blob: 7502bcc45aef393db118bf1d5a847856baf2258c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2020 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static;
import static;
import static org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.Strings.indexOf;
import static org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.util.Strings.lastIndexOf;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
* <h3>{@link JavaTypes}</h3>
* <p>
* Helper class to deal with java type names.
* @since 6.1.0
public final class JavaTypes {
* type name for a primitive {@code boolean}.
public static final String _boolean = "boolean";
* type name for a primitive {@code byte}.
public static final String _byte = "byte";
* type name for a primitive {@code char}.
public static final String _char = "char";
* type name for a primitive {@code double}.
public static final String _double = "double";
* type name for a primitive {@code float}.
public static final String _float = "float";
* type name for a primitive {@code int}.
public static final String _int = "int";
* type name for a primitive {@code long}.
public static final String _long = "long";
* type name for a primitive {@code short}.
public static final String _short = "short";
* type name for a primitive {@code void}.
public static final String _void = "void";
* type name for the complex {@link Boolean} type.
public static final String Boolean = "java.lang.Boolean";
* type name for the complex {@link Byte} type.
public static final String Byte = "java.lang.Byte";
* type name for the complex {@link Character} type.
public static final String Character = "java.lang.Character";
* type name for the complex {@link Double} type.
public static final String Double = "java.lang.Double";
* type name for the complex {@link Float} type.
public static final String Float = "java.lang.Float";
* type name for the complex {@link Integer} type.
public static final String Integer = "java.lang.Integer";
* type name for the complex {@link Long} type.
public static final String Long = "java.lang.Long";
* type name for the complex {@link Short} type.
public static final String Short = "java.lang.Short";
* type name for the complex {@link Void} type.
public static final String Void = "java.lang.Void";
* Character constant representing a dot. Value is {@code '.'}.
public static final char C_DOT = '.';
* Character constant indicating the start of a formal type parameter (or type argument). Value is {@code '<'}.
public static final char C_GENERIC_START = '<';
* Character constant indicating the end of a generic type. Value is {@code '>'}.
public static final char C_GENERIC_END = '>';
* Character constant indicating an inner type. Value is {@code '$'}.
public static final char C_DOLLAR = '$';
* Character constant indicating a sequence delimiter. Value is {@code ','}
public static final char C_COMMA = ',';
* Character constant indicating a wildcard type. Value is {@code '?'}
public static final char C_QUESTION_MARK = '?';
* Character constant indicating a space. Value is {@code ' '}
public static final char C_SPACE = ' ';
* The Java {@code extends} keyword.
public static final String EXTENDS = "extends";
* The Java {@code super} keyword.
public static final String SUPER = "super";
* the file extension for Java files. Value is '{@code java}'.
public static final String JAVA_FILE_EXTENSION = "java";
* the file suffix for Java files. Value is '{@code .java}'.
public static final String JAVA_FILE_SUFFIX = C_DOT + JAVA_FILE_EXTENSION;
* the file extension for class files. Value is '{@code class}'.
public static final String CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION = "class";
* the file suffix for class files. Value is '{@code .class}'.
public static final String CLASS_FILE_SUFFIX = C_DOT + CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION;
* module info base name: {@code module-info}.
public static final String ModuleInfo = "module-info";
* module info java file name: {@code}.
public static final String ModuleInfoJava = ModuleInfo + JAVA_FILE_SUFFIX;
private static final char C_ARRAY = '[';
private static final FinalValue<Set<String>> JAVA_KEYWORDS = new FinalValue<>();
private static final char[][] WILDCARD_MARKERS = {
(C_SPACE + EXTENDS + C_SPACE).toCharArray(),
(C_SPACE + SUPER + C_SPACE).toCharArray(),
(EXTENDS + C_SPACE).toCharArray(),
(SUPER + C_SPACE).toCharArray()
private JavaTypes() {
* @return {@code true} if the given word is a reserved java keyword. Otherwise {@code false}.
* @since 3.8.3
public static boolean isReservedJavaKeyword(CharSequence word) {
return word != null && getJavaKeyWords().contains(word.toString());
* Gets all reserved java keywords.
* @return An unmodifiable {@link Set} holding all reserved java keywords.
public static Set<String> getJavaKeyWords() {
return JAVA_KEYWORDS.computeIfAbsentAndGet(() -> {
String[] keyWords = {"abstract", "assert", "boolean", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "class", "const", "continue", "default", "do", "double", "else", "enum", EXTENDS, "final", "finally", "float", "for",
"goto", "if", "implements", "import", "instanceof", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "new", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "short", "static", "strictfp", SUPER, "switch", "synchronized", "this",
"throw", "throws", "transient", "try", "void", "volatile", "while", "false", "null", "true", "yield", "record"};
return, Collections::unmodifiableSet));
* Tries to box a primitive type to its corresponding complex type.<br>
* If the given fqn has no boxed value the input is returned.
