blob: 9cea49527317dce9cd1940cab76d8846bf93f14f [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2021 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES and others
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
# ====================================================================
# To code developer:
# Do NOT change the properties between this line and the
# Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change
# the code to use the new property.
# ====================================================================
# ====================================================================
# ====================================================================
pluginName = Sirius Core Runtime
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project = Sirius Constraints
constraint.metaModels.description = Check that one meta-model is declared as RepresentationDescription meta-models.
constraint.metaModels.message = {0} = Meta-models constraint
constraint.validAppliedOn.message = {0} = Empty appliedOn list validation
constraint.validAttributeCustomization.description = Check the constraint that EAttributeCustomization.attributeName is the name of a common EAttribute to all referenced style description or a description element owned by a style description through EAttributeCustomization.appliedOn.
constraint.validAttributeCustomization.message = {0} = EAttributeCustomization referenced style descriptions elements conforms to attributeName
constraint.validExpression.description = Validates that the typed Interpreter Expression is valid
constraint.validExpression.message = Invalid Interpreter Expression = Invalid Interpreted Expression
constraint.validFeatureName.description = Validates that the Feature Name is valid
constraint.validFeatureName.message = Invalid feature ''{0}'' for the following types: {1} = Invalid Feature Name
constraint.validImagePath.description = Validates that image paths are valid
constraint.validImagePath.message = {0} = Invalid Image Path
Constraint_validNullLocationURIForGroupInPopupMenuConstraint_message = A Group contained in a PopupMenu must have a blank location URI (but was "{0}"). = Location URI problem
constraint.validReferenceCustomization.description = Check the constraint that EReferenceCustomization.referenceName is the name of a common EReference to all referenced style description or a description element owned by a style description through EAttributeCustomization.appliedOn or different EReference with the same name and a common type.
constraint.validReferenceCustomization.message = {0} = EReferenceCustomization referenced style descriptions elements conforms to referenceName
constraint.validVSMElementCustomization.description = Check the constraint that a VSMElementCustomizationReuse is valid.
constraint.validVSMElementCustomization.message = {0} = VSMElementCustomizationReuse validity checking
constraint.validVSMElementName.description = Check the constraint that the name of vsm element is not empty or null.
constraint.validVSMElementName.message = {0} = Empty or null element name validation
constraint.validVariables.description = Invalid variable
constraint.validVariables.message = The expression {0} of {1} does not accept the {2} variable. = Valid Variables = org.eclipse.sirius.analysisSelectorProvider = org.eclipse.sirius.componentization = org.eclipse.sirius.deleteHook = org.eclipse.sirius.dialect
extension-point.externalJavaAction = External Java Actions = org.eclipse.sirius.featureExtensions = org.eclipse.sirius.interpretedExpressionQueryProvider = org.eclipse.sirius.migration = org.eclipse.sirius.mmdescriptor = viewpoint.semantic.refresh.refreshExtensionProvider = = org.eclipse.sirius.resourceStrategy = org.eclipse.sirius.runtimeLogger = org.eclipse.sirius.sessionFactory = org.eclipse.sirius.sessionManagerListener = org.eclipse.sirius.viewpointSpecificationModel org.eclipse.sirius.modelOperationManager org.eclipse.sirius.dRepresentationLocationRule = Modeling Marker = Local Session EditingDomain Factory = Sirius Marker = Modeling Nature = org.eclipse.sirius.migrationHandler
AbstractCommandFactory_refreshTasklabel = Set RefreshEditorsPrecommitListener options
AbstractCommonToolToAppliedOnConstraint_label = Element whithout name
AbstractExternalJavaAction_nullParameter = null
AbstractExternalJavaAction_parameterErrorMsg = Missing required parameter ''{0}'' for Java action {1}
AbstractExternalJavaAction_parameterType = a {0}
AbstractExternalJavaAction_parameterTypeErrorMsg = Type error: parameter ''{0}'' should be a {1} but is {2}
AbstractProviderDescriptor_attributeMissingMsg = The {0} attribute is missing
AbstractRepresentationDialectServices_createRepresentationMsg = Create representation : {0}
AbstractRepresentationDialectServices_initRepresentationMsg = Representations initialization :
AbstractResourceStrategyImpl_methodReleaseNotHandleMsg = The method releaseResourceAtResourceSetDispose is not expected to be called as this ResourceStrategy does not handle this method.
