blob: d3125b79f70dc1f3f6aab79b1a042fdb5e4fc829 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2019 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.sirius.tests.swtbot;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PointList;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.gef.ConnectionEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Edge;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DDiagram;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.DEdge;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.EdgeRouting;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.EdgeStyle;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.edit.api.part.AbstractDiagramBorderNodeEditPart;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.edit.api.part.AbstractDiagramContainerEditPart;
import org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.ui.edit.api.part.AbstractDiagramEdgeEditPart.ViewEdgeFigure;
import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.figures.ViewNodeContainerFigureDesc;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotView;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef.finder.widgets.SWTBotGefConnectionEditPart;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef.finder.widgets.SWTBotGefEditPart;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.utils.SWTBotPreferences;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotRadio;
import org.junit.Assert;
* Test bendpoints position and edge style after doing a drag and drop.
* @author smonnier
public class EdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropTest extends AbstractSiriusSwtBotGefTestCase {
private static final String REPRESENTATION_INSTANCE_NAME = "new 2123Diag";
private static final String REPRESENTATION_NAME = "2123Diag";
private static final String MODEL = "2123.ecore";
private static final String SESSION_FILE = "2123.aird";
private static final String VSM_FILE = "2123.odesign";
private static final String DATA_UNIT_DIR = "data/unit/edgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop/";
private static final String FILE_DIR = "/";
private static final String[][] EDGES = { { "C2", "C1" }, { "C3", "C1" }, { "C3", "C2" }, { "C5", "C6" } };
* Drop direction on the target element
private enum Direction {
private UIResource sessionAirdResource;
private UILocalSession localSession;
* Current editor.
protected SWTBotSiriusDiagramEditor editor;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void onSetUpBeforeClosingWelcomePage() throws Exception {
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void onSetUpAfterOpeningDesignerPerspective() throws Exception {
sessionAirdResource = new UIResource(designerProject, FILE_DIR, SESSION_FILE);
localSession = designerPerspective.openSessionFromFile(sessionAirdResource);
editor = (SWTBotSiriusDiagramEditor) openRepresentation(localSession.getOpenedSession(), REPRESENTATION_NAME, REPRESENTATION_INSTANCE_NAME, DDiagram.class);
* Get bendpoints of the first connection found between <code>sourceEditPartName</code> and
* <code>targetEditPartName</code>.
* @param sourceEditPartName
* source of the connection
* @param targetEditPartName
* target of the connection
* @return copy of bendpoints position
private PointList getBendpoints(String sourceEditPartName, String targetEditPartName) {
ConnectionEditPart connectionEditPart = getConnectionEditPart(sourceEditPartName, targetEditPartName);
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getFigure() instanceof ViewEdgeFigure);
return ((ViewEdgeFigure) connectionEditPart.getFigure()).getPoints().getCopy();
* Check the stability of the first connection found between <code>sourceEditPartName</code> and
* <code>targetEditPartName</code>. The edge is only moved from one side.
