blob: 9e72fe1c2c1100900ce10b50489ef7a983eae23a [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Reference//EN"
<reference id="rwrcview_wst" xml:lang="en-us">
<title id="rwrcview_title">Servers view</title>
<shortdesc><ph id="rwrcview_ph1">The Servers view (similar to the
one shown below) allows you to manage the servers. This view displays
a list of all your servers and projects that are associated with that
server. A project displays under a server when a project from the
workbench is added to the server. You can use this view to start,
start in debug mode,</ph><ph id="rwrcview_ph2"> restart, or stop the
servers. In addition, you can use the Servers view to determine the
current status and state of the server; and the projects added to
the server from the workbench.</ph></shortdesc>
<keywords id="index"><indexterm
keyref="rwrcview|1|serversmanagingusingtheServersview" status="new"
>servers<indexterm>managing using the Servers view</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm keyref="rwrcview|2|viewsServers" status="changed">views<indexterm
<section><p> <image alt="Servers view." href="../images/scpview.gif">
<alt>Servers view.</alt></image> </p><?Pub Caret 10?><p id="rwrcview_p2"
>Use the Servers view to perform the following tasks:</p><ul>
<li id="rwrcview_li1">Create a server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li2">Edit a server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li3">Delete a server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li4">Start a server in debug mode</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li5">Start a server </li>
<li id="rwrcview_li6">Restart a server in debug mode</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li7">Restart a server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li8">Stop a server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li10">Publish your application</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li11">Monitor server ports</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li11b">Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server
from the workbench</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li12">Add and remove projects from a server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li13">Deactivate server</li>
<li id="rwrcview_li14">Activate server</li>
<section><title id="rwrcview_section_server_state_title">Server State</title
><p id="rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p1">The Servers view
displays the current state of all the servers.</p><p
id="rwrcview_rwrcview_section_server_state_p2">The following table
lists the possible states of the server:</p><table><title
id="rwrcview_section_server_state_table_title">Description of the
server states</title>
<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>
<thead id="rwrcview_section_server_state_table_thead">
<entry> Server state</entry>
<entry> Description of state </entry>
<row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_starting">
<entry>The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server
and is beginning the server process.<note type="tip">Verify the actual
server is started.</note></entry>
<row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_started">
<entry colname="COLSPEC0">Started</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The workbench is successfully connected
to the server. Both the workbench and server are ready to run applications
on the server.</entry>
<row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_debugging">
<entry>The workbench is successfully connected to the server. Both
the workbench and server are ready to diagnose applications on the
<row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopping">
<entry>The workbench is in the process of connecting to the server
and is ending the process on the server.</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC0">Stopped</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1"><ph
id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description">The server
process has ended. Or the workbench is unable to connect to the server.</ph
<row id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped">
<entry id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_entry">Inactive</entry>
<entry><ph id="rwrcview_section_server_state_stopped_description"
>The server has been deactivated</ph></entry>
<section id="rwrcview_section_server_status"><title>Server Status</title
><p>The Servers view also displays the current status of all the servers.
Depending on the state of the server and the preference options that
are selected for that particular server, the workbench determines
the server actions that may be taken. Use the status as an indicator
for possible actions that you may want to take.</p><p>The following
table lists the possible server status:</p><table><title>Description
of the server status</title>
<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>
<entry> Server status </entry>
<entry> Description of status </entry>
<entry>Both the server and the applications are in synch.</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC0">Publishing</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1">Files (projects and resource files) are
copied to the correct location for the server to find and use them.</entry>
<entry>The server needs to be restarted in order for the changes to
take place.</entry>
<entry>Either the server or the applications or both have changed.
The changed files need to be updated on the server.</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC0">Restart and republish</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1">Either the server or the applications or
both have changed. When the server is restarted, the changed files
are also republished.</entry>
<section id="rwrcview_section_project_state"><title>Project State</title
><p>The Servers view might display the current state of the application
is either started or stopped. When the Servers view does not display
a current state for the project, the workbench cannot retrieve the
state of the project from the server or the server does not support
this function.</p><p>If a project name appears in italic font style,
this means the project has not yet been uploaded to the server. After
the project is published into the server, the project name switches
to the typical font style used in the Servers view.</p><p>The following
table lists the possible states of the project:<table><title>Description
of project states</title>
<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>
<entry> Project states </entry>
<entry> Description of states </entry>
<entry>The application on the server is ready to run on the server.</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC0">Stopped</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The application on the server is ended and
is not taking server requests to run.</entry>
<section id="rwrcview_section_project_status"><title>Project Status</title
><p>The Servers view might display the current status of the application
is either synchronized or republished. When the Servers view does
not display a current status for the project, the workbench cannot
retrieve the status of the project from the server, the server is
stopped or the server does not support this function.</p><p
id="rwrcview_p3a">The following table lists the possible project status:</p
><table><title>Description of project status</title>
<tgroup cols="2"><colspec colname="COLSPEC0"/><colspec colname="COLSPEC1"/>
<entry> Project status </entry>
<entry> Description of status </entry>
<entry>Both copies of the application files on the server and in the
workbench are matching.</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC0">Republished</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1">The copy of the application files on the
workbench has changed and does not match the copy on the server. The
server needs to be updated.</entry>
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