AbstractSavingPolicy_saveMsg = Save Session
AbstractSavingPolicy_savingErrorMsg = error while saving session
AbstractSiriusMigrationService_contributionInstantiationErrorMsg = Cannot instanciate migration contribution
AbstractVersionSAXParser_getVersionMsg = Get version number of representations file
AbstractVersionSAXParser_stopParsingMsg = All needed informations have been reached. Stop the parsing.
AddSemanticResourceCommand_label = Add Model
AirDResourceImpl_nullUid = IdentifiedElement.uid should not be null
AnalysisResourceReloadedCommand_label = Reload {0} file
AttachSemanticResourcesJob_name = Attach semantic resources
ChangeContextTask_label = change the context
CompositeResourceMonitor_addMonitorErrorMsg = New monitors can not be added while running.
CompositeResourceMonitor_alreadyRegisteredErrorMsg = The monitor is already registered in the composite.
CompositeResourceMonitor_alreadyUsedNameErrorMsg = A monitor is already registered under the name {0}
CompositeResourceMonitor_uriCompareErrorMsg = Can only compare URIs from detected resources.
ControlCommand_moveErrorMsg = Invalid target URI for control: could not load or create {0}
ControlledResourcesDetector_refreshCommandLabel = Controlled resource detection
CopyRepresentationCommand_label = Copy representations
CreateInstanceTask_addToRefErrorMsg = Impossible to add a value to the reference {0} of the object {1}
CreateInstanceTask_creationErrorMsg = Impossible to create a {0}
CreateInstanceTask_label = Create a new instance
CreateRepresentationCommand_label = Create representation
CreateRepresentationCommand_nullExpresionWarningMsg = Browse expression {0} evaluated to null.
DAnalysisSelectorService_multipleDefaultErrorMsg = Multiple default analysis selector providers found at extension point "{0}": took only the first found.
DAnalysisSelectorService_noDefaultWarningMsg = No default analysis selector provider found at extension point "{0}", using the DefaultAnalysisSelectorProvider instead.
DAnalysisSessionImpl_addNoParentAnalysisErrorMsg = Cant add a referenced analysis if no parent analysis exists
DAnalysisSessionImpl_addSemanticErrorMsg = A representation file cannot be added as semantic resource.
DAnalysisSessionImpl_addSemanticResourceMsg = Semantic resource addition : {0}
DAnalysisSessionImpl_noEditingDomainErrorMsg = A session must be associated to an EditingDomain
DAnalysisSessionImpl_noRessourceErrorMsg = A session must be inside a resource.
DAnalysisSessionImpl_openMsg = Open session
DAnalysisSessionImpl_removeNoParentAnalysisErrorMsg = Cant remove a referenced analysis if no parent analysis exists
DAnalysisSessionImpl_saveInterruptedMsg = save interrupted
DAnalysisSessionImpl_saveMsg = Session saving
DAnalysisSessionImpl_toStringMsg = Local Session: {0}
DAnalysisSessionImpl_unloadingErrorMsg = Error while unloading an unaccessible resource:\n{0}
DanglingRefRemovalTrigger_removeDanglingCmdLabel = Remove dangling references
DefaultLocalSessionCreationOperation_createResoureMsg = Representations resource creation
DefaultLocalSessionCreationOperation_createSessionMsg = Session creation
DefaultLocalSessionCreationOperation_sessionOpenMsg = Session opening
DeleteDRepresentationElementsTask_label = Delete representation elements task
DeleteDRepresentationTask_label = Delete {0}
DeleteEObjectTask_label = Delete EObject task
DeleteRepresentationCommand_label = Delete representation
DeleteWithoutToolTask_label = Delete without tool
DialectManagerImpl_refreshImpactedMsg = Refresh impacted representation elements
DialectManagerImpl_refreshMsg = Refresh representation
DRepresentationDescriptorQuery_representationError = An exception was raised while trying to check existence of the representation associated to the following representation descriptor: name: {0}, repPath: {1}, uid: {2}.
