blob: 9d0d9809527f226bf206f58e96dcb9a8106550bf [file] [log] [blame]
h1. Sirius Sequence Diagrams Meta-model Edit Support (@org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence.edit@)
This bundle contains the @.edit@ support for the sequence diagrams metamodel, which is itself in the @org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.sequence@ bundle. The source code contained in @src-gen@ is 100% generated by EMF from the genmodel (no manual customization).
This bundle also registers the "Sequence Diagram" type of diagram into Sirius, so that it is available from the __New Child__ menus in the VSM editor. This is done in the @plugin.xml@ and in @src/fr/obeo/dsl/viewpoint/diagram/sequence/edit/diagramtype/