[312130] Doc update for "Automatically publish after a build event"
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  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
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 <meta name="description" content="You can start the server automatically as part of running a selected resource on the server, or you can simply start the server without running resources on the server. For example, the server is automatically started when you right-click a project or an application resource in the Project Explorer view and select Run As &gt; Run on Server. If you want to start the server without running resources on the server, in the Servers view select a server and select the Start the server This is an image of the Run on Server icon icon, the Start the server in debug mode This is an image of the Debug on server icon. icon , or the Start the server in profiling mode This is an image of the Start the server in profiling mode icon. icon." />
 <meta content="servers, starting" name="DC.subject" />
 <meta content="servers, starting" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/twsrtins.html" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="cwflow_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -65,10 +64,6 @@
-<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/twsrtins.html" title="When you are ready to test your projects, you must start a server. In some situations, listed below, the server tools start a server for you automatically. For more information on which test server will start, refer to the list of related topics at the end of this topic.">Starting a server</a></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 <meta name="description" content="To test and publish on your server, you need to define one or more of the following resources:" />
 <meta content="preferences, server runtime environments, resources, runtime environments, description, servers, testing applications" name="DC.subject" />
 <meta content="preferences, server runtime environments, resources, runtime environments, description, servers, testing applications" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/tmetasrv.html" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/twinstprf.html" />
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 <meta content="cwres_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -96,11 +94,6 @@
-<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/tmetasrv.html" title="On the workbench, you have the option to display or hide the metadata of the server.">Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server</a></div>
-<div><a href="../topics/twinstprf.html" title="Using the Preferences page, you can direct the workbench to use a specific runtime environment of an application server for compiling, testing, or running your application.">Defining the server runtime environments preferences</a></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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 <title id="rwrcview_title">Servers view</title>

-<shortdesc><ph id="rwrcview_ph1">The Servers view (similar to the one shown

-below) allows you to manage the servers. This view displays a list of all

-your servers and projects that are associated with that server. A project

-displays under a server when a project from the workbench is added to the

-server. You can use this view to start, start in debug mode,</ph><ph id="rwrcview_ph2"> restart,

-or stop the servers. In addition, you can use the Servers view to determine

-the current status and state of the server; and the projects added to the

-server from the workbench.</ph></shortdesc>

+<shortdesc><ph id="rwrcview_ph1">The Servers view (similar to the

+one shown below) allows you to manage the servers. This view displays

+a list of all your servers and projects that are associated with that

+server. A project displays under a server when a project from the

+workbench is added to the server. You can use this view to start,

+start in debug mode,</ph><ph id="rwrcview_ph2"> restart, or stop the

+servers. In addition, you can use the Servers view to determine the

+current status and state of the server; and the projects added to

+the server from the workbench.</ph></shortdesc>


-<keywords id="index"><indexterm keyref="rwrcview|1|serversmanagingusingtheServersview"

-status="new">servers<indexterm>managing using the Servers view</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm keyref="rwrcview|2|viewsServers" status="changed">views<indexterm>servers<indexterm>overview</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>

+<keywords id="index"><indexterm

+keyref="rwrcview|1|serversmanagingusingtheServersview" status="new">servers<indexterm>managing

+using the Servers view</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm

+keyref="rwrcview|2|viewsServers" status="changed">views<indexterm>servers<indexterm>overview</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>




-<section><p> <image alt="This is a screen capture of the Server view." href="../images/scpview.gif">

-<alt>This is a screen capture of the Server view.</alt></image> </p><p id="rwrcview_p2">Use

-the Servers view to perform the following tasks:</p><ul>

+<section><p> <image alt="This is a screen capture of the Server view."

+href="../images/scpview.gif"><alt>This is a screen capture of the

+Server view.</alt></image> </p><p id="rwrcview_p2">Use the Servers

+view to perform the following tasks:</p><ul>

 <li id="rwrcview_li1">Create a server</li>

 <li id="rwrcview_li2">Edit a server</li>

-<li id="rwrcview_li3">Delete a server</li>

+<li id="rwrcview_li3">Delete a server</li><?Pub Caret -2?>

 <li id="rwrcview_li4">Start a server in debug mode</li>

 <li id="rwrcview_li5">Start a server </li>

 <li id="rwrcview_li6">Restart a server in debug mode</li>

@@ -32,16 +35,17 @@
 <li id="rwrcview_li8">Stop a server</li>

 <li id="rwrcview_li10">Publish your application</li>

 <li id="rwrcview_li11">Monitor server ports</li>

-<li id="rwrcview_li11b">Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server from

-the workbench</li>

+<li id="rwrcview_li11b">Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server

+from the workbench</li>

 <li id="rwrcview_li12">Add and remove projects from a server</li>


 <section><title id="rwrcview_section_server_state_title">Server State</title><p

-id="rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1">The Servers view displays the

-current state of all the servers. The <b>State</b> column indicates whether

-or not a server has been started. </p><p id="rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2">The

-following table lists the possible states of the server:</p><table><title

-id="rwrcview_section_server_state_table_title">Description of the server states</title>

+id="rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1">The Servers view displays

+the current state of all the servers.</p><p

+id="rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2">The following table

+lists the possible states of the server:</p><table><title

+id="rwrcview_section_server_state_table_title">Description of the

+server states</title>

 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>

 <thead id="rwrcview_section_server_state_table_thead">


@@ -52,47 +56,43 @@

 <row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_starting">


-<entry>The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server and is

-beginning the server process.<note type="tip">Verify the actual server is


+<entry>The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server

+and is beginning the server process.<note type="tip">Verify the actual

+server is started.</note></entry>


 <row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_started">

 <entry colname="COLSPEC0">Started</entry>

-<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The workbench is successfully connected to the server.

-Both the workbench and server are ready to run applications on the server.</entry>

+<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The workbench is successfully connected

+to the server. Both the workbench and server are ready to run applications

+on the server.</entry>


 <row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_debugging">


-<entry>The workbench is successfully connected to the server. Both the workbench

-and server are ready to diagnose applications on the server.</entry>

+<entry>The workbench is successfully connected to the server. Both

+the workbench and server are ready to diagnose applications on the



 <row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopping">


-<entry>The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server and is

-ending the process on the server.</entry>

+<entry>The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server

+and is ending the process on the server.</entry>


 <row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped">

 <entry id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_entry">Stopped</entry>

-<entry><ph id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description">The server

-process has ended. Or the workbench is unable to connect to the server.</ph></entry>

+<entry><ph id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description">The

+server process has ended. Or the workbench is unable to connect to

+the server.</ph></entry>





 <section id="rwrcview_section_server_status"><title>Server Status</title><p>The

-Servers view also displays the current status of all the servers. Depending

-on the state of the server and the preference options that are selected for

-that particular server, the workbench determines the server actions that may

-be taken. Use the <b>Status</b> column as an indicator for possible actions

-that you may want to take. For example, if the workbench detects that a file

-defined to run on a particular server has changed, and the  <uicontrol>Automatically

-restart servers when necessary</uicontrol> check box has been selected on

-the Server preferences page ( <uicontrol>Window > Preferences > Server > Launching</uicontrol>),

-the workbench automatically restart that server. The  <uicontrol>State</uicontrol> column

-in the Servers view changes from  <varname>Started</varname> to  <varname>Stopped</varname> to

- <varname>Started</varname>. However, if this check box is not selected, the

- <uicontrol>Status</uicontrol> column in the Servers view changes to  <varname>Republish</varname>.</p><p>The

-following table lists the possible server status:</p><table><title>Description

+Servers view also displays the current status of all the servers.

+Depending on the state of the server and the preference options that

+are selected for that particular server, the workbench determines

+the server actions that may be taken. Use the status as an indicator

+for possible actions that you may want to take.</p><p>The following

+table lists the possible server status:</p><table><title>Description

 of the server status</title>

 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>


@@ -108,35 +108,37 @@


 <entry colname="COLSPEC0">Publishing</entry>

-<entry colname="COLSPEC1">Files (projects and resource files) are copied to

-the correct location for the server to find and use them.</entry>

+<entry colname="COLSPEC1">Files (projects and resource files) are

+copied to the correct location for the server to find and use them.</entry>




-<entry>The server needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take place.</entry>

+<entry>The server needs to be restarted in order for the changes to

+take place.</entry>




-<entry>Either the server or the applications or both have changed. The changed

-files need to be updated on the server.</entry>

+<entry>Either the server or the applications or both have changed.

+The changed files need to be updated on the server.</entry>



 <entry>Restart and republish</entry>

-<entry> Either the server or the applications or both have changed. When the

-server is restarted, the changed files are also republished.</entry>

+<entry>Either the server or the applications or both have changed.

+When the server is restarted, the changed files are also republished.</entry>





 <section id="rwrcview_section_project_state"><title>Project State</title><p>The

-Servers view might display the current state of the application is either

-started or stopped. When the Servers view does not display a current state

-for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the state of the project from

-the server or the server does not support this function.</p><p>If a project

-name appears in italic font style, this means the project has not yet been

-uploaded to the server. After the project is published into the server, the

-project name switches to the typical font style used in the Servers view.</p><p>The

-following table lists the possible states of the project:<table><title>Description

+Servers view might display the current state of the application is

+either started or stopped. When the Servers view does not display

+a current state for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the

+state of the project from the server or the server does not support

+this function.</p><p>If a project name appears in italic font style,

+this means the project has not yet been uploaded to the server. After

+the project is published into the server, the project name switches

+to the typical font style used in the Servers view.</p><p>The following

+table lists the possible states of the project:<table><title>Description

 of project states</title>

 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>


@@ -152,19 +154,20 @@


 <entry colname="COLSPEC0">Stopped</entry>

-<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The application on the server is ended and is not

-taking server requests to run.</entry>

+<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The application on the server is ended and

+is not taking server requests to run.</entry>





 <section id="rwrcview_section_project_status"><title>Project Status</title><p>The

-Servers view might display the current status of the application is either

-synchronized or republished. When the Servers view does not display a current

-status for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the status of the project

-from the server, the server is stopped or the server does not support this

-function.</p><p id="rwrcview_p3a">The following table lists the possible project

-status:</p><table><title>Description of project status</title>

+Servers view might display the current status of the application is

+either synchronized or republished. When the Servers view does not

+display a current status for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve

+the status of the project from the server, the server is stopped or

+the server does not support this function.</p><p id="rwrcview_p3a">The

+following table lists the possible project status:</p><table><title>Description

+of project status</title>

 <tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>



@@ -175,17 +178,18 @@



-<entry>Both copies of the application files on the server and in the workbench

-are matching.</entry>

+<entry>Both copies of the application files on the server and in the

+workbench are matching.</entry>



 <entry colname="COLSPEC0">Republished</entry>

-<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The copy of the application files on the workbench

-has changed and does not match the copy on the server. The server needs to

-be updated.</entry>

+<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The copy of the application files on the

