blob: 453ffe3e7edcf85cea2cbd5ad1163bd02e6ba9b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.sdk.util.signature;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeParameter;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.CollectionUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.CompareUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.commons.StringUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.util.IRegEx;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.util.internal.SdkUtilActivator;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.util.signature.internal.TypeParameterMapping;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.util.type.TypeUtility;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.util.typecache.ITypeHierarchy;
public final class SignatureUtility {
* Character constant indicating an arbitrary array type in a signature.
* Value is <code>'|'</code>.
public static final char C_ARBITRARY_ARRAY = '|';
* Kind constant for a arbitrary array signature.
* @see #getTypeSignatureKind(String)
* @since 3.0
public static final int ARBITRARY_ARRAY_SIGNATURE = 29;
* Resolved type signature of the {@link Object} class.
public static final String SIG_OBJECT = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Object.class.getName());
private SignatureUtility() {
public static String unboxPrimitiveSignature(String signature) {
if (Signature.getTypeSignatureKind(signature) == Signature.BASE_TYPE_SIGNATURE) {
if (Signature.SIG_BOOLEAN.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Boolean.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_BYTE.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Byte.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_CHAR.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Character.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_DOUBLE.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Double.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_FLOAT.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Float.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_INT.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Integer.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_LONG.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Long.class.getName());
else if (Signature.SIG_SHORT.equals(signature)) {
signature = SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(Short.class.getName());
return signature;
* To get the signature kind of the given signature. If a signature starts with '|' it is a arbitrary array signature
* otherwise see {@link Signature#getTypeSignatureKind(String)}.
* @return the signature kind.
* @see Signature#getTypeSignatureKind(String)
public static int getTypeSignatureKind(String signature) {
// need a minimum 1 char
if (signature == null || signature.length() < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("signature is null or less than 1 char.");
char c = signature.charAt(0);
else {
return Signature.getTypeSignatureKind(signature);
public static String getResolvedSignature(String signature, IType signatureOwner) throws CoreException {
return getResolvedSignature(signature, signatureOwner, null);
public static String getResolvedSignature(String signature, IType signatureOwner, IType contextType) throws CoreException {
Map<String, IResolvedTypeParameter> genericParameters = null;
if (TypeUtility.exists(contextType) && TypeUtility.exists(signatureOwner)) {
Map<String, ITypeParameterMapping> mappings = resolveTypeParameters(contextType);
ITypeParameterMapping mapping = mappings.get(signatureOwner.getFullyQualifiedName());
if (mapping != null) {
genericParameters = mapping.getTypeParameters();
return getResolvedSignature(signatureOwner, genericParameters, signature);
public static String getResolvedSignature(IType contextType, Map<String /* type param name */, ? extends IResolvedTypeParameter> parameterSignatures, String unresolvedSignature) throws JavaModelException {
StringBuilder sigBuilder = new StringBuilder();
unresolvedSignature = ensureSourceTypeParametersAreCorrect(unresolvedSignature, contextType);
switch (getTypeSignatureKind(unresolvedSignature)) {
if (unresolvedSignature.length() > 1) {
sigBuilder.append(getResolvedSignature(contextType, parameterSignatures, unresolvedSignature.substring(1)));
sigBuilder.append(getResolvedSignature(contextType, parameterSignatures, unresolvedSignature.substring(1)));
sigBuilder.append(getResolvedSignature(contextType, parameterSignatures, unresolvedSignature.substring(1)));
if (endsWith(unresolvedSignature, Signature.C_NAME_END)) {
unresolvedSignature = unresolvedSignature.substring(0, unresolvedSignature.length() - 1);
// try to resolve type
IResolvedTypeParameter typeGeneric = null;
if (parameterSignatures != null) {
typeGeneric = parameterSignatures.get(Signature.getSignatureSimpleName(unresolvedSignature));
String sig = null;
if (typeGeneric != null) {
sig = CollectionUtility.firstElement(typeGeneric.getBoundsSignatures()); // currently only handles the first bound
if (isUnresolved(sig)) {
sig = resolveSignature(sig, contextType);
if (sig != null) {
else {
String[] typeArguments = Signature.getTypeArguments(unresolvedSignature);
unresolvedSignature = Signature.getTypeErasure(unresolvedSignature);
unresolvedSignature = unresolvedSignature.replace('$', '.');
if (isUnresolved(unresolvedSignature)) {
unresolvedSignature = resolveSignature(unresolvedSignature, contextType);
if (endsWith(unresolvedSignature, Signature.C_NAME_END)) {
unresolvedSignature = unresolvedSignature.substring(0, unresolvedSignature.length() - 1);
if (typeArguments.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
sigBuilder.append(getResolvedSignature(contextType, parameterSignatures, typeArguments[i]));
SdkUtilActivator.logWarning("Unhandled signature type: '" + Signature.getTypeSignatureKind(unresolvedSignature) + "'.");
return sigBuilder.toString();
* Gets if the given signature is unresolved.
