blob: 249294304644262e56ddd1f61d48858bbc96082e [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2007-2015 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
pluginName = Sirius Commons
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project = org.eclipse.sirius.common.classloading_override = Forked Ecore Package Registry for Dynamic Packages = org.eclipse.sirius.common.editingDomainFactory = org.eclipse.sirius.common.expressionInterpreter = File Modification Validator = org.eclipse.sirius.common.proposalProvider = org.eclipse.sirius.common.resourceSetFactory
BundleClassLoading_ignoredEPackageDeclaration = An EPackage declaration in project {0} has been ignored because of missing informations.
ClassLoadingService_multipleOverridesDetected = Several overrides are contributed for the class loading override, {0} will be ignored
CompoundInterpreter_impossibleToCreateInterpreter = Impossible to create the interpreter {0}
DefaultExpressionProposal_nullProposal = The proposal must not be null
DynamicEPackageService_missingLocationAttribute = No location attribute was specified.
DynamicPackageRegistryReader_packageConflict = Both '{0}' and '{1}' register a package for '{2}'
EObjectCouple_firstNull = the first eObject is null
EObjectCouple_secondNull = the second eObject is null
EclipseEditingDomainFactoryDescriptor_errorLoadingExtension = Error while loading the extension {0}
EclipseUtil_extensionLoadError = Impossible to load the extension {0}
EditingSessionWorkspaceListener_resourceRefreshError = Error while refreshing resource
FeatureInterpreter_invalidFeature = The current element {0} does not have the feature named: {1}
FeatureInterpreter_unknownFeature = Unknown feature name {0}
FileModificationValidatorDescriptor_creationError = Impossible to create the validator {0}
FileStatusPrecommitListener_fileModificationValidationStatus = File modification validation status
FindMessages_abstractFindLabelDialogFindLabel=Rechercher :
FindMessages_abstractFindLabelDialogDirectionGroup=Direction :
FindMessages_abstractFindLabelDialogNoMatchingElementMessage=Pas d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment correspondant trouv\u00e9
MonomorphicService_serviceError = Exception while calling service {0}.
PolymorphicService_noCompatibleImplem = No compatible implementation of service {0} found for {1}
PolymorphicService_toString = Polymorphic service {0} ({1} implementations).
ProfilerTask_nullCategory = the category is null
ProfilerTask_nullName = the name is null
ProfilerTaskRegistry_keyConflict = ProfilerTaskRegistry key already in use: {0}
ProfilerTaskRegistry_valueConflict = ProfilerTaskRegistry already contains value : {0}
ResourceSetFactory_creationError = Impossible to create the resource factory {0}
ResourceSetFactory_ignoredOverrides = Several overrides are contributed for the resource factory, {0} will be ignored
ResourceSyncClientNotifier_actionName = ResourceSyncClient notification
ResourceUtil_backupFileAlreadyExists = the file already exists
ResourceUtil_backupFileTask = Backup and refresh workspace
ServiceInterpreter_invalidReceiver = The receiver of the service call {0} is not an EObject (it is a {1})
ServiceInterpreter_javaClassNotFound = Could not find Java extension class {0}
ServiceInterpreter_unknownService = Unknown service "{0}"
TimeProfiler_nullListener = listener is null
TimeProfiler2_emptyStackError = Empty stack in stopWork. Stopped task: {0}
TimeProfiler2_otherCategory = Other
TimeProfiler2_otherTaskName = Other
VariableInterpreter_unknownVariable = Unknown variable "{0}".
VariableInterpreter_unkownVariable = The current context does not contains variable named: {0}
MessageTranslator_missingResourceMessage = The key {0} has not been found in the properties file for label localization.