blob: 160548c0da90f6b3ba87c2690bb5e534d93246c4 [file] [log] [blame]
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'promotion-vm'
tools {
jdk 'openjdk-jdk11-latest'
maven 'apache-maven-latest'
options {
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
timestamps ()
environment {
TRAIN_NAME = "2022-09"
STAGING_DIR = "/home/data/httpd/${TRAIN_NAME}"
parameters {
name: 'CBI_TYPE',
choices: ['nightly/latest', 'milestone/latest', 'release/latest'],
description: '''
Choose the type of CBI p2 Aggregator products build to use for aggregation, i.e., the relative path in the <a href="">products folder</a>.
name: 'PROMOTE',
defaultValue: true,
description: 'Whether to promote the build to the download server.'
stages {
stage('Build clean') {
steps {
sh 'mvn clean verify -Pbuild'
stage('Deploy to staging') {
when {
expression {
steps {
// Create staging dir (if it does not exist already)
sh 'mkdir -p ${STAGING_DIR}'
// Clean staging dir
sh 'rm -rf ${STAGING_DIR}/*'
// Copying files to staging dir
sh 'cp -R ${WORKSPACE}/target/repository/final/* ${STAGING_DIR}/'
sh 'ls -al ${STAGING_DIR}'
// Trigger EPP job
sh 'curl ""'
stage('Start repository analysis') {
when {
expression {
steps {
build job: 'simrel.oomph.repository-analyzer.test', parameters: [booleanParam(name: 'PROMOTE', value: true)], wait: false
post {
failure {
emailext (
subject: "FAILED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]'",
body: """FAILED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]':
Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL}""",
recipientProviders: [[$class: 'DevelopersRecipientProvider']],
to: ''
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/eclipserun-work/configuration/*.log', allowEmptyArchive: true