* @param signature
* The signature to check.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given signature is unresolved. <code>false</code> if it is resolved or
* <code>null</code>.
public static boolean isUnresolved(String signature) {
if (signature == null) {
return false;
if (startsWith(signature, Signature.C_EXTENDS)) {
signature = signature.substring(1);
return startsWith(signature, Signature.C_UNRESOLVED);
private static String resolveSignature(String unresolvedSignature, IType contextType) throws JavaModelException {
// if it is qualified: try to find a matching type first
String name = Signature.toString(unresolvedSignature);
if (StringUtility.hasText(Signature.getSignatureQualifier(unresolvedSignature))) {
// kind of a qualified signature
IType t = TypeUtility.getTypeBySignature(unresolvedSignature);
if (TypeUtility.exists(t) && t.getFullyQualifiedName().equals(name)) {
return SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(t.getFullyQualifiedName().replace('$', '.'));
if (TypeUtility.exists(contextType)) {
String referencedTypeSignature = getReferencedTypeSignature(contextType, name, false);
if (referencedTypeSignature != null) {
return referencedTypeSignature;
return unresolvedSignature;
private static boolean endsWith(String stringToSearchIn, char charToFind) {
return stringToSearchIn != null && !stringToSearchIn.isEmpty() && stringToSearchIn.charAt(stringToSearchIn.length() - 1) == charToFind;
private static boolean startsWith(String stringToSearchIn, char charToFind) {
return stringToSearchIn != null && !stringToSearchIn.isEmpty() && stringToSearchIn.charAt(0) == charToFind;
public static boolean isEqualSignature(String signature1, String signature2) {
if (signature1 == null && signature2 == null) {
return true;
else if (signature1 == null || signature2 == null) {
return false;
signature1 = IRegEx.DOLLAR_REPLACEMENT.matcher(signature1).replaceAll(".");
signature2 = IRegEx.DOLLAR_REPLACEMENT.matcher(signature2).replaceAll(".");
return signature1.equals(signature2);
* @param signature
* fully parameterized signature
* @param validator
* an import validator to decide simple name vs. fully qualified name.
* @return the type reference
* @throws CoreException
* @see {@link IImportValidator}
public static String getTypeReference(String signature, IImportValidator validator) throws CoreException {
StringBuilder sigBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int arrayCount = 0;
boolean isArbitraryArray = false;
switch (getTypeSignatureKind(signature)) {
if (signature.length() > 1) {
sigBuilder.append(" extends ");
sigBuilder.append(getTypeReference(signature.substring(1), validator));
arrayCount = Signature.getArrayCount(signature);
sigBuilder.append(getTypeReference(signature.substring(arrayCount), validator));
isArbitraryArray = true;
sigBuilder.append(getTypeReference(signature.substring(1), validator));
String[] typeArguments = Signature.getTypeArguments(signature);
signature = Signature.getTypeErasure(signature).replace('$', '.');
if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sigBuilder.append(", ");
sigBuilder.append(getTypeReference(typeArguments[i], validator));
for (int i = 0; i < arrayCount; i++) {
if (isArbitraryArray) {
return sigBuilder.toString();
* To get resolved and substituted generic parameter signatures of the method. The signature starts with
* {@link ScoutSignature#C_ARBITRARY_ARRAY} if the parameter is a arbitrary array.
* @param method
* a scout method
* @return an array of the parameter signatures
* @throws CoreException
public static List<String> getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(IMethod method) throws CoreException {
return getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(method, method.getDeclaringType());
* To get resolved and substituted generic parameter signatures of the method. The signature starts with
* {@link ScoutSignature#C_ARBITRARY_ARRAY} if the parameter is a arbitrary array.
* @param jdtMethod
* @param contextType
* the type in what context the method appears, used for generic bindings.
