blob: 62af2189a865a9dd145bd05d46326dff8da38dba [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2016 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Small utility to more automatically do the renames the morning of "making visible",
# after artifacts have mirrored. In theory, could be done by a cron or at job.
# Note, copy is used, instead of move, so that the parent directory's "modified time" does not change.
# That way the mirroring script won't falsely report "no mirrors" (for a while).
# Plus, we "copy over" any existing files, under the assumption that previous labeled files are left in place,
# for a while, so they'd serve as backup. If that ever changes, should make a --backup of
# the original files ... just in case ... but then modified time of parent directory would be
# changed.
# And notice we do "artifacts" first, so by the time "content" can be retrieved, by p2, thre will be
# valid artifacts "pointed to". If anyone has already fetched 'content' and in the middle of getting
# artifacts, their downloads should nearly always continue to work (except we do keep only 3 milestones
# in composite, so in theory, they might have stale 'content' data that pointed to an old artifact that
# was no longer in (the newly copied) 'artifacts' file.
usage () {
printf "\n\t%s" "This utility, ${0##*/}, is to copy the two composte*XX.jars to their final name of composite*.jar." >&2
printf "\n\t\t%s\n" "Example: ${0##*/} 'trainName' 'checkpoint'" >&2
printf "\n\t%s" "Both arguments are required." >&2
printf "\n\t%s" "'trainName' is the final directory segment of where the composite files reside," >&2
printf "\n\t\t%s\n" "such as neon, oxygen, etc." >&2
printf "\n\t%s" "'checkpoint' is the pre-visibility label given to the composite files," >&2
printf "\n\t\t%s\n" "such as M4, RC1, etc. or simply R for final release." >&2
changeNamesByCopy () {
# be paranoid with sanity checks
if [[ -z "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] REPO_ROOT must be passed in to this function ${0##*/}\n"
exit 1
elif ! ssh "${SSH_REMOTE}" test -d "${REPO_ROOT}"; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] REPO_ROOT did not exist!\n\tREPO_ROOT: ${REPO_ROOT}\n"
exit 1
elif ! ssh "${SSH_REMOTE}" test -w "${REPO_ROOT}"; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] REPO_ROOT is not writable?!\n"
exit 1
printf "\n\t[INFO] REPO_ROOT existed as expected:\n\tREPO_ROOT: ${REPO_ROOT}\n"
if ! ssh "${SSH_REMOTE}" test -e "${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar"; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar did not exist in REPO_ROOT!\n"
exit 1
if ! ssh "${SSH_REMOTE}" test -e "${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar"; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar did not exist in REPO_ROOT!\n"
exit 1
# The real work begins here
#rsync --group --verbose ${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar ${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts.jar
scp -p -3 "${SSH_REMOTE}:${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar" "${SSH_REMOTE}:${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts.jar"
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] copy returned a non zero return code for compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar. RC: $RC\n"
exit $RC
#rsync --group --verbose ${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar ${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent.jar
scp -p -3 "${SSH_REMOTE}:${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar" "${SSH_REMOTE}:${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent.jar"
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] copy returned a non zero return code for compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar. RC: $RC\n"
exit $RC
# This HTML change is rarely used, and can probably
# eliminate, if ever desired.?
if [[ -e ${REPO_ROOT}/index${CHECKPOINT}.html ]]; then
#rsync --group --verbose ${REPO_ROOT}/index${CHECKPOINT}.html ${REPO_ROOT}/index.html
scp -p -3 "${SSH_REMOTE}:${REPO_ROOT}/index${CHECKPOINT}.html" "${SSH_REMOTE}:${REPO_ROOT}/index.html"
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] copy returned a non zero return code for index${CHECKPOINT}.html. RC: $RC\n"
exit $RC
# This is entry point to "main" function
# We require both arguments, since to provide a default could lead to
# very bad errors if wrong value of "trainName" was used.
if [[ ! $# = 2 ]]; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] Wrong number of arguments to ${0##*/}\n"
exit 1
printf "\n\tArguments to utility were:"
printf "\n\t\tTRAIN_NAME: ${TRAIN_NAME}"
printf "\n\t\tCHECKPOINT: ${CHECKPOINT}\n"
if [[ -z "${CHECKPOINT}" || -z "${TRAIN_NAME}" ]] ; then
# This would be rare. Equates to something like ./ "" M2
# But, just in case. Note that something like ./makevisible " " M2
# is still not handled well.
printf "\n\t%s\n" "[ERROR]: one or both required arguments were empty?!\n" >&2
exit 1
# Note: we do "Sim Rel repo" first, to avoid a small window of users getting
# EPP metadata for update, but the Sim Rel repo not being ready.
# Note: we allow "override" of the repo roots by env. variable to make testing easier.
changeNamesByCopy "${SIM_REPO_ROOT}"
if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then
printf "\n\t[ERROR] changeNamesByCopy returned a non-zero return code: $RC\n"
exit $RC
exit 0