blob: c97345aa7745a04cd9104baed0fe0c294b8f7e27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SuffixConstants;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.IScoutRuntimeTypes;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkException;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkLog;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.job.AbstractJob;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls.NlsCore;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls.internal.ui.formatter.InputValidator;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.nls.project.INlsProject;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.util.S2eUtils;
* <h3>{@link NlsFindMissingKeysJob}</h3>
* <p>
* Searches for NLS keys that are used in the code but do not exist.
* @since 7.0.100
public class NlsFindMissingKeysJob extends AbstractJob {
private final Map<String, Collection<Pattern>> m_patternsByFileType;
private final Map<IJavaProject, Set<String>> m_existingKeys;
private final List<Match> m_matches;
private final List<Match> m_errorMatches;
private final String m_textClassName;
public NlsFindMissingKeysJob() {
super("Search for text keys that are used but do not exist.");
m_existingKeys = new HashMap<>();
m_matches = new ArrayList<>();
m_errorMatches = new ArrayList<>();
m_patternsByFileType = new HashMap<>();
final String nlsKeyPattern = InputValidator.REGEX_NLS_KEY_NAME.pattern();
final Pattern jsonTextKeyPat = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{textKey:(" + nlsKeyPattern + ')');
final Pattern jsTextKeyPat = Pattern.compile("session\\.text\\(('?)(" + nlsKeyPattern + ")('?)");
m_patternsByFileType.put(SuffixConstants.EXTENSION_java, Collections.singletonList(Pattern.compile("TEXTS\\.get\\((\"?)(" + nlsKeyPattern + ")(\"?)")));
m_patternsByFileType.put("json", Collections.singletonList(jsonTextKeyPat));
m_patternsByFileType.put("js", Arrays.asList(jsTextKeyPat, jsonTextKeyPat));
m_patternsByFileType.put("html", Arrays.asList(Pattern.compile("\\<scout:message key=\"(" + nlsKeyPattern + ")\"\\s*/?\\>"), jsTextKeyPat, jsonTextKeyPat));
m_textClassName = Signature.getSimpleName(IScoutRuntimeTypes.TEXTS) + SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_STRING_java;
private static Set<String> keysVisibleFrom(final IJavaProject jp) {
if (!S2eUtils.exists(jp)) {
return emptySet();
final INlsProject nlsProject = NlsCore.getNlsWorkspace().getNlsProject(jp);
if (nlsProject == null) {
return emptySet();
return nlsProject.getAllKeys();
protected void execute(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
new JavaProjectsWalker(getName())
.walk(this::searchInFile, monitor);
protected boolean isInterestingPath(final Path p, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
if (attrs.isDirectory()) {
// skip tests && archetype resources
return !p.endsWith("src/test") && !p.endsWith("archetype-resources") && !p.endsWith("generated-resources");
return !p.endsWith(m_textClassName);
protected void searchInFile(final WorkspaceFile file) {
if (!file.inWorkspace().isPresent()) {
SdkLog.warning("File '{}' could not be found in the current Eclipse Workspace.", file.path());
final String fileName = file.path().getFileName().toString().toLowerCase();
final int lastDotPos = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
final String extension = fileName.substring(lastDotPos + 1);
final Collection<Pattern> patterns = m_patternsByFileType.get(extension);
if (patterns == null || patterns.isEmpty()) {
throw new SdkException("Unexpected: no pattern for file: " + file.path());
for (final Pattern p : patterns) {
final Matcher matcher = p.matcher(CharBuffer.wrap(file.content()));
while (matcher.find()) {
final int keyGroup;
if (matcher.groupCount() > 1) {
// pattern with optional literal delimiter: '"' for java, ''' for js
// check if the literal delimiter is present. if not present: not possible to detect the real key -> add to error list.
keyGroup = 2;
final boolean noLiteral = StringUtils.isEmpty( || StringUtils.isEmpty(;
if (noLiteral) {
registerMatch(file, matcher, m_errorMatches, keyGroup);
else {
// pattern without literal delimiter
keyGroup = 1;
final String key =;
if (!keyExists(file.inWorkspace().get().getProject(), key)) {
registerMatch(file, matcher, m_matches, keyGroup);
protected boolean keyExists(final IProject context, final String key) {
return m_existingKeys
.computeIfAbsent(JavaCore.create(context), NlsFindMissingKeysJob::keysVisibleFrom)
protected static Match registerMatch(final WorkspaceFile file, final MatchResult matcher, final Collection<Match> targetList, final int keyGroup) {
final int index = matcher.start(keyGroup);
final Match match = new Match(file.inWorkspace().get(), index, matcher.end(keyGroup) - index);
return match;
public List<Match> matches() {
return unmodifiableList(m_matches);
public List<Match> errors() {
return unmodifiableList(m_errorMatches);