blob: 9ad5e096813b16f28b89b8fbf8a777ba978df12f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2020 BSI Business Systems Integration AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BSI Business Systems Integration AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.builder;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.eclipse.scout.sdk.core.generator.ISourceGenerator;
* <h3>{@link ISourceBuilder}</h3>
* <p>
* Represents a language independent builder for source code.
* <p>
* Typically instances of this interface are used in {@link ISourceGenerator}s.
* @since 6.1.0
* @see ISourceGenerator
public interface ISourceBuilder<TYPE extends ISourceBuilder<TYPE>> {
* Appends the specified {@link String} to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @param s
* The {@link String}. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(String s);
* Appends the specified {@code char} to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @param c
* The character to append.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(char c);
* Appends the specified {@link CharSequence} to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @param seq
* The {@link CharSequence}. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(CharSequence seq);
* Appends the specified characters to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @param c
* The characters to append. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(char[] c);
* Appends the {@link String} representation of the {@code boolean} argument to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* <p>
* The overall effect is exactly as if the argument were converted to a {@link String} by the method
* {@link String#valueOf(boolean)}, and the characters of that {@link String} were then {@link #append(String)
* appended}.
* @param b
* a {@code boolean}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(boolean b);
* Appends the {@link String} representation of the {@code double} argument to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* <p>
* The overall effect is exactly as if the argument were converted to a {@link String} by the method
* {@link Double#toString(double)}, and the characters of that {@link String} were then {@link #append(String)
* appended}.
* @param d
* a {@code double}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(double d);
* Appends the {@link String} representation of the {@code float} argument to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* <p>
* The overall effect is exactly as if the argument were converted to a string by the method
* {@link Float#toString(float)}, and the characters of that {@link String} were then {@link #append(String)
* appended}.
* @param f
* a {@code float}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(float f);
* Appends the {@link String} representation of the {@code int} argument to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* <p>
* The overall effect is exactly as if the argument were converted to a {@link String} by the method
* {@link Integer#toString(int)}, and the characters of that {@link String} were then {@link #append(String)
* appended}.
* @param i
* an {@code int}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(int i);
* Appends the {@link String} representation of the {@code long} argument to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* <p>
* The overall effect is exactly as if the argument were converted to a string by the method
* {@link Long#toString(long)}, and the characters of that {@link String} were then {@link #append(String) appended}.
* @param l
* a {@code long}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(long l);
* Appends a newline delimiter to this {@link ISourceBuilder}. The delimiter is specified by the
* {@link IBuilderContext#lineDelimiter()} associated with this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @return This builder
* @see IBuilderContext
TYPE nl();
* Appends a whitespace to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @return This builder
TYPE space();
* Appends the specified {@link ISourceGenerator} to this {@link ISourceBuilder} by calling
* {@link ISourceGenerator#generate(ISourceBuilder)} using this instance as argument.
* @param generator
* The {@link ISourceGenerator} to append. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(ISourceGenerator<ISourceBuilder<?>> generator);
* Appends the specified {@link ISourceGenerator} to this {@link ISourceBuilder} by calling
* {@link ISourceGenerator#generate(ISourceBuilder)} using this instance as argument.
* @param opt
* An {@link Optional} holding the {@link ISourceGenerator} to append. This method has no effect if the
* {@link Optional} is empty.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(@SuppressWarnings("OptionalUsedAsFieldOrParameterType") Optional<? extends ISourceGenerator<ISourceBuilder<?>>> opt);
* Appends the specified generators to this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
* @param generators
* A {@link Stream} holding all {@link ISourceGenerator}s to append. Must not be {@code null}.
* @param prefix
* The {@link CharSequence} to be appended before the first {@link ISourceGenerator} from the {@link Stream}.
* If the {@link Stream} does not provide any {@link ISourceGenerator}s, the prefix is not appended. If the
* prefix is {@code null}, nothing will be appended before the first {@link ISourceGenerator}.
* @param delimiter
* The {@link CharSequence} to be appended between two {@link ISourceGenerator} from the {@link Stream}. If
* the {@link Stream} is empty or does only contain one {@link ISourceGenerator}, no delimiter is appended.
* If the delimiter is {@code null}, nothing will be appended between two {@link ISourceGenerator}s.
* @param suffix
* The {@link CharSequence} to be appended after the last {@link ISourceGenerator} from the {@link Stream}.
* If the {@link Stream} does not provide any {@link ISourceGenerator}s, the suffix is not appended. If the
* suffix is {@code null}, nothing will be appended after the last {@link ISourceGenerator}.
* @return This builder
TYPE append(Stream<? extends ISourceGenerator<ISourceBuilder<?>>> generators, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence suffix);
* Returns a {@link Collector} that collects {@link ISourceGenerator}s into this {@link ISourceBuilder}. See
* {@link #append(Stream, CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence)} for details.
* @return This builder
<T extends ISourceGenerator<ISourceBuilder<?>>> Collector<T, ISourceBuilder<?>, ISourceBuilder<?>> collector(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence suffix);
* @return The {@link IBuilderContext} of this {@link ISourceBuilder}.
IBuilderContext context();