blob: 12ded3a2f89b467e163b1fcf8a132064a0a5c6ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES, and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.sirius.tests.unit.diagram.vsm;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Diagnostician;
import org.eclipse.sirius.ecore.extender.tool.api.ModelUtils;
import org.eclipse.sirius.tests.SiriusTestsPlugin;
import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.Group;
* Test VSM validation. VP-2506, VP-2475, VP-3836
* @author <a href="">Julien DUPONT</a>
public class VSMValidationTest extends SiriusDiagramTestCase {
private Group modeler;
private Group modelerWithNoStyle;
private Group modelerWithDiagramExtension;
private Group modelerForDomainClassValidation;
private Group modelerForVariableNameValidation;
private Group modelerForImagePathValidation;
private Group modelerForDefaultLayerValidation;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
ResourceSet set = new ResourceSetImpl();
EclipseTestsSupportHelper.INSTANCE.copyFile(SiriusTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "/images/es.png", "/Project/es.png");
modeler = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/valideVSM.odesign", true), set);
modelerWithNoStyle = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/validateVSMWithNoStyle.odesign", true), set);
modelerWithDiagramExtension = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/valideVSMWithDiagramExtension.odesign", true), set);
modelerForDomainClassValidation = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/valideDomainClassVSM.odesign", true), set);
modelerForVariableNameValidation = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/valideVariableNameVSM.odesign", true), set);
modelerForImagePathValidation = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/validateImagePathVSM.odesign", true), set);
modelerForDefaultLayerValidation = (Group) ModelUtils.load(URI.createPlatformPluginURI("/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/data/unit/vsm/validateDefaultLayerVSM.odesign", true), set);
* Test VSM validation. Test there in no error when validate VSM.
public void testValidationVSM() {
// Test that the modeler is valid. In this case the modeler is valid, so
// test if diagnostic is ok.
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modeler);
assertEquals("The VSM is valid, it should not have popup error message", Diagnostic.OK, diagnostic.getSeverity());
* Test VSM validation with diagram extension (see VP-3836). Test there in
* no error when validate VSM.
public void testValidationVSMWithDiagramExtension() {
// Test that the modeler is valid. In this case the modeler is valid, so
// test if diagnostic is ok.
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerWithDiagramExtension);
assertEquals("The VSM is valid, it should not have popup error message", Diagnostic.OK, diagnostic.getSeverity());
* Test VSM validation with element mapping with no style. Element mapping
* must be have a style. Test VP-2475
public void testValidationVSMWithElementMappingNoStyle() {
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerWithNoStyle);
// Check that there is a pop up for validation problems
assertEquals("The VSM is not valid, it should have popup error message", Diagnostic.ERROR, diagnostic.getSeverity());
// The VSM for test have a node mapping without style, with conditional
// test without style, a containerMapping without style, with a
// conditional style without style, a relation based edge without style
// with conditional style without style, a element based edge without
// style with conditional style without style and node,container and
// edge import without style (this 3 items with no style are valid)
assertEquals("The diagnostic must contain 6 elements invalidated", 6, diagnostic.getChildren().size());
for (Diagnostic diag : diagnostic.getChildren()) {
assertEquals("The list of invalidated elements must start by 'A style is missing for' and nothing else", "A style is missing for", diag.getMessage().substring(0, 22));
* Test VSM validation when the domain class name contains white spaces
* after, before or both.
public void testValidationWithWhiteSpaceAfterAndBeforeDomainClassName() {
// Ensure that the domain class name contains white space (before, after
// or both).
TreeIterator<EObject> elements = modelerForDomainClassValidation.eAllContents();
// Variable to make choice between add space before (0), after
// (1) or both (2) domain class name
int i = 0;
while (elements.hasNext()) {
EObject current =;
for (EAttribute attribute : current.eClass().getEAllAttributes()) {
if ("domainClass".equals(attribute.getName())) {
addSpaceInDomainClassValue(current, attribute, i);
if (i < 2) {
} else {
i = 0;
// Test that the modeler is valid. In this case the modeler is valid, so
// test if diagnostic is ok.
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerForDomainClassValidation);
assertEquals("The VSM is valid, it should not have popup error message", Diagnostic.OK, diagnostic.getSeverity());
* Ensure that VSM validation check the Domain class name and fails when the
* domain class name is invalid.
public void testValidationDomainClass() {
// Ensure that the domain class name is invalid.
