blob: ce8636a25e70f4cc34689b3c967931b01908c0bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2020 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2i
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module
import com.intellij.openapi.module.ModuleUtil
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.EmptyProgressIndicator
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.JavaSdk
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ModuleRootManager
import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ProjectFileIndex
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtil
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile
import com.intellij.psi.*
import com.intellij.psi.util.InheritanceUtil
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil
import com.intellij.structuralsearch.*
import com.intellij.structuralsearch.plugin.util.CollectingMatchResultSink
import com.intellij.util.CollectionQuery
import com.intellij.util.Query
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.log.SdkLog
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.log.SdkLog.onTrace
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.api.IJavaEnvironment
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.model.api.IType
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.IScoutRuntimeTypes
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.environment.IEnvironment
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.s.environment.IProgress
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.FinalValue
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.JavaTypes
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.SdkException
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.visitor.IBreadthFirstVisitor
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.visitor.TreeTraversals
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.visitor.TreeVisitResult
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2i.environment.IdeaEnvironment
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2i.environment.IdeaEnvironment.Factory.computeInReadAction
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2i.environment.IdeaProgress
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2i.environment.model.JavaEnvironmentWithIdea
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.function.Function
import java.util.regex.Pattern
private val useLegacyMatcher: FinalValue<Boolean> = FinalValue()
* @return The [PsiClass] corresponding to this [IType].
fun IType.resolvePsi(): PsiClass? {
val module = this.javaEnvironment().toIdea().module
return computeInReadAction(module.project) {
fun ProgressIndicator.toScoutProgress(): IdeaProgress = IdeaProgress(this)
* @return the module source root (source folder) or library source root in which this PsiElement exists.
fun PsiElement.resolveSourceRoot(): VirtualFile? {
return this.containingFile
?.let { ProjectFileIndex.getInstance(this.project).getSourceRootForFile(it) }
* Converts this [PsiClass] into its corresponding Scout [IType].
* If the [PsiClass] is within a file in the [Project] (part of the project sources), the classpath of the parent module is used to resolve the Scout [IType].
* If not in the [Project] files and [returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem] is true, the [PsiClass] will be resolved based on the classpath of a [Module] that contains this [PsiClass]. It is undefined which [Module] exactly that is used.
* If not in the [Project] files and [returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem] is false, null is returned (no attempt is performed to resolve the [PsiClass]).
* @param returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem specifies how to handle [PsiClass]es which are not part of the [Project] files (see above). The default is true.
* @return The [IType] corresponding to this [PsiClass].
fun PsiClass.toScoutType(env: IdeaEnvironment, returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem: Boolean = true): IType? =
?.let { env.toScoutJavaEnvironment(it) }
?.let { toScoutType(it) }
* @param env The [IJavaEnvironment] in which the type should be searched.
* @return The [IType] within the given [IJavaEnvironment] that corresponds to this [PsiClass]
fun PsiClass.toScoutType(env: IJavaEnvironment): IType? {
val fqn = computeInReadAction(this.project) { this.qualifiedName }
return env.findType(fqn).orElse(null)
* Tries to find a declaring [PsiClass] which is instanceof the given [typeFilterFqn].
* @param typeFilterFqn The filter condition. The first declaring class which has a type with this fully qualified name in its super hierarchy is returned.
* @param acceptExtensionOwner Specifies how to handle IExtensions: if true and a declaring class is an extension, the extension owner is evaluated as well.
* If it fulfills the type filter it is returned. The default is false.
* @return The first [PsiClass] in the declaring classes of this [PsiElement] that fulfills the given type filter honoring extension owners if requested.
fun PsiElement.findEnclosingClass(typeFilterFqn: String, acceptExtensionOwner: Boolean = false): PsiClass? {
var place: PsiElement = this
val module = containingModule()
while (place !is PsiFile) {
if (place is PsiClass) {
if (place.isInstanceOf(typeFilterFqn)) {
return place
if (acceptExtensionOwner && place.isInstanceOf(IScoutRuntimeTypes.IExtension)) {
val extensionOwner = place.resolveTypeArgument(IScoutRuntimeTypes.TYPE_PARAM_EXTENSION__OWNER, IScoutRuntimeTypes.IExtension)
?.let { module?.findTypeByName(it) }
if (extensionOwner != null && extensionOwner.isInstanceOf(typeFilterFqn)) {
return extensionOwner
place = place.parent
return null
* Gets the [PsiType] of the type argument which is declared by the [levelFqn] given at the [typeParamIndex] given.
* @param typeParamIndex The zero based index of the type parameter as declared by the the class [levelFqn].
* @param levelFqn The fully qualified name of the class declaring the type parameter. This class must be a super type of this [PsiClass].
* @return The [PsiType] of the type parameter specified in the context of this [PsiClass].
fun PsiClass.resolveTypeArgument(typeParamIndex: Int, levelFqn: String): PsiType? {
var result: PsiType? = null
for (superType in superTypes) {
InheritanceUtil.processSuperTypes(superType, true) {
if (levelFqn == JavaTypes.erasure(it.getCanonicalText(false))) {
result = it.resolveTypeArgument(typeParamIndex)
return@processSuperTypes false
return@processSuperTypes true
return result
* Resolves the type argument of this [PsiType] having the given index.
