blob: bd7df634e72be32d7cb0d3beff034d45ea89dc61 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Andrea Bittau, University College London, and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andrea Bittau - initial API and implementation from the PsychoPath XPath 2.0
* David Carver (STAR) - bug 277792 - add built in types to static context.
* Jesper Steen Moller - bug 297707 - Missing the empty-sequence() type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 325262 - providing ability to store an XPath2 sequence
* into an user-defined variable.
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.typesystem.TypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.typesystem.TypeModel;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.ResultSequence;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.StaticContext;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.function.FnFunctionLibrary;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.function.XSCtrLibrary;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.function.ConstructorFL;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.function.FunctionLibrary;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.AnyAtomicType;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.AnyType;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.NodeType;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.QName;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.XSAnyURI;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* Default implementation of a static context as described by the XPath 2.0
* specification.
public class DefaultStaticContext implements StaticContext {
private boolean _xpath1_compatible;
private String _default_namespace;
private String _default_function_namespace;
private TypeModel _model;
private XSCtrLibrary builtinTypes;
// key: String prefix, contents: String namespace
private Map _namespaces;
private String _cntxt_item_type;
private Map _functions;
// XXX collations
private XSAnyURI _base_uri;
private Map _documents;
private Map _collections;
public String get_cntxt_item_type() {
return _cntxt_item_type;
public void set_cntxt_item_type(String cntxtItemType) {
_cntxt_item_type = cntxtItemType;
public Map<String, List<Document>> get_collections() {
return _collections;
public void set_collections(Map<String, List<Document>> collections) {
_collections = collections;
public String get_default_collection_type() {
return _default_collection_type;
public void set_default_collection_type(String defaultCollectionType) {
_default_collection_type = defaultCollectionType;
private String _default_collection_type;
// Variables are held like this:
// A stack of maps of variables....
// or in more human terms:
// a stack of scopes each containing a symbol table
// XXX vars contain AnyType... should they be ResultSequence ?
private Stack _scopes;
* Constructor.
* @param schema
* Schema information from document. May be null.
public DefaultStaticContext(TypeModel model) {
_xpath1_compatible = false;
_default_namespace = null;
_default_function_namespace = FnFunctionLibrary.XPATH_FUNCTIONS_NS;
_model = model;
builtinTypes = new XSCtrLibrary();
_functions = new HashMap(20); // allow null keys: null namespace
_namespaces = new HashMap(20); // ditto
_cntxt_item_type = null;
_scopes = new Stack();
if (_model != null)
_base_uri = new XSAnyURI();
// XXX wildcard prefix
add_namespace("*", "*");
* Constructor for schema-less documents.
public DefaultStaticContext() {
private void init_schema(TypeModel schema) {
_model = schema;
* return the base URI
* @return XSAnyURI
public XSAnyURI base_uri() {
return _base_uri;
* is it xpath1 compatible?
* @return boolean
public boolean xpath1_compatible() {
return _xpath1_compatible;
* adds namespace
* @param prefix
* namespace prefix
* @param namespace
* namespace URI
public void add_namespace(String prefix, String namespace) {
// XXX are these reserved ?
// refer to formal semantics section 2.5.1
if ((prefix != null) && (prefix.equals("fs") || prefix.equals("op") || prefix.equals("dm")))
if (prefix == null) {
_default_namespace = namespace;
_namespaces.put("", namespace);
} else {
_namespaces.put(prefix, namespace);
* Retrieves the default namespace, when one is not allocated
* @return string
public String default_namespace() {
return _default_namespace;
* Retrieves the defaul function namespace
* @return string
public String default_function_namespace() {
return _default_function_namespace;
* Adds a function to the library.
* @param fl
* Function library to add.
public void add_function_library(FunctionLibrary fl) {
_functions.put(fl.namespace(), fl);
* Check for existance of function.
* @param name
* function name.
* @param arity
* arity of function.
* @return true if function exists. False otherwise.
public boolean function_exists(QName name, int arity) {
String ns = name.namespace();
if (!_functions.containsKey(ns))
return false;
FunctionLibrary fl = (FunctionLibrary) _functions.get(ns);
return fl.function_exists(name, arity);
protected Function function(QName name, int arity) {
String ns = name.namespace();
if (!_functions.containsKey(ns))
return null;
FunctionLibrary fl = (FunctionLibrary) _functions.get(ns);
return fl.function(name, arity);
* Creates an atomic from a specific type name initialized with a default
* value.
* @param name
* name of type to create
* @return Atomic type of desired type.
public AnyAtomicType make_atomic(QName name) {
String ns = name.namespace();
if (!_functions.containsKey(ns))
return null;
FunctionLibrary fl = (FunctionLibrary) _functions.get(ns);
if (!(fl instanceof ConstructorFL))
return null;
ConstructorFL cfl = (ConstructorFL) fl;
return cfl.atomic_type(name);
private boolean expand_qname(QName name, String def) {
String prefix = name.prefix();
if (prefix == null) {
return true;
if (!prefix_exists(prefix))
return false;
return true;
* Expands the qname's prefix into a namespace.
* @param name
* qname to expand.
* @return true on success.
public boolean expand_qname(QName name) {
return expand_qname(name, null);
* Expands a qname and uses the default function namespace if unprefixed.
* @param name
* qname to expand.
* @return true on success.
public boolean expand_function_qname(QName name) {
return expand_qname(name, default_function_namespace());
* Expands a qname and uses the default type/element namespace if
* unprefixed.
* @param name
* qname to expand.
