValue();
List<ITableRow> findRows(Collection<? extends VALUE> values);
List<ITableRow> findRows(VALUE value);
ITableRow findRow(VALUE value);
* @return true if column contains value at least one time
boolean contains(VALUE value);
* @return true if column is not unique, that means at least one value occurs
* more than one time
boolean containsDuplicateValues();
* @return true if column contains no values or all values are null
boolean isEmpty();
IHeaderCell getHeaderCell();
int getInitialWidth();
void setInitialWidth(int w);
boolean isInitialVisible();
void setInitialVisible(boolean b);
* @deprecated Will be removed in the 6.0 Release. Use {@link IColumn#getOrder()} instead.
double getViewOrder();
* @deprecated Will be removed in the 6.0 Release. Use {@link IColumn#setOrder(double)} instead.
void setViewOrder(double order);
int getInitialSortIndex();
void setInitialSortIndex(int i);
boolean isInitialSortAscending();
void setInitialSortAscending(boolean b);
boolean isInitialAlwaysIncludeSortAtBegin();
void setInitialAlwaysIncludeSortAtBegin(boolean b);
boolean isInitialAlwaysIncludeSortAtEnd();
void setInitialAlwaysIncludeSortAtEnd(boolean b);
int getWidth();
void setWidth(int w);
* set the width of the column without firing events
void setWidthInternal(int w);
* @return <code>true</code>, if the column width is fixed, meaning that it is not changed by resizing/auto-resizing
* and cannot be resized by the user.
boolean isFixedWidth();
void setFixedWidth(boolean fixedWidth);
int getVisibleColumnIndexHint();
void setVisibleColumnIndexHint(int index);
* A column is presented to the user in the table when it is displayable AND
* visible<br>
* this column is basically displayable to the user<br>
* this property is used in combination with isVisible
boolean isDisplayable();
void setDisplayable(boolean b);
* @return Returns whether the column is visible to the user using the three properties
* visible, dispalyable and visiblePermission.
boolean isVisible();
void setVisible(boolean b);
* @return Returns the column's internal visible state that does no take
* permissions or the displayable property into account. This method is used by
* the framework only.
* @see IColumn#isVisible()
boolean isVisibleInternal();
* the value in this column is part of the row primary key
boolean isPrimaryKey();
* the value in this column is part of the row summary text (for example in a
* explorer tree node)
boolean isSummary();
boolean isEditable();
void setEditable(boolean editable);
* @return true if this cell (row, column) is editable <b>and</b> the column is editable {@link #isEditable()}
* <p>
* It does NOT check if the column is visible, this is done in {@link ITable#isCellEditable(int, int)} et al.
* <p>
* Note that this is not a java bean method and thus not thread-safe
boolean isCellEditable(ITableRow row);
String getForegroundColor();
void setForegroundColor(String c);
String getBackgroundColor();
void setBackgroundColor(String c);
FontSpec getFont();
void setFont(FontSpec f);
void setHorizontalAlignment(int hAglin);
* <0 for left alignment 0 for center alignment and > 0 for right alignment.
* This alignment is used for header cell and all column cells. Cell specific alignments can be
* applied by overriding the decorateCell methods.
int getHorizontalAlignment();
* <p>
* When doing single column sort, all previous columns are kept as implicit history and are marked sortExplicit=false
* <p>
* When doing multi-column sort, all columns are kept as explicit history and are marked sortExplicit=true
* <p>
* Convenience for {@link IHeaderCell#isSortExplicit()}
boolean isSortExplicit();
* Convenience for {@link IHeaderCell#isSortActive()}
boolean isSortActive();
* Convenience to find out if a filter is active
boolean isColumnFilterActive();
* Convenience for {@link IHeaderCell#isSortPermanent()}
boolean isSortPermanent();
* Convenience for {@link IHeaderCell#isSortAscending()}
boolean isSortAscending();
* Convenience for {@link ColumnSet#getSortColumns()} and finding the index
int getSortIndex();
* @param rawValue
* @return value in correct type, derived from rawValue
* @throws ProcessingException
* parse AND validate value
VALUE/* validValue */parseValue(ITableRow row, Object rawValue) throws ProcessingException;
* validate cell value on a row
VALUE/* validValue */validateValue(ITableRow row, VALUE rawValue) throws ProcessingException;
* Prepare editing of a cell in the table.
* <p>
* Cell editing is canceled (normally by typing escape) or saved (normally by clicking another cell, typing enter).
* <p>
* When saved, the method {@link #completeEdit(ITableRow, IFormField)} is called on this column.
* @param row
* on which editing occurs
* @return a field for editing, use super.{@link #prepareEdit(ITableRow)} for the default implementation.
IFormField prepareEdit(ITableRow row) throws ProcessingException;
* Complete editing of a cell
void completeEdit(ITableRow row, IFormField editingField) throws ProcessingException;
void decorateCell(ITableRow row);
void decorateHeaderCell();
* true: Whenever table content changes, automatically calculate optimized column width so that all column content is
* displayed without
* cropping.
* <p>
* This may display a horizontal scroll bar on the table.
* <p>
* This feature is not supported in SWT and RWT since SWT does not offer such an api method.
boolean isAutoOptimizeWidth();
* see {@link #isAutoOptimizeWidth()}
void setAutoOptimizeWidth(boolean optimize);
boolean isMandatory();
void setMandatory(boolean mandatory);