* @param index The zero based index of the type argument to return.
* @return the [PsiType] of the type argument with the given index or null if no such type argument exists.
fun PsiType.resolveTypeArgument(index: Int): PsiType? {
val resolveResult = PsiUtil.resolveGenericsClassInType(this)
if (!resolveResult.isValidResult) {
return null
return resolveResult.substitutor.substitutionMap.entries
.filter { it.key.index == index }
.map { it.value }
* Gets the [Module] of the receiver.
* @param returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem specifies how to handle [PsiElement]s which are not part of the [Project] files (e.g. exist in a library).
* If true, querying the [Module] for such an element will return an instance that includes the [PsiElement] in its classpath.
* If false only files in the [Project] will return a [Module].
* @return The [Module] in which this [PsiElement] exists.
fun PsiElement.containingModule(returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem: Boolean = true): Module? {
val isInProject = containingFile?.virtualFile?.isInLocalFileSystem ?: true /* a psi element which has not a file (e.g. PsiDirectory) */
if (!returnReferencingModuleIfNotInFilesystem && !isInProject) {
return null
val searchElement = if (isInProject) this else containingFile ?: this
return computeInReadAction(this.project) {
.takeIf { it.isValid }
?.let { ModuleUtil.findModuleForPsiElement(searchElement) }
fun IProgress.toIdea(): IdeaProgress = this as IdeaProgress
* @return true if this [Module] has a Java SDK.
fun Module.isJavaModule(): Boolean = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(this).sdk?.sdkType == JavaSdk.getInstance()
fun IEnvironment.toIdea(): IdeaEnvironment = this as IdeaEnvironment
fun IJavaEnvironment.toIdea(): JavaEnvironmentWithIdea = this.unwrap() as JavaEnvironmentWithIdea
* @param scope The scope in which the PsiClasses should be searched.
* @param checkDeep true if deep search should be performed.
* @param includeAnonymous true if anonymous sub classes should be returned as well.
* @param includeRoot true if the root [PsiClass] should be returned as well.
* @return all sub types of this [PsiClass] that fulfill the given filter options.
fun PsiClass.newSubTypeHierarchy(scope: SearchScope, checkDeep: Boolean, includeAnonymous: Boolean, includeRoot: Boolean): Query<PsiClass> {
val children =, scope, checkDeep, true, includeAnonymous)
if (!includeRoot) {
return children
val resultWithRoot = children.findAll()
return CollectionQuery(resultWithRoot)
* @return The [VirtualFile] that corresponds to this [Path].
fun Path.toVirtualFile() = VfsUtil.findFile(this, true)
?.takeIf { it.isValid }
* @param annotation The fully qualified name of the annotation the class must have.
* @param scope The scope in which the classes should be searched.
* @param indicator An optional indicator to report progress.
* @return All PsiClasses within the given [scope] that have an annotation with the given fully qualified name.
fun Project.findAllTypesAnnotatedWith(annotation: String, scope: SearchScope, indicator: ProgressIndicator? = null): Sequence<PsiClass> {
val options = MatchOptions()
options.dialect = JavaLanguage.INSTANCE
options.isCaseSensitiveMatch = true
options.isRecursiveSearch = true
options.scope = scope
options.searchPattern = "@$annotation( )\nclass \$Class\$ {}"
val constraint = MatchVariableConstraint() = "Class"
return structuralSearch(options, indicator)
.map { it.match }
.filter { it.isValid }
.filter { it.isPhysical }
.filter { it is PsiClass }
.map { it as PsiClass }
* Performs the given structural search query.
* @param query The search to execute
* @param indicator An optional indicator to report progress
* @return A [MatchResult] sequence
fun Project.structuralSearch(query: MatchOptions, indicator: ProgressIndicator?): Sequence<MatchResult> {
val progress = indicator ?: EmptyProgressIndicator()
val result = object : CollectingMatchResultSink() {
override fun getProgressIndicator(): ProgressIndicator {
return progress
findMatches(Matcher(this, query), result, query)
return result.matches.asSequence()
private fun findMatches(matcher: Matcher, result: MatchResultSink, options: MatchOptions) {
// sample taken from com.intellij.structuralsearch.plugin.ui.SearchCommand
// the API is different in IntelliJ 19x than in 20x
try {
if (useLegacyMatcher.computeIfAbsentAndGet { isUseLegacyMatcher() }) {
findMatchesLegacy(matcher, result, options)
} else {
findMatchesNew(matcher, result)
} catch (e: InvocationTargetException) {
throw expandInvocationTargetException(e)
private fun expandInvocationTargetException(e: InvocationTargetException): RuntimeException {
var original: Throwable? = e
while (original is InvocationTargetException) {
original = e.cause
if (original is RuntimeException) {
return original
return SdkException(original)
// Can be removed if the supported min. IJ version is 2020.1
private fun isUseLegacyMatcher() =
try {
} catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) {
SdkLog.debug("Using legacy structural search API", onTrace(e))
private fun findMatchesMethodNew() ="findMatches",
private fun findMatchesMethodLegacy() ="findMatches",,
private fun findMatchesNew(matcher: Matcher, result: MatchResultSink) = findMatchesMethodNew().invoke(matcher, result)
private fun findMatchesLegacy(matcher: Matcher, result: MatchResultSink, options: MatchOptions) = findMatchesMethodLegacy().invoke(matcher, result, options)
* Finds all PsiClasses in this project having the given fully qualified name.