* @param sourceEditPartName
* source of the connection
* @param targetEditPartName
* target of the connection
* @param originalPoints
* original points
* @param expectedRoutingStyle
* expected routing style
private void checkEdgeMovedFromOneSide(String sourceEditPartName, String targetEditPartName, PointList originalPoints, EdgeRouting expectedRoutingStyle) {
ConnectionEditPart connectionEditPart = getConnectionEditPart(sourceEditPartName, targetEditPartName);
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getFigure() instanceof ViewEdgeFigure);
PointList newPoints = ((ViewEdgeFigure) connectionEditPart.getFigure()).getPoints().getCopy();
Assert.assertEquals("The number of bendpoints should be the same", originalPoints.size(), newPoints.size());
// get routing style
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getModel() instanceof Edge);
EObject element = ((Edge) connectionEditPart.getModel()).getElement();
assertTrue(element instanceof DEdge);
DEdge dedge = (DEdge) element;
EdgeRouting edgeRouting = ((EdgeStyle) dedge.getStyle()).getRoutingStyle();
assertEquals("The routing style is not " + expectedRoutingStyle.getLiteral(), expectedRoutingStyle, edgeRouting);
// if edgeRouting == EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT then the first or the last
// point has moved
// if edgeRouting == EdgeRouting.MANHATTAN then the two first or
// the two last points have moved
Point originalFirstPoint = originalPoints.getFirstPoint();
Point newFirstPoint = newPoints.getFirstPoint();
if (originalFirstPoint.equals(newFirstPoint)) {
// EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT: the last point has moved
// EdgeRouting.MANHATTAN: the two last points have moved
int end = edgeRouting == EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT_LITERAL ? originalPoints.size() - 1 : originalPoints.size() - 2;
// unmoved points
for (int i = 1; i < end; i++) {
Point originalPoint = originalPoints.getPoint(i);
Point newPoint = newPoints.getPoint(i);
Assert.assertEquals("The two points at index " + i + " should be equal", originalPoint, newPoint);
// moved points
for (int i = end; i < originalPoints.size(); i++) {
Point originalPoint = originalPoints.getPoint(i);
Point newPoint = newPoints.getPoint(i);
Assert.assertNotEquals("The two points at index " + i + " should be different", originalPoint, newPoint);
} else {
// EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT: the first point has moved
// EdgeRouting.MANHATTAN: the two first points have moved
int begin = edgeRouting == EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT_LITERAL ? 1 : 2;
// moved points
for (int i = 1; i < begin; i++) {
Point originalPoint = originalPoints.getPoint(i);
Point newPoint = newPoints.getPoint(i);
Assert.assertNotEquals("The two points at index " + i + " should be different", originalPoint, newPoint);
// unmoved points
for (int i = begin; i < originalPoints.size(); i++) {
Point originalPoint = originalPoints.getPoint(i);
Point newPoint = newPoints.getPoint(i);
Assert.assertEquals("The two points at index " + i + " should be equal", originalPoint, newPoint);
EdgeLayoutData data = SiriusLayoutDataManager.INSTANCE.getData(dedge, false);
assertNull("SiriusLayoutDataManager should not store data of DEdge between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " anymore", data);
* Check the stability of the first connection found between <code>sourceEditPartName</code> and
* <code>targetEditPartName</code>. The edge is shifted by a constant vector.
* @param sourceEditPartName
* source of the connection
* @param targetEditPartName
* target of the connection
* @param originalPoints
* original points
* @param expectedRoutingStyle
* expected routing style
private void checkEdgeShiftedByVector(String sourceEditPartName, String targetEditPartName, PointList originalPoints, EdgeRouting expectedRoutingStyle) {
ConnectionEditPart connectionEditPart = getConnectionEditPart(sourceEditPartName, targetEditPartName);
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getFigure() instanceof ViewEdgeFigure);
PointList newPoints = ((ViewEdgeFigure) connectionEditPart.getFigure()).getPoints().getCopy();
Assert.assertEquals("The number of bendpoints should be the same", originalPoints.size(), newPoints.size());
// get routing style
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getModel() instanceof Edge);
EObject element = ((Edge) connectionEditPart.getModel()).getElement();
assertTrue(element instanceof DEdge);
DEdge dedge = (DEdge) element;
EdgeRouting edgeRouting = ((EdgeStyle) dedge.getStyle()).getRoutingStyle();
assertEquals("The routing style is not " + expectedRoutingStyle.getLiteral(), expectedRoutingStyle, edgeRouting);
Point originalFirstPoint = originalPoints.getFirstPoint();
Point newFirstPoint = newPoints.getFirstPoint();
int vectorX = newFirstPoint.x - originalFirstPoint.x;
int vectorY = newFirstPoint.y - originalFirstPoint.y;
for (int i = 1; i < originalPoints.size(); i++) {
Point newPoint = newPoints.getPoint(i);
Point originalPoint = originalPoints.getPoint(i);;
assertEquals("X position of point number " + i + " of connection between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " is invalid.", newPoint.x, originalPoint.x + vectorX, 1);
assertEquals("Y position of point number " + i + " of connection between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " is invalid.", newPoint.y, originalPoint.y + vectorY, 1);
EdgeLayoutData data = SiriusLayoutDataManager.INSTANCE.getData(dedge, false);
assertNull("SiriusLayoutDataManager should not store data of DEdge between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " anymore", data);
* Check that the first connection found between <code>sourceEditPartName</code> and <code>targetEditPartName</code>
* has not moved.
