blob: 2099bdf13c39225adf39275cdad939f02e2f2dda [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1 class="section" style="clear: both;">SMILA - BPEL Designer Extensions - Update Site</h1>
<div class="section">
You need either a build of <b>3.6.2</b> (<span class='product'>Helios</span>) or <b>3.7</b> (<span class='product'>Indigo</span>)
<a href="">Eclipse IDE for Java Developers</a> for your platform.
You could also use the <span class='product'>Platform Runtime Binary</span> from
<a href="">one of the releases here</a> to download only the plugins that are really necessary.
<div class="section">
The simplest way to install the extensions is through the Eclipse Update mechanism. You
can get to it from the eclipse <b>Help -&gt; Install New Software ...</b>
<img src="web/install.png">
<div class="section">
Install the <span class='product'>BPEL Designer</span> from its update site:
<div class="url"></div>
<div class="section">
Now you can install the <span class='product'>SMILA BPEL Designer extensions</span> from this update site:
<div class="url"></div>
<div class="section">
Eclipse 3.7 was used for the most recent build.
<div id="data"><!-- this is where the transformed data goes --></div>