blob: 22ba263c88b3e3215bc1d880cc17aba3564dace1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2014 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* David Carver - STAR - bug 157254 - referenced Attributes and Elements
* were not being checked to see if they had the annotations if
* none were defined locally. (Initial fix modified - see bug)
package org.eclipse.wst.xsd.contentmodel.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.URIConverterImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.uriresolver.internal.provisional.URIResolverPlugin;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMAnyElement;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMAttributeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMContent;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDataType;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDocument;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMDocumentation;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMGroup;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamedNodeMap;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNamespace;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNode;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.CMNodeList;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.annotation.AnnotationMap;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMAttributeDeclarationImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMDataTypeImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMDocumentImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMEntityDeclarationImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMGroupImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMNamedNodeMapImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.basic.CMNodeListImpl;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.util.CMDescriptionBuilder;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.contentmodel.util.NamespaceInfo;
import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.contentmodel.internal.util.XSDSchemaLocatorAdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUse;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUseCategory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComplexTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDCompositor;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConstraint;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDContentTypeCategory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDEnumerationFacet;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDForm;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDImport;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroup;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticle;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticleContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaContent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDVariety;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDWildcard;
import org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDSchemaImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDConstants;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceImpl;
import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDSwitch;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
* Utility class to build cmnodes from XML Schema nodes. The XML Schema model is
* found in the org.eclipse.xsd plugin.
* TODO: getNamespaceURI()currently always returns '##any'.
public class XSDImpl
* properties common to all cmnodes the following properties defined in
* the following properties defined in this class, XSDImpl:
public static final String PROPERTY_CMDOCUMENT = "CMDocument";
public static final String PROPERTY_USES_LOCAL_ELEMENT_DECLARATIONS = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/usesLocalElementDeclarations";
public static final String PROPERTY_IS_NAME_SPACE_AWARE = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/isNameSpaceAware";
public static final String PROPERTY_NS_PREFIX_QUALIFICATION = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/nsPrefixQualification";
public static final String PROPERTY_NILLABLE = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/nillable";
public static final String PROPERTY_SPEC = "spec";
* properties common to all CMDocument nodes: PROPERTY_TARGET_NAMESPACE_URI
public static final String PROPERTY_TARGET_NAMESPACE_URI = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/targetNamespaceURI";
public static final String PROPERTY_IMPORTED_NAMESPACE_INFO = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/importedNamespaceInfo";
public static final String PROPERTY_NAMESPACE_INFO = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/namespaceInfo";
public static final String PROPERTY_ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/elementFormDefault";
public static final String PROPERTY_ANNOTATION_MAP = "annotationMap";
public static final String PROPERTY_COMPLETE_NAMESPACE_INFO = "http://org.eclipse.wst/cm/properties/completeNamespaceInfo";
* properties common to all CMElementDeclaration nodes: PROPERTY_XSITYPES
public static final String PROPERTY_XSITYPES = "XSITypes";
public static final String PROPERTY_DERIVED_ELEMENT_DECLARATION = "DerivedElementDeclaration";
public static final String PROPERTY_EXTERNALLY_DERIVED_ELEMENT_DECLARATION = "ExternallyDerivedElementDeclaration";
public static final String PROPERTY_SUBSTITUTION_GROUP = "SubstitutionGroup";
public static final String PROPERTY_SUBSTITUTION_GROUP_VALUE = "SubstitutionGroupValue";
public static final String PROPERTY_ABSTRACT = "Abstract";
public static final String PROPERTY_WHITESPACE_FACET = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Definition info for element declarations.
public static final String DEFINITION_INFO_GLOBAL = "global";
public static final String DEFINITION_INFO_LOCAL = "local";
public static final String XML_LANG_ATTRIBUTE = "xml:lang";
public static final String PLATFORM_PROTOCOL = "platform:";
protected static XSDAdapterFactoryImpl xsdAdapterFactoryImpl = new XSDAdapterFactoryImpl();
protected static XSIDocument xsiDocument = new XSIDocument();
* Given uri for an XML Schema document, parse the document and build
* corresponding CMDocument node.
* @param uri -
* the uri for an XML Schema document
* @param grammarErrorChecking -
* grammar error checking flag
* @param errorList -
* the resulting error list
* @return the corresponding CMDocument node.
* @deprecated -- use buildCMDocument(String uri)
public static CMDocument buildCMDocument(String uri, int grammarErrorChecking, List errorList)
return buildCMDocument(uri);
* Given uri for an XML Schema document, parse the document and build
* corresponding CMDocument node.
* @param uri -
* the uri for an XML Schema document
* @return the corresponding CMDocument node.
public static CMDocument buildCMDocument(String uri)
CMDocument cmDocument = null;
XSDSchema xsdSchema = buildXSDModel(uri);
if (xsdSchema != null)
cmDocument = (CMDocument) getAdapter(xsdSchema);
return cmDocument;
* Given uri for an XML Schema document, parse the document and build
* corresponding CMDocument node.