* @param sourceEditPartName
* source of the connection
* @param targetEditPartName
* target of the connection
* @param originalPoints
* original points
* @param expectedRoutingStyle
* expected routing style
private void checkUnmovedEdge(String sourceEditPartName, String targetEditPartName, PointList originalPoints, EdgeRouting expectedRoutingStyle) {
ConnectionEditPart connectionEditPart = getConnectionEditPart(sourceEditPartName, targetEditPartName);
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getFigure() instanceof ViewEdgeFigure);
PointList newPoints = ((ViewEdgeFigure) connectionEditPart.getFigure()).getPoints().getCopy();
assertEquals("The number of bendpoints should be the same", originalPoints.size(), newPoints.size());
for (int i = 0; i < originalPoints.size(); i++) {
Point point = newPoints.getPoint(i);
Point expectedPoint = originalPoints.getPoint(i);;
assertEquals("X position of point number " + i + " of connection between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " is invalid.", expectedPoint.x, point.x, 1);
assertEquals("Y position of point number " + i + " of connection between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " is invalid.", expectedPoint.y, point.y, 1);
// get routing style
assertTrue(connectionEditPart.getModel() instanceof Edge);
EObject element = ((Edge) connectionEditPart.getModel()).getElement();
assertTrue(element instanceof DEdge);
DEdge dedge = (DEdge) element;
EdgeRouting edgeRouting = ((EdgeStyle) dedge.getStyle()).getRoutingStyle();
assertEquals("The routing style is not " + expectedRoutingStyle.getLiteral(), expectedRoutingStyle, edgeRouting);
EdgeLayoutData data = SiriusLayoutDataManager.INSTANCE.getData(dedge, false);
assertNull("SiriusLayoutDataManager should not store data of DEdge between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName + " anymore", data);
* Get the first connection found between <code>sourceEditPartName</code> and <code>targetEditPartName</code>.
* @param sourceEditPartName
* source of the connection
* @param targetEditPartName
* target of the connection
* @return the connection found
private ConnectionEditPart getConnectionEditPart(String sourceEditPartName, String targetEditPartName) {
List<SWTBotGefConnectionEditPart> connectionEditPartList = editor.getConnectionEditPart(editor.getEditPart(sourceEditPartName, AbstractDiagramBorderNodeEditPart.class),
editor.getEditPart(targetEditPartName, AbstractDiagramBorderNodeEditPart.class));
assertNotNull("There is no connection between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName, connectionEditPartList);
assertEquals("There are more or less than 1 connection between " + sourceEditPartName + " and " + targetEditPartName, 1, connectionEditPartList.size());
return connectionEditPartList.get(0).part();
* Drag and drop a border node to the north of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnNorth() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P3", "C1", Direction.NORTH, false);
* Drag and drop a border node to the south of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnSouth() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P3", "C1", Direction.SOUTH, false);
* Drag and drop a border node to the west of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnWest() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P3", "C1", Direction.WEST, false);
* Drag and drop a border node to the east of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnEast() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P3", "C1", Direction.EAST, false);
* Change style of edges and drag and and drop a border node to the north of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnNorthAfterStyleChange() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P2", "C2", Direction.NORTH, true);
* Change style of edges and drag and and drop a border node to the south of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnSouthAfterStyleChange() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P2", "C2", Direction.SOUTH, true);
* Change style of edges and drag and and drop a border node to the west of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnWestAfterStyleChange() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P2", "C2", Direction.WEST, true);
* Change style of edges and drag and and drop a border node to the east of another bordered node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropOnEastAfterStyleChange() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P2", "C2", Direction.EAST, true);
* Drag and drop a border node to node contained into another with horizontal scrollbar.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropToContainedNode() {
doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop("P4", "C2", Direction.WEST, false);
* Drag and drop a source and target edge border node to another node.