TreeIterator<EObject> elements = modelerForDomainClassValidation.eAllContents();
// variable to make choice between add chars before (0), after
// (1), both (2) or in the middle (3) of domain class name
int i = 0;
while (elements.hasNext()) {
EObject current =;
for (EAttribute attribute : current.eClass().getEAllAttributes()) {
if ("domainClass".equals(attribute.getName())) {
editDomainClassValue(current, attribute, i);
if (i < 3) {
} else {
i = 0;
// Test that the modeler is not valid. In this case the modeler is not
// valid, so Check that there is a pop up for validation problems.
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerForDomainClassValidation);
assertEquals("The VSM is not valid, it should have popup error message", Diagnostic.ERROR, diagnostic.getSeverity());
* Ensure that VSM validation do not detects errors on the use of newly
* defined variables with valid expression.
public void testVariableNameValidation() {
// Test that the modeler is valid. In this case the modeler is valid, so
// test if diagnostic is ok.
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerForVariableNameValidation);
assertEquals("The VSM is valid, it should not have popup error message", Diagnostic.OK, diagnostic.getSeverity());
* Test VSM validation with diferent paths for images (there are valid and
* invalid paths).
public void testValidationImagePathVSM() {
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerForImagePathValidation);
// Check that there is a pop up for validation problems
assertEquals("The VSM is not valid, it should have popup error message", Diagnostic.ERROR, diagnostic.getSeverity());
List<Diagnostic> children = diagnostic.getChildren();
String[] expectedMessagesPatterns = { "^The path ' /org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/images/logo_o.png ' does not correspond to an image.$",
"^The image ' /org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/images/logo_o.png ' does not exist.$", "^The image '/test/noimage.gif' does not exist.$",
"^The path 'icon' does not correspond to an image.$", "^The image 'icon' does not exist.$", "^The path '/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/plugin.xml' does not correspond to an image.$",
"^The image 'C:\\\\images\\\\image.png' does not exist.$", "^The image '/org.eclipse.sirius.tests.junit/images/notexisting.png' does not exist.$",
"^The required feature 'decoratorPath' of 'org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.impl.SemanticBasedDecorationImpl@.*' must be set$"};
"The diagnostic must contain " + expectedMessagesPatterns.length + " validation errors. Returned messages were :\n"
+ Joiner.on('\n').join(Iterables.transform(children, new Function<Diagnostic, String>() {
public String apply(Diagnostic input) {
return input.getMessage();
})), expectedMessagesPatterns.length, children.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedMessagesPatterns.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Unexpected validation error at position " + i, children.get(i).getMessage().matches(expectedMessagesPatterns[i]));
* Ensure that VSM validation detect errors for missing default layers.
public void testValidationDefaultLayer() {
Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostician.validate(modelerForDefaultLayerValidation);
// Check that there is a pop up for validation problems
assertEquals("The VSM is not valid, it should have popup error message", Diagnostic.ERROR, diagnostic.getSeverity());
List<Diagnostic> children = diagnostic.getChildren();
assertEquals("The diagnostic must contain 2 validation errors", 2, children.size());
assertEquals("The first error does not match", "The default layer is missing for the diagram 'D1'.", children.get(0).getMessage());
assertEquals("The second error does not match", "The default layer is missing for the diagram 'S2'.", children.get(1).getMessage());
private void addSpaceInDomainClassValue(EObject current, EAttribute attribute, int iterate) {
switch (iterate) {
case 0:
current.eSet(attribute, current.eGet(attribute) + " ");
case 1:
current.eSet(attribute, " " + current.eGet(attribute));
case 2:
current.eSet(attribute, " " + current.eGet(attribute) + " ");
private void editDomainClassValue(EObject current, EAttribute attribute, int iterate) {
switch (iterate) {
case 0:
current.eSet(attribute, "AAA");
case 1:
current.eSet(attribute, "- " + current.eGet(attribute));
case 2:
current.eSet(attribute, "1E" + current.eGet(attribute) + "./");
case 3:
String value = current.eGet(attribute) + "";
value.replace(value.charAt(1), ' ');
current.eSet(attribute, value);
public void tearDown() {
modeler = null;