+workbench has changed and does not match the copy on the server. The

+server needs to be updated.</entry>







+<?Pub *0000007992?>

diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/rwrcview.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/rwrcview.html
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+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/rwrcview.html
@@ -26,18 +26,19 @@
-<div><p><span id="rwrcview_ph1"><a name="rwrcview_ph1"><!-- --></a>The Servers view (similar to the one shown
-below) allows you to manage the servers. This view displays a list of all
-your servers and projects that are associated with that server. A project
-displays under a server when a project from the workbench is added to the
-server. You can use this view to start, start in debug mode,</span><span id="rwrcview_ph2"><a name="rwrcview_ph2"><!-- --></a> restart,
-or stop the servers. In addition, you can use the Servers view to determine
-the current status and state of the server; and the projects added to the
-server from the workbench.</span></p>
+<div><p><span id="rwrcview_ph1"><a name="rwrcview_ph1"><!-- --></a>The Servers view (similar to the
+one shown below) allows you to manage the servers. This view displays
+a list of all your servers and projects that are associated with that
+server. A project displays under a server when a project from the
+workbench is added to the server. You can use this view to start,
+start in debug mode,</span><span id="rwrcview_ph2"><a name="rwrcview_ph2"><!-- --></a> restart, or stop the
+servers. In addition, you can use the Servers view to determine the
+current status and state of the server; and the projects added to
+the server from the workbench.</span></p>
-<div class="section"><p> <img src="../images/scpview.gif" alt="This is a screen capture of the Server view." /> </p>
-<p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p2"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p2"><!-- --></a>Use
-the Servers view to perform the following tasks:</p>
+<div class="section"><p> <img src="../images/scpview.gif" alt="This is a screen capture of the&#10;Server view." /> </p>
+<p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p2"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p2"><!-- --></a>Use the Servers
+view to perform the following tasks:</p>
 <li id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li1"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li1"><!-- --></a>Create a server</li>
@@ -59,26 +60,26 @@
 <li id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li11"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li11"><!-- --></a>Monitor server ports</li>
-<li id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li11b"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li11b"><!-- --></a>Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server from
-the workbench</li>
+<li id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li11b"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li11b"><!-- --></a>Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server
+from the workbench</li>
 <li id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li12"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_li12"><!-- --></a>Add and remove projects from a server</li>
-<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Server State</h4><p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1"><!-- --></a>The Servers view displays the
-current state of all the servers. The <strong>State</strong> column indicates whether
-or not a server has been started. </p>
-<p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2"><!-- --></a>The
-following table lists the possible states of the server:</p>
+<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">Server State</h4><p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1"><!-- --></a>The Servers view displays
+the current state of all the servers.</p>
+<p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2"><!-- --></a>The following table
+lists the possible states of the server:</p>
-<div class="tablenoborder"><table summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption>Table 1. Description of the server states</caption>
+<div class="tablenoborder"><table summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption>Table 1. Description of the
+server states</caption>
 <thead align="left">
-<th valign="top" id="N10113"> Server state</th>
+<th valign="top" id="N1010B"> Server state</th>
-<th valign="top" id="N1011A"> Description of state </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N10112"> Description of state </th>
@@ -86,44 +87,47 @@
 <tr id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_starting">
-<td valign="top" headers="N10113 "><span>Starting</span></td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1010B "><span>Starting</span></td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1011A ">The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server and is
-beginning the server process.<div class="tip"><span class="tiptitle">Tip:</span> Verify the actual server is
+<td valign="top" headers="N10112 ">The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server
+and is beginning the server process.<div class="tip"><span class="tiptitle">Tip:</span> Verify the actual
+server is started.</div>
 <tr id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_started">
-<td valign="top" headers="N10113 ">Started</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1010B ">Started</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1011A ">The workbench is successfully connected to the server.
-Both the workbench and server are ready to run applications on the server.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10112 ">The workbench is successfully connected
+to the server. Both the workbench and server are ready to run applications
+on the server.</td>
 <tr id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_debugging">
-<td valign="top" headers="N10113 ">Debugging</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1010B ">Debugging</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1011A ">The workbench is successfully connected to the server. Both the workbench
-and server are ready to diagnose applications on the server.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10112 ">The workbench is successfully connected to the server. Both
+the workbench and server are ready to diagnose applications on the
 <tr id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_stopping">
-<td valign="top" headers="N10113 ">Stopping</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1010B ">Stopping</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1011A ">The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server and is
-ending the process on the server.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10112 ">The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server
+and is ending the process on the server.</td>
 <tr id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped">
-<td valign="top" headers="N10113 ">Stopped</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1010B ">Stopped</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1011A "><span id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description"><!-- --></a>The server
-process has ended. Or the workbench is unable to connect to the server.</span></td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10112 "><span id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description"><!-- --></a>The
+server process has ended. Or the workbench is unable to connect to
+the server.</span></td>
@@ -134,28 +138,21 @@
 <div class="section" id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_status"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_server_status"><!-- --></a><h4 class="sectiontitle">Server Status</h4><p>The
-Servers view also displays the current status of all the servers. Depending
-on the state of the server and the preference options that are selected for
-that particular server, the workbench determines the server actions that may
-be taken. Use the <strong>Status</strong> column as an indicator for possible actions
-that you may want to take. For example, if the workbench detects that a file
-defined to run on a particular server has changed, and the  <span class="uicontrol">Automatically
-restart servers when necessary</span> check box has been selected on
-the Server preferences page ( <span class="uicontrol">Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Server &gt; Launching</span>),
-the workbench automatically restart that server. The  <span class="uicontrol">State</span> column
-in the Servers view changes from  <var class="varname">Started</var> to  <var class="varname">Stopped</var> to
- <var class="varname">Started</var>. However, if this check box is not selected, the
- <span class="uicontrol">Status</span> column in the Servers view changes to  <var class="varname">Republish</var>.</p>
-following table lists the possible server status:</p>
+Servers view also displays the current status of all the servers.
+Depending on the state of the server and the preference options that
+are selected for that particular server, the workbench determines
+the server actions that may be taken. Use the status as an indicator
+for possible actions that you may want to take.</p>
+<p>The following
+table lists the possible server status:</p>
 <div class="tablenoborder"><table summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption>Table 2. Description
 of the server status</caption>
 <thead align="left">
-<th valign="top" id="N10212"> Server status </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N101D4"> Server status </th>
-<th valign="top" id="N10219"> Description of status </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N101DB"> Description of status </th>
@@ -163,40 +160,41 @@
-<td valign="top" headers="N10212 ">Synchronized</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101D4 ">Synchronized</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10219 ">Both the server and the applications are in synch.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101DB ">Both the server and the applications are in synch.</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10212 ">Publishing</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101D4 ">Publishing</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10219 ">Files (projects and resource files) are copied to
-the correct location for the server to find and use them.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101DB ">Files (projects and resource files) are
+copied to the correct location for the server to find and use them.</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10212 ">Restart</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101D4 ">Restart</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10219 ">The server needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take place.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101DB ">The server needs to be restarted in order for the changes to
+take place.</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10212 ">Republish</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101D4 ">Republish</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10219 ">Either the server or the applications or both have changed. The changed
-files need to be updated on the server.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101DB ">Either the server or the applications or both have changed.
+The changed files need to be updated on the server.</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10212 ">Restart and republish</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101D4 ">Restart and republish</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10219 "> Either the server or the applications or both have changed. When the
-server is restarted, the changed files are also republished.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N101DB ">Either the server or the applications or both have changed.
+When the server is restarted, the changed files are also republished.</td>
@@ -207,23 +205,24 @@
 <div class="section" id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_project_state"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_project_state"><!-- --></a><h4 class="sectiontitle">Project State</h4><p>The
-Servers view might display the current state of the application is either
-started or stopped. When the Servers view does not display a current state
-for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the state of the project from
-the server or the server does not support this function.</p>
-<p>If a project
-name appears in italic font style, this means the project has not yet been
-uploaded to the server. After the project is published into the server, the
-project name switches to the typical font style used in the Servers view.</p>
-<div class="p">The
-following table lists the possible states of the project:
+Servers view might display the current state of the application is
+either started or stopped. When the Servers view does not display
+a current state for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the
+state of the project from the server or the server does not support
+this function.</p>
+<p>If a project name appears in italic font style,
+this means the project has not yet been uploaded to the server. After
+the project is published into the server, the project name switches
+to the typical font style used in the Servers view.</p>
+<div class="p">The following
+table lists the possible states of the project:
 <div class="tablenoborder"><table summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption>Table 3. Description
 of project states</caption>
 <thead align="left">
-<th valign="top" id="N102CB"> Project states </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N1028D"> Project states </th>
-<th valign="top" id="N102D2"> Description of states </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N10294"> Description of states </th>
@@ -231,17 +230,17 @@
-<td valign="top" headers="N102CB ">Started</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1028D ">Started</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N102D2 ">The application on the server is ready to run on the server.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10294 ">The application on the server is ready to run on the server.</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N102CB ">Stopped</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1028D ">Stopped</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N102D2 ">The application on the server is ended and is not
-taking server requests to run.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10294 ">The application on the server is ended and
+is not taking server requests to run.</td>
@@ -253,20 +252,21 @@
 <div class="section" id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_project_status"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_section_project_status"><!-- --></a><h4 class="sectiontitle">Project Status</h4><p>The
-Servers view might display the current status of the application is either
-synchronized or republished. When the Servers view does not display a current
-status for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the status of the project
-from the server, the server is stopped or the server does not support this
-<p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p3a"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p3a"><!-- --></a>The following table lists the possible project
+Servers view might display the current status of the application is
+either synchronized or republished. When the Servers view does not
+display a current status for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve
+the status of the project from the server, the server is stopped or
+the server does not support this function.</p>
+<p id="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p3a"><a name="rwrcview_wst__rwrcview_p3a"><!-- --></a>The
+following table lists the possible project status:</p>
-<div class="tablenoborder"><table summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption>Table 4. Description of project status</caption>
+<div class="tablenoborder"><table summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption>Table 4. Description
+of project status</caption>
 <thead align="left">
-<th valign="top" id="N10344"> Project status </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N10306"> Project status </th>
-<th valign="top" id="N1034B"> Description of status </th>
+<th valign="top" id="N1030D"> Description of status </th>
@@ -274,19 +274,19 @@
-<td valign="top" headers="N10344 ">Synchronized</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10306 ">Synchronized</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1034B ">Both copies of the application files on the server and in the workbench
-are matching.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1030D ">Both copies of the application files on the server and in the
+workbench are matching.</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N10344 ">Republished</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N10306 ">Republished</td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N1034B ">The copy of the application files on the workbench
-has changed and does not match the copy on the server. The server needs to
-be updated.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N1030D ">The copy of the application files on the
+workbench has changed and does not match the copy on the server. The
+server needs to be updated.</td>
@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@
+<div />
\ No newline at end of file
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index fce509a..0699a84 100644
--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/rwtcpvw.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/rwtcpvw.html
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 <meta name="description" content="The TCP/IP Monitor is a simple server that monitors all the requests and the responses between a Web browser and server. If you want the TCP/IP Monitor view to open when there is TCP/IP activity, select the Show TCP/IP Monitor view when there is activity check box on the TCP/IP Monitor preferences page ( Window &gt; Run/Debug &gt; TCP/IP Monitor)." />
 <meta content="servers, TCP/IP monitors, TCP/IP, monitors, views" name="DC.subject" />
 <meta content="servers, TCP/IP monitors, TCP/IP, monitors, views" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/twtcpprf.html" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/twtcpprf.html" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="rwtcpvw_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -62,10 +60,6 @@
-<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/twtcpprf.html" title="Using the Preferences page, you can define the TCP/IP Monitor attributes. To define these preferences, complete the following:">Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences</a></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tmetasrv.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tmetasrv.html
index 9095b0e..3efe28a 100644
--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tmetasrv.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tmetasrv.html
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
+<div />
\ No newline at end of file
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index 87c6a18..247bbae 100644
--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tservlet.dita
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tservlet.dita
@@ -1,55 +1,61 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->

+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



 <task id="tservlet_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="tservlet_title">Debugging a servlet on a server</title>

-<shortdesc id="tservlet_shortdesc">The debugger enables you to detect and

-diagnose errors in your application. It allows you to control the execution

-of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending threads, stepping through

-the code, and examining the contents of the variables. You can debug a servlet

-on a server without losing the state of your application.</shortdesc>

+<shortdesc id="tservlet_shortdesc">The debugger enables you to detect

+and diagnose errors in your application. It allows you to control

+the execution of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending threads,

+stepping through the code, and examining the contents of the variables.