public void testEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDropWithSourceAndTarget() {
final long oldTimeout = SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT;
try {
SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT = 1000;
// Get bendpoints before drag and drop
PointList originalPointsC5C6 = getBendpoints("C5", "C6");
// Drag and drop C5 and C6 to package P1
dragNorth("P1", "C5", "C6");
// Check the connections bendpoints stability
checkEdgeShiftedByVector("C5", "C6", originalPointsC5C6, EdgeRouting.MANHATTAN_LITERAL); // rectilinear
} finally {
SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT = oldTimeout;
* Drag and drop a border node to another bordered node.
* @param targetElement
* target element to drop on it
* @param elementToDrag
* element to drag on the target element
* @param direction
* direction on the target element
* @param changeStyle
* true to change edge routing style to 'Oblique'
private void doTestEdgeStabilityOnDragAndDrop(String targetElement, String elementToDrag, Direction direction, boolean changeStyle) {
final long oldTimeout = SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT;
try {
SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT = 1000;
// Get bendpoints before drag and drop
List<PointList> originalPointsList = new ArrayList<PointList>();
for (String[] edge : EDGES) {
originalPointsList.add(getBendpoints(edge[0], edge[1]));
// Change style before drag and drop
if (changeStyle) {
for (String[] edge : EDGES) {
changeEdgeStyle(edge[0], edge[1], "Oblique");
// Drag and drop
drag(direction, targetElement, elementToDrag);
// Check the connections bendpoints stability
for (int i = 0; i < EDGES.length; i++) {
String[] edge = EDGES[i];
String source = edge[0];
String target = edge[1];
PointList originalPoints = originalPointsList.get(i);
if (source.equals(elementToDrag) || target.equals(elementToDrag)) {
// move from one side
checkEdgeMovedFromOneSide(source, target, originalPoints, changeStyle ? EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT_LITERAL : EdgeRouting.MANHATTAN_LITERAL);
} else {
// not moved
checkUnmovedEdge(source, target, originalPoints, changeStyle ? EdgeRouting.STRAIGHT_LITERAL : EdgeRouting.MANHATTAN_LITERAL);
} finally {
SWTBotPreferences.TIMEOUT = oldTimeout;
* Change the edge routing style.
