blob: 6b4428d1380e9a70035778ab6daf928bfb3196d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.common.commands;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFactory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDImport;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaDirective;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceImpl;
public abstract class UpdateComponentReferenceAndManageDirectivesCommand extends BaseCommand
protected XSDConcreteComponent concreteComponent;
protected String componentName;
protected String componentNamespace;
protected IFile file;
public UpdateComponentReferenceAndManageDirectivesCommand(XSDConcreteComponent concreteComponent, String componentName, String componentNamespace, IFile file)
this.concreteComponent = concreteComponent;
this.componentName = componentName;
this.componentNamespace = componentNamespace;
this.file = file;
protected XSDComponent computeComponent()
XSDComponent result = null;
XSDSchema schema = concreteComponent.getSchema();
XSDSchemaDirective directive = null;
// TODO (cs) handle case where namespace==null
if (componentNamespace != null)
// lets see if the element is already visible to our schema
result = getDefinedComponent(schema, componentName, componentNamespace);
if (result == null)
// TODO (cs) we need to provide a separate command to do this part
// apparently the element is not yet visible, we need to add
// includes/imports to get to it
if (componentNamespace.equals(schema.getTargetNamespace()))
// we need to add an include
directive = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDInclude();
// we need to add an import
XSDImport xsdImport = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDImport();
directive = xsdImport;
String location = computeNiceLocation(schema.getSchemaLocation(), file);
// TODO (cs) we should at the directive 'next' in the list of directives
// for now I'm just adding as the first thing in the schema :-(
schema.getContents().add(0, directive);
XSDSchema resolvedSchema = directive.getResolvedSchema();
if (resolvedSchema == null)
String platformLocation = "platform:/resource" + file.getFullPath();
Resource resource = concreteComponent.eResource().getResourceSet().createResource(URI.createURI(platformLocation));
if (resource instanceof XSDResourceImpl)
XSDResourceImpl resourceImpl = (XSDResourceImpl) resource;
resolvedSchema = resourceImpl.getSchema();
if (resolvedSchema != null)
catch (Exception e)
if (resolvedSchema != null)
result = getDefinedComponent(resolvedSchema, componentName, componentNamespace);
// TODO (cs) consider setting some error state so that the client can
// provide a pop-dialog error
// we should also remove the import/include so save from cluttering
// the file with bogus directives
return result;
private final static String PLATFORM_RESOURCE_PREFIX = "platform:/resource";
private String computeNiceLocation(String baseLocation, IFile file)
if (baseLocation.startsWith(PLATFORM_RESOURCE_PREFIX))
URI baseURI = URI.createURI(baseLocation);
URI fileURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(file.getFullPath().toString());
URI relative = fileURI.deresolve(baseURI);
return relative.toString();
URI baseURI = URI.createURI(baseLocation);
URI fileURI = URI.createFileURI(file.getLocation().toOSString());
URI relative = fileURI.deresolve(baseURI);
return relative.toString();
protected abstract XSDComponent getDefinedComponent(XSDSchema schema, String componentName, String componentNamespace);
public abstract void execute();