blob: 0a228ea8b8b009763b980bc4be9b16acb97d45db [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2013 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
pluginName = Sirius Metamodel Extender Support
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project = org.eclipse.sirius.ecore.extender.ExtenderProvider = org.eclipse.sirius.ecore.extender.PermissionProvider
AbstractProviderDescriptor_attributeMissing=The {0} attribute is missing
ExtenderProviderDescriptor_errorLoadingExtenderProvider=An extender provider could not be loaded
FeatureNotFoundException_message=Feature {0} for the type {1} doesn''t exist.
IllegalTypeForValueException_message=Value type of {0} is illegal. Actual {1}. Excepted:
LockedInstanceException_message=An instance is locked and should not be modified among :
ModelAccessor_error_featureNotFound={0} on {1}
ModelAccessorsRegistry_noResourceFound=No resource to get the ExtendedPackage
ModelUtils_missingInputStream=Input Stream for the model to load cannot be null.
ModelUtils_nullSerializationError=Cannot serialize null object.
PermissionAuthorityRegistryImpl_noResourceMessage=No resource to get the ExtendedPackage
ReferencesResolver_resolveNonContainedReferencesTask=Resolving non contained references