DRepresentationDescriptorToDRepresentationLinkManager_repLoading = Can not load the resource {0}
DViewOperations_addSelectedViewMsg = View selection
DViewOperations_createViewMsg = View creation for Sirius : {0}
DViewOperations_initRepresentationMsg = Initialize representations
DViewOperations_notContainedErrorMsg = The view is not contained in the analysis
DViewOperations_removeSelectedViewMsg = View unselection
DViewOperations_updateSelectedVPDataMsg = Update selected Viewpoints data
DRepInDViewToRootObjectsAndWithDRepDescRepPathMigrationParticipant_nameMigrationMessage= Migration done for "Representation name and documentation move to descriptor" (the result of this migration will be saved on the next session save): the name and documentation of {0} representation(s) have been moved to their DRepresentationDescriptor.
EAttributeCustomizationAttributeNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_EAttributeDiffernentTypesErrorMsg = {0} and {1} have each a EAttribute named {2} but with different types
EAttributeCustomizationAttributeNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_notEAttributeErrorMsg = {0} EAttribute name on {1} concerns {2} which is not a EAttribute
EAttributeCustomizationAttributeNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_validationNotExistErrorMsg = {0} EAttribute name on {1} doesn''t exists
EAttributeCustomizationAttributeNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_validationStyleDescriptionErrorMsg = {0} doesn''t concerns a style description or a style description element
EclipseDeleteHookDescriptor_extensionLoadingErrorMsg = Error while loading the extension {0}
EObjectQuery_valuesErrorMsg = Expected a collection from many-valued reference {0} but got a {1}
EReferenceCustomizationReferenceNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_EReferenceNameOn = EReference name on
EReferenceCustomizationReferenceNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_validationNotExistErrorMsg = {0} EReference name on {1} doesn''t exists
EReferenceCustomizationReferenceNameCommonToAppliedOnConstraint_notAReferenceErrorMsg = {0} EReference name on {1} concerns {2} which is not a EReference
EditingDomainUndoContext_label = Affected Editing Domain
ElementsToSelectTask_errorMsg = the following "Elements To Select" expression could not be correctly evaluated : {0}
ElementsToSelectTask_label = Get result of Elements To Select interpreted expression
EmptyAppliedOnListConstraint_errorMsg = This customization has no style to customize.
TaskExecutor_errorModifyingModelMsg = Error while modifying model
ExecuteToolOperationTask_label = the main tool operation task
ExecuteToolOperationTask_sessionNotFound = Unable to obtain the session from the given arguments
ExternalJavaActionDescriptor_actionCreationErrorMsg = Impossible to create the action {0}
ExternalJavaActionTask_label = Execute external java action "{0}"
FeatureContributor_targetObject = Target object
FeatureContributor_sourceObject = Source object
FeatureContributor_featureMissingMsg = {0} ({1}) does not have feature {2}
FeatureContributor_unexpectedTypeErrorMsg = Expected a collection from many-valued feature {0} but got a {1}
FeatureContributor_noTargetSpecifiedErrorMsg = No target object specified.
FeatureContributor_noSourceSpefifiedErrorMsg = No source object specified.
FeatureContributor_imcompatibleFeaturesErrorMsg = Incompatible source and target features.
FeatureContributor_unmodifiableFeatureErrorMsg = Target feature not modifiable.
FeatureContributor_noTargetFeatureErrorMsg = No target feature specified.
ForTask_label = a for task
IInterpreterMessages_invalidFeatureErrorMsg = Invalid feature as name
InvalidModelingProjectMarkerUpdaterJob_updateMarkers = Update Markers
IPropertiesProvider_unfoundPropertyErrorMsg = The property was not found
ISiriusMessages_invalidAirdFileErrorMsg = The following diagram file is not valid :
ISiriusMessages_invalidDescFileErrorMsg = The following description file is not valid :
ISiriusMessages_notADecoratorErrorMsg = The element is not a DSemanticDecorator
IfTask_label = Evaluate : {0}
InitInterpreterFromParsedVariableTask_label = Init Acceleo interpreter with parsed variables
InitInterpreterVariablesTask_label = Init Acceleo variables
InitInterpreterVariablesTask_invalidModelErrorMsg = Invalid Model
InitializeModelingProjectJob_invalidModelingProjectsErrorMsg = Several modeling projects are invalid.
InitializeModelingProjectJob_invalidModelingProjectErrorMsg = One modeling project is invalid.
InitializeModelingProjectJob_label = Initializing Modeling Projects
InitializeModelingProjectJob_labelEmptyProject = Initializing Empty Modeling Projects
InterpretedExpressionVariableTask_label = set or unset an acceleo variable task
InterpretedExpressionQueryProviderRegistry_instanciationError = An error occurred while trying to instanciate {0} as an IInterpretedExpressionQueryProvider.