+You can debug a servlet on a server without losing the state of your



-<keywords id="index"><indexterm keyref="tservlet|1|breakpointsaddingtoservlets"


-keyref="tservlet|2|serversdebuggingservlets" status="new">servers<indexterm>debugging

-servlets</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm keyref="tservlet|3|servletsdebuggingonservers"

-status="new">servlets<indexterm>debugging on servers</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm keyref="tservlet|4|threadssuspendinginservlets" status="new">threads<indexterm>suspending

+<keywords id="index"><indexterm

+keyref="tservlet|1|breakpointsaddingtoservlets" status="changed">breakpoints<indexterm>servlets</indexterm></indexterm>

+<indexterm keyref="tservlet|2|serversdebuggingservlets" status="new">servers<indexterm>debugging


+keyref="tservlet|3|servletsdebuggingonservers" status="new">servlets<indexterm>debugging

+on servers</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm

+keyref="tservlet|4|threadssuspendinginservlets" status="new">threads<indexterm>suspending

 in servlets</indexterm></indexterm></keywords>



 <context id="tservlet_context">To debug a servlet on a server:</context>


-<step id="tservlet_step1"><cmd>In the Project Explorer view, open your servlet.</cmd>

-<info>In a Web project, servlets are located in the JavaSource folder. The

-servlet opens in an editor.</info></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step2"><cmd>To set one or more breakpoints in the editor,

-double-click in the margin beside the line of code that you want to set as

-a breakpoint.</cmd></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step3"><cmd>Ensure the project is associated to run on

-a server.</cmd></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step4"><cmd>Select the servlet and from the servlet's context

-menu in the Project Explorer view, click  <uicontrol>Debug As > Debug on Server</uicontrol>.</cmd>

-<info>Open the Servers view to see that the server is launched.</info></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step5"><cmd>When the breakpoint is hit, the Debug view

-opens.</cmd><info>Step through the code, inspect and display variables, and

-make any necessary changes to the servlet. For detailed information on debugging,

-refer to the online help.</info></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step6"><cmd>When you are finished debugging, remove the

-breakpoint and save the servlet.</cmd></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step1"><cmd>In the Project Explorer view, open

+your servlet.</cmd><info>In a Web project, servlets are located in

+the JavaSource folder. The servlet opens in an editor.</info></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step2"><cmd>To set one or more breakpoints in the

+editor, double-click in the margin beside the line of code that you

+want to set as a breakpoint.</cmd></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step3"><cmd>Ensure the project is associated to

+run on a server.</cmd></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step4"><cmd>Select the servlet and from the servlet's

+context menu in the Project Explorer view, click  <uicontrol>Debug

+As > Debug on Server</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>Open the Servers view

+to see that the server is launched.</info></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step5"><cmd>When the breakpoint is hit, the Debug

+view opens.</cmd><info>Step through the code, inspect and display

+variables, and make any necessary changes to the servlet. For detailed

+information on debugging, refer to the online help.</info></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step6"><cmd>When you are finished debugging, remove

+the breakpoint and save the servlet.</cmd></step>

 <step id="tservlet_step7"><cmd>Click the  <uicontrol>Resume</uicontrol> icon

 on the Debug toolbar to execute the servlet.</cmd></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step8"><cmd>If you have hot method replace enabled, your

-changes are already in the running application.</cmd></step>

-<step id="tservlet_step9"><cmd>If you have automatic class reloading enabled,

-which is the default setting, click the  <uicontrol>Refresh</uicontrol> icon

-in the Web Browser to update the changes.</cmd><info>You do not lose the state

-of your application.</info></step>

-<step><cmd id="tservlet_cmd10">If you do not have automatic class reloading

-enabled, you lose the state of the application.</cmd><info id="tservlet_info10">To

-update the changes, restart the server.</info></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step8"><cmd>If you have hot method replace enabled,

+your changes are already in the running application.</cmd></step>

+<step id="tservlet_step9"><cmd>If you have automatic class reloading

+enabled, which is the default setting, click the  <uicontrol>Refresh</uicontrol> icon

+in the Web Browser to update the changes.</cmd><info>You do not lose

+the state of your application.</info></step>

+<step><cmd id="tservlet_cmd10">If you do not have automatic class

+reloading enabled, you lose the state of the application.</cmd><info

+id="tservlet_info10">To update the changes, restart the server.</info>



-<result id="tservlet_result"><b>Result:</b><p>The server recognizes your changes.</p></result>

+<result id="tservlet_result"><p>The result is the server recognizes

+your changes.</p><?Pub Caret -2?></result>



+<?Pub *0000003369?>

diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tservlet.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tservlet.html
index 07c43a4..9863761 100644
--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tservlet.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/tservlet.html
@@ -26,56 +26,59 @@
-<div><p>The debugger enables you to detect and
-diagnose errors in your application. It allows you to control the execution
-of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending threads, stepping through
-the code, and examining the contents of the variables. You can debug a servlet
-on a server without losing the state of your application.</p>
+<div><p>The debugger enables you to detect
+and diagnose errors in your application. It allows you to control
+the execution of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending threads,
+stepping through the code, and examining the contents of the variables.
+You can debug a servlet on a server without losing the state of your
 <div class="section" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_context"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_context"><!-- --></a>To debug a servlet on a server:</div>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step1"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Project Explorer view, open your servlet.</span>
- In a Web project, servlets are located in the JavaSource folder. The
-servlet opens in an editor.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step1"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Project Explorer view, open
+your servlet.</span> In a Web project, servlets are located in
+the JavaSource folder. The servlet opens in an editor.</li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step2"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step2"><!-- --></a><span>To set one or more breakpoints in the editor,
-double-click in the margin beside the line of code that you want to set as
-a breakpoint.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step2"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step2"><!-- --></a><span>To set one or more breakpoints in the
+editor, double-click in the margin beside the line of code that you
+want to set as a breakpoint.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step3"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step3"><!-- --></a><span>Ensure the project is associated to run on
-a server.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step3"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step3"><!-- --></a><span>Ensure the project is associated to
+run on a server.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step4"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step4"><!-- --></a><span>Select the servlet and from the servlet's context
-menu in the Project Explorer view, click  <span class="uicontrol">Debug As &gt; Debug on Server</span>.</span>
- Open the Servers view to see that the server is launched.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step4"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step4"><!-- --></a><span>Select the servlet and from the servlet's
+context menu in the Project Explorer view, click  <span class="uicontrol">Debug
+As &gt; Debug on Server</span>.</span> Open the Servers view
+to see that the server is launched.</li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step5"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step5"><!-- --></a><span>When the breakpoint is hit, the Debug view
-opens.</span> Step through the code, inspect and display variables, and
-make any necessary changes to the servlet. For detailed information on debugging,
-refer to the online help.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step5"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step5"><!-- --></a><span>When the breakpoint is hit, the Debug
+view opens.</span> Step through the code, inspect and display
+variables, and make any necessary changes to the servlet. For detailed
+information on debugging, refer to the online help.</li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step6"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step6"><!-- --></a><span>When you are finished debugging, remove the
-breakpoint and save the servlet.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step6"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step6"><!-- --></a><span>When you are finished debugging, remove
+the breakpoint and save the servlet.</span></li>
 <li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step7"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step7"><!-- --></a><span>Click the  <span class="uicontrol">Resume</span> icon
 on the Debug toolbar to execute the servlet.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step8"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step8"><!-- --></a><span>If you have hot method replace enabled, your
-changes are already in the running application.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step8"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step8"><!-- --></a><span>If you have hot method replace enabled,
+your changes are already in the running application.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step9"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step9"><!-- --></a><span>If you have automatic class reloading enabled,
-which is the default setting, click the  <span class="uicontrol">Refresh</span> icon
-in the Web Browser to update the changes.</span> You do not lose the state
-of your application.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step9"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_step9"><!-- --></a><span>If you have automatic class reloading
+enabled, which is the default setting, click the  <span class="uicontrol">Refresh</span> icon
+in the Web Browser to update the changes.</span> You do not lose
+the state of your application.</li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_cmd10"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_cmd10"><!-- --></a>If you do not have automatic class reloading
-enabled, you lose the state of the application.</span> To
-update the changes, restart the server.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_cmd10"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_cmd10"><!-- --></a>If you do not have automatic class
+reloading enabled, you lose the state of the application.</span> To update the changes, restart the server.
-<div class="section" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_result"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_result"><!-- --></a><strong>Result:</strong><p>The server recognizes your changes.</p>
+<div class="section" id="tservlet_wst__tservlet_result"><a name="tservlet_wst__tservlet_result"><!-- --></a><p>The result is the server recognizes
+your changes.</p>
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.dita b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.dita
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--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.dita
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2008, v.4002-->

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



+<?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>

 <?Pub Inc?>

 <task id="twcrtins_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="title">Creating a server</title>

@@ -32,12 +33,7 @@
 <step id="step2"><cmd>The New Server wizard opens. This wizard defines

 a new server, that contains information required to point to a specific

 runtime environment for local or remote testing, or for publishing

-to an application server.</cmd></step><?Pub Caret1?>

-<step id="step3"><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Server's host name</uicontrol> field,

-you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the

-host machine that where the server is running. By default, this field

-is pre-filled with the default address: <userinput>localhost</userinput></cmd>


+to an application server.</cmd></step>

 <step><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Select the server type</uicontrol> list,

 select the type of server or test environment where you want to publish

 or test your resources.</cmd>

@@ -71,13 +67,34 @@



-<step><cmd>Click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol> and follow the instructions

-in the wizard to specify the details of the server that you want to


-<step><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>The new

-server appears in the Servers view under the  <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol> column.</info>

+<step id="step3"><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Server's host name</uicontrol> field,

+you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the

+host machine that where the server is running. By default, this field

+is pre-filled with the default address: <userinput>localhost</userinput>.</cmd>


+<step id="step5"><cmd>(Optional) In the <uicontrol>Server name</uicontrol> field,

+type a label to identify this server entry in the Servers view.</cmd>

+<info> By default, this field is completed with the following naming

+convention: <i>server type</i> at <i>host name</i>, for example <userinput>Tomcat

+v6.0 Server at localhost</userinput>.</info></step>

+<step id="step6"><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Server runtime environment</uicontrol> list,

+select a server runtime environment as defined in the Preferences

+page (<menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol><uicontrol>Preferences</uicontrol>

+<uicontrol>Server</uicontrol><uicontrol>Runtime Environments</uicontrol>

+</menucascade>). You can direct the workbench to use a specific runtime

+environment of an application server for compiling, testing, or running

+your application. To modify the server runtime environment, select

+the <uicontrol>Configure runtime environments</uicontrol> link. To

+add a new server runtime environment, select the <uicontrol>Add</uicontrol> link.</cmd>

+<info>For more details about runtime environments, see the <i>Defining

+the server runtime environments preferences</i> link at the bottom

+of this topic.</info></step><?Pub Caret 614?>

+<step id="step7"><cmd>Click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol> and follow

+the instructions in the wizard to specify the details of the server

+that you want to create.</cmd></step>

+<step id="step8"><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol>.</cmd><info>The

+new server appears in the Servers view.</info></step>




-<?Pub *0000004019?>

+<?Pub *0000005228?>

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--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twcrtins.html
@@ -54,12 +54,6 @@
 runtime environment for local or remote testing, or for publishing
 to an application server.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step3"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step3"><!-- --></a><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Server's host name</span> field,
-you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the
-host machine that where the server is running. By default, this field
-is pre-filled with the default address: <kbd class="userinput">localhost</kbd></span>
 <li class="stepexpand"><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Select the server type</span> list,
 select the type of server or test environment where you want to publish
 or test your resources.</span>
@@ -110,18 +104,43 @@
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span> and follow the instructions
-in the wizard to specify the details of the server that you want to
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Finish</span>.</span> The new
-server appears in the Servers view under the  <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> column.
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step3"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step3"><!-- --></a><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Server's host name</span> field,
+you can provide the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the
+host machine that where the server is running. By default, this field
+is pre-filled with the default address: <kbd class="userinput">localhost</kbd>.</span>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step5"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step5"><!-- --></a><span>(Optional) In the <span class="uicontrol">Server name</span> field,
+type a label to identify this server entry in the Servers view.</span>
+  By default, this field is completed with the following naming
+convention: <em>server type</em> at <em>host name</em>, for example <kbd class="userinput">Tomcat
+v6.0 Server at localhost</kbd>.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step6"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step6"><!-- --></a><span>In the <span class="uicontrol">Server runtime environment</span> list,
+select a server runtime environment as defined in the Preferences
+page (<span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span>
+ &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Runtime Environments</span>
+</span>). You can direct the workbench to use a specific runtime
+environment of an application server for compiling, testing, or running
+your application. To modify the server runtime environment, select
+the <span class="uicontrol">Configure runtime environments</span> link. To
+add a new server runtime environment, select the <span class="uicontrol">Add</span> link.</span>
+ For more details about runtime environments, see the <em>Defining
+the server runtime environments preferences</em> link at the bottom
+of this topic.</li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step7"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step7"><!-- --></a><span>Click <span class="uicontrol">Next</span> and follow
+the instructions in the wizard to specify the details of the server
+that you want to create.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twcrtins_wst__step8"><a name="twcrtins_wst__step8"><!-- --></a><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Finish</span>.</span> The
+new server appears in the Servers view.</li>
+<div />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.dita b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.dita
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--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.dita
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.dita
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->

