blob: b1ad26b6255afccda6b8ce56e61bffbd7d506931 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Sonatype, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stuart McCulloch (Sonatype, Inc.) - initial API and implementation
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* {@link Enumeration} of resources found by scanning JARs and directories.
final class ResourceEnumeration
implements Enumeration<URL>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final Iterator<String> NO_ENTRIES = Collections.<String> emptySet().iterator();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation fields
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private final URL[] urls;
private final String subPath;
private final GlobberStrategy globber;
private final Object globPattern;
private final boolean recurse;
private int index;
private URL currentURL;
private boolean isFolder;
private Iterator<String> entryNames = NO_ENTRIES;
private String nextEntryName;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates an {@link Enumeration} that scans the given URLs for resources matching the globbed pattern.
* @param subPath An optional path to begin the search from
* @param glob The globbed basename pattern
* @param recurse When {@code true} search paths below the initial search point; otherwise don't
* @param urls The URLs containing resources
ResourceEnumeration( final String subPath, final String glob, final boolean recurse, final URL[] urls ) // NOPMD
this.subPath = normalizeSearchPath( subPath );
globber = GlobberStrategy.selectFor( glob );
globPattern = globber.compile( glob );
this.recurse = recurse;
this.urls = urls;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean hasMoreElements()
while ( null == nextEntryName )
if ( entryNames.hasNext() )
final String name =;
if ( matchesRequest( name ) )
nextEntryName = name;
else if ( index < urls.length )
currentURL = urls[index++];
entryNames = scan( currentURL );
return false; // no more URLs
return true;
public URL nextElement()
if ( hasMoreElements() )
// initialized by hasMoreElements()
final String name = nextEntryName;
nextEntryName = null;
return findResource( name );
catch ( final MalformedURLException e )
// this shouldn't happen, hence illegal state
throw new IllegalStateException( e.toString() );
throw new NoSuchElementException();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Normalizes the initial search path by removing any duplicate or initial slashes.
* @param path The path to normalize
* @return Normalized search path
private static String normalizeSearchPath( final String path )
if ( null == path || "/".equals( path ) )
return "";
boolean echoSlash = false;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0, length = path.length(); i < length; i++ )
// ignore any duplicate slashes
final char c = path.charAt( i );
final boolean isNotSlash = '/' != c;
if ( echoSlash || isNotSlash )
echoSlash = isNotSlash;
buf.append( c );
if ( echoSlash )
// add final slash
buf.append( '/' );
return buf.toString();
* Returns the appropriate {@link Iterator} to iterate over the contents of the given URL.
* @param url The containing URL
* @return Iterator that iterates over resources contained inside the given URL
private Iterator<String> scan( final URL url )
isFolder = url.getPath().endsWith( "/" );
if ( globber == GlobberStrategy.EXACT && !recurse )
// short-cut the nextElement() process
nextEntryName = subPath + globPattern;
// but still need to check resource actually exists! findResource( nextEntryName ) ).close();
catch ( final Exception e ) // IOException + SecurityException + etc...
nextEntryName = null;
return NO_ENTRIES;
return isFolder ? new FileEntryIterator( url, subPath, recurse ) : new ZipEntryIterator( url );
* Returns a {@link URL} pointing to the named resource underneath the current search URL.
* @param name The resource name
* @return URL for the resource
private URL findResource( final String name )
throws MalformedURLException
if ( isFolder )
return new URL( currentURL, name );
if ( "jar".equals( currentURL.getProtocol() ) )
// workaround JDK limitation that doesn't allow nested "jar:" URLs
return new URL( currentURL, "#" + name, new NestedJarHandler() );
return new URL( "jar:" + currentURL + "!/" + name );
* Compares the given entry name against the normalized search path and compiled glob pattern.
* @param entryName The entry name
* @return {@code true} if the given name matches the search criteria; otherwise {@code false}
private boolean matchesRequest( final String entryName )
if ( entryName.endsWith( "/" ) || !entryName.startsWith( subPath ) )
return false; // not inside the search scope
if ( !recurse && entryName.indexOf( '/', subPath.length() ) > 0 )
return false; // inside a sub-directory
return globber.matches( globPattern, entryName );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Custom {@link URLStreamHandler} that can stream JARs nested inside an arbitrary resource.
static final class NestedJarHandler
extends URLStreamHandler
protected URLConnection openConnection( final URL url )
return new NestedJarConnection( url );
* Custom {@link URLConnection} that can access JARs nested inside an arbitrary resource.
static final class NestedJarConnection
extends URLConnection
NestedJarConnection( final URL url )
super( url );
public void connect()
// postpone until someone actually requests an input stream
public InputStream getInputStream()
throws IOException
final URL containingURL = new URL( "jar", null, -1, url.getFile() );
final ZipInputStream is = new ZipInputStream( containingURL ) );
final String entryName = url.getRef();
for ( ZipEntry entry = is.getNextEntry(); entry != null; entry = is.getNextEntry() )
if ( entryName.equals( entry.getName() ) )
return is;
throw new ZipException( "No such entry: " + entryName + " in: " + containingURL );