* @return an array of the parameter signatures
* @throws CoreException
public static List<String> getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(IMethod jdtMethod, IType contextType) throws CoreException {
Map<String, IResolvedTypeParameter> parameters = null;
if (jdtMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
// only resolve type parameters if the method has parameters.
Map<String, ITypeParameterMapping> mappings = resolveTypeParameters(contextType);
ITypeParameterMapping mapping = mappings.get(jdtMethod.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName());
if (mapping != null) {
parameters = mapping.getTypeParameters();
return getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(jdtMethod, parameters);
public static List<String> getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(IMethod jdtMethod, Map<String, IResolvedTypeParameter> generics) throws CoreException {
List<String> methodParameterSignature = getMethodParameterSignature(jdtMethod);
IType methodOwnerType = jdtMethod.getDeclaringType();
for (int i = 0; i < methodParameterSignature.size(); i++) {
methodParameterSignature.set(i, getResolvedSignature(methodOwnerType, generics, methodParameterSignature.get(i)));
return methodParameterSignature;
* The get parameter signatures of the given method. The signature starts with
* {@link ScoutSignature#C_ARBITRARY_ARRAY} if the parameter is an arbitrary array. <h5>NOTE:</h5> <b>generic types
* are
* not resolved use {@link ScoutSignature#getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(IMethod)} to get resolved and
* generic substituted parameter signature</b><br>
* <br>
* @param method
* @return
* @throws JavaModelException
public static List<String> getMethodParameterSignature(IMethod method) throws JavaModelException {
String[] paramNames = method.getParameterNames();
List<String> paramSignatures = CollectionUtility.arrayList(method.getParameterTypes());
// check for ... array on last parameter
if (paramSignatures.size() > 0) {
String lastSig = paramSignatures.get(paramSignatures.size() - 1);
String lastParamName = paramNames[paramNames.length - 1];
if (Signature.getTypeSignatureKind(lastSig) == Signature.ARRAY_TYPE_SIGNATURE) {
String source = method.getSource();
if (source != null) {
String regex = method.getElementName() + "\\s*\\(.*([\\.]{3})\\s*" + lastParamName + "\\s*\\)";
if (Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(source).find()) {
paramSignatures.set(paramSignatures.size() - 1, lastSig.replaceFirst("^\\[", "|"));
return paramSignatures;
* To get resolved return type signature of the given method. Generic types are substituted within the method context.
* @param method
* a scout method
* @return an array of the parameter signatures
* @throws CoreException
public static String getReturnTypeSignatureResolved(IMethod method, IType contextType) throws CoreException {
String returnTypeSignature = method.getReturnType();
IType methodDeclaringType = method.getDeclaringType();
returnTypeSignature = getResolvedSignature(returnTypeSignature, methodDeclaringType, contextType);
return returnTypeSignature;
* Checks if the given signature is actually a type parameter signature. If this is the case it is corrected to really
* declare a type parameter.
* @param signature
* The signature to check.
* @param signatureOwner
* The owner {@link IType} of the signature to compare with.
* @return The corrected signature.
* @throws JavaModelException
public static String ensureSourceTypeParametersAreCorrect(String signature, IType signatureOwner) throws JavaModelException {
if (!TypeUtility.exists(signatureOwner) || signatureOwner.isBinary()) {
return signature;
else if (Signature.getTypeSignatureKind(signature) == Signature.TYPE_VARIABLE_SIGNATURE) {
// already a type signature
return signature;
else {
ITypeParameter[] typeParameters = signatureOwner.getTypeParameters();
for (ITypeParameter tp : typeParameters) {
String typeParamName = tp.getElementName();
if (CompareUtility.equals(typeParamName, Signature.getSignatureSimpleName(signature))) {
return new StringBuilder(typeParamName.length() + 2).append(Signature.C_TYPE_VARIABLE).append(typeParamName).append(Signature.C_SEMICOLON).toString();
// the generic is not defined on this type. try declaring type
IType declaringType = signatureOwner.getDeclaringType();
if (TypeUtility.exists(declaringType)) {
return ensureSourceTypeParametersAreCorrect(signature, declaringType);
return signature;
* Returns a unique identifier of a method. The identifier looks like 'methodname(param1Signature,param2Signature)'.
