Fix sanity checks

Change-Id: I3eea26c5206894b5922eafcc0fda8483e469381d
Signed-off-by: Frederic Gurr <>
diff --git a/promoteUtils/ b/promoteUtils/
index 75b6791..ebe145b 100755
--- a/promoteUtils/
+++ b/promoteUtils/
@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@
   if [[ -z "${REPO_ROOT}"  ]]; then
     printf "\n\t[ERROR] REPO_ROOT must be passed in to this function ${0##*/}\n"
     exit 1
-  elif [[ ! -e "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then
+  elif [[ ! ssh ${SSH_REMOTE} test -d "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then
     printf "\n\t[ERROR] REPO_ROOT did not exist!\n\tREPO_ROOT: ${REPO_ROOT}\n"
     exit 1
-  elif [[ ! -w "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then
+  elif [[ ! ssh ${SSH_REMOTE} test -w "${REPO_ROOT}" ]]; then
     printf "\n\t[ERROR] REPO_ROOT is not writable?!\n"
     exit 1
     printf "\n\t[INFO] REPO_ROOT existed as expected:\n\tREPO_ROOT: ${REPO_ROOT}\n"
-  if [[ ! -e "${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar" ]]; then
+  if [[ ! ssh ${SSH_REMOTE} test -e "${REPO_ROOT}/compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar" ]]; then
     printf "\n\t[ERROR] compositeArtifacts${CHECKPOINT}.jar did not exist in REPO_ROOT!\n"
     exit 1
-  if [[ ! -e "${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar" ]]; then
+  if [[ ! ssh ${SSH_REMOTE} test -e "${REPO_ROOT}/compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar" ]]; then
     printf "\n\t[ERROR] compositeContent${CHECKPOINT}.jar did not exist in REPO_ROOT!\n"
     exit 1