blob: c619566ccd4802c5d645f7d99fd4eb3fd30856a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2013 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
pluginName = Sirius Tree Specification Editor
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project = DTree Editing
DTreeContext.description = Sirius DTree Editing
_UI_CreateChild_text = {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1}
_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature
_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}.
_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent.
_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}
_UI_DTree_type = DTree
_UI_TreeDescription_type = Tree Description
_UI_ContainmentTreeDecription_type = Containment Tree
_UI_Unknown_type = Object
_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value
_UI_TreeDescription_domainClass_feature = Domain Class
_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified
_UI_DTree_description_feature = Description
_UI_TreeDescription_preconditionExpression_feature = Precondition Expression
_UI_DTree_semanticElements_feature = Associated elements expression
_UI_TreeDescription_semanticElements_feature = Associated Elements Expression
_UI_DTreeItemContainer_type = DTree Item Container
_UI_DTreeItem_type = DTree Item
_UI_TreeItemStyle_type = Item Style
_UI_TreeItemMapping_type = Tree Item
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_type = Style
_UI_ConditionalTreeItemStyleDescription_type = Conditional Style
_UI_TreeItemTool_type = Tree Item Tool
_UI_TreeItemCreationTool_type = Create
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_type = Direct Edit
_UI_TreeItemDeletionTool_type = Delete Item
_UI_TreeCreationTool_type = Create Tree
_UI_TreeNavigationTool_type = Navigate
_UI_DTreeItemContainer_ownedTreeItems_feature = Owned Tree Items
_UI_DTreeItem_expanded_feature = Expanded
_UI_DTreeItem_ownedStyle_feature = Owned Style
_UI_DTreeItem_actualMapping_feature = Actual Mapping
_UI_TreeItemStyle_labelSize_feature = Label Size
_UI_TreeItemStyle_labelFormat_feature = Label Format
_UI_TreeItemStyle_textColor_feature = Text Color
_UI_TreeItemStyle_backgroundColor_feature = Background Color
_UI_TreeItemMapping_domainClass_feature = Domain Class
_UI_TreeItemMapping_preconditionExpression_feature = Precondition Expression
_UI_TreeItemMapping_semanticElements_feature = Associated Elements Expression
_UI_TreeItemMapping_subItemMappings_feature = Sub Item Mappings
_UI_TreeItemMapping_style_feature = Style
_UI_TreeItemMapping_conditionalStyles_feature = Conditional Styles
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_labelExpression_feature = Label Expression
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_labelSize_feature = Label Size
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_labelFormat_feature = Label Format
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_textColor_feature = Text Color
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_backgroundColor_feature = Background Color
_UI_TreeItemTool_firstModelOperation_feature = First Model Operation
_UI_TreeItemCreationTool_mapping_feature = Mapping
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_mask_feature = Mask
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_mapping_feature = Mapping
_UI_TreeItemDeletionTool_mapping_feature = Mapping
_UI_TreeCreationTool_treeDescription_feature = Tree
_UI_TreeNavigationTool_treeDescription_feature = Tree
_UI_TreeDescription_subItemMappings_feature = Sub Item Mappings
_UI_TreeDescription_ownedTools_feature = Owned Tools
_UI_TreeMapping_type = Tree
_UI_TreeMapping_semanticElements_feature = Associated Elements Expression
_UI_DTreeElementUpdater_type = DTree Element Updater
_UI_DTreeElement_type = DTree Element
_UI_DTreeElementSynchronizer_type = DTree Element Synchronizer
_UI_DTreeElement_treeElementMapping_feature = Tree Item
_UI_DTreeItem_container_feature = Container
_UI_TreeItemMapping_semanticCandidatesExpression_feature = Semantic Candidates Expression
_UI_StyleUpdater_type = Style Updater
_UI_DTreeItem_styleUpdater_feature = Style Updater
_UI_StyleUpdater_defaultStyle_feature = Default Style
_UI_StyleUpdater_conditionalStyle_feature = Conditional Style
_UI_ConditionalTreeItemStyleDescription_style_feature = Style
_UI_StyleUpdater_conditionalStyles_feature = Conditional Styles
_UI_TreeItemMapping_reusedTreeItemMappings_feature = Reused Tree Item Mappings
_UI_TreeItemMapping_allSubMappings_feature = All Sub Mappings
_UI_TreeVariable_type = Variable
_UI_TreeDescription_domainClass_description = Type of the element represented by the tree
_UI_TreeItemMapping_domainClass_description = Type of the element represented by the tree
_UI_TreeItemMapping_reusedTreeItemMappings_description = Tree Item Mapping reused as subtree Tree Item Mapping
_UI_TreeItemStyleDescription_backgroundColor_description = Background Color Representation
_UI_TreeItemTool_variables_feature = Variables
_UI_TreeMapping_semanticElements_description = Expression used to associate more than one semantic element to the viewpoint element. If you associate more than one element, any change
_UI_TreeVariable_documentation_feature = Documentation
_UI_AdvancedPropertyCategory = Advanced
_UI_ImportPropertyCategory = Import
_UI_ColorPropertyCategory = Color
_UI_TreeItemMapping_extends_feature = Extends
_UI_TreeItemMapping_specialize_feature = Specialize
_UI_TreeItemMapping_delete_feature = Delete
_UI_TreeItemMapping_create_feature = Create
_UI_TreeCreationDeescription_type = Tree Creation
_UI_TreeNavigationDescription_type = Tree Navigation
_UI_TreeNavigationDescription_treeDescription_feature = Tree Description