* @param method
* The method for which the identifier should be created
* @return The created identifier
* @throws CoreException
public static String getMethodIdentifier(IMethod method) throws CoreException {
return getMethodIdentifier(method.getElementName(), getMethodParameterSignatureResolved(method, method.getDeclaringType()));
* Returns an unique identifier for a method with given name and given parameter signatures. The identifier looks like
* 'methodname(sigOfParam1,sigOfParam2)'.
* @param methodName
* The method name.
* @param resolvedParamSignatures
* The parameter signatures of the method.
* @return The created identifier
public static String getMethodIdentifier(String methodName, List<String> resolvedParamSignatures) {
StringBuilder methodIdBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<String> iterator = resolvedParamSignatures.iterator();
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return methodIdBuilder.toString();
* Gets the fully qualified name of the given signature.
* @param signature
* @return The fully qualified name of the given signature.
public static String getFullyQualifiedName(String signature) {
signature = Signature.getTypeErasure(signature);
int arrayCount = Signature.getArrayCount(signature);
if (arrayCount > 0) {
signature = signature.substring(arrayCount);
String fqn = Signature.toString(signature);
return fqn;
* Resolves all type parameters on the given focus signature and all existing super types according to the given super
* signatures. The type parameter signatures are narrowed using the bounds existing on the focus type (therefore the
* bounds are valid on the focus type only!).
* @param signature
* The signature that describes the focus type. Must not exist yet in the workspace.
* @param superClassSignature
* The signature describing the super class type. May be null. If this parameter is provided the
* {@link IType} the signature refers to must exist to be part of the type parameter calculation
* @param interfaceSignatures
* The signatures describing the super interfaces of the given signature. May be null. If signatures are
* provided the {@link IType}s the signatures refer to must exist to be part of the type parameter
* calculation.
* @return A {@link Map} containing the fully qualified type name of the super hierarchy of the focus type and the
* corresponding {@link ITypeParameterMapping} narrowed according to the given focus type.
* @throws CoreException
public static Map<String, ITypeParameterMapping> resolveTypeParameters(String signature, String superClassSignature, List<String> interfaceSignatures) throws CoreException {
if (!StringUtility.hasText(signature)) {
return CollectionUtility.emptyHashMap();
Map<String, TypeParameterMapping> collector = new HashMap<String, TypeParameterMapping>();
TypeParameterMapping first = new TypeParameterMapping(signature, superClassSignature, interfaceSignatures);
collector.put(Signature.toString(signature), first);
if (StringUtility.hasText(superClassSignature)) {
IType superType = TypeUtility.getTypeBySignature(superClassSignature);
if (TypeUtility.exists(superType)) {
TypeParameterMapping.buildMapping(superType, null, collector, first);
if (CollectionUtility.hasElements(interfaceSignatures)) {
for (String ifcSig : interfaceSignatures) {
IType interfaceType = TypeUtility.getTypeBySignature(ifcSig);
if (TypeUtility.exists(interfaceType)) {
TypeParameterMapping.buildMapping(interfaceType, null, collector, first);
return new HashMap<String, ITypeParameterMapping>(collector);
* Calculates the resolved type parameter signature of the given type parameter in the context of the given focus
* type.
* @param type
* The focus {@link IType} that defines the bounds of the type parameter calculation.
* @param paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn
* The fully qualified type name of the {@link IType} which defines the given type parameter.
* @param paramIndex
* The index of the type parameter on the given paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn whose resolved signature should be
* returned.
* @return The signature of the given type parameter as narrowed by the given focus type and its super types or
* <code>null</code> if the type parameter could not be found.
* @throws CoreException
public static String resolveTypeParameter(IType type, String paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn, int paramIndex) throws CoreException {
return resolveTypeParameter(type, null, paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn, paramIndex);
public static String resolveTypeParameter(IType type, ITypeHierarchy supertypeHierarchy, String paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn, int paramIndex) throws CoreException {
return resolveTypeParameter(type, supertypeHierarchy, paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn, paramIndex, null);
* Calculates the resolved type parameter signature of the given type parameter in the context of the given focus
* type.
* @param type
* The focus {@link IType} that defines the bounds of the type parameter calculation.
* @param supertypeHierarchy
* The super type hierarchy of the focus type or null.
* @param paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn
* The fully qualified type name of the {@link IType} which defines the given type parameter.
* @param paramIndex
* The index of the type parameter on the given paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn whose resolved signature should be
* returned.