+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



 <task id="twlaunchpref_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="title">Defining the launching preferences</title>

-<shortdesc id="shortdesc"><ph id="shortdesc_ph1">Using the Preferences page,

-you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting or switching

-server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you use the <uicontrol>Run

-on Server</uicontrol></ph><ph id="shortdesc_ph2"> or <uicontrol>Debug on Server</uicontrol> commands.</ph></shortdesc>

+<shortdesc id="shortdesc"><ph id="shortdesc_ph1">Using the Preferences

+page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting

+or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you

+use the <uicontrol>Run on Server</uicontrol></ph><ph id="shortdesc_ph2"> or <uicontrol>Debug

+on Server</uicontrol> commands.</ph></shortdesc>


-<keywords id="index"><indexterm keyref="twlaunchpref|1|preferencesserverlaunches"


-<indexterm keyref="twlaunchpref|2|serverslaunchingpreferences" status="new">servers<indexterm>launching

-preferences</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm keyref="twlaunchpref|3|workbenchserverlaunchingpreferences"

+<keywords id="index"><indexterm

+keyref="twlaunchpref|1|preferencesserverlaunches" status="changed">preferences<indexterm>servers<indexterm>launching</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>

+<indexterm keyref="twlaunchpref|2|serverslaunchingpreferences"

+status="new">servers<indexterm>launching preferences</indexterm></indexterm>

+<indexterm keyref="twlaunchpref|3|workbenchserverlaunchingpreferences"

 status="changed">workbench<indexterm>launching preferences</indexterm></indexterm>



@@ -27,69 +29,72 @@
 <step><cmd id="step3">Specify one or more of the following settings:</cmd>


 <chrow id="chrow1"><choption>Automatically publish when starting servers</choption>

-<chdesc>Specifies that all the files should automatically be published before

-starting the server.</chdesc></chrow>

-<chrow id="chrow2"><choption>Automatically restart servers when necessary</choption>

-<chdesc>Specifies that the server tools can automatically restart the server

-when it detects that the server must be restarted to handle resource changes

-in the workspace.</chdesc></chrow>

+<chdesc>Specifies that all the files should automatically be published

+before starting the server.</chdesc></chrow>

 <chrow id="chrow3"><choption>Save dirty editors before starting server</choption>

-<chdesc>Specify the preference for saving the changes in any open server editors

-before starting the server by selecting one of the following options:<ul>

-<li>Always - specifies the workbench will automatically save any changes in

-an open server editor before starting the server</li>

-<li>Never - specifies the workbench will not save the changes in any open

-editors before starting the server</li>

-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you before saving any changes

-in an open server editor</li>


-<chrow><choption id="choption1">When switching to a different server mode<!--context id = .spge0030--></choption>

-<chdesc><ph id="chdesc1_ph1">When switching the server to run in a different

-mode, for example using the <menucascade><uicontrol>Run As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Run

-on Server</uicontrol></menucascade></ph> <ph id="chdesc1_ph2">or <menucascade>

-<uicontrol>Debug As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Debug on Server</uicontrol></menucascade>,

-specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following options:</ph><ul


+<chdesc>Specify the preference for saving the changes in any open

+server editors before starting the server by selecting one of the

+following options:<ul>

+<li>Always - specifies the workbench will automatically save any changes

+in an open server editor before starting the server</li>

+<li>Never - specifies the workbench will not save the changes in any

+open editors before starting the server</li>

+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you before saving any

+changes in an open server editor</li>

+</ul></chdesc></chrow><?Pub Caret -2?>

+<chrow><choption id="choption1">When switching to a different server

+mode<!--context id = .spge0030--></choption><chdesc><ph id="chdesc1_ph1">When

+switching the server to run in a different mode, for example using

+the <menucascade><uicontrol>Run As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Run on Server</uicontrol>

+</menucascade></ph> <ph id="chdesc1_ph2">or <menucascade><uicontrol>Debug

+As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Debug on Server</uicontrol></menucascade>,

+specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following

+options:</ph><ul id="chdesc1_ul1">

 <li>Restart - specifies the workbench to stop and restart the server</li>

-<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in previous mode and

-ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>

-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server action

-when you switch the server to run in a different mode</li>

+<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in previous

+mode and ignore the change request of running in a different server


+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server

+action when you switch the server to run in a different mode</li>


-<chrow><choption id="choption2">When switching the server out of debug mode<!--context id = .spge0031--></choption>

-<chdesc><ph id="chdesc2_ph1">When you finish running the server in debug mode

-and switch out, for example using the <menucascade><uicontrol>Run As</uicontrol>

-<uicontrol>Run on Server</uicontrol></menucascade></ph><ph id="chdesc2_ph2"> command,

-specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following options:</ph><ul


+<chrow><choption id="choption2">When switching the server out of debug

+mode<!--context id = .spge0031--></choption><chdesc><ph id="chdesc2_ph1">When

+you finish running the server in debug mode and switch out, for example

+using the <menucascade><uicontrol>Run As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Run

+on Server</uicontrol></menucascade></ph><ph id="chdesc2_ph2"> command,

+specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following

+options:</ph><ul id="chdesc2_ul1">

 <li>Restart - specifies the workbench to stop and restart the server</li>

 <li>Disable breakpoints - specifies to clear all previously set breakpoints

-from the application and continue running the application in the newly selected

-server mode</li>

-<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in debug mode and

-ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>

-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server action

-when switching the server out of debug mode</li>

+from the application and continue running the application in the newly

+selected server mode</li>

+<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in debug mode

+and ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>

+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server

+action when switching the server out of debug mode</li>


-<chrow id="chrow4"><choption>When switching the server into debug mode, re-enable

-breakpoints<!--context id = .spge0032--></choption><chdesc>When you change

-the server mode into debug mode, for example using the <menucascade><uicontrol>Debug

-As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Debug on Server</uicontrol></menucascade> command,

-specify how to handle the breakpoints currently set in your application by

-selecting one of the following options:<ul>

-<li>Always - specifies to enable all the currently set breakpoints in your

-application and break at them</li>

-<li>Never - specifies the workbench to ignore all the breakpoints previously

-set in your application and continue running the application on the server

-in debug mode. When the workbench ignores all the breakpoints in your application,

-the behavior of the server mode is similar to using the <b>Run on Server</b> command.

-However, because the server is running in debug mode, you have the opportunity

-to enable or re-enable breakpoints in your application.</li>

-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench will prompt you on how to handle the

-breakpoints set in your applications</li>

+<chrow id="chrow4"><choption>When switching the server into debug

+mode, re-enable breakpoints<!--context id = .spge0032--></choption>

+<chdesc>When you change the server mode into debug mode, for example

+using the <menucascade><uicontrol>Debug As</uicontrol><uicontrol>Debug

+on Server</uicontrol></menucascade> command, specify how to handle

+the breakpoints currently set in your application by selecting one

+of the following options:<ul>

+<li>Always - specifies to enable all the currently set breakpoints

+in your application and break at them</li>

+<li>Never - specifies the workbench to ignore all the breakpoints

+previously set in your application and continue running the application

+on the server in debug mode. When the workbench ignores all the breakpoints

+in your application, the behavior of the server mode is similar to

+using the <b>Run on Server</b> command. However, because the server

+is running in debug mode, you have the opportunity to enable or re-enable

+breakpoints in your application.</li>

+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench will prompt you on how to handle