InterpreterRegistry_sessionNotFoundErrorMsg = Could not find a session for model element : {0}
InterpreterRegistry_nullModelElementErrorMsg = Model element is null
InterpreterRegistry_ImpossibleToFindInterpreterErrorMsg = Impossible to find an interpreter
InvalidPermissionCommand_label = Invalid Permission : cannot modify {0}
SavingPolicyImpl_savingErrorMsg = Error saving resource
JavaActionFromToolCommand_label = Java action from tool: {0}
LaunchRunnableTask_label = launch a runnable task
LetTask_label= Define a new variable
LoadEMFResource_loadingErrorMsg = Unable to load resource {0}
MarkerRuntimeLoggerImpl_feature = Feature: {0}
MarkerRuntimeLoggerImpl_featureWithMessage = Feature: {0} {1}
MigrationCommandExecutor_migrationErrorMsg = Migration error {0}
MigrationUtil_toBigErrorMsg = The size of the file is too big to get its contents.
MigrationUtil_loadingMsg = Loading File
MigrationUtil_IOErrorMsg = I/O Error
MigrationUtil_invalidMappingErrorMsg = the mapping is not valid
ModelingModelProvider_addAnotherRepresentationFile = Add another representations file to "{0}" may invalidate it.
ModelingModelProvider_addAnotherRepresentationFileSeveralProjects = Add another representations file to {0} may invalidate them.
ModelingModelProvider_mainRepresentationFileDeleted = Deletion of the main representations file of "{0}" will invalidate it.
ModelingModelProvider_mainRepresentationFilesOfSomeProjectsDeleted = Deletion of the main representations files of some modeling projects ({0}) will invalidate them.
ModelingModelProvider_satusUnsaveDataWillBeLostWithProjectNames = Some modeling projects ({0}) contain unsaved data. This data will be lost.
ModelingModelProvider_satusUnsavedDataWillBeLost = This modeling project contains unsaved data. This data will be lost. Modeling Workspace
ModelingProject_getMainRepFileURIMsg = Get main representations resource URI
ModelingProjectQuery_severalRepresentationsFiles = Found {0} main representations files (that means not referenced by another) in "{1}": {2}. A modeling project must contain only one.
ModelingProjectQuery_mustContainOneRepFileMsg = Zero representations file found in "{0}". A modeling project must contain one.
ModelingProjectQuery_and = and
ModelOperationToTask_cannotCreateTaskWarningMsg = Impossible to create the task corresponding to the "{0}" model operation. The plugin contributing this model operation could be missing.
MoveElementInListAction_notAMemberErrorMsg = 'element' parameter is not a member of the designated list.
MoveElementInListAction_predecessorParameterErrorMsg = 'predecessor' parameter is not a member of the designated list.
MoveElementInListAction_elementAndPredecessorShouldBeDiffErrorMsg = 'element' and 'predecessor' must be different.
MoveElementInListAction_referenceNotChangeableErrorMsg = Reference {0} is not changeable
MoveElementInListAction_notMultiValuedRefErrorMsg = Reference {0} is not multi-valued
MoveElementInListAction_notARefErrorMsg = Feature {0} is not an EReference
MoveElementInListAction_featureNotFoundErrorMsg = Owner element type {0} does not have a feature named {1}
MoveElementTask_label = Move an element
MoveElementTask_ImpossibleToAddValueErrorMsg = Impossible to add a value to the reference {0} of the object {1}
MoveRepresentationCommand_label = Move representation to {0}
NoNullResourceCommand_instanceErrorMsg = only instances of SiriusCommand are allowed for recording command
NotificationTask_label = notification task
PaneBasedSelectionWizardDescriptionImpl_choiceOfValuesMsg = Choice of values
PaneBasedSelectionWizardDescriptionImpl_selectedValuesMsg = Selected values
PrepareNewAnalysisCommand_label = Prepare new Analysis
RefreshHelper_notNullPredicate = The predicate cannot be null.
RefreshImpactedElementsCommand_label = Refresh impacted representation elements
RefreshRepresentationsCommand_label = Refresh representation
RemoveElementTask_label = Remove an element
RemoveElementTask_notAViewErrorMsg = The element is not a view ! Do not delete !
