blob: f397a98a2f6622530a801367cc473c6f240894cf [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2015 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES and others
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
pluginName = Sirius Tree Model
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
DTreeItemExpansionChangeCommand_collapseItem = Collapse "{0}" tree item
DTreeItemExpansionChangeCommand_expandItem = Expand "{0}" tree item
DTreeItemLocalRefreshCommand_refreshLocally = Refresh locally tree
DTreeItemUserInteraction_treeItemExpanding = Tree item expanding
DTreeRefresh_noMapping = no mapping to set
DTreeRefresh_nonsense = It has no sense
DTreeRefresh_unknownDescriptor=Unknown descriptor: {0}
DTreeRefresh_unknownRepresentationContainer = Unkown representation container instance
DTreeUserInteraction_treeRefresh = Refresh tree
MappingBasedPartition_semanticCandidateEvaluationError = Error while evaluating semantic candidate expression
RefreshTreeElementTask_label = Refresh element task
TreeCommandFactory_directEdit = Direct Edit on {0}
TreeCommandFactory_dropItem = Drop the item {0}
TreeCommandFactory_operationAction= {0} on {1}
TreeDialectServices_createTree = Create tree : {0}
TreeDialectServices_initializeTree = Initialize tree of type {0}
TreeDialectServices_refreshImpactedElements = Refresh impacted elements
TreeDialectServices_treeRefresh = Tree refresh
TreeItemMappingExpression_preconditionEvaluationError=the following Tree Item mapping precondition could not be correctly evaluated : {0}
TreeToolVariables_container = The semantic element corresponding to the view container.
TreeToolVariables_element = The currently edited element.
TreeToolVariables_precedingSiblings=The list of all the preceding siblings in a Drag and Drop operation
TreeToolVariables_root = The semantic element of the tree.