+the breakpoints set in your applications</li>







+<?Pub *0000005625?>

diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.html
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+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twlaunchpref.html
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 <meta name="DC.Title" content="Defining the launching preferences" />
 <meta name="abstract" content="Using the Preferences page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you use the Run on Server or Debug on Server commands." />
 <meta name="description" content="Using the Preferences page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you use the Run on Server or Debug on Server commands." />
-<meta content="preferences, servers, launching, launching preferences, workbench, launching preferences" name="DC.subject" />
-<meta content="preferences, servers, launching, launching preferences, workbench, launching preferences" name="keywords" />
+<meta content="preferences, servers, launching, launching preferences, workbench" name="DC.subject" />
+<meta content="preferences, servers, launching, launching preferences, workbench" name="keywords" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="twlaunchpref_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
-<div><p><span id="shortdesc_ph1"><a name="shortdesc_ph1"><!-- --></a>Using the Preferences page,
-you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting or switching
-server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you use the <span class="uicontrol">Run
-on Server</span></span><span id="shortdesc_ph2"><a name="shortdesc_ph2"><!-- --></a> or <span class="uicontrol">Debug on Server</span> commands.</span></p>
+<div><p><span id="shortdesc_ph1"><a name="shortdesc_ph1"><!-- --></a>Using the Preferences
+page, you can define the preferences that the servers use when starting
+or switching server modes. Switching server modes occurs when you
+use the <span class="uicontrol">Run on Server</span></span><span id="shortdesc_ph2"><a name="shortdesc_ph2"><!-- --></a> or <span class="uicontrol">Debug
+on Server</span> commands.</span></p>
 <div class="p" />
@@ -45,99 +46,100 @@
 <li><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__step3"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__step3"><!-- --></a>Specify one or more of the following settings:</span>
 <table class="choicetableborder" summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" rules="rows" frame="hsides" border="1">
-<thead><tr><th valign="bottom" id="N100C0-option" align="left">Option</th>
-<th valign="bottom" id="N100C0-desc" align="left">Description</th></tr></thead>
+<thead><tr><th valign="bottom" id="N100C1-option" align="left">Option</th>
+<th valign="bottom" id="N100C1-desc" align="left">Description</th></tr></thead>
-<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C0-option" id="N100CB"><strong>Automatically publish when starting servers</strong></td>
+<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C1-option" id="N100CC"><strong>Automatically publish when starting servers</strong></td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N100C0-desc N100CB">Specifies that all the files should automatically be published before
-starting the server.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N100C1-desc N100CC">Specifies that all the files should automatically be published
+before starting the server.</td>
-<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C0-option" id="N100DC"><strong>Automatically restart servers when necessary</strong></td>
+<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C1-option" id="N100DD"><strong>Save dirty editors before starting server</strong></td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N100C0-desc N100DC">Specifies that the server tools can automatically restart the server
-when it detects that the server must be restarted to handle resource changes
-in the workspace.</td>
+<td valign="top" headers="N100C1-desc N100DD">Specify the preference for saving the changes in any open
+server editors before starting the server by selecting one of the
+following options:<ul>
+<li>Always - specifies the workbench will automatically save any changes
+in an open server editor before starting the server</li>
-<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C0-option" id="N100ED"><strong>Save dirty editors before starting server</strong></td>
+<li>Never - specifies the workbench will not save the changes in any
+open editors before starting the server</li>
-<td valign="top" headers="N100C0-desc N100ED">Specify the preference for saving the changes in any open server editors
-before starting the server by selecting one of the following options:<ul>
-<li>Always - specifies the workbench will automatically save any changes in
-an open server editor before starting the server</li>
-<li>Never - specifies the workbench will not save the changes in any open
-editors before starting the server</li>
-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you before saving any changes
-in an open server editor</li>
+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you before saving any
+changes in an open server editor</li>
-<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C0-option" id="choption1"><strong>When switching to a different server mode</strong></td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N100C0-desc choption1"><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph1"><!-- --></a>When switching the server to run in a different
-mode, for example using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Run As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Run
-on Server</span></span></span> <span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph2"><!-- --></a>or <span class="menucascade">
-<span class="uicontrol">Debug As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Debug on Server</span></span>,
-specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following options:</span><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ul1"><!-- --></a><ul id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ul1">
+<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C1-option" id="choption1"><strong>When switching to a different server
+<td valign="top" headers="N100C1-desc choption1"><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph1"><!-- --></a>When
+switching the server to run in a different mode, for example using
+the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Run As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Run on Server</span>
+</span></span> <span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ph2"><!-- --></a>or <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Debug
+As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Debug on Server</span></span>,
+specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following
+options:</span><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ul1"><!-- --></a><ul id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc1_ul1">
 <li>Restart - specifies the workbench to stop and restart the server</li>
-<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in previous mode and
-ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>
+<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in previous
+mode and ignore the change request of running in a different server
-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server action
-when you switch the server to run in a different mode</li>
+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server
+action when you switch the server to run in a different mode</li>
-<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C0-option" id="choption2"><strong>When switching the server out of debug mode</strong></td>
-<td valign="top" headers="N100C0-desc choption2"><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph1"><!-- --></a>When you finish running the server in debug mode
-and switch out, for example using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Run As</span>
- &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Run on Server</span></span></span><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph2"><!-- --></a> command,
-specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following options:</span><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ul1"><!-- --></a><ul id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ul1">
+<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C1-option" id="choption2"><strong>When switching the server out of debug
+<td valign="top" headers="N100C1-desc choption2"><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph1"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph1"><!-- --></a>When
+you finish running the server in debug mode and switch out, for example
+using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Run As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Run
+on Server</span></span></span><span id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph2"><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ph2"><!-- --></a> command,
+specify the next action of the server by selecting one of the following
+options:</span><a name="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ul1"><!-- --></a><ul id="twlaunchpref_wst__chdesc2_ul1">
 <li>Restart - specifies the workbench to stop and restart the server</li>
 <li>Disable breakpoints - specifies to clear all previously set breakpoints
-from the application and continue running the application in the newly selected
-server mode</li>
+from the application and continue running the application in the newly
+selected server mode</li>
-<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in debug mode and
-ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>
+<li>Continue - specifies to continue running the server in debug mode
+and ignore the change request of running in a different server mode</li>
-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server action
-when switching the server out of debug mode</li>
+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench to prompt you for the next server
+action when switching the server out of debug mode</li>
-<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C0-option" id="N101B1"><strong>When switching the server into debug mode, re-enable
-<td valign="top" headers="N100C0-desc N101B1">When you change
-the server mode into debug mode, for example using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Debug
-As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Debug on Server</span></span> command,
-specify how to handle the breakpoints currently set in your application by
-selecting one of the following options:<ul>
-<li>Always - specifies to enable all the currently set breakpoints in your
-application and break at them</li>
+<tr><td valign="top" headers="N100C1-option" id="N1019E"><strong>When switching the server into debug
+mode, re-enable breakpoints</strong></td>
-<li>Never - specifies the workbench to ignore all the breakpoints previously
-set in your application and continue running the application on the server
-in debug mode. When the workbench ignores all the breakpoints in your application,
-the behavior of the server mode is similar to using the <strong>Run on Server</strong> command.
-However, because the server is running in debug mode, you have the opportunity
-to enable or re-enable breakpoints in your application.</li>
+<td valign="top" headers="N100C1-desc N1019E">When you change the server mode into debug mode, for example
+using the <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Debug As</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Debug
+on Server</span></span> command, specify how to handle
+the breakpoints currently set in your application by selecting one
+of the following options:<ul>
+<li>Always - specifies to enable all the currently set breakpoints
+in your application and break at them</li>
-<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench will prompt you on how to handle the
-breakpoints set in your applications</li>
+<li>Never - specifies the workbench to ignore all the breakpoints
+previously set in your application and continue running the application
+on the server in debug mode. When the workbench ignores all the breakpoints
+in your application, the behavior of the server mode is similar to
+using the <strong>Run on Server</strong> command. However, because the server
+is running in debug mode, you have the opportunity to enable or re-enable
+breakpoints in your application.</li>
+<li>Prompt - specifies the workbench will prompt you on how to handle
+the breakpoints set in your applications</li>
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twpub.dita b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twpub.dita
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2008, v.4002-->

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



 <task id="twpub_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

@@ -22,31 +22,37 @@
 servers</uicontrol> check box on the Server preferences page (<menucascade>



-</menucascade>) is selected, the server tools check to see if your

-project and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not,

-the project and the files are automatically updated when the server

-is either started or restarted.</p><p id="twpub_p2">To publish your

-application manually you can complete one of the following in the

-Servers view:</p><p id="twpub_auto2">In the workbench, you have several

-options to choose for the <i>Publishing</i> settings. You can set

-these <i>Publishing</i> settings by going into the Servers view, right-click

-the server and select <uicontrol>Open</uicontrol>. The Server editor

-opens. In the <i>Overview</i> page of the server editor, under the <uicontrol>Publishing</uicontrol> settings,

-you are going to find the following settings:<ul>

+</menucascade>) is selected, the workbench checks to see if your project

+and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not, the project

+and the files are automatically updated when the server is either

+started or restarted.</p><p id="twpub_p2">To publish your application

+manually you can complete one of the following in the Servers view:</p><p

+id="twpub_auto2">In the workbench, you have several options to choose

+for the <i>Publishing</i> settings. You can set these <i>Publishing</i> settings

+by going into the Servers view, right-click the server and select <uicontrol>Open</uicontrol>.

+The Server editor opens. In the <i>Overview</i> page of the server

+editor, under the <uicontrol>Publishing</uicontrol> settings, you

+are going to find the following settings:<ul>

 <li><uicontrol>Never publish automatically</uicontrol>: Specifies

 the workbench should never publish files to the server.</li>

 <li><uicontrol>Automatically publish when resources change</uicontrol>:

-Specifies that when a change is made to the files running on the server,

-the number of <i>seconds</i> specified in the <uicontrol>Publishing

-interval </uicontrol>control will need to pass before the workbench

+Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file

+that is associated to the server are saved and a full time interval

+has passed in the <uicontrol>Publishing interval</uicontrol> setting.</li>

+<li><uicontrol>Automatically publish after a build event</uicontrol>:

+Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file

+that requires a build and is associated to the server are saved, and

+a full time interval has passed in the <uicontrol>Publishing interval</uicontrol> setting.</li>

+<li><uicontrol>Publishing interval (in seconds)</uicontrol>: Specifies

+the number of <i>seconds</i> that needs to pass before the workbench

 calls a publish to happen on the server. However, if you make a subsequent

 change to the files before this time interval has completed, the publish

 is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench makes a publish to

 the server only after the full time interval has passed.  If you set

-the publishing interval to 0 seconds, a change to the files running

-on the server should automatically request a publish command to occur.</li>

-</ul></p><?Pub Caret1?><p id="twpub_auto3">In the workbench, the default

-setting is the <b>Automatically publish when resources change</b> option

+the publishing interval to 0 seconds, an immediate publish should

+happen after changes on a file are saved.</li>

+</ul></p><?Pub Caret -1?><p id="twpub_auto3">In the workbench, the

+default setting is the <b>Automatically publish when resources change</b> option

 is enabled with a value set in the publishing interval.</p><b

 id="twpub_manualtitle">Manually publishing to a server</b><p

 id="twpub_manual1">If you do not want to wait for the automatic publishing

@@ -70,4 +76,4 @@
 by the server.</p></result>



-<?Pub *0000004271?>

+<?Pub *0000004683?>

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@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 <meta name="description" content="Publishing involves copying files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test environments, these files may already be in the correct location. In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically or manually." />
 <meta content="applications, publishing to servers, servers, publishing applications" name="DC.subject" />
 <meta content="applications, publishing to servers, servers, publishing applications" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/twsrvprf.html" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="twpub_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -39,37 +38,44 @@
 servers</span> check box on the Server preferences page (<span class="menucascade">
 <span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span>
  &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span>
-</span>) is selected, the server tools check to see if your
-project and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not,
-the project and the files are automatically updated when the server
-is either started or restarted.</p>
-<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><!-- --></a>To publish your
-application manually you can complete one of the following in the
-Servers view:</p>
-<div class="p" id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, you have several
-options to choose for the <em>Publishing</em> settings. You can set
-these <em>Publishing</em> settings by going into the Servers view, right-click
-the server and select <span class="uicontrol">Open</span>. The Server editor
-opens. In the <em>Overview</em> page of the server editor, under the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing</span> settings,
-you are going to find the following settings:<ul>
+</span>) is selected, the workbench checks to see if your project
+and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not, the project
+and the files are automatically updated when the server is either
+started or restarted.</p>
+<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_p2"><!-- --></a>To publish your application
+manually you can complete one of the following in the Servers view:</p>
+<div class="p" id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto2"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, you have several options to choose
+for the <em>Publishing</em> settings. You can set these <em>Publishing</em> settings
+by going into the Servers view, right-click the server and select <span class="uicontrol">Open</span>.
+The Server editor opens. In the <em>Overview</em> page of the server
+editor, under the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing</span> settings, you
+are going to find the following settings:<ul>
 <li><span class="uicontrol">Never publish automatically</span>: Specifies
 the workbench should never publish files to the server.</li>
 <li><span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when resources change</span>:
-Specifies that when a change is made to the files running on the server,
-the number of <em>seconds</em> specified in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing
-interval </span>control will need to pass before the workbench
+Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file
+that is associated to the server are saved and a full time interval
+has passed in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval</span> setting.</li>
+<li><span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish after a build event</span>:
+Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file
+that requires a build and is associated to the server are saved, and
+a full time interval has passed in the <span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval</span> setting.</li>
+<li><span class="uicontrol">Publishing interval (in seconds)</span>: Specifies
+the number of <em>seconds</em> that needs to pass before the workbench
 calls a publish to happen on the server. However, if you make a subsequent
 change to the files before this time interval has completed, the publish
 is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench makes a publish to
 the server only after the full time interval has passed.  If you set
-the publishing interval to 0 seconds, a change to the files running
-on the server should automatically request a publish command to occur.</li>
+the publishing interval to 0 seconds, an immediate publish should
+happen after changes on a file are saved.</li>
-<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, the default
-setting is the <strong>Automatically publish when resources change</strong> option
+<p id="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_auto3"><!-- --></a>In the workbench, the
+default setting is the <strong>Automatically publish when resources change</strong> option
 is enabled with a value set in the publishing interval.</p>
 <strong id="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manualtitle"><!-- --></a>Manually publishing to a server</strong><p id="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><a name="twpub_wst__twpub_manual1"><!-- --></a>If you do not want to wait for the automatic publishing
 interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench
@@ -97,10 +103,7 @@
-<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/twsrvprf.html" title="Using the Preferences page, you can define attribute used for testing projects by the servers.">Defining the server preference</a></div>
+<div />
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtdbg.dita
@@ -1,41 +1,46 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->

+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



+<?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>

 <task id="twsrtdbg_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="twsrtdbg_title">Starting a server in debug mode</title>

-<shortdesc id="twsrtdbg_shortdesc">If you want to debug your projects while

-a server runs, you can start a server in debug mode.</shortdesc>

+<shortdesc id="twsrtdbg_shortdesc">If you want to debug your projects

+while a server runs, you can start a server in debug mode.</shortdesc>


-<keywords id="index"><indexterm>applications<indexterm>running on servers in debug mode</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm>projects<indexterm>running on servers in debug mode</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm>servers<indexterm>starting in debug mode</indexterm></indexterm>