RemoveSemanticResourceCommand_label = Remove model
RenameRepresentationCommand_label = Rename representation
RepresentationDescriptionMetaModelsConstraint_noMetaModel = There is no associated meta-model.
ResourceVersionMismatchDiagnostic_airdMessage = The Sirius resource ({0}) can not be loaded because it comes from a more recent Sirius release.\nRepresentation version is: {1}\nLast Sirius migration version is: {2}
ResourceVersionMismatchDiagnostic_vsmMessage = The viewpoint specification model ({0}) can not be loaded because it comes from a more recent Sirius release.\nVSM version is: {1}\nLast Sirius migration version is: {2}
RestoreModelElementStateCommand_label = restor model elements
RuntimeLoggerInterpreterImpl_evaluationConditionErrorMsg = Evaluation condition error
SaveSessionJob_sessionSavingMsg = Session saving
Saver_savingErrorMsg = Core exception while saving session
SelectionWizardDescriptionImpl_title = Selection Wizard
SessionFactoryImpl_ResourceTypeErrorMsg = session creation failed: the resource resource is not a representations resource.
SessionFactoryImpl_EmptyContentErrorMsg = session creation failed: the resource content is empty.
SessionFactoryImpl_creationFailedErrorMsg = Session creation failed
SessionFactoryImpl_sessionCreation = Session creation
SessionFactoryImpl_loadingError = Error while loading representations file
SessionFactoryImpl_sessionLoadingMsg = Session loading
SessionManagerImpl_remoteServerConnectionErrorMsg = Error while connecting to remote CDO server
SessionManagerImpl_cantAddNullSessionErrorMsg = SessionManager can't add a null Session
SessionManagerImpl_representationsFileLoadingErrorMsg = Error while loading representations file {0}
SessionManagerImpl_representationsFileLoadingSeeErrorLogMsg = Error while loading representations file: {0}. See error log for more details
SessionQuery_SessionResources=Session Resources ({0})
SessionQuery_SemanticResources=Semantic Resources ({0})
SessionQuery_ControlledResources=Controlled Resources ({0})
SessionQuery_FileSize= bytes
SessionQuery_ActiveViewpoints= Active viewpoints ({0})
SessionQuery_InactiveViewpoints= Inactive viewpoints ({0})
SessionQuery_LoadedFromResource= loaded from resource
SessionQuery_AllRepresentations=All representations:
SessionQuery_LoadedReps=Loaded representations:
SessionQuery_NbRepElements=Representation elements in loaded representations:
SessionQuery_LoadedBrokenReps=Loaded representations containing elements with no semantic target (red cross decorator) ({0})
SessionQuery_LoadedBrokenRepsInfo=Tip: The next (manual or automatic) refresh will remove those elements. The red cross is displayed when the represented element has been detached or deleted from the model.
SessionQuery_InvalidReps=Invalid representations ({0})
SessionQuery_InvalidRepsInfo=Information: A representation is invalid when:\n - it has no target represented element or its target element has been detached or deleted\n - it can not be reached because it has been deleted or because of a technical issue
SessionQuery_RepresentationDescriptorDetails=Representation descriptors details ({0})
SessionResourcesSynchronizer_cantHandleResourceChangeMsg = Can''t handle resource change : {0}
SessionResourcesSynchronizer_reloadOperationFailErrorMsg = a reload operation failed for unknown reason
SessionResourcesTracker_addReferencedSemanticResourcesMsg = Add referenced semantic resources
SessionResourcesTracker_semanticResourcesAccessErrorMsg = Error while accessing semantic resources
SessionInterpreter_evaluationError = Error while evaluating expression
SessionVSMUpdater_VSMLoadErrorMsg = Unable to load the VSM at {0}
SetValueTask_label = Set a value
SiriusControlCommand_controlResourceMsg = Control resource
SiriusPreferencesImpl_noProjectScope = Failed to set the preference {0} because the projectScope is null. The aird file may not be serialized.
SiriusRepairProcess_errorMsg = An error occurs during repair process.
SiriusRepairProcess_contributionInstantationErrorMsg = Cannot instanciate migration contribution
SiriusRepairProcess_inProgressMsg = Repair in progress...