* @param source
* source of the edge
* @param target
* target of the edge
* @param style
* routing style to set
private void changeEdgeStyle(String source, String target, String style) {
SWTBotGefEditPart partSource = editor.getEditPart(source, AbstractDiagramBorderNodeEditPart.class);
SWTBotGefEditPart partTarget = editor.getEditPart(target, AbstractDiagramBorderNodeEditPart.class);
List<SWTBotGefConnectionEditPart> edges = editor.getConnectionEditPart(partSource, partTarget);
SWTBotView propertiesView = bot.viewByTitle("Properties");
SWTBotRadio radioToSelect =, "Styles:");
radioToSelect = new WrappedSWTBotRadio(radioToSelect);;
* Select several elements
* @param elements
* element to select
private void select(String... elements) {
List<SWTBotGefEditPart> selection = new ArrayList<SWTBotGefEditPart>(elements.length);
for (String element : elements) {
}; // click on the first element;
* Select an edit part
* @param element
* edit part to select
private void select(SWTBotGefEditPart element) {;;
* Get center point of the selection
* @param selection
* edit part selection
private Point getCenterPoint(String... elements) {
Rectangle selection = null;
for (String element : elements) {
Rectangle bounds = editor.getBounds(editor.getSelectableEditPart(element));
selection = bounds.getUnion(selection);
return selection.getCenter();
* Drag source elements to the target element
* @param direction
* target direction
* @param targetElement
* target element
* @param sourceElements
* source elements to drag
private void drag(Direction direction, String targetElement, String... sourceElements) {
switch (direction) {
case EAST:
dragEast(targetElement, sourceElements);
case NORTH:
dragNorth(targetElement, sourceElements);
case SOUTH:
dragSouth(targetElement, sourceElements);
case WEST:
dragWest(targetElement, sourceElements);
* Drag source elements to the north of the target element
* @param targetElement
* target element
* @param sourceElements
* source elements to drag
private void dragNorth(String targetElement, String... sourceElements) {
Rectangle bounds = getPrimaryShapeBounds(targetElement);
// compute an offset from the first element and the center of the
// selection in order to be in the middle of the north
Point sourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements);
Point firstSourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements[0]);
int offset = sourceCenter.x - firstSourceCenter.x;
// put the selection on the middle
int x = bounds.x + Math.max(bounds.width / 2 - offset, 1);
// compute the minimal distance to be on the north
int y = bounds.y + 1;
editor.dragCentered(sourceElements[0], x, y);
* Drag source elements to the south of the target element
* @param targetElement
* target element
* @param sourceElements
* source elements to drag
private void dragSouth(String targetElement, String... sourceElements) {
Rectangle bounds = getPrimaryShapeBounds(targetElement);
// compute an offset from the first element and the center of the
// selection in order to be in the middle of the south
Point sourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements);
Point firstSourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements[0]);
int offset = sourceCenter.x - firstSourceCenter.x;
// put the selection on the middle
int x = bounds.x + Math.max(bounds.width / 2 - offset, 1);
// compute the minimal distance to be on the south
int y = bounds.y + bounds.height - 1;
editor.dragCentered(sourceElements[0], x, y);
* Drag source elements to the west of the target element
* @param targetElement
* target element
* @param sourceElements
* source elements to drag
private void dragWest(String targetElement, String... sourceElements) {
Rectangle bounds = getPrimaryShapeBounds(targetElement);
// compute an offset from the first element and the center of the
// selection in order to be in the middle of the west
Point sourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements);
Point firstSourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements[0]);
int offset = sourceCenter.y - firstSourceCenter.y;
// put the selection on the middle
int y = bounds.y + Math.max(bounds.height / 2 - offset, 1);
// compute the minimal distance to be on the west
int x = bounds.x + 1;
editor.dragCentered(sourceElements[0], x, y);
* Drag source elements to the east of the target element
* @param targetElement
* target element
* @param sourceElements
* source elements to drag
private void dragEast(String targetElement, String... sourceElements) {
Rectangle bounds = getPrimaryShapeBounds(targetElement);
// compute an offset from the first element and the center of the
// selection in order to be in the middle of the east
Point sourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements);
Point firstSourceCenter = getCenterPoint(sourceElements[0]);
int offset = sourceCenter.y - firstSourceCenter.y;
// put the selection on the middle
int y = bounds.y + Math.max(bounds.height / 2 - offset, 1);
// compute the minimal distance to be on the east
int x = bounds.x + bounds.width - 1;
editor.dragCentered(sourceElements[0], x, y);
* Get the bounds of the primary shape
* @param element
* edit part name
* @return bounds of the primary shape
private Rectangle getPrimaryShapeBounds(String element) {
AbstractDiagramContainerEditPart editPart = (AbstractDiagramContainerEditPart) editor.getEditPart(element, AbstractDiagramContainerEditPart.class).part();
ViewNodeContainerFigureDesc shape = editPart.getPrimaryShape();
Rectangle bounds = shape.getBounds().getCopy();
return bounds;