+<keywords id="index"><indexterm>applications<indexterm>running on

+servers in debug mode</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm>projects<indexterm>running

+on servers in debug mode</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm>servers<indexterm>starting

+in debug mode</indexterm></indexterm></keywords>



-<prereq id="twsrtdbg_prereq"><b>Prerequisites:</b><ul>

-<li><xref href="twcrtins.dita">Create a server.</xref></li>

-<li><xref href="twaddprj.dita">Add a project to the server.</xref></li>

-<li>Edit the file you want to run and set breakpoints.</li>

-<li>Open the Debug perspective.</li>


-<context id="twsrtdbg_context"><p>Once you have started the server in debug

-mode you can run the projects that are associated with the server. You can

-stop and restart the server at any time. The status of the server is displayed

-in the <uicontrol> Status </uicontrol> column of the Servers view. The status

-of the breakpoints in your file is displayed in the Debug view.</p><p>To manually

-start the server in debug mode:</p><p> </p></context>


+<li id="twsrtdbg_li1"><xref href="twcrtins.dita">Create a server.</xref></li>

+<li id="twsrtdbg_li2"><xref href="twaddprj.dita">Add a project to

+the server.</xref></li>

+<li id="twsrtdbg_li3">Edit the file you want to run and set breakpoints.</li>

+<li id="twsrtdbg_li4">Open the Debug perspective.</li>


+<context id="twsrtdbg_context"><p>Once you have started the server

+in debug mode you can run the projects that are associated with the

+server. You can stop and restart the server at any time. The status

+of the server is displayed in the <uicontrol> Status </uicontrol> column

+of the Servers view. The status of the breakpoints in your file is

+displayed in the Debug view.</p><p>To manually start the server in

+debug mode:</p><p> </p></context>


-<step id="twsrtdbg_step1"><cmd>In the Servers view ( <menucascade><uicontrol>Window

-> Show View > Other > Server > Servers > OK</uicontrol></menucascade>), right-click

-the server you want to start in debug mode.</cmd></step>

+<step id="twsrtdbg_step1"><cmd>In the Servers view ( <menucascade>

+<uicontrol>Window > Show View > Other > Server > Servers > OK</uicontrol>

+</menucascade>), right-click the server you want to start in debug


 <step><cmd><ph id="twsrtdbg_steps_ph1">In the pop-up menu select <uicontrol>Debug </uicontrol> </ph> <image

-alt="This is an image of the Start in debug mode icon." href="../images/launch_debug.gif">

-<alt>This is an image of the Start in debug mode icon</alt></image> . </cmd>

-<info><ph id="twsrtdbg_steps_ph2">In the  <uicontrol>Status</uicontrol> column

-of the Servers view, the status of the server changes to <i>Debugging</i>,

-after the server is started in debug mode.</ph></info></step>

+alt="This is an image of the Start in debug mode icon."

+href="../images/launch_debug.gif"><alt>This is an image of the Start

+in debug mode icon</alt></image> . </cmd><info><ph

+id="twsrtdbg_steps_ph2">In the Servers view, the status of the server

+changes to <i>Debugging</i>, after the server is started in debug

+mode.</ph></info></step><?Pub Caret 104?>




-<?Pub *0000002269?>

+<?Pub *0000002308?>

diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtdbg.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtdbg.html
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--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtdbg.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtdbg.html
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 <meta name="DC.Title" content="Starting a server in debug mode" />
 <meta name="abstract" content="If you want to debug your projects while a server runs, you can start a server in debug mode." />
 <meta name="description" content="If you want to debug your projects while a server runs, you can start a server in debug mode." />
-<meta content="applications, running on servers in debug mode, projects, servers, starting in debug mode" name="DC.subject" />
-<meta content="applications, running on servers in debug mode, projects, servers, starting in debug mode" name="keywords" />
+<meta content="applications, running on servers in debug mode, projects, running on servers in debug mode, servers, starting in debug mode" name="DC.subject" />
+<meta content="applications, running on servers in debug mode, projects, running on servers in debug mode, servers, starting in debug mode" name="keywords" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="twsrtdbg_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -26,40 +26,41 @@
-<div><p>If you want to debug your projects while
-a server runs, you can start a server in debug mode.</p>
+<div><p>If you want to debug your projects
+while a server runs, you can start a server in debug mode.</p>
-<div class="p" id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_prereq"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_prereq"><!-- --></a><strong>Prerequisites:</strong><ul>
-<li><a href="twcrtins.html">Create a server.</a></li>
+<div class="p"><strong>Prerequisites:</strong><ol>
+<li id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li1"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li1"><!-- --></a><a href="twcrtins.html">Create a server.</a></li>
-<li><a href="twaddprj.html">Add a project to the server.</a></li>
+<li id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li2"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li2"><!-- --></a><a href="twaddprj.html">Add a project to the server.</a></li>
-<li>Edit the file you want to run and set breakpoints.</li>
+<li id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li3"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li3"><!-- --></a>Edit the file you want to run and set breakpoints.</li>
-<li>Open the Debug perspective.</li>
+<li id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li4"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_li4"><!-- --></a>Open the Debug perspective.</li>
-<div class="section" id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_context"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_context"><!-- --></a><p>Once you have started the server in debug
-mode you can run the projects that are associated with the server. You can
-stop and restart the server at any time. The status of the server is displayed
-in the <span class="uicontrol"> Status </span> column of the Servers view. The status
-of the breakpoints in your file is displayed in the Debug view.</p>
-<p>To manually
-start the server in debug mode:</p>
+<div class="section" id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_context"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_context"><!-- --></a><p>Once you have started the server
+in debug mode you can run the projects that are associated with the
+server. You can stop and restart the server at any time. The status
+of the server is displayed in the <span class="uicontrol"> Status </span> column
+of the Servers view. The status of the breakpoints in your file is
+displayed in the Debug view.</p>
+<p>To manually start the server in
+debug mode:</p>
 <p> </p>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_step1"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Servers view ( <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window
-&gt; Show View &gt; Other &gt; Server &gt; Servers &gt; OK</span></span>), right-click
-the server you want to start in debug mode.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_step1"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Servers view ( <span class="menucascade">
+<span class="uicontrol">Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other &gt; Server &gt; Servers &gt; OK</span>
+</span>), right-click the server you want to start in debug
-<li class="stepexpand"><span><span id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph1"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>In the pop-up menu select <span class="uicontrol">Debug </span> </span> <img src="../images/launch_debug.gif" alt="This is an image of the Start in debug mode icon" /> . </span>
- <span id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph2"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>In the  <span class="uicontrol">Status</span> column
-of the Servers view, the status of the server changes to <em>Debugging</em>,
-after the server is started in debug mode.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span><span id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph1"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>In the pop-up menu select <span class="uicontrol">Debug </span> </span> <img src="../images/launch_debug.gif" alt="This is an image of the Start&#10;in debug mode icon" /> . </span> <span id="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph2"><a name="twsrtdbg_wst__twsrtdbg_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>In the Servers view, the status of the server
+changes to <em>Debugging</em>, after the server is started in debug
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@@ -1,50 +1,54 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->

+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



+<?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>

 <task id="twsrtins_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="twsrtins_title">Starting a server</title>

-<shortdesc id="twsrtins_shortdesc">When you are ready to test your projects,

-you must start a server. In some situations, listed below, the server tools

-start a server for you automatically. For more information on which test server

-will start, refer to the list of related topics at the end of this topic.</shortdesc>

+<shortdesc id="twsrtins_shortdesc">When you are ready to test your

+projects, you must start a server. In some situations, listed below,

+the server tools start a server for you automatically. For more information

+on which test server will start, refer to the list of related topics

+at the end of this topic.</shortdesc>


-<keywords id="index"><indexterm>applications<indexterm>starting servers for testing</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm>projects<indexterm>starting servers for testing</indexterm></indexterm>

-<indexterm>servers<indexterm>starting for testing</indexterm></indexterm>


+<keywords id="index"><indexterm>applications<indexterm>starting servers

+for testing</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm>projects<indexterm>starting

+servers for testing</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm>servers<indexterm>starting

+for testing</indexterm></indexterm></keywords>



 <prereq><b id="twsrtins_prereq">Prerequisites:</b><ul>

 <li id="twsrtins_prereq_li1"><xref href="twcrtins.dita">Create a server.</xref></li>


-<context id="twrstins_context"><p>Once you have started the server you can

-test the projects that are associated with the server. You can stop and restart

-the server at any time. The status of the server is displayed in the  <uicontrol>Status</uicontrol> column

-of the Servers view.</p><p>To manually start a server:</p></context>

+<context id="twrstins_context"><p>Once you have started the server

+you can test the projects that are associated with the server. You

+can stop and restart the server at any time. The status of the server

+is displayed in the  <uicontrol>Status</uicontrol> column of the Servers

+view.</p><p>To manually start a server:</p></context>

 <steps id="twrtins_steps">

 <step><cmd>Switch to the Servers view.</cmd></step>

-<step><cmd>In the Servers view, right-click the server you want to start.</cmd>


+<step><cmd>In the Servers view, right-click the server you want to


 <step><cmd>Select  <uicontrol>Start</uicontrol>. </cmd><info>The following

 things happen:<ul>

-<li>If you have selected the  <uicontrol>Automatically publish when starting

-servers</uicontrol> check box on the Server preferences page (<menucascade>

-<uicontrol>Window</uicontrol><uicontrol> Preferences</uicontrol><uicontrol>Server</uicontrol>

-<uicontrol>Launching</uicontrol></menucascade> ), the workbench

-checks to see if your project and files on the server are synchronized prior

-to starting the server. If they are not, the project and the files are automatically

-updated on the remote server when it is started.</li>

-<li>A Console view opens in the workbench. It will take a minute to start

-the server. If the server fails to start, check for the reason that it failed

-in the Console.</li>

-<li>In the  <uicontrol>Status</uicontrol> column of the Servers view, the

-status of the server changes to  <systemoutput>Started</systemoutput>.</li>

+<li>If you have selected the  <uicontrol>Automatically publish when

+starting servers</uicontrol> check box on the Server preferences page

+(<menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol><uicontrol> Preferences</uicontrol>


+</menucascade> ), the workbench checks to see if your project and

+files on the server are synchronized prior to starting the server.

