blob: 919a3d8f4261876d5d70293b8759f3dcc7240165 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.wst.server.ui;
* Copyright (c) 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved.   This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceNode;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.*;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.editor.IServerEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.ServerUIPlugin;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.Trace;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.editor.ServerEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.publish.PublishDialog;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.task.FinishWizardFragment;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.task.InputWizardFragment;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.task.SaveRuntimeTask;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.wizard.ClosableWizardDialog;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.wizard.fragment.NewRuntimeWizardFragment;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.wizard.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
* Server UI utility methods.
public class ServerUIUtil {
* ServerUIUtil constructor comment.
private ServerUIUtil() {
* Open the passed server resources in the server editor.
* @param resource org.eclipse.core.resources.IServerResource
public static void editServer(IServer server, IServerConfiguration configuration) {
if (server == null && configuration == null)
String serverId = null;
if (server != null)
serverId = server.getId();
String configurationId = null;
if (configuration != null)
configurationId = configuration.getId();
editServer(serverId, configurationId);
* Open the passed resources in the server editor.
* @param resource org.eclipse.core.resources.IServerResource
public static void editServer(String serverId, String configurationId) {
if (serverId == null && configurationId == null)
IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = ServerUIPlugin.getInstance().getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
IWorkbenchPage page = workbenchWindow.getActivePage();
try {
IServerEditorInput input = new ServerEditorInput(serverId, configurationId);
page.openEditor(input, IServerEditorInput.EDITOR_ID);
} catch (Exception e) {
Trace.trace(Trace.SEVERE, "Error opening server editor", e);
* Publish with the given server control, and display
* the publishing in a dialog. If keepOpen is true, the publish
* dialog will remain open after publishing. If false, it will
* only remain open if there was an error, info, or warning
* message.
* @param control org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServerControl
* @param keepOpen boolean
* @return IStatus
public static IStatus publishWithDialog(IServer server, boolean keepOpen) {
Shell shell = ServerUIPlugin.getInstance().getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
return PublishDialog.publish(shell, server, keepOpen);
* Publish with the given server control, and display
* the publishing in a dialog. If keepOpen is true, the publish
* dialog will remain open after publishing. If false, it will
* only remain open if there was an error, info, or warning
* message.
* @param control org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServerControl
* @param keepOpen boolean
* @return IStatus
public static IStatus publishWithDialog(Shell shell, IServer server, boolean keepOpen) {
return PublishDialog.publish(shell, server, keepOpen);
* Prompts the user if the server is dirty. Returns true if the server was
* not dirty or if the user decided to continue anyway. Returns false if
* the server is dirty and the user chose to cancel the operation.
* @return boolean
public static boolean promptIfDirty(Shell shell, IServer server) {
if (server == null)
return false;
String title = ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%resourceDirtyDialogTitle");
if (server != null && server.isAWorkingCopyDirty()) {
String message = ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%resourceDirtyDialogMessage", server.getName());
String[] labels = new String[] {ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%resourceDirtyDialogContinue"), IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL};
MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(shell, title, null, message, MessageDialog.INFORMATION, labels, 0);
if ( != 0)
return false;
IServerConfiguration config = server.getServerConfiguration();
if (config != null)
return promptIfDirty(shell, config);
return true;
* Prompts the user if the server configuration is dirty. Returns true if the server was
* not dirty or if the user decided to continue anyway. Returns false if
* the server is dirty and the user chose to cancel the operation.
* @return boolean
public static boolean promptIfDirty(Shell shell, IServerConfiguration configuration) {
if (configuration == null)
return false;
String title = ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%resourceDirtyDialogTitle");
if (configuration != null && configuration.isAWorkingCopyDirty()) {
String message = ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%resourceDirtyDialogMessage", configuration.getName());
String[] labels = new String[] {ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%resourceDirtyDialogContinue"), IDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL};
MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(shell, title, null, message, MessageDialog.INFORMATION, labels, 0);
if ( != 0)
return false;
return true;
* Use the preference to prompt the user to save dirty editors, if applicable.
* @return boolean - Returns false if the user cancelled the operation
public static boolean saveEditors() {
byte b = ServerUICore.getPreferences().getSaveEditors();
if (b == IServerUIPreferences.SAVE_EDITORS_NEVER)
return true;
return ServerUIPlugin.getInstance().getWorkbench().saveAllEditors(b == IServerUIPreferences.SAVE_EDITORS_PROMPT);
* Publishes to the given server, if the preference is set and publishing was required.
* @return boolean - Returns false if the user cancelled the operation.
public static boolean publish(IServer server) {
if (ServerCore.getServerPreferences().isAutoPublishing() && server.shouldPublish()) {
// publish first
IStatus status = publishWithDialog(server, false);
if (status == null || status.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) // user cancelled
return false;
return true;
* @deprecated - use showNewRuntimeWizard
public static boolean showRuntimePreferencePage(Shell shell) {
PreferenceManager manager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPreferenceManager();
IPreferenceNode node = manager.find("org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.preferencePage").findSubNode("org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.runtime.preferencePage");
PreferenceManager manager2 = new PreferenceManager();
final PreferenceDialog dialog = new PreferenceDialog(shell, manager2);
final boolean[] result = new boolean[] { false };
BusyIndicator.showWhile(shell.getDisplay(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if ( == Window.OK)
result[0] = true;
return result[0];
public static boolean showNewRuntimeWizard(Shell shell) {
return showNewRuntimeWizard(shell, null, null);
public static boolean showNewRuntimeWizard(Shell shell, final String runtimeTypeId) {
IRuntimeType runtimeType = ServerCore.getRuntimeType(runtimeTypeId);
if (runtimeType != null) {
try {
final IRuntimeWorkingCopy runtime = runtimeType.createRuntime(null);
IWizardFragment fragment = new WizardFragment() {
public void createSubFragments(List list) {
list.add(new InputWizardFragment(ITaskModel.TASK_RUNTIME, runtime));
list.add(new FinishWizardFragment(new SaveRuntimeTask()));
TaskWizard wizard = new TaskWizard(ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%wizNewRuntimeWizardTitle"), fragment);
ClosableWizardDialog dialog = new ClosableWizardDialog(shell, wizard);
return ( == IDialogConstants.OK_ID);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return showNewRuntimeWizard(shell, null, null, runtimeTypeId);
public static boolean showNewRuntimeWizard(Shell shell, final String type, final String version) {
return showNewRuntimeWizard(shell, type, version, null);
public static boolean showNewRuntimeWizard(Shell shell, final String type, final String version, final String runtimeTypeId) {
IWizardFragment fragment = new WizardFragment() {
public void createSubFragments(List list) {
list.add(new NewRuntimeWizardFragment(type, version, runtimeTypeId));
list.add(new FinishWizardFragment(new SaveRuntimeTask()));
TaskWizard wizard = new TaskWizard(ServerUIPlugin.getResource("%wizNewRuntimeWizardTitle"), fragment);
ClosableWizardDialog dialog = new ClosableWizardDialog(shell, wizard);
return ( == IDialogConstants.OK_ID);