blob: 8eded4b706f6b4722314612bd4293e294b1d2b97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 Andrea Bittau, University College London, and others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andrea Bittau - initial API and implementation from the PsychoPath XPath 2.0
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 273760 - wrong namespace for functions and data types
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 274952 - implementation of xs:long data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 275105 - implementation of xs:int data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277599 - implementation of xs:nonPositiveInteger data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277602 - implementation of xs:negativeInteger data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277608 - implementation of xs:short data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277609 - implementation of xs:nonNegativeInteger data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277629 - implementation of xs:unsignedLong data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277632 - implementation of xs:positiveInteger data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277639 - implementation of xs:byte data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277642 - implementation of xs:unsignedInt data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277645 - implementation of xs:unsighedShort data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 277650 - implementation of xs:unsignedByte data type
* Mukul Gandhi - bug 281046 - implementation of xs:base64Binary data type
* David Carver - bug 282223 - implementation of xs:duration data type.
* David Carver - bug 262765 - implementation of xs:untypedAtomic data type.
* Jesper Moller - bug 297707 - Missing the empty-sequence() type
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.function;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.function.ConstructorFL;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.internal.types.*;
* XML Schema control library support.
public class XSCtrLibrary extends ConstructorFL {
* Path to XML Schema specification.
public static final String XML_SCHEMA_NS = "";
* Constructor for XSCtrLibrary.
public XSCtrLibrary() {
// add types here
add_type(new XSString());
add_type(new XSBoolean());
add_type(new XSUntypedAtomic());
add_type(new XSNotation());
add_abstract_type("anyAtomicType", new AnyAtomicType() {
public String string_type() {
return null;
public String string_value() {
return null;
// numeric
add_type(new XSDecimal());
add_type(new XSFloat());
add_type(new XSDouble());
add_type(new XSInteger());
add_type(new XSLong());
add_type(new XSInt());
add_type(new XSNonPositiveInteger());
add_type(new XSNegativeInteger());
add_type(new XSShort());
add_type(new XSNonNegativeInteger());
add_type(new XSUnsignedLong());
add_type(new XSPositiveInteger());
add_type(new XSByte());
add_type(new XSUnsignedInt());
add_type(new XSUnsignedShort());
add_type(new XSUnsignedByte());
// date
add_type(new XSDateTime());
add_type(new XSDate());
add_type(new XSTime());
add_type(new XSGYearMonth());
add_type(new XSGYear());
add_type(new XSGMonthDay());
add_type(new XSGMonth());
add_type(new XSGDay());
add_type(new QName());
add_type(new XSNCName());
add_type(new XSAnyURI());
add_type(new XSYearMonthDuration());
add_type(new XSDayTimeDuration());
add_type(new XSDuration());
add_type(new XSEntity());
add_type(new XSID());
add_type(new XSIDREF());
add_type(new XSBase64Binary());
add_type(new XSHexBinary());