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| <meta name="DC.Title" content="Publishing your application" /> |
| <meta name="abstract" content="Publishing involves copying files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test environments, these files may already be in the correct location. In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically or manually." /> |
| <meta name="description" content="Publishing involves copying files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test environments, these files may already be in the correct location. In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically or manually." /> |
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| <body id="twpub_wst"><a name="twpub_wst"><!-- --></a> |
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| <h1 class="topictitle1">Publishing your application</h1> |
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| |
| |
| <div><p><em>Publishing</em> involves copying |
| files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the |
| correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test |
| environments, these files may already be in the correct location. |
| In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be |
| created. You can either publish your application automatically or |
| manually.</p> |
| |
| <div class="section"><strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_autotitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_autotitle"><!-- --></a>Automatically publishing to a server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto1"><!-- --></a>If the <span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when starting |
| servers</span> check box on the Server preferences page (<span class="menucascade"> |
| <span class="uicontrol">Window</span> > <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span> |
| > <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> > <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span> |
| </span>) is selected, the workbench checks to see if your project |
| and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not, the project |
| and the files are automatically updated when the server is either |
| started or restarted.</p> |
| <p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><!-- --></a>To publish your application |
| manually you can complete one of the following in the Servers view:</p> |
| <div class="p" id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, you have several options to choose |
| for the <em>Publishing</em> settings. You can set these <em>Publishing</em> settings |
| by going into the Servers view, right-click the server and select <span class="uicontrol">Open</span>. |
| The Server editor opens. In the <em>Overview</em> page of the server |
| editor, under the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing</span> settings, you |
| are going to find the following settings:<ul> |
| <li><span class="uicontrol">Never publish automatically</span>: Specifies |
| the workbench should never publish files to the server.</li> |
| |
| <li><span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when resources change</span>: |
| Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file |
| that is associated to the server are saved and a full time interval |
| has passed in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval</span> setting.</li> |
| |
| <li><span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish after a build event</span>: |
| Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file |
| that requires a build and is associated to the server are saved, and |
| a full time interval has passed in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval</span> setting.</li> |
| |
| <li><span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval (in seconds)</span>: Specifies |
| the number of <em>seconds</em> that needs to pass before the workbench |
| calls a publish to happen on the server. However, if you make a subsequent |
| change to the files before this time interval has completed, the publish |
| is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench makes a publish to |
| the server only after the full time interval has passed. If you set |
| the publishing interval to 0 seconds, an immediate publish should |
| happen after changes on a file are saved.</li> |
| |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
| <p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, the default setting |
| is the <strong>Automatically publish when resources change</strong> option is |
| enabled with a value set in the publishing interval.</p> |
| <p>In addition, |
| under the <span class="uicontrol">Select publishing actions</span> list, select |
| the tasks you want to run during publishing.</p> |
| <strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><!-- --></a>Manually publishing to a server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><!-- --></a>If you do not want to wait for the automatic publishing |
| interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench |
| to issue a publish command to the server. Each manual publish command |
| causes a single publishing request to the server. To publish your |
| application manually you can complete one of the following in the |
| Servers view:</p> |
| <div class="p"><ul> |
| <li><span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>Select the server and then click the |
| <span class="uicontrol">Publish to the server</span></span> <img src="../images/launch_publish.gif" |
| alt="This is an image of the Publish toolbar icon." /> <span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>icon located |
| on the toolbar.</span></li> |
| |
| <li><span id="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_step2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_steps_step2"><!-- --></a>Right-click the server and then select |
| <span class="uicontrol">Publish</span>.</span></li> |
| |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <div class="section"><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p3"><!-- --></a>All the projects defined in the server configuration |
| that are associated with the selected server are published. The resources |
| in these projects are transferred to the location that is defined |
| by the server.</p> |
| </div> |
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| </div> |
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| <div> |
| <div class="familylinks"> |
| <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="../topics/tpublish.html" title="">Publishing applications to a server</a></div> |
| </div> |
| <div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br /> |
| <div><a href="../topics/twsrvprf.html" title="Using the Preferences page, you can define attribute used for testing projects by the servers.">Defining the server preference</a></div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
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