* @param fqn
* The primitive fqn (e.g. 'int' or 'boolean')
* @return The corresponding fully qualified complex type fqn (e.g. java.lang.Long) or the input fqn if it could not
* be boxed.
public static String boxPrimitive(CharSequence fqn) {
if (fqn == null) {
return null;
String fqnStr = fqn.toString();
switch (fqnStr) {
case _boolean:
return Boolean;
case _char:
return Character;
case _byte:
return Byte;
case _short:
return Short;
case _int:
return Integer;
case _long:
return Long;
case _float:
return Float;
case _double:
return Double;
case _void:
return Void;
return fqnStr;
* Tries to unbox the given name to its corresponding primitive.<br>
* If the given fqn cannot be unboxed, this method returns the input fqn.
* @param fqn
* The fully qualified complex type name (e.g. java.lang.Long)
* @return The primitive type name or the input fqn if no primitive exists.
public static String unboxToPrimitive(CharSequence fqn) {
if (fqn == null) {
return null;
String fqnStr = fqn.toString();
switch (fqnStr) {
case Boolean:
return _boolean;
case Character:
return _char;
case Byte:
return _byte;
case Short:
return _short;
case Integer:
return _int;
case Long:
return _long;
case Float:
return _float;
case Double:
return _double;
case Void:
return _void;
return fqnStr;
* Checks if the given type name is a primitive type.
* @param fqn
* The name to check
* @return {@code true} if the given name specifies a primitive data type. {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isPrimitive(CharSequence fqn) {
if (fqn == null) {
return false;
switch (fqn.toString()) {
case _boolean:
case _char:
case _byte:
case _short:
case _int:
case _long:
case _float:
case _double:
case _void:
return true;
return false;
* Gets the default value for the given data type.
* @param dataType
* The data type for which the default return value should be returned.
* @return A {@link String} holding the default value for the given data type. Returns {@code null} if the given type
* is the void type or {@code null}.
public static String defaultValueOf(CharSequence dataType) {
if (dataType == null) {
return null;
switch (dataType.toString()) {
case _boolean:
case Boolean:
return "false";
case _byte:
case Byte:
case _char:
case Character:
case _int:
case Integer:
case _short:
case Short:
return "0";
case _double:
case Double:
return "0.0";
case _float:
case Float:
return "0.0f";
case _long:
case Long:
return "0L";
case _void:
return null;
return "null";
* Returns a string containing the package of the given name. Returns the empty string if it is not qualified.
* <p>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <pre>
* {@code
* qualifier("java.lang.Object") -> "java.lang"
* qualifier("Outer.Inner") -> "Outer"
* qualifier("java.util.List<java.lang.String>") -> "java.util"
* qualifier("org.eclipse.scout.Blub$Inner$Inner2") -> "org.eclipse.scout"
* }
* </pre>
* @param name
* the name. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return the qualifier prefix, or the empty string if the name contains no dots
* @throws NullPointerException
* if name is null
public static String qualifier(CharSequence name) {
int firstGenericStart = indexOf(C_GENERIC_START, name);
int lastDot = lastIndexOf(C_DOT, name, 0, firstGenericStart == -1 ? name.length() - 1 : firstGenericStart);
if (lastDot == -1) {
return "";
return name.subSequence(0, lastDot).toString();
* Gets the last segment of the given fully qualified name.
* <p>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <pre>
* {@code
* simpleName("java.lang.Object") -> "Object"
* simpleName("java.util.Map$Entry") -> "Entry"
* simpleName("java.util.List<java.lang.String>") -> "List"
* }
* </pre>
* @param fqn
* The fully qualified name for which the simple name should be calculated. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return The simple name of the given fully qualified name.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If the specified fqn is {@code null}.
public static String simpleName(CharSequence fqn) {
int lastSegmentStart = 0;
CharSequence erasure = erasure(fqn);
for (int i = erasure.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (erasure.charAt(i) == C_DOT || erasure.charAt(i) == C_DOLLAR) {
lastSegmentStart = i + 1;
if (lastSegmentStart == 0) {
return erasure.toString();
return erasure.subSequence(lastSegmentStart, erasure.length()).toString();
* Returns an unique identifier for a method with given name and given parameter types. The identifier looks like
* '{@code methodName(dataTypeOfParam1,dataTypeOfParam2)}'.
* @param methodName
* The method name. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param paramDataTypes
* The parameter data types of the method.
* @return The created identifier
public static String createMethodIdentifier(CharSequence methodName, Collection<? extends CharSequence> paramDataTypes) {
StringBuilder methodIdBuilder = new StringBuilder(256);
if (paramDataTypes != null && !paramDataTypes.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<? extends CharSequence> iterator = paramDataTypes.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return methodIdBuilder.toString();
* Extracts the type erasure from the given parameterized type. Returns the given type if it is not parameterized.
