blob: 73ac0bd51bb316136de570edf49ced206456848f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 Eteration A.S. and Gorkem Ercan. All rights reserved. This program and the
# accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors: Gorkem Ercan - initial API and implementation
errorJRE=Invalid JRE
errorNoServerType=No server type definition
errorMissingClasspathEntry=Missing classpath entry {0}
errorPortInUse=Server port In Use {0}-{1}
cancelNoPublish=Nothing to publish
moduleNotCompatible=Module type is not compatible
errorNoClasspath=No classpath is defined
errorRemoveModuleAntpublisher= Remove module failed using Ant publisher
errorPublishAntpublisher= Publish failed using Ant publisher
commandlineUnspecified=Executable commandline is unspecified
workingdirUnspecified=Working directory is unspecified or invalid
errorLaunchingExecutable=Error launching executable
missingServer=Server does not exist
debugPortUnspecified=Debugging port is unspecified
errorStartingExternalDebugging=Error launching remote debugging for external server, changing to non-debugging mode.\nPlease check the debug port setting and ensure that the specified 'start' executable launches the server with debugging enabled
invalidPath = {0} is not valid
runModeNotSupported= Selected VM does not support this mode
unableToCreatePublisher=Unable to create publisher {0}
canNotPublishDeletedModule=Can not publish because module {0} is closed or deleted
antLauncherMissing=Ant launcher is missing or disabled
attachingToExternalGenericServer=Attaching to external generic server {0}.
verifyingExternalServerDebuggingLaunchAttributes=Verifying debugging launch attributes.
externalServerDebugConnectorNotSpecified=Debugging connector not specified.
creatingExternalServerDebuggingSourceLocator=Creating debugging source locator.