* @param fqn The fully qualified name to search
* @return A [Set] with all [PsiClass] instances having the given fully qualified name.
fun Project.findTypesByName(fqn: String) = findTypesByName(fqn, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(this))
* Gets all [PsiClass] instances in the [GlobalSearchScope] given with the fully qualified name specified.
* @param fqn The fully qualified name to search
* @param scope The scope filter
* @return all PsiClasses within the given [GlobalSearchScope] having the given fully qualified name.
fun Project.findTypesByName(fqn: String, scope: GlobalSearchScope) =
computeInReadAction(this) { JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(this).findClasses(fqn, scope) }
.filter { it.isValid }
* Gets the [PsiClass] from the classpath of this [Module] having the give fully qualified name
* @param fqn The fully qualified name to search
* @return the [PsiClass] from the classpath of this [Module] having the give fully qualified name
fun Module.findTypeByName(fqn: String) = project.findTypesByName(fqn, moduleWithDependenciesAndLibrariesScope(this, true)).firstOrNull()
* @return A [Path] representing this [VirtualFile].
fun VirtualFile.getNioPath(): Path = VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(this).toPath() // don't use toNioPath as method name because this name already exists in VirtualFile since IJ 2020.2. Can be removed if IJ 2020.2 is the oldest supported release.
* @return The [Module] within the given [Project] in which this file exists.
fun VirtualFile.containingModule(project: Project) = ProjectFileIndex.getInstance(project).getModuleForFile(this)
* @return The directory [Path] of this [Module].
fun Module.moduleDirPath(): Path = Paths.get(ModuleUtil.getModuleDirPath(this))
* Executes the given [IBreadthFirstVisitor] on all super classes. The starting [PsiClass] is visited as well.
* @param visitor The [IBreadthFirstVisitor] to execute.
* @return The result from the last call to the visitor.
fun PsiClass.visitSupers(visitor: IBreadthFirstVisitor<PsiClass>): TreeVisitResult {
val supplier: Function<PsiClass, Stream<out PsiClass>> = Function { a -> }
return TreeTraversals.create(visitor, supplier).traverse(this)
* Checks if this [PsiClass] has at least one of the given fully qualified names in its super hierarchy.
* @param parentFqn The fully qualified names to check
* @return true if this [PsiClass] is instanceof at least one of the names given.
fun PsiClass.isInstanceOf(vararg parentFqn: String): Boolean = computeInReadAction(project) {
val visitor: IBreadthFirstVisitor<PsiClass> = IBreadthFirstVisitor { element, _, _ ->
if (parentFqn.contains(element.qualifiedName))
visitSupers(visitor) == TreeVisitResult.TERMINATE
* Replaces every subsequence of the [text] that matches this
* pattern with the result of applying the given [replacer] function to the
* match result of this pattern corresponding to that subsequence.
* Exceptions thrown by the function are relayed to the caller.
* <p> It then scans the [text] looking for matches of the pattern.
* Characters that are not part of any match are appended directly to the result string;
* each match is replaced in the result by the applying the replacer function that
* returns a replacement string. Each replacement string may contain
* references to captured subsequences as in the [java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement] method.
* <p> Note that backslashes ({@code \}) and dollar signs ({@code $}) in
* a replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it
* were being treated as a literal replacement string. Dollar signs may be
* treated as references to captured subsequences as described above, and
* backslashes are used to escape literal characters in the replacement
* string.
* <p> The replacer function should not modify this matcher's state during
* replacement!
* <p> The state of each match result passed to the replacer function is
* guaranteed to be constant only for the duration of the replacer function
* call and only if the replacer function does not modify this matcher's
* state.
* <p> This method is a copy of the Java 9 replaceAll method.
* It can be removed as soon as Java 8 is no longer supported.
* @param text The input text
* @param replacer The function to be applied to the match result of this matcher that returns a replacement string.
* @return The string constructed by replacing each matching subsequence with the result of applying the replacer
* function to that matched subsequence, substituting captured subsequences as needed.
fun Pattern.replaceAll(text: CharSequence, replacer: (java.util.regex.MatchResult) -> String): String {
val matcher = matcher(text)
var found: Boolean = matcher.find()
if (!found) {
return text.toString()
val sb = StringBuffer()
do {
matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacer.invoke(matcher))
found = matcher.find()
} while (found)
return sb.toString()