SiriusRepairProcess_closingSessionMsg = Closing session
SiriusRepairProcess_savingSessionMsg = Saving session
SiriusRepairProcess_repairModelMsg = Repair model {0}{1}{2}
SiriusRepairProcess_backupMsg = --> Backup file
SiriusRepairProcess_resolvingReferencesMsg = Resolving references
SiriusRepairProcess_openingsessionMsg = Opening session
SiriusRepairProcess_loadingModelMsg = Loading model
SiriusRepairProcess_restoringBckErrorMsg = Error while restoring backup file
SiriusRepairProcess_bckupCreationErrorMsg = Error while creating backup file
SiriusRepairProcess_removeElementsMsg = Remove elements
SiriusRepairProcess_saveModelElementStateMsg = save Model Element State
SiriusRepairProcess_restoringElementStatsMsg = --> Restoring element stats
SiriusRepairProcess_postRefreshMsg = --> Post refresh
SiriusRepairProcess_refreshingRepresentationsMsg = --> Refreshing representations
SiriusRepairProcess_removingElementsMsg = --> Removing elements
SiriusRepairProcess_savingElementsStateMsg = --> Saving elements state
SiriusRepairProcess_handlingViewMsg = --> Handling view
SiriusTasksKey_mmExtension = Metamodel Extension
SiriusTasksKey_genericModeler = Generic Modeler
SiriusTasksKey_repairMigrate = Repair/migrate
SiriusTasksKey_cleaningADiagram = Cleaning a diagram
SiriusTasksKey_updatingADiagram = Updating a diagram
SiriusTasksKey_evaluatingAcceleoExpression = Evaluating Acceleo expressions
SiriusTasksKey_evaluatingOCLExpressions = Evaluating OCL expressions
SiriusTasksKey_checkPreconditionExpressions = Check precondition expressions
SiriusTasksKey_InitAcceleoInterpreter = Initialize Acceleo interpreter
SiriusTasksKey_isGMFViewValid = Is the GMF view valid ?
SiriusTasksKey_getNodesCandidates = Get node's candidates
SiriusTasksKey_canonicalRefresh = Canonical refresh
SiriusTasksKey_validateAllDDiagramElements = Validate all the DDiagram elements
SiriusTasksKey_cacheAccess = Cache access
SiriusTasksKey_getEdgesCandidates = Get edge's candidates
SiriusTasksKey_validatingTheNode = Validating the node
SiriusTasksKey_validatingEdge = Validating the edge
SiriusTasksKey_cleaningAllEdges = Cleaning all edges
SiriusTasksKey_getContainerCandidates = Get container candidates
SiriusTasksKey_createMissingContainersFromViewpoint = Create missing containers from viewpoint
SiriusTasksKey_refreshADiagram = Refresh a diagram
SiriusTasksKey_CleaningRemoveDanglingRef = Cleaning : remove dangling references
SiriusTasksKey_createMissingEdgesFromViewpoint = Create missing edges from viewpoint
SiriusTasksKey_createMissingNodeFromContainer = Create missing node from container
SiriusTasksKey_isTheElementCollapsed = FilterService : is the element collapsed ?
SiriusTasksKey_checkThatElementHasToBeDisplayed = Display Service : check that the element has to be displayed
SiriusTasksKey_isElementDisplayed = Display Service : is the element displayed ?
SiriusTasksKey_createMissingNodeFromViewpoint = Create missing node from viewpoint
SiriusTasksKey_updatingAllNodes = Updating all nodes
SiriusTasksKey_updateAllContainers = Updating all containers
SiriusTasksKey_updatingAllEdges = Updating all edges
SiriusTasksKey_getRemovedNodesCandidates = Get removed nodes candidates
SiriusTasksKey_synchronizeDiagram = Synchronize Diagram
SiriusTasksKey_openSession = Open Session
SiriusTasksKey_openDiagram = Open diagram
SiriusTasksKey_computeEdgeSrcTgtViews = Compute edge source/target views
SiriusTasksKey_cleanOrphanedNodes = Clean orphaned nodes
SiriusTasksKey_removeDanglingRef = Remove dangling reference
SiriusTasksKey_getKeptNodesCandidates = Get kept nodes candidates
SiriusTasksKey_launchRefreshFromOperationHistoryListener = Launch Refresh From Operation History Listener
SiriusTasksKey_bigRefresh = Big refresh
SiriusTasksKey_isFold = Is fold
SiriusTasksKey_instanceOf = EInstance of
SiriusTasksKey_addAColumnInSWTTable = Add a column in the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_setColumnNameInSWTTable = Set the column name in the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_openSessionAction = Open Session Action
SiriusTasksKey_refreshATree = Refresh a tree
SiriusTasksKey_refreshSWTTable = Refresh the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_changeSWTTableCollapseState = Change the collapse state of a line of the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_refreshSWTTableLine = Refresh a line of the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_createSWTTable = Create the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_refreshTable = Refresh a table
SiriusTasksKey_getAddedNodesCandidates = Get Added nodes candidates
SiriusTasksKey_findAirFromModelElement = Find .air from model element.
