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Query nodes commonly used by query parser implementations.
<h2>Query Nodes</h2>
The package <tt>org.apache.lucene.queryParser.nodes</tt> contains all the basic query nodes. The interface
that represents a query node is {@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNode}.
{@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNode}s are used by the text parser to create a syntax tree.
These nodes are designed to be used by UI or other text parsers.
The default Lucene text parser is {@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard.parser.StandardSyntaxParser},
it implements Lucene's standard syntax.
{@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNode} interface should be implemented by all query nodes,
the class {@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNodeImpl} implements {@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNode} and is extended
by all current query node implementations.
A query node tree can be printed to the a stream, and it generates a pseudo XML representation
with all the nodes.
A query node tree can also generate a query string that can be parsed back by the original text parser,
at this point only the standard lucene syntax is supported.
Grouping nodes:
<li>AndQueryNode - used for AND operator</li>
<li>AnyQueryNode - used for ANY operator</li>
<li>OrQueryNode - used for OR operator</li>
<li>BooleanQueryNode - used when no operator is specified</li>
<li>ModifierQueryNode - used for modifier operator</li>
<li>GroupQueryNode - used for parenthesis</li>
<li>BoostQueryNode - used for boost operator</li>
<li>SlopQueryNode - phrase slop</li>
<li>FuzzyQueryNode - fuzzy node</li>
<li>TermRangeQueryNode - used for parametric field:[low_value TO high_value]</li>
<li>ProximityQueryNode - used for proximity search</li>
<li>NumericRangeQueryNode - used for numeric range search</li>
<li>TokenizedPhraseQueryNode - used by tokenizers/lemmatizers/analyzers for phrases/autophrases</li>
Leaf Nodes:
<li>FieldQueryNode - field/value node</li>
<li>NumericQueryNode - used for numeric search</li>
<li>PathQueryNode - {@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes.QueryNode} object used with path-like queries</li>
<li>OpaqueQueryNode - Used as for part of the query that can be parsed by other parsers. schema/value</li>
<li>PrefixWildcardQueryNode - non-phrase wildcard query</li>
<li>QuotedFieldQUeryNode - regular phrase node</li>
<li>WildcardQueryNode - non-phrase wildcard query</li>
Utility Nodes:
<li>DeletedQueryNode - used by processors on optimizations</li>
<li>MatchAllDocsQueryNode - used by processors on optimizations</li>
<li>MatchNoDocsQueryNode - used by processors on optimizations</li>
<li>NoTokenFoundQueryNode - used by tokenizers/lemmatizers/analyzers</li>