* @return true on success.
public boolean expand_elem_type_qname(QName name) {
return expand_qname(name, default_namespace());
* Checks whether the type is defined in the in scope schema definitions.
* @param qname
* type name.
* @return true if type is defined.
public boolean type_defined(QName qname) {
if (_model == null) {
return builtinTypes.atomic_type(qname) != null;
TypeDefinition td = _model.lookupType(qname.namespace(), qname.local());
if (td == null)
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether the type is defined in the in scope schema definitions.
* @param ns
* namespace of type.
* @param type
* name of type.
* @return true if type is defined.
public boolean type_defined(String ns, String type) {
return type_defined(new QName(ns, type));
* is element declared?
* @param elem
* name of element.
* @return true if element declared.
public boolean element_declared(QName elem) {
if (_model == null)
return false;
TypeDefinition td = _model.lookupElementDeclaration(elem.local(),
if (td == null)
return false;
return true;
* Obtains schema definition of the type of an element.
* @param elem
* name of element who's type is desired.
* @return schema definition of type
public TypeDefinition element_type_definition(QName elem) {
return _model.lookupElementDeclaration(elem.local(),
* Checks if an attribute is in the in-scope schema definitions.
* @param attr
* name of attribute.
* @return true if attribute is declared.
public boolean attribute_declared(QName attr) {
if (_model == null)
return false;
TypeDefinition td = _model.lookupAttributeDeclaration(attr
.local(), attr.namespace());
if (td == null)
return false;
return true;
* Retrieves type definition of the attribute in an element.
* @param elem
* element name
* @return schema definition of the type of the attribute
public TypeDefinition attribute_type_definition(QName elem) {
return _model.lookupAttributeDeclaration(elem
.local(), elem.namespace());
* does prefix exist?
* @param pref
* prefix name.
* @return true if it does.
public boolean prefix_exists(String pref) {
return _namespaces.containsKey(pref);
* Resolves a prefix into a namespace URI.
* @param pref
* prefix name
* @return uri prefix is resolved to or null.
public String resolve_prefix(String pref) {
return (String) _namespaces.get(pref);
* Checks if an XML node derives from a specified type.
* @param at
* node actual type
* @param et
* name of expected type
* @return true if a derivation exists
// XXX fix this
public boolean derives_from(NodeType at, QName et) {
TypeDefinition td = _model.getType(at.node_value());
short method = TypeDefinition.DERIVATION_EXTENSION | TypeDefinition.DERIVATION_RESTRICTION;
// XXX
if (!et.expanded()) {
String pre = et.prefix();
if (pre != null) {
if (prefix_exists(pre)) {
} else
assert false;
} else
return td != null && td.derivedFrom(et.namespace(), et.local(), method);
* Checks if an XML node derives from a specified type definition.
* @param at
* node actual type.
* @param et
* type definition of expected type.
* @return true if a derivation exists.
public boolean derives_from(NodeType at, TypeDefinition et) {
TypeDefinition td = _model.getType(at.node_value());
short method = 0;
return td.derivedFromType(et, method);
* Creates a new scope level.
// variable stuff
public void new_scope() {
Map vars = new HashMap();
* Destroys a scope.
public void destroy_scope() {
private Map current_scope() {
return (Map) _scopes.peek();
* does variable exist in current scope ?
* @param var
* variable name.
* @return true if it does.
public boolean variable_exists(QName var) {
Map scope = current_scope();
return scope.containsKey(var);
* checks to see if variable is in scope
* @param var
* variable name.
* @return true if variable is in current or above scope.
public boolean variable_in_scope(QName var) {
// order doesn't matter..
for (Iterator i = _scopes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map scope = (Map);
if (scope.containsKey(var))
return true;
return false;
* Adds a variable to current scope.
* used for static checking.... i.e. presence of variables
* @param var
* variable name to add.
public void add_variable(QName var) {
set_variable(var, (AnyType) null);
// overwrites, or creates
protected void set_variable(QName var, AnyType val) {
Map scope = current_scope();
scope.put(var, val);
* Set a XPath2 sequence into a variable.
protected void set_variable(QName var, ResultSequence val) {
Map scope = current_scope();
scope.put(var, val);
* Deletes a variable from current scope.
* @param var
* variable name to delete.
* @return false if variable doesn't exist.
public boolean del_variable(QName var) {
if (!variable_exists(var))
return false;
Map scope = current_scope();
if (scope.remove(var) == null)
return false;
return true;
// return null if "not found"
protected Object get_var(QName var) {
// go through the stack in reverse order... reverse iterators
// would be nice here...
int pos = _scopes.size();
while (--pos >= 0) {
Map scope = (Map) _scopes.get(pos);
// gotcha
if (scope.containsKey(var)) {
return scope.get(var);
return null;
* Debug function which will print current variable scopes and info.
// debug functions
public void debug_print_vars() {
int level = 0;
for (Iterator i = _scopes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map scope = (Map);
System.out.println("Scope level " + level);
// scope.entrySet().iterator();
for (Iterator j = scope.entrySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
QName varname = (QName);
AnyType val = (AnyType) scope.get(varname);
String string_val = "null";
if (val != null)
string_val = val.string_value();
System.out.println("Varname: " + varname.string()
+ " expanded=" + varname.expanded() + " Value: "
+ string_val);
* Set the Base URI for the static context.
public void set_base_uri(String baseuri) {
_base_uri = new XSAnyURI(baseuri);
public void set_documents(Map _documents) {
this._documents = _documents;
public Map get_documents() {
return _documents;
public TypeModel getTypeModel(Node node) {
return _model;