blob: fbec0d3c5f92a9e05ba1d4714ce3b471967ace21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-present Sonatype, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stuart McCulloch (Sonatype, Inc.) - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.sisu.inject;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* Utility methods for dealing with container logging and recovery.
* <p>
* Set <b>-Dsisu.debug</b> to send detailed tracing to the console.
public final class Logs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static initialization
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
String newLine;
boolean toConsole;
newLine = System.getProperty( "line.separator", "\n" );
final String debug = System.getProperty( "sisu.debug", "false" );
toConsole = "".equals( debug ) || "true".equalsIgnoreCase( debug );
catch ( final RuntimeException e )
newLine = "\n";
toConsole = false;
NEW_LINE = newLine;
Sink sink;
sink = toConsole ? new ConsoleSink() : new SLF4JSink();
catch ( final RuntimeException e )
sink = new JULSink();
catch ( final LinkageError e )
sink = new JULSink();
SINK = sink;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final String NEW_LINE;
private static final String SISU = "Sisu";
private static final Sink SINK;
public static final boolean TRACE_ENABLED = SINK.isTraceEnabled();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private Logs()
// static utility class, not allowed to create instances
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Logs a trace message; uses "{}" format anchors. Pass {@link Throwable}s in last parameter for special handling.
* @param format The trace message format
* @param arg1 First object to format
* @param arg2 Second object to format
public static void trace( final String format, final Object arg1, final Object arg2 )
SINK.trace( format( format( format, arg1 ), arg2 ), arg2 instanceof Throwable ? (Throwable) arg2 : null );
* Logs a warning message; uses "{}" format anchors. Pass {@link Throwable}s in last parameter for special handling.
* @param format The warning message format
* @param arg1 First object to format
* @param arg2 Second object to format
public static void warn( final String format, final Object arg1, final Object arg2 )
SINK.warn( format( format( format, arg1 ), arg2 ), arg2 instanceof Throwable ? (Throwable) arg2 : null );
* Helper method for catching {@link Throwable}s; severe errors such as {@link ThreadDeath} are always re-thrown.
* @param problem The problem
public static void catchThrowable( final Throwable problem )
for ( Throwable cause = problem; cause != null; cause = cause.getCause() )
if ( cause instanceof ThreadDeath || cause instanceof VirtualMachineError )
throw (Error) cause; // must immediately re-throw severe errors
* Helper method for throwing {@link Throwable}s; checked exceptions are wrapped as {@link ProvisionException}s.
* @param problem The problem
public static void throwUnchecked( final Throwable problem )
if ( problem instanceof RuntimeException )
throw (RuntimeException) problem;
if ( problem instanceof Error )
throw (Error) problem;
// this cast lets us load the 'Logs' class and log messages even if Guice is not available
throw RuntimeException.class.cast( new ProvisionException( problem.toString(), problem ) );
* Returns an identity string for the given object.
* @see System#identityHashCode(Object)
* @param object The object
* @return Identity string of the object.
public static String identityToString( final Object object )
return null == object ? null : object.getClass().getName() + '@' //
+ Integer.toHexString( System.identityHashCode( object ) );
* Returns a string representation of the given {@link Module}.
* @param module The module
* @return String representation of the module.
public static String toString( final Module module )
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( identityToString( module ) );
buf.append( NEW_LINE ).append( NEW_LINE );
buf.append( "-----[elements]----------------------------------------------------------------" ).append( NEW_LINE );
int i = 0;
for ( final Element e : Elements.getElements( module ) )
buf.append( i++ ).append( ". " ).append( e ).append( NEW_LINE );
return buf.append( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ).append( NEW_LINE ).toString();
* Returns a string representation of the given {@link Injector}.
* @param injector The injector
* @return String representation of the injector.
public static String toString( final Injector injector )
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( identityToString( injector ) );
if ( null != injector.getParent() )
buf.append( " parent: " ).append( identityToString( injector.getParent() ) );
buf.append( NEW_LINE ).append( NEW_LINE );
buf.append( "-----[explicit bindings]-------------------------------------------------------" ).append( NEW_LINE );
int i = 0;
final Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> explicitBindings = injector.getBindings();
for ( final Binding<?> b : explicitBindings.values() )
buf.append( i++ ).append( ". " ).append( b ).append( NEW_LINE );
buf.append( "-----[implicit bindings]-------------------------------------------------------" ).append( NEW_LINE );
for ( final Binding<?> b : injector.getAllBindings().values() )
if ( !explicitBindings.containsKey( b.getKey() ) )
buf.append( i++ ).append( ". " ).append( b ).append( NEW_LINE );
return buf.append( "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ).append( NEW_LINE ).toString();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Replaces the first available formatting anchor with the given object.
* @param format The format string
* @param arg The object to format
private static String format( final String format, final Object arg )
final int len = format.length();
boolean detailed = true;
int cursor = 0;
for ( char prevChar = ' ', currChar; cursor < len; prevChar = currChar, cursor++ )
currChar = format.charAt( cursor );
if ( prevChar == '{' && currChar == '}' )
break; // replace anchor with String.valueOf
if ( prevChar == '<' && currChar == '>' )
detailed = false;
break; // use Logs.identityToString instead
if ( cursor >= len )
return format;
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if ( --cursor > 0 )
buf.append( format.substring( 0, cursor ) );
buf.append( detailed ? arg : identityToString( arg ) );
catch ( final RuntimeException e )
buf.append( e );
cursor += 2;
if ( cursor < len )
buf.append( format.substring( cursor, len ) );
return buf.toString();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Something that accepts formatted messages.
private interface Sink
* @return {@code true} if trace is enabled; otherwise {@code false}
boolean isTraceEnabled();
* Accepts a trace message and optional exception cause.
* @param message The trace message
* @param cause The exception cause
void trace( String message, Throwable cause );
* Accepts a warning message and optional exception cause.
* @param message The warning message
* @param cause The exception cause
void warn( String message, Throwable cause );
* {@link Sink}s messages to the system console.
static final class ConsoleSink
implements Sink
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final String TRACE = "TRACE: " + SISU + " - ";
private static final String WARN = "WARN: " + SISU + " - ";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean isTraceEnabled()
return true;
public void trace( final String message, final Throwable cause )
System.out.println( TRACE + message );
if ( null != cause )
cause.printStackTrace( System.out );
public void warn( final String message, final Throwable cause )
System.err.println( WARN + message );
if ( null != cause )
cause.printStackTrace( System.err );
* {@link Sink}s messages to the JDK.
static final class JULSink
implements Sink
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation fields
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final java.util.logging.Logger logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger( SISU );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean isTraceEnabled()
return logger.isLoggable( Level.FINER );
public void trace( final String message, final Throwable cause )
logger.log( Level.FINER, message, cause );
public void warn( final String message, final Throwable cause )
logger.log( Level.WARNING, message, cause );
* {@link Sink}s messages via SLF4J.
static final class SLF4JSink
implements Sink
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation fields
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger( SISU );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean isTraceEnabled()
return logger.isTraceEnabled();
public void trace( final String message, final Throwable cause )
logger.trace( message, cause );
public void warn( final String message, final Throwable cause )
logger.warn( message, cause );