blob: a52cd38d799f6edab0ad471b5858918c7d1010a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 CEA.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* CEA - initial API and implementation
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Rest like URI/Resource mapper : <p/>
* <code>
* example : <p/>
* <p>
* Initial map configuration array :<p/>
* <p>
* [first, first-key , my.class.package.MyFirstClass]<p/>
* [second, second-key , my.class.package.MySecondClass]<p/>
* [third, third-key , my.class.package.MyThridClass]<p/>
* <p>
* <p>
* the mapper will build the set of key-words below :<p/>
* <p>
* [firsts,first,seconds,second,thirds,third]<p/>
* <p>
* then it will map this key-words to OSGi filters as below : <p/>
* <p>
* [firsts , objectClass=my.class.package.MyFirstClass]<p/>
* [first , first-key=&lt;variable&gt;]<p/>
* [seconds , objectClass=my.class.package.MySecondClass]<p/>
* [second , second-key=&lt;variable&gt;] <p/>
* [thirds , objectClass=my.class.package.MyThridClass]<p/>
* [third , third-key=&lt;variable&gt;]<p/>
* <p>
* It means that if the plural form of a key word is found in a treated URI, the next path element
* of this URI will be interpreted as the value attached to the singular form of the same key-word
* and will be put in the associated filter in replacement of the variable entry<p/>
* <p>
* Hierarchical links between entries have to be defined in another array as below <p/>
* There must be at least one hierarchical link between each level<p/>
* <p>
* [&lt;parent&gt;,&lt;child&gt;,&lt;child-key&gt;,&lt;parent-key&gt;]<p/>
* <p>
* the child-key is the used to create a filter to append on the parent's one and vice versa<p/>
* </code>
public class RestLikeMapper {
private static final char AND = '&';
private static final char EQUALITY = '=';
private static final char LESS = '-';
private static final char OPEN_BRACKET = '(';
private static final char CLOSE_BRACKET = ')';
private static final String SEPARATOR_CHAR = "/";
private static final String PLURAL_SUFFIX = "s";
private static final String OBJECTCLASS = "objectClass";
private static final String VARIABLE = "#VARIABLE#";
* the associated {@link BundleContext}
private BundleContext context;
* filter associated to path element
private String[][] filters;
* relationship between path elements
private String[][] hierarchies;
* list of methods to exclude of the research of exposed
* osgi services
private List<String> methods;
* Constructor
* @param filters initial configuration map
* @param hierarchies map of dependencies between initial configuration map entries
public RestLikeMapper(BundleContext context, String[][] filters, String[][] hierarchies, String[] methods) throws RestLikeMapperException {
if (filters == null || filters.length == 0 || filters[0].length != 3) {
throw new RestLikeMapperException("Invalid initial configuration map");
this.context = context;
this.filters = new String[2 * filters.length][2];
this.hierarchies = new String[2 * hierarchies.length][2];
int index = 0;
int pos = 0;
for (; index < filters.length; index++) {
String[] mapping = filters[index];
this.filters[pos][0] = plural(mapping[0]);
this.filters[pos++][1] = mapping[2] == null ? null : new StringBuilder().append(OPEN_BRACKET).append(OBJECTCLASS).append(EQUALITY).append(mapping[2]).append(CLOSE_BRACKET).toString();
this.filters[pos][0] = mapping[0];
this.filters[pos++][1] = mapping[1] == null ? null : new StringBuilder().append(OPEN_BRACKET).append(mapping[1]).append(EQUALITY).append(VARIABLE).append(CLOSE_BRACKET).toString();
this.methods = methods != null ? Arrays.asList(methods) : Collections.<String>emptyList();
if (hierarchies == null || hierarchies.length == 0 || hierarchies[0].length != 4) {
pos = 0;
for (String[] hierarchy : hierarchies) {
if (hierarchy[0] != null && hierarchy[1] != null) {
if (hierarchy[2] != null) {
this.hierarchies[pos][0] = new StringBuilder().append(hierarchy[0]).append(LESS).append(hierarchy[1]).toString();
this.hierarchies[pos++][1] = new StringBuilder().append(OPEN_BRACKET).append(hierarchy[2].length() == 0 ? plural(hierarchy[1]) : hierarchy[2]).append(EQUALITY).append(VARIABLE).append(CLOSE_BRACKET).toString();
if (hierarchy[3] != null) {
this.hierarchies[pos][0] = new StringBuilder().append(hierarchy[1]).append(LESS).append(hierarchy[0]).toString();
this.hierarchies[pos++][1] = new StringBuilder().append(OPEN_BRACKET).append(hierarchy[3].length() == 0 ? plural(hierarchy[0]) : hierarchy[3]).append(EQUALITY).append(VARIABLE).append(CLOSE_BRACKET).toString();
this.hierarchies = Arrays.copyOfRange(this.hierarchies, 0, pos);
* Returns the plural form of the singular word passed
* as parameter
* @param singular the word to convert to the plural form
* @return the plural form of the singular word passed
* as parameter
private String plural(String singular) {
return new StringBuilder(singular).append(PLURAL_SUFFIX).toString();
* Concatenates the two filters passed as parameters
* @param filterFst one of the two filters to concatenate
* @param filterSnd one of the two filters to concatenate
* @return the filter resulting of the concatenation of the
* two filters passed as parameters
private String concat(String filterFst, String filterSnd) {
if (filterFst == null) {
return filterSnd;
if (filterSnd == null) {
return filterFst;