+If they are not, the project and the files are automatically updated

+on the remote server when it is started.</li>

+<li>A Console view opens in the workbench. It will take a minute to

+start the server. If the server fails to start, check for the reason

+that it failed in the Console.</li>

+<li>In the Servers view, the status of the server changes to  <systemoutput>Started</systemoutput>.</li><?Pub

+Caret 7?>



 <result id="twsrtins_result"><note type="tip">The server is automatically

-started when you right-click on a file and then select  <uicontrol>Run As

-> Run on Server</uicontrol>.</note></result>

+started when you right-click on a file and then select  <uicontrol>Run

+As > Run on Server</uicontrol>.</note></result>



-<?Pub *0000002752?>

+<?Pub *0000002750?>

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index 94f179d..0cc201e 100644
--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtins.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrtins.html
@@ -11,9 +11,8 @@
 <meta name="DC.Title" content="Starting a server" />
 <meta name="abstract" content="When you are ready to test your projects, you must start a server. In some situations, listed below, the server tools start a server for you automatically. For more information on which test server will start, refer to the list of related topics at the end of this topic." />
 <meta name="description" content="When you are ready to test your projects, you must start a server. In some situations, listed below, the server tools start a server for you automatically. For more information on which test server will start, refer to the list of related topics at the end of this topic." />
-<meta content="applications, starting servers for testing, projects, servers, starting for testing" name="DC.subject" />
-<meta content="applications, starting servers for testing, projects, servers, starting for testing" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/cwflow.html" />
+<meta content="applications, starting servers for testing, projects, starting servers for testing, servers, starting for testing" name="DC.subject" />
+<meta content="applications, starting servers for testing, projects, starting servers for testing, servers, starting for testing" name="keywords" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="twsrtins_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -27,10 +26,11 @@
-<div><p>When you are ready to test your projects,
-you must start a server. In some situations, listed below, the server tools
-start a server for you automatically. For more information on which test server
-will start, refer to the list of related topics at the end of this topic.</p>
+<div><p>When you are ready to test your
+projects, you must start a server. In some situations, listed below,
+the server tools start a server for you automatically. For more information
+on which test server will start, refer to the list of related topics
+at the end of this topic.</p>
 <div class="p"><strong id="twsrtins_wst__twsrtins_prereq"><a name="twsrtins_wst__twsrtins_prereq"><!-- --></a>Prerequisites:</strong><ul>
 <li id="twsrtins_wst__twsrtins_prereq_li1"><a name="twsrtins_wst__twsrtins_prereq_li1"><!-- --></a><a href="twcrtins.html">Create a server.</a></li>
@@ -38,35 +38,36 @@
-<div class="section" id="twsrtins_wst__twrstins_context"><a name="twsrtins_wst__twrstins_context"><!-- --></a><p>Once you have started the server you can
-test the projects that are associated with the server. You can stop and restart
-the server at any time. The status of the server is displayed in the  <span class="uicontrol">Status</span> column
-of the Servers view.</p>
+<div class="section" id="twsrtins_wst__twrstins_context"><a name="twsrtins_wst__twrstins_context"><!-- --></a><p>Once you have started the server
+you can test the projects that are associated with the server. You
+can stop and restart the server at any time. The status of the server
+is displayed in the  <span class="uicontrol">Status</span> column of the Servers
 <p>To manually start a server:</p>
 <a name="twsrtins_wst__twrtins_steps"><!-- --></a><ol id="twsrtins_wst__twrtins_steps">
 <li class="stepexpand"><span>Switch to the Servers view.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>In the Servers view, right-click the server you want to start.</span>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span>In the Servers view, right-click the server you want to
 <li class="stepexpand"><span>Select  <span class="uicontrol">Start</span>. </span> The following
 things happen:<ul>
-<li>If you have selected the  <span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when starting
-servers</span> check box on the Server preferences page (<span class="menucascade">
-<span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol"> Preferences</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span>
- &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span></span> ), the workbench
-checks to see if your project and files on the server are synchronized prior
-to starting the server. If they are not, the project and the files are automatically
-updated on the remote server when it is started.</li>
+<li>If you have selected the  <span class="uicontrol">Automatically publish when
+starting servers</span> check box on the Server preferences page
+(<span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol"> Preferences</span>
+ &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Server</span> &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Launching</span>
+</span> ), the workbench checks to see if your project and
+files on the server are synchronized prior to starting the server.
+If they are not, the project and the files are automatically updated
+on the remote server when it is started.</li>
-<li>A Console view opens in the workbench. It will take a minute to start
-the server. If the server fails to start, check for the reason that it failed
-in the Console.</li>
+<li>A Console view opens in the workbench. It will take a minute to
+start the server. If the server fails to start, check for the reason
+that it failed in the Console.</li>
-<li>In the  <span class="uicontrol">Status</span> column of the Servers view, the
-status of the server changes to  <tt class="sysout">Started</tt>.</li>
+<li>In the Servers view, the status of the server changes to  <tt class="sysout">Started</tt>.</li>
@@ -74,16 +75,12 @@
 <div class="section" id="twsrtins_wst__twsrtins_result"><a name="twsrtins_wst__twsrtins_result"><!-- --></a><div class="tip"><span class="tiptitle">Tip:</span> The server is automatically
-started when you right-click on a file and then select  <span class="uicontrol">Run As
-&gt; Run on Server</span>.</div>
+started when you right-click on a file and then select  <span class="uicontrol">Run
+As &gt; Run on Server</span>.</div>
-<div><div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/cwflow.html" title="You can start the server automatically as part of running a selected resource on the server, or you can simply start the server without running resources on the server. For example, the server is automatically started when you right-click a project or an application resource in the Project Explorer view and select Run As &gt; Run on Server. If you want to start the server without running resources on the server, in the Servers view select a server and select the Start the server This is an image of the Run on Server icon icon, the Start the server in debug mode This is an image of the Debug on server icon. icon , or the Start the server in profiling mode This is an image of the Start the server in profiling mode icon. icon.">Which server will start</a></div>
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->

+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



 <?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>

 <?Pub Inc?>

 <task id="twsrvprf_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

-<title id="title">Defining the server preference<!--Defining the server preferences--></title>

-<shortdesc id="shortdesc">Using the Preferences page, you can define attribute

-used for testing projects by the servers.</shortdesc>

+<title id="title">Defining the server preference</title>

+<shortdesc id="shortdesc">Using the Preferences page, you can define

+attribute used for testing projects by the servers.</shortdesc>


 <keywords id="index"><indexterm>preferences<indexterm>servers<indexterm>testing</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>




+<indexterm>views<indexterm>server preferences</indexterm></indexterm>




-<context>To define this preference<?Pub Caret?>, complete the following steps:<!--To define these preferences, complete the following steps:--></context>

+<context>To define this preference, complete the following steps:</context>

 <steps id="steps">

-<step><cmd>In the toolbar, select <menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol>

+<step id="step1"><cmd>In the toolbar, select <menucascade><uicontrol>Window</uicontrol>


-<step><cmd>In the Preferences page, select  <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol>.</cmd>

+<step id="step2"><cmd>In the Preferences page, select  <uicontrol>Server</uicontrol>.</cmd>


-<step><cmd>Specify the following setting by selecting the check box:<!--Specify one or more of the following settings by selecting the appropriate check box:--></cmd>


-<dt>Show Servers view when server state changes</dt>

-<dd>The Servers view is displayed on the workbench when there are any activities

-in the Servers view. For more details about the server states refer to the <xref

-href="rwrcview.dita">Servers View</xref> topic.</dd>


-<step><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Apply</uicontrol> and then  <uicontrol>OK</uicontrol> to

-save your changes.</cmd></step>

+<step><cmd id="cmd3">Select the <uicontrol>Show Servers view when

+server state changes</uicontrol> check box, if you want the Servers

+view to display on the workbench when there are any activities in

+the Servers view.</cmd><info>For more details about the server states

+refer to the <xref href="rwrcview.dita">Servers View</xref> topic.</info>

+</step><?Pub Caret -1?>

+<step id="step4"><cmd>Click  <uicontrol>Apply</uicontrol> and then

+ <uicontrol>OK</uicontrol> to save your changes.</cmd></step>




-<?Pub *0000001831?>

+<?Pub *0000001633?>

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index c57d7da..d5ca585 100644
--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrvprf.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twsrvprf.html
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 <meta name="description" content="Using the Preferences page, you can define attribute used for testing projects by the servers." />
 <meta content="preferences, servers, testing, views, server preferences" name="DC.subject" />
 <meta content="preferences, servers, testing, views, server preferences" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/twpub.html" />
 <meta content="XHTML" name="DC.Format" />
 <meta content="twsrvprf_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -27,39 +26,33 @@
-<div><p>Using the Preferences page, you can define attribute
-used for testing projects by the servers.</p>
+<div><p>Using the Preferences page, you can define
+attribute used for testing projects by the servers.</p>
 <div class="section">To define this preference, complete the following steps:</div>
 <a name="twsrvprf_wst__steps"><!-- --></a><ol id="twsrvprf_wst__steps">
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>In the toolbar, select <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twsrvprf_wst__step1"><a name="twsrvprf_wst__step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the toolbar, select <span class="menucascade"><span class="uicontrol">Window</span>
  &gt; <span class="uicontrol">Preferences</span></span>.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>In the Preferences page, select  <span class="uicontrol">Server</span>.</span>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twsrvprf_wst__step2"><a name="twsrvprf_wst__step2"><!-- --></a><span>In the Preferences page, select  <span class="uicontrol">Server</span>.</span>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Specify the following setting by selecting the check box:</span>
- <dl>
-<dt class="dlterm">Show Servers view when server state changes</dt>
-<dd>The Servers view is displayed on the workbench when there are any activities
-in the Servers view. For more details about the server states refer to the <a href="rwrcview.html">Servers View</a> topic.</dd>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span id="twsrvprf_wst__cmd3"><a name="twsrvprf_wst__cmd3"><!-- --></a>Select the <span class="uicontrol">Show Servers view when
+server state changes</span> check box, if you want the Servers
+view to display on the workbench when there are any activities in
+the Servers view.</span> For more details about the server states
+refer to the <a href="rwrcview.html">Servers View</a> topic.
-<li class="stepexpand"><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Apply</span> and then  <span class="uicontrol">OK</span> to
-save your changes.</span></li>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twsrvprf_wst__step4"><a name="twsrvprf_wst__step4"><!-- --></a><span>Click  <span class="uicontrol">Apply</span> and then
+ <span class="uicontrol">OK</span> to save your changes.</span></li>
-<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/twpub.html" title="Publishing involves copying files (projects, resource files, and server configurations) to the correct location for the server to find and use them. In the test environments, these files may already be in the correct location. In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically or manually.">Publishing your application</a></div>
+<div />
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twstpins.dita
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2005, v.4002-->

+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2009, v.4002-->



 <task id="twstpins_wst" xml:lang="en-us">

 <title id="twstpins_title">Stopping a server</title>

-<shortdesc id="twstpins_shortdesc">You can stop the server from the Servers


+<shortdesc id="twstpins_shortdesc">You can stop the server from the

+Servers view.</shortdesc>


 <keywords id="index"><indexterm>servers<indexterm>stopping</indexterm></indexterm>


@@ -13,32 +13,35 @@

 <context id="twstpins_context">To stop the server:</context>


-<step id="twstpins_step1"><cmd>In the Servers view ( <b>Window > Show View

-> Other > Server > Servers > OK</b>), select the server that you want to stop.</cmd>


-<step><cmd><ph id="twstpins_steps_ph1">Click the  <uicontrol>Stop the server</uicontrol></ph>  <image

+<step id="twstpins_step1"><cmd>In the Servers view ( <b>Window > Show

+View > Other > Server > Servers > OK</b>), select the server that

+you want to stop.</cmd></step>

+<step><cmd><ph id="twstpins_steps_ph1">Click the  <uicontrol>Stop

+the server</uicontrol></ph>  <image

 alt="This is an image of the Stop icon." href="../images/launch_stop.gif">

-<alt>This is an image of the Stop icon.</alt></image> <ph id="twstpins_steps_ph2">icon

-in the toolbar.</ph></cmd><info><ph id="twstpins_steps_ph3">In the <uicontrol>Status</uicontrol> column

-of the Servers view, the status of the server changes to  <i>Stopped</i>.</ph></info>


-<step><cmd><ph id="twstpins_steps_ph4">If for some reason the server fails

-to stop, you can terminate the process as follows:</ph></cmd>

+<alt>This is an image of the Stop icon.</alt></image> <ph

+id="twstpins_steps_ph2">icon in the toolbar.</ph></cmd><info><ph

+id="twstpins_steps_ph3"> In the Servers view, the status of the server

+changes to  <i>Stopped</i>.</ph></info></step>

+<step><cmd><ph id="twstpins_steps_ph4">If for some reason the server

+fails to stop, you can terminate the process as follows:</ph></cmd>


 <substep id="twstpins_steps_substep1"><cmd>Switch to the Debug perspective.</cmd>


-<substep id="twstpins_steps_substep2"><cmd>In the Process view, select the

-server process that you want to stop.</cmd></substep>

+<substep id="twstpins_steps_substep2"><cmd>In the Process view, select

+the server process that you want to stop.</cmd></substep>

 <substep><cmd><ph id="twstpins_steps_ph6">Click the  <uicontrol>Terminate</uicontrol></ph>  <image

-alt="This is an image of the Terminate icon." href="../images/launch_stop.gif">

-<alt>This is an image of the Terminate icon</alt></image> <ph id="twstpins_steps_ph7">icon

-in the toolbar.</ph></cmd></substep>

+alt="This is an image of the Terminate icon."

