blob: 2fa5e4fa7b0ee14d20dce2e74be48a7884524abd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2011 Andrea Bittau, University College London, and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andrea Bittau - initial API and implementation from the PsychoPath XPath 2.0
* Jesper Moller- bug 281159 - debugging convenience toString method
* David Carver (STAR) - bug 288886 - add unit tests and fix fn:resolve-qname function
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 280798 - PsychoPath support for JDK 1.4
* Jesper Steen Moller - bug 340933 - Migrate to new XPath2 API
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.typesystem.TypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicContext;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicError;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.ResultSequence;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.ResultSequenceFactory;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.function.CmpEq;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.builtin.BuiltinTypeLibrary;
* A representation of a QName datatype (name of a node)
public class QName extends CtrType implements CmpEq {
private static final String XS_Q_NAME = "xs:QName";
private String _namespace;
private String _prefix;
private String _local_part;
private boolean _expanded;
* Initialises using the supplied parameters
* @param prefix
* Prefix of the node name
* @param local_part
* The node name itself
* @param ns
* The namespace this nodename belongs to
public QName(String prefix, String local_part, String ns) {
this(prefix, local_part);
if (ns != null) {
* Initialises using the supplied parameters
* @param prefix
* Prefix of the node name
* @param local_part
* The node name itself
public QName(String prefix, String local_part) {
_prefix = prefix;
_local_part = local_part;
_expanded = false;
* Initialises using only the node name (no prefix)
* @param local_part
* The node name
public QName(String local_part) {
this(null, local_part);
* Initialises with a null prefix and null node name
public QName() {
this(null, null);
public QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName name) {
this(XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX.equals(name.getPrefix()) ? null : name.getPrefix(), name.getLocalPart());
if (! XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI.equals(name.getNamespaceURI())) set_namespace(name.getNamespaceURI());
_expanded = true;
* Creates a new QName by parsing a String representation of the node name
* @param str
* String representation of the name
* @return null
public static QName parse_QName(String str) {
int occurs = 0;
char[] strChrArr = str.toCharArray();
for (int chrIndx = 0; chrIndx < strChrArr.length; chrIndx++) {
if (strChrArr[chrIndx] == ':') {
occurs += 1;
if (occurs > 1) {
return null;
String[] tokens = str.split(":");
if (tokens.length == 1)
return new QName(tokens[0]);
if (tokens.length == 2) {
return new QName(tokens[0], tokens[1]);
return null;
* Creates a new ResultSequence consisting of the extractable QName in the
* supplied ResultSequence
* @param arg
* The ResultSequence to extract from
* @return New ResultSequence consisting of the QName supplied
* @throws DynamicError
public ResultSequence constructor(ResultSequence arg) throws DynamicError {
ResultSequence rs = ResultSequenceFactory.create_new();
if (arg.empty())
AnyAtomicType aat = (AnyAtomicType) arg.first();
if (!(aat instanceof XSString) && !(aat instanceof QName))
String sarg = aat.string_value();
QName qname = parse_QName(sarg);
if (qname == null)
return null;
return rs;
* Retrieves a String representation of the node name. This method is
* functionally identical to string()
* @return String representation of the node name
public String string_value() {
return string();
* Retrieves the datatype's full pathname
* @return "xs:QName" which is the datatype's full pathname
public String string_type() {
return XS_Q_NAME;
* Retrieves the datatype's name
* @return "QName" which is the datatype's name
public String type_name() {
return "QName";
* Retrieves a String representation of the node name. This method is
* functionally identical to string_value()
* @return String representation of the node name
public String string() {
String res = "";
if (_prefix != null) {
res = _prefix + ":";
res += _local_part;
return res;
* Retrieves the full pathname including the namespace. This method must not
* be called if a namespace does exist for this node
* @return Full pathname including namespace
public String expanded_name() {
assert _expanded;
// if(!_expanded)
// return null;
String e = "";
if (_namespace != null)
e += _namespace + ":";
return e + _local_part;
* Retrieves the prefix of the node's pathname
* @return Prefix of the node's pathname
public String prefix() {
return _prefix;
* Sets the namespace for this node
* @param n
* Namespace this node belongs in
public void set_namespace(String n) {
_namespace = n != null ? (n.length() == 0 ? null : n) : null;
_expanded = true;
* Retrieves the namespace that this node belongs in. This method must not
* be called if the node does not belong in a namespace
* @return Namespace that this node belongs in
public String namespace() {
assert _expanded;
return _namespace;
* Retrieves the node's name
* @return Node's name
public String local() {
return _local_part;
* Check for whether a namespace has been defined for this node
* @return True if a namespace has been defined for node. False otherwise
public boolean expanded() {
return _expanded;
* Equality comparison between this QName and a supplied QName
* @param obj
* The object to compare with. Should be of type QName
* @return True if the two represent the same node. False otherwise
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// make sure we are comparing a qname
if (!(obj instanceof QName))
return false;
QName arg = (QName) obj;
// if they aren't expanded... we can't compare them
if (!_expanded || !arg.expanded()) {
assert false; // XXX not stricly necessary
return false;
// two cases: null == null, or .equals(other)
String argn = arg.namespace();
if (_namespace != null) {
if (!_namespace.equals(argn))
return false;
} else {
if (argn != null)
return false;
String argl = arg.local();
// XXX local part should always be non null ?
if (_local_part != null) {
if (!_local_part.equals(argl))
return false;
} else {
if (argl != null)
return false;
return true;
* Calculates the hashcode for the full pathname
* @return The hashcode for the full pathname
public int hashCode() {
int namespace = 3;
int local = 4;
int result = 0;
assert expanded();
if (_namespace != null)
namespace = _namespace.hashCode();
if (_local_part != null)
local = _local_part.hashCode();
result = namespace;
result ^= (2 * local);
if (_expanded)
result ^= (result + 1);
return result;
* Equality comparison between this QName and the supplied QName
* @param arg
* The QName to compare with
* @return True if the two represent the same node. False otherwise
* @throws DynamicError
public boolean eq(AnyType arg, DynamicContext context) throws DynamicError {
QName val = (QName) NumericType.get_single_type(arg, QName.class);
return equals(val);
public String toString() {
return string();
public TypeDefinition getTypeDefinition() {
return BuiltinTypeLibrary.XS_QNAME;
public javax.xml.namespace.QName asQName() {
return new javax.xml.namespace.QName(namespace(), local(), prefix() != null ? prefix() : XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX);
public Object getNativeValue() {
return asQName();