* <p>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <pre>
* {@code
* erasure("java.util.List<java.lang.String>") -> "java.util.List"
* erasure("X<List<T>,Map<U,ABC<T>>>.Member<Object>") -> "X.Member"
* }
* </pre>
* @param parameterizedType
* the parameterized type. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return the type erasure of the given type.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the given type is syntactically incorrect
public static String erasure(CharSequence parameterizedType) {
int firstParamIndex = indexOf(C_GENERIC_START, parameterizedType);
if (firstParamIndex < 0) {
return parameterizedType.toString();
return erasure(parameterizedType, firstParamIndex);
private static String erasure(CharSequence parameterizedType, int firstParamIndex) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(parameterizedType.length());
result.append(parameterizedType.subSequence(0, firstParamIndex));
int depth = 1;
for (int i = firstParamIndex + 1; i < parameterizedType.length(); i++) {
char c = parameterizedType.charAt(i);
if (c == C_GENERIC_START) {
else if (c == C_GENERIC_END) {
else if (depth < 1) {
return result.toString();
* Extracts the type arguments from the given type. Returns an empty list if the type is not parameterized.
* <p>
* <b>Examples:</b>
* <pre>
* {@code
* typeArguments("List<T>") -> "T"
* typeArguments("X<Object>.Member<List<T>,Map<U,ABC<T>>>") -> ["List<T>", "Map<U,ABC<T>>"]
* }
* </pre>
* @param parameterizedType
* the parameterized type
* @return the type arguments
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the type is syntactically incorrect
public static List<String> typeArguments(CharSequence parameterizedType) {
int length = parameterizedType.length();
if (length < 4) {
// cannot have type arguments
return emptyList();
if (parameterizedType.charAt(length - 1) != C_GENERIC_END) {
return emptyList();
Deque<String> args = new ArrayDeque<>();
int depth = 1;
int end = length - 1;
for (int pos = end - 1; pos >= 0 && depth > 0; pos--) {
char curChar = parameterizedType.charAt(pos);
if (curChar == C_GENERIC_START) {
if (depth == 0) {
String arg = subElement(parameterizedType, pos + 1, end);
end = pos;
else if (curChar == C_GENERIC_END) {
else if (depth == 1 && curChar == C_COMMA) {
String arg = subElement(parameterizedType, pos + 1, end);
end = pos;
return new ArrayList<>(args);
static String subElement(CharSequence src, int start, int end) {
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
start = i;
if (src.charAt(i) != C_SPACE) {
for (int i = end; i >= start; i--) {
end = i;
if (src.charAt(i - 1) != C_SPACE) {
return src.subSequence(start, end).toString();
public static class ReferenceParser {
private final BiFunction<CharSequence, Boolean, CharSequence> m_handler;
public ReferenceParser(BiFunction<CharSequence, Boolean, CharSequence> handler) {
m_handler = Ensure.notNull(handler);
public String useReference(CharSequence fullyQualifiedName) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(fullyQualifiedName.length());
useReferenceInternal(fullyQualifiedName, result);
return result.toString();
protected void useReferenceInternal(CharSequence ref, StringBuilder result) {
boolean isFirst = true;
boolean inWildcard = false;
int depth = 0;
int lastTypeArgStart = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < ref.length(); i++) {
char c = ref.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
if (isFirst) {
lastTypeArgStart = consumeType(i, 0, ref, depth, result);
isFirst = false;
else if (depth > 0) {
lastTypeArgStart = consumeType(i, lastTypeArgStart, ref, depth, result);
else {
lastTypeArgStart = i + 1;
inWildcard = false;
inWildcard = true;
case C_SPACE:
if (!inWildcard) {
lastTypeArgStart = consumeType(i, lastTypeArgStart, ref, depth, result);
lastTypeArgStart = consumeType(i, lastTypeArgStart, ref, depth, result);
inWildcard = false;
case C_COMMA:
lastTypeArgStart = consumeType(i, lastTypeArgStart, ref, depth, result);
inWildcard = false;
if (!isFirst && depth == 0) {
if (isFirst) {
consumeType(ref.length(), 0, ref, depth, result);
protected int consumeType(int end, int start, CharSequence src, int depth, StringBuilder result) {
if (end == start) {
// empty string, nothing to do
return end + 1;
int fqnStart = consumeWildcard(start, src, result);
if (fqnStart == end) {
return end + 1;
int arrayStart = indexOf(C_ARRAY, src, fqnStart, end);
boolean isArray = arrayStart > fqnStart;
CharSequence fqn = src.subSequence(fqnStart, isArray ? arrayStart : end);
result.append(handler().apply(fqn, depth > 0));
if (isArray) {
result.append(src, arrayStart, end);
return end + 1;
protected static int consumeWildcard(int start, CharSequence src, StringBuilder result) {
if (src.charAt(start) != C_QUESTION_MARK) {
return start;
for (char[] wildcardMarker : WILDCARD_MARKERS) {
if (fragmentEquals(wildcardMarker, src, start + 1)) {
if (wildcardMarker[0] != C_SPACE) {
return start + wildcardMarker.length + 1;
result.append(C_QUESTION_MARK); // wildcard only without bounds
return start + 1;
protected static boolean fragmentEquals(char[] fragment, CharSequence name, int startIndex) {
int max = fragment.length;
if (name.length() < max + startIndex) {
return false;
for (int i = max; --i >= 0;) {
if (fragment[i] != name.charAt(i + startIndex)) {
return false;
return true;
public BiFunction<CharSequence, Boolean, CharSequence> handler() {
return m_handler;