* @param declaringChildContextsInToOut
* {@link Collection} of declaring context types that should be considered when calculating the
* type parameter signature or null. This parameter may be used if the given focus type uses a type parameter
* defined in a declaring type and narrowed in a sub class of this declaring class. In that case passing such
* narrowed sub classes allows to consider these bounds.
* @return The first signature of the given type parameter bounds narrowed by the given focus type and its super types
* or <code>null</code> if the type parameter could not be found.
* @throws CoreException
public static String resolveTypeParameter(IType type, ITypeHierarchy supertypeHierarchy, String paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn, int paramIndex, Collection<IType> declaringChildContextsInToOut) throws CoreException {
if (!TypeUtility.exists(type) || !StringUtility.hasText(paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn) || paramIndex < 0) {
return null;
Map<String, TypeParameterMapping> collector = new HashMap<String, TypeParameterMapping>();
TypeParameterMapping.buildMapping(type, supertypeHierarchy, collector, declaringChildContextsInToOut);
ITypeParameterMapping mapping = collector.get(paramDefiningSuperTypeFqn);
if (mapping == null) {
return null;
Set<String> bounds = mapping.getTypeParameterBounds(paramIndex);
return CollectionUtility.firstElement(bounds);
* Resolves all type parameters on the given focus type and all its super types. The type parameters are narrowed
* against the bounds defined on the focus type and are valid on the focus type only.
* @param type
* The focus type for which the type parameter hierarchy should be calculated.
* @return A {@link Map} containing the fully qualified type name of the super hierarchy of the given focus type and
* the corresponding {@link ITypeParameterMapping} for each type.
* @throws CoreException
public static Map<String, ITypeParameterMapping> resolveTypeParameters(IType type) throws CoreException {
return resolveTypeParameters(type, null);
* Resolves all type parameters on the given focus type and all its super types. The type parameters are narrowed
* against the bounds defined on the focus type and are valid on the focus type only.
* @param type
* The focus type for which the type parameter hierarchy should be calculated.
* @param supertypeHierarchy
* The super hierarchy of the given focus type or null.
* @return A {@link Map} containing the fully qualified type name of the super hierarchy of the given focus type and
* the corresponding {@link ITypeParameterMapping} for each type.
* @throws CoreException
public static Map<String, ITypeParameterMapping> resolveTypeParameters(IType type, ITypeHierarchy supertypeHierarchy) throws CoreException {
return resolveTypeParameters(type, supertypeHierarchy, null);
* Resolves all type parameters on the given focus type and all its super types. The type parameters are narrowed
* against the bounds defined on the focus type and are valid on the focus type only.
* @param type
* The focus type for which the type parameter hierarchy should be calculated.
* @param supertypeHierarchy
* The super hierarchy of the given focus type or null.
* @return A {@link Map} containing the fully qualified type name of the super hierarchy of the given focus type and
* the corresponding {@link ITypeParameterMapping} for each type.
* @param declaringChildContextsInToOut
* {@link Collection} of declaring context types that should be
* considered when calculating the
* type parameter signature or null. This parameter may be used if the given focus type uses a type parameter
* defined in a declaring type and narrowed in a sub class of this declaring class. In that case passing such
* narrowed sub classes allows to consider these bounds.
* @throws CoreException
public static Map<String, ITypeParameterMapping> resolveTypeParameters(IType type, ITypeHierarchy supertypeHierarchy, Collection<IType> declaringChildContextsInToOut) throws CoreException {
if (!TypeUtility.exists(type)) {
return CollectionUtility.emptyHashMap();
Map<String, TypeParameterMapping> collector = new HashMap<String, TypeParameterMapping>();
TypeParameterMapping.buildMapping(type, supertypeHierarchy, collector, declaringChildContextsInToOut);
return new HashMap<String, ITypeParameterMapping>(collector);
* @return The resolved signature of the given simple type name. The simple name is resolved against the given
* declaring type and transformed into a resolved signature.
* @see TypeUtility#getReferencedTypeFqn(IType, String, boolean)
public static String getReferencedTypeSignature(IType declaringType, String typeName, boolean searchOnClassPath) throws JavaModelException {
String referencedTypeFqn = TypeUtility.getReferencedTypeFqn(declaringType, typeName, searchOnClassPath);
if (referencedTypeFqn != null) {
return SignatureCache.createTypeSignature(referencedTypeFqn);
return null;