return new StringBuilder().append(OPEN_BRACKET).append(AND).append((filterFst.charAt(0) == OPEN_BRACKET) ? "" : OPEN_BRACKET).append(filterFst).append((filterFst.charAt(filterFst.length() - 1) == CLOSE_BRACKET) ? "" : CLOSE_BRACKET).append((filterSnd.charAt(0) == OPEN_BRACKET) ? "" : OPEN_BRACKET).append(filterSnd).append((filterSnd.charAt(filterSnd.length() - 1) == CLOSE_BRACKET) ? "" : CLOSE_BRACKET).append(CLOSE_BRACKET).toString();
* Parses the URI string passed as parameter and return
* the corresponding set of registered OSGi services
* according to defined filters
* @param uri the URI string to parse
* @return the set of OSGi services mapped by the
* URI argument
public RestLikeMappingReport parseURI(String uri) {
String[] uriElements = uri.trim().split(SEPARATOR_CHAR);
if (uri.startsWith(SEPARATOR_CHAR)) {
uriElements = Arrays.copyOfRange(uriElements, 1, uriElements.length);
RestLikeMappingReport report = new RestLikeMappingReport(uriElements);
if (this.methods.contains(uriElements[uriElements.length - 1])) {
//last uri element is a method call :
//end of the parsing
report.reportMethod(uriElements[uriElements.length - 1]);
uriElements = Arrays.copyOf(uriElements, uriElements.length - 1);
LinkedList<String> fstack = new LinkedList<String>();
int last = -1;
String variable = null;
for (int i = 0; i < uriElements.length; i += 2) {
String plural = uriElements[i];
//singular form is the next element if it exists
String singular = i < (uriElements.length - 1) ? uriElements[i + 1] : null;
int j = 0;
for (; j < this.filters.length && !this.filters[j][0].equals(plural); j += 2) ;
//no key-word correspondence found
if (j == this.filters.length) {
//current element associated filter string
String filter = concat(this.filters[j][1], this.filters[j + 1][1] != null && singular != null ? this.filters[j + 1][1].replace(VARIABLE, singular) : null);
//if first element...
if (last == -1) {
if (filter != null) {
report.reportFilter((singular != null ? i + 1 : i), filter);
last = j;
variable = singular;
if (filter != null) {
//if no string filter has been defined to precisely
//map the singular element to a set of ServiceReferences
//then define the report's index as its one. Otherwise
//define the report's index as the one of the next
//plural element
report.reportIndex(this.filters[j + 1][1] != null ? i + 2 : i + 1);
//retrieve implementation class name
report.reportImplementation(this.filters[j][1] != null ? this.filters[j][1].substring(new StringBuilder().append(OPEN_BRACKET).append(OBJECTCLASS).append(EQUALITY).length(), this.filters[j][1].length() - 1) : null);
int k = 0;
//search for hierarchical link between the current element
//and the previous one
for (; k < this.hierarchies.length; k++) {
String descendant = new StringBuilder(this.filters[last + 1][0]).append(LESS).append(this.filters[j + 1][0]).toString();
String ascendant = new StringBuilder(this.filters[j + 1][0]).append(LESS).append(this.filters[last + 1][0]).toString();
String tmpFilter = null;
//if descendant hierarchical link...
if (this.hierarchies[k][0].equals(descendant)) {
//append the current element key filter part to the previously registered filter
tmpFilter = concat(fstack.pollLast(), this.hierarchies[k][1].replace(VARIABLE, singular));
report.reportFilter(i - 1, tmpFilter);
//register the current element filter for intersection purpose with the
//next element
if (filter != null && singular != null) {
//else if ascendant hierarchical link...
else if (this.hierarchies[k][0].equals(ascendant)) {
//replace the filter registered for the previous element
//by the one of the current element appended with key filter part
//to refer to ascendant
report.reportFilter(i - 1, null);
tmpFilter = concat(filter, this.hierarchies[k][1].replace(VARIABLE, variable));
report.reportFilter(i, tmpFilter);
//register the current element filter for intersection purpose with the
//next element
if (filter != null && singular != null) {
//if no hierarchical link found
if (k == this.hierarchies.length) {
//end of the parsing
last = j;
variable = singular;
//apply filters and process the intersection
//of resulting ServiceReference arrays two at a time
List<ServiceReference> services = Collections.emptyList();
while (!fstack.isEmpty()) {
//retrieve the first registered filter...
String filter = fstack.pop();
try {
//retrieve all registered ServiceReferences compliant with the
ServiceReference[] current = context.getServiceReferences((String) null, filter);
if (current != null) {
List<ServiceReference> srs = new LinkedList<ServiceReference>(Arrays.asList(current));
List<ServiceReference> intersection = null;
List<ServiceReference> references = null;
if (services.size() == 0) {
services = srs;
report.reportReferences(filter, srs);
} else {
//process the intersection of the retrieved ServiceReferences
//and the previous ones
ServiceReference[] copy = new ServiceReference[current.length];
System.arraycopy(current, 0, copy, 0, current.length);
references = new LinkedList<ServiceReference>(Arrays.asList(copy));
intersection = new LinkedList<ServiceReference>(Arrays.asList(current));
services = intersection.size() == 0 ? srs : intersection;
if (services.size() == 0) {
//empty services set break the process
} else {
//If the intersection set is empty then keep all ServiceReferences
report.reportReferences(filter, intersection.size() == 0 ? srs : intersection);
} else {
//invalid filter : break
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
report.reportError(new RestLikeMapperException(e.getMessage() + " : " + filter, e));
return report;