+href="../images/launch_stop.gif"><alt>This is an image of the Terminate

+icon</alt></image> <ph id="twstpins_steps_ph7">icon in the toolbar.</ph></cmd>




+</step><?Pub Caret 71?>


-<result id="twstpins_result"><note>When terminating a server, the server process

-will end and the server will not go through the normal routine of stopping,

-for example calling the destroy() method on a servlet.</note></result>

+<result id="twstpins_result"><note>When terminating a server, the

+server process will end and the server will not go through the normal

+routine of stopping, for example calling the destroy() method on a




-<?Pub *0000002249?>

+<?Pub *0000002125?>

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--- a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twstpins.html
+++ b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twstpins.html
@@ -26,32 +26,31 @@
-<div><p>You can stop the server from the Servers
+<div><p>You can stop the server from the
+Servers view.</p>
 <div class="section" id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_context"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_context"><!-- --></a>To stop the server:</div>
-<li class="stepexpand" id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_step1"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Servers view ( <strong>Window &gt; Show View
-&gt; Other &gt; Server &gt; Servers &gt; OK</strong>), select the server that you want to stop.</span>
+<li class="stepexpand" id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_step1"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_step1"><!-- --></a><span>In the Servers view ( <strong>Window &gt; Show
+View &gt; Other &gt; Server &gt; Servers &gt; OK</strong>), select the server that
+you want to stop.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span><span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph1"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>Click the  <span class="uicontrol">Stop the server</span></span>  <img src="../images/launch_stop.gif" alt="This is an image of the Stop icon." /> <span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph2"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>icon
-in the toolbar.</span></span> <span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph3"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph3"><!-- --></a>In the <span class="uicontrol">Status</span> column
-of the Servers view, the status of the server changes to  <em>Stopped</em>.</span>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span><span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph1"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph1"><!-- --></a>Click the  <span class="uicontrol">Stop
+the server</span></span>  <img src="../images/launch_stop.gif" alt="This is an image of the Stop icon." /> <span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph2"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph2"><!-- --></a>icon in the toolbar.</span></span> <span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph3"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph3"><!-- --></a> In the Servers view, the status of the server
+changes to  <em>Stopped</em>.</span></li>
-<li class="stepexpand"><span><span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph4"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph4"><!-- --></a>If for some reason the server fails
-to stop, you can terminate the process as follows:</span></span>
+<li class="stepexpand"><span><span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph4"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph4"><!-- --></a>If for some reason the server
+fails to stop, you can terminate the process as follows:</span></span>
 <ol type="a">
 <li id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_substep1"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_substep1"><!-- --></a><span>Switch to the Debug perspective.</span>
-<li id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_substep2"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_substep2"><!-- --></a><span>In the Process view, select the
-server process that you want to stop.</span></li>
+<li id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_substep2"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_substep2"><!-- --></a><span>In the Process view, select
+the server process that you want to stop.</span></li>
-<li><span><span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph6"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph6"><!-- --></a>Click the  <span class="uicontrol">Terminate</span></span>  <img src="../images/launch_stop.gif" alt="This is an image of the Terminate icon" /> <span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph7"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph7"><!-- --></a>icon
-in the toolbar.</span></span></li>
+<li><span><span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph6"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph6"><!-- --></a>Click the  <span class="uicontrol">Terminate</span></span>  <img src="../images/launch_stop.gif" alt="This is an image of the Terminate&#10;icon" /> <span id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph7"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_steps_ph7"><!-- --></a>icon in the toolbar.</span></span>
@@ -59,9 +58,10 @@
-<div class="section" id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_result"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_result"><!-- --></a><div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> When terminating a server, the server process
-will end and the server will not go through the normal routine of stopping,
-for example calling the destroy() method on a servlet.</div>
+<div class="section" id="twstpins_wst__twstpins_result"><a name="twstpins_wst__twstpins_result"><!-- --></a><div class="note"><span class="notetitle">Note:</span> When terminating a server, the
+server process will end and the server will not go through the normal
+routine of stopping, for example calling the destroy() method on a
diff --git a/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twtcpprf.html b/docs/org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.doc.user/topics/twtcpprf.html
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@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
 <meta name="description" content="Using the Preferences page, you can define the TCP/IP Monitor attributes. To define these preferences, complete the following:" />
 <meta content="preferences, TCP/IP Monitor, TCP/IP, views, TCP/IP monitors" name="DC.subject" />
 <meta content="preferences, TCP/IP Monitor, TCP/IP, views, TCP/IP monitors" name="keywords" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/rwtcpvw.html" />
-<meta scheme="URI" name="DC.Relation" content="../topics/rwtcpvw.html" />
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 <meta content="twtcpprf_wst" name="DC.Identifier" />
 <meta content="en-us" name="DC.Language" />
@@ -110,10 +108,7 @@
-<div><div class="relref"><strong>Related reference</strong><br />
-<div><a href="../topics/rwtcpvw.html" title="The TCP/IP Monitor is a simple server that monitors all the requests and the responses between a Web browser and server. If you want the TCP/IP Monitor view to open when there is TCP/IP activity, select the Show TCP/IP Monitor view when there is activity check box on the TCP/IP Monitor preferences page ( Window &gt; Run/Debug &gt; TCP/IP Monitor).">TCP/IP Monitor view</a></div>
+<div />
\ No newline at end of file
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-<map title="Creating servers">

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-<topicref href="topics/twcrtins.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Creating a server ">

-<navref mapref="../org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.doc.user/tomcat_create.ditamap"/>

-<topicref href="topics/thttppreview.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="...HTTP Preview server">

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+navtitle="Creating, editing and deleting servers">

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+navtitle="Creating a server ">



+Caret -2?>

+<topicref href="topics/thttppreview.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="...HTTP Preview server"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/tj2eepreview.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="...J2EE Preview server"></topicref>


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-</topicref><?Pub Caret1?>


-<topicref href="topics/twedtins.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Editing a server">


-<topicref href="topics/twdelins.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Deleting a server">


+<topicref href="topics/twedtins.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Editing a server"></topicref>

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+navtitle="Deleting a server"></topicref>



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-<map title="Server Preferences">

-<topicref href="topics/tpref.dita" id="pref_server" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Defining server preferences">

-<topicref href="topics/twsrvprf.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Defining the server preferences">


-<topicref href="topics/tprefaud.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Defining the audio preferences">


-<topicref href="topics/twlaunchpref.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Defining the launching preferences">


-<topicref href="topics/twinstprf.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Defining the installed server runtime environments preferences">

-<navref mapref="../org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.doc.user/tomcat_pref.ditamap"/>


-<topicref href="topics/twtcpprf.dita" locktitle="yes" navtitle="Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences">

+<?Pub Sty _display FontColor="red"?>

+<map title="Server Preferences" xml:lang="en-us">

+<topicref href="topics/tpref.dita" id="pref_server" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Defining server preferences">

+<topicref href="topics/twsrvprf.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Defining the server preferences"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/tprefaud.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Defining the audio preferences"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/twlaunchpref.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Defining the launching preferences"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/twinstprf.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Defining the server runtime environments preferences">



+Caret -2?></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/twtcpprf.dita" locktitle="yes"

+navtitle="Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences">

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-navtitle="TCP/IP Monitor view"><?Pub Caret?></topicref>

+navtitle="TCP/IP Monitor view"></topicref>




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@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 <topic label="Defining the server preferences" href="topics/twsrvprf.html"/>
 <topic label="Defining the audio preferences" href="topics/tprefaud.html"/>
 <topic label="Defining the launching preferences" href="topics/twlaunchpref.html"/>
-<topic label="Defining the installed server runtime environments preferences" href="topics/twinstprf.html">
+<topic label="Defining the server runtime environments preferences" href="topics/twinstprf.html">
 <link toc="../org.eclipse.jst.server.ui.doc.user/tomcat_pref.xml"/>
 <topic label="Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences" href="topics/twtcpprf.html">
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-<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->

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 <relcolspec type="concept"></relcolspec>

@@ -12,11 +13,12 @@



-<topicref href="topics/cwflow.dita" navtitle="Which test server will start">


+<topicref href="topics/cwflow.dita"

+navtitle="Which test server will start"></topicref>



-<topicref href="topics/twsrtins.dita" navtitle="Starting a server"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/twsrtins.dita" navtitle="Starting a server">





@@ -24,23 +26,25 @@



-<topicref href="topics/twtcpprf.dita" navtitle="Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preference">


+<topicref href="topics/twtcpprf.dita"

+navtitle="Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preference"></topicref>



-<topicref href="topics/rwtcpvw.dita" navtitle="TCP/IP Monitor view"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/rwtcpvw.dita" navtitle="TCP/IP Monitor view">







-<topicref href="topics/cwres.dita" navtitle="Resources used by the Server Tools">


+<topicref href="topics/cwres.dita"

+navtitle="Resources used by the Server Tools"></topicref>



-<topicref href="topics/tmetasrv.dita" linking="targetonly" navtitle="Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server">


-<topicref href="topics/twinstprf.dita" linking="targetonly" navtitle="Defining the server runtime environments preference"><?Pub Caret?>

+<topicref href="topics/tmetasrv.dita" linking="targetonly"

+navtitle="Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/twinstprf.dita" linking="targetonly"

+navtitle="Defining the server runtime environments preference">




@@ -49,8 +53,8 @@


 <relcell collection-type="family">

-<topicref href="topics/twsrvprf.dita" navtitle="Defining the server preferences">


+<topicref href="topics/twsrvprf.dita"

+navtitle="Defining the server preferences"></topicref>

 <topicref href="topics/twpub.dita" navtitle="Publishing your application">



@@ -60,14 +64,27 @@



-<topicref href="topics/twtcpprf.dita" navtitle="Defining the TCP/IP monitor preferences">


+<topicref href="topics/twtcpprf.dita"

+navtitle="Defining the TCP/IP monitor preferences"></topicref>



-<topicref href="topics/rwtcpvw.dita" navtitle="TCP/IP monitor view"></topicref>

+<topicref href="topics/rwtcpvw.dita" navtitle="TCP/IP monitor view">







+<relcell collection-type="family">

+<topicref href="topics/twcrtins.dita" navtitle="Creating a server">


+<topicref href="topics/twinstprf.dita" linking="targetonly"

+navtitle="Defining the server runtime environments preference">





+</relrow><?Pub Caret -2?>



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 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
 Bundle-Name: %pluginName
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-Bundle-Version: 1.1.0.qualifier
+Bundle-Version: 1.1.100.qualifier
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 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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 <!-- /*******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 <context id="seop0002">
-<description>Specify the name assign to the server.  This name is displayed in the Servers view under the Server column.
+<description>Specify the name assign to the server.  This name is displayed in the Servers view.
@@ -243,12 +243,22 @@
 <context id="seop0012">
-<description>Specifies that all the files should automatically be published to the server at every <b>seconds</b> interval, where <b>seconds</b> is the number of seconds you have specified in the <b>Publishing interval</b> control.
+<description>Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file that is associated to the server are saved and a full time interval has passed in the <b>Publishing
+interval</b> setting.</description>
+<context id="seop0014">
+<description>Specifies the workbench to issue a publish after changes on a file that requires a build and is associated to the server are saved, and a full time interval has passed in the <b>Publishing
+interval</b> setting.</description>
 <context id="seop0016">
-<description>Specifies the tools should never publish files to the server.
+<description>Specifies the workbench should never publish files to the server.
+<context id="seop0018">
+<description>Specifies the number of <i>seconds</i> that needs to pass before the workbench calls a publish to happen on the server. However, if you make a subsequent change to the files before this time interval has completed, the publish is delayed as the timer is reset. The workbench makes a publish to the server only after the full time interval has passed.  If you set the publishing interval to 0 seconds, an immediate publish should happen after changes on a file are saved.