_UI_TreeCreationDescription_type = Tree Creation
_UI_TreeCreationDescription_treeDescription_feature = Tree Description
_UI_TreeDescription_ownedRepresentationCreationDescriptions_feature = Owned Representation Creation Descriptions
_UI_TreeDescription_ownedRepresentationNavigationDescriptions_feature = Owned Representation Navigation Descriptions
_UI_TreeItemUpdater_type = Tree Item Updater
_UI_DTreeItem_updater_feature = Updater
_UI_TreeItemMapping_editTool_feature = Direct Edit
_UI_TreeItemUpdater_directEdit_feature = Direct Edit
_UI_TreeItemUpdater_canEdit_feature = Can Edit
_UI_TreeDescription_createTreeItem_feature = Create Tree Item
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_type = (Deprecated) Drag and Drop
_UI_TreeItemMapping_dndTool_feature = Dnd Tool
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_oldContainer_feature = Old Container
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_newContainer_feature = New Container
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_element_feature = Element
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_newViewContainer_feature = New View Container
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_containers_feature = Containers
_UI_TreeItemMapping_dndTools_feature = Dnd Tools
_UI_TreeItemUpdater_canEdit_description = Expression indicating whether a TreeItem can be edited or not.
_UI_TreeDragSource_TREE_literal = Tree
_UI_TreeDragSource_PROJECT_EXPLORER_literal = Model
_UI_TreeDragSource_BOTH_literal = Both
_UI_BehaviorPropertyCategory = Behavior
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_dragSourceType_feature = Drag Source Type
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_precedingSiblings_feature = Preceding Siblings
_UI_PrecedingSiblingsVariables_type = Preceding Siblings Variables
_UI_TreeItemMappingContainer_type = Tree Item Mapping Container
_UI_TreeItemMappingContainer_subItemMappings_feature = Sub Item Mappings
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_element_feature = Element
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_root_feature = Root
_UI_TreeItemMapping_popupMenus_feature = Popup Menus
_UI_TreePopupMenu_type = Popup Menu
_UI_TreePopupMenu_menuItemDescriptions_feature = Menu Item Descriptions
_UI_AbstractTreePopupMenu_type = Abstract Tree Popup Menu
_UI_AbstractTreePopupMenu_menuItems_feature = Menu Items
_UI_TreeDescription_preconditionExpression_description = The precondition is an expression preventing the creation of a tree.\n If the precondition is set and the expression returns false on the root tree element, then the tree will not be created.
_UI_TreeItemMapping_preconditionExpression_description = Precondition to prevent the creation of a tree element. The expression will get evaluated on\nan element of the domain type, if it returns false, then the tree element won't get created.
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_oldContainer_description = The semantic container of the element before this Drag and Drop Operation is performed
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_newContainer_description = The semantic container of the element after this Drag and Drop Operation has been performed
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_element_description = The semantic element associated to the dragged Tree Item
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_newViewContainer_description = The new TreeItem that will contain the dragged element once this Drag and Drop operation will be performed
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_containers_description = The TreeItemMapping in which this TreeItemMapping can be dropped
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_dragSourceType_description = Tell whether the source of this Drag and Drop is a Tree, an item of the Model Content View or both.
_UI_TreeItemDragTool_precedingSiblings_description = A collection containing all preceding Siblings of the dropped Tree Item inside the new Container.\n Please refer to the Tree reference guide and Quickstart for additional informations
_UI_TreeItemCreationTool_mapping_description = Tree Item Mappings you may need to create once the tool has been executed.
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_mask_description = An expression describing the Edition Mask to use for extracting variables out of the expression typed by user.\n Please refer to Tree Reference guide and Quickstart for additional informations
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_element_description = The semantic element associated to the edited Tree Item
_UI_TreeItemEditionTool_root_description = The semantic element associated to the Root of this Tree
_UI_TreeNavigationDescription_treeDescription_description = The Tree Description to navigate to
_UI_GeneralPropertyCategory = General
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_type = Drop Tool
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_oldContainer_feature = Old Container
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_newContainer_feature = New Container
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_element_feature = Element
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_newViewContainer_feature = New View Container
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_precedingSiblings_feature = Preceding Siblings
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_dragSource_feature = Drag Source
_UI_TreeItemContainerDropTool_dragSource_description = Tell whether the source of this Drag and Drop is a Representation, an item of the Model Explorer View or both.
_UI_TreeItemMappingContainer_dropTools_feature = Drop Tools