SiriusTasksKey_resolveAll = Resolve All
SiriusTasksKey_launchRefreshFromLayerChange = Launch Refresh From Layer Change
SiriusTasksKey_openTable = Open table
SiriusTasksKey_refreshPropertiesViewSection = Refresh a section of the properties view
SiriusTasksKey_refreshPropertiesView = Refresh the properties view
SiriusTasksKey_updateSWTTableLine = Update a line of the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_semanticRefresh = Semantic Refresh
SiriusTasksKey_loadAirdFile = Load aird file
SiriusTasksKey_refreshRepairMigrateLostElements = Refresh elements lost by repair/migrate first pass
SiriusTasksKey_changeSWTTableColumnVisibleState = Change the visible state of a column of the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_changeSWTTableLineVisibleSate = Change the visible state of a line of the SWT table
SiriusTasksKey_openTree = Open tree
SiriusUncontrolCommand_label = Uncontrol resource
SiriusUncontrolCommand_resourceDeletionFailedMsg = Resource deletion failed
TechnicalUidMigrationParticipant_message = Migration done on {0} for "xmi:id to uid serialization conversion" (the result of this migration will be saved on the next session save): \n - the new "uid" attributes of Sirius model elements have been initialized from the values of the previously used "xmi:id".\n - the "uid" of DDiagram/DTable/DTree are kept and now used as their URI fragment. For exemple the "element" attribute of GMF Notation Diagram now corresponds to the uid of the referenced DDiagram instead its previous "xmi:id".
UnexecutableTask_label = unexecutable task
UnsetTask_nullOperationErrorMsg = unsetOp is null
UnsetTask_label = unset the value
Updater_updateElementDifferentReferenceTypeErrorMsg = Can not update an element using a reference element of a different type. Expected {0} but got a {1}
Updater_updateElementLogicallyDifferentErrorMsg = Can not update an element using a logically different element as reference.
VSMElementCustomizationReuseValidConstraint_noEReferenceErrorMsg = {0} doesn''t have EReference named {1}
VSMElementCustomizationReuseValidConstraint_noEAttributeErrorMsg = {0} doesn''t have EAttribute named {1}
VSMElementCustomizationReuseValidConstraint_doesntConcernsStyleDescErrorMsg = {0} doesn''t concerns a style description or a style description element
VSMElementNameValidConstraint_invalidNameErrorMsg = {0} is not a valid name, it must be different of empty or null.
ValidImageConstraint_imageDoesntExistErrorMsg = The image ''{0}'' does not exist.
ValidImageConstraint_invalidPathErrorMsg = The path ''{0}'' does not correspond to an image.
ValidationRuleImpl_elementHas = The element has...
ValidationRuleSpecOperations_evaluationErrorMsg = Error while evaluating audit message.
ViewpointProtocolParser_noViewpointErrorMsg = No viewpoint is corresponding to {0}
ViewpointProtocolParser_invalidURIErrorMsg = URI {0} is not valid.
ViewpointProtocolParser_unamed = unnamed
ViewpointRegistryImpl_FileLoadingErrorMsg = The viewpoint registry was not able to load this file {0}
ViewpointRegistryImpl_cantDeployVSMErrorMsg = Can't deploy VSM in the viewpoint registry.
ViewpointRegistryImpl_cantLoadVSMErrorMsg = The viewpoint specification model : {0} can''t be loaded, it may need to be migrated.
ViewpointRegistryImpl_unableToUnloadFileErrorMsg = The viewpoint registry was not able to unload this file {0}
XMIModelFileHandler_parsingStopedMsg = All needed informations have been reached. Stop the parsing.
XMIModelFileHandler_stopTheParsingMsg = We try to access external elements. Stop the parsing.
_Pref_AutoRefresh = true
_Pref_EmptyAirdFragmentOnControl = false