blob: d24046f5ed700dd46270226743cb67d950cecda6 [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>WTP 3.0.5 Patches</title>
<h1>WTP 3.0.5 Patches</h1>
<h2>Feature Patched: org.eclipse.wst.server_ui.feature</h2>
<h3>Plugin(s) replaced:</h3>
<p>Bug <a href=''>286960</a>. Cannot delete a module using the delete key button on servers view.</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>291960</a>. XMLViewer makes (apparently) invalid assumptions about TransformerFactory</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>309781</a>. Deadlock during debugging</p>
<p>Bug <a href=''>328200</a>. ServerUIPlugin shows server view when the view is not open</p>