* @param uri -
* the uri for an XML Schema document
* @return the corresponding CMDocument node.
public static XSDSchema buildXSDModel(String uriString)
XSDSchema xsdSchema = null;
// if XML Schema for Schema is requested, get it through schema model
if (uriString.endsWith("2001/XMLSchema.xsd"))
xsdSchema = XSDSchemaImpl.getSchemaForSchema(XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001);
ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
//resourceSet.getAdapterFactories().add(new XSDSchemaLocationResolverAdapterFactory());
resourceSet.getAdapterFactories().add(new XSDSchemaLocatorAdapterFactory());
URI uri = createURI(uriString);
// CS : bug 113537 ensure we perform physical resolution before opening a stream for the resource
String physicalLocation = URIResolverPlugin.createResolver().resolvePhysicalLocation("", "", uriString);
InputStream inputStream = resourceSet.getURIConverter().createInputStream(URI.createURI(physicalLocation));
XSDResourceImpl resource = (XSDResourceImpl)resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI("*.xsd"));
resource.load(inputStream, null);
xsdSchema = resource.getSchema();
catch (Exception e)
return xsdSchema;
// TODO ... looks like we can remove this class?
static class InternalURIConverter extends URIConverterImpl
protected InputStream createURLInputStream(URI uri) throws IOException
if ("http".equals(uri.scheme()))
String theURI = uri.toString();
String mapped = URIResolverPlugin.createResolver().resolve(theURI, theURI, theURI);
if (mapped != null)
uri = createURI(mapped);
return super.createURLInputStream(uri);
* Returns an appropriate URI based on a uri string.
* @param uriString -
* a uri string.
* @return an appropriate URI based on a uri string.
public static URI createURI(String uriString)
if (hasProtocol(uriString))
return URI.createURI(uriString);
return URI.createFileURI(uriString);
private static boolean hasProtocol(String uri)
boolean result = false;
if (uri != null)
int index = uri.indexOf(":");
if (index != -1 && index > 2) // assume protocol with be length 3 so that
// the'C' in 'C:/' is not interpreted as a
// protocol
result = true;
return result;
* Returns true if string begins with platform protocol.
* @param uriString -
* a uri string.
* @return true if string begins with platform protocol.
public static boolean withPlatformProtocol(String uriString)
return uriString.startsWith(PLATFORM_PROTOCOL);
* Returns the value of the 'Min Occurs' attribute. The default value is "1".
* @param component -
* a concrete component.
* @return the value of the 'Min Occurs' attribute.
public static int getMinOccurs(XSDConcreteComponent component)
int minOccur = 1;
if (component != null)
Object o = component.getContainer();
if (o instanceof XSDParticle)
if (((XSDParticle) o).isSetMinOccurs())
minOccur = ((XSDParticle) o).getMinOccurs();
catch (Exception e)
minOccur = 1;
return minOccur;
* Returns the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute. The default value is "1".
* @param component -
* a concrete component.
* @return the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute.
public static int getMaxOccurs(XSDConcreteComponent component)
int maxOccur = 1;
if (component != null)
Object o = component.getContainer();
if (o instanceof XSDParticle)
if (((XSDParticle) o).isSetMaxOccurs())
maxOccur = ((XSDParticle) o).getMaxOccurs();
catch (Exception e)
maxOccur = 1;
return maxOccur;
* Returns the enumerated values for the given type.
* @param type -
* a type definition.
* @return the enumerated values for the given type.
private final static String TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN = "boolean"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final static String TYPE_VALUE_TRUE = "true"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final static String TYPE_VALUE_FALSE= "false"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static String[] getEnumeratedValuesForType(XSDTypeDefinition type)
List result = new ArrayList();
// See bug 214804 - Content assist not showing valid values when it's a complex
// type with simple content
if (type instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
type = ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition)type).getSimpleType();
if (type instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)
if (TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN.equals(type.getName()) && type.getSchema().getSchemaForSchema() == type.getSchema())
// Simple types can be one of: atomic, list or union.
int varietyType = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getVariety().getValue();
switch (varietyType)
case XSDVariety.ATOMIC:
XSDTypeDefinition baseType = type.getBaseType();
if (baseType != null && !(type.getSchema().getSchemaForSchema() == baseType.getSchema()))
getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(baseType, result);
// Bug 424276 - The above is not sufficient. First check if there are enumerations for the base type.
// If there are none, then we should be able to add the enumerations for the current type
if (result.isEmpty())
getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(type, result);
else // There are enumerations on the base type
// If there are enumerations on the current type also, then we should just add the ones from the current type
// since we're restricting the values
List enumerationsForCurrentType = new ArrayList();
getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(type, enumerationsForCurrentType);
if (!enumerationsForCurrentType.isEmpty())
// Otherwise, just use the enumerations on the base type
getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(type, result);
case XSDVariety.LIST:
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition itemTypeDefinition = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getItemTypeDefinition();
String[] values = getEnumeratedValuesForType(itemTypeDefinition);
for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
if(result.indexOf(values[j]) == -1) {
case XSDVariety.UNION:
List memberTypes = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getMemberTypeDefinitions();
if (memberTypes != null && memberTypes.size() > 0)
Iterator i = memberTypes.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition simpleType = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition);
String[] values = getEnumeratedValuesForType(simpleType);
for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
if(result.indexOf(values[j]) == -1) {
String[] array = new String[result.size()];
return array;
private static void getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(XSDTypeDefinition type, List result)
List enumerationFacets = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getEnumerationFacets();
for (Iterator i = enumerationFacets.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDEnumerationFacet enumFacet = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
List values = enumFacet.getValue();
for (Iterator j = values.iterator(); j.hasNext();)
Object o =;
if (o != null)
if (!result.contains(o))
* Return a list of documentation elements from the given annotation. Working
* with documentation elements requires dropping down into the DOM model.
* @param annotation -
* an XSDAnnotation node.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
public static CMNodeList getDocumentations(XSDAnnotation annotation)
CMNodeListImpl documentations = new CMNodeListImpl();
if (annotation != null)
List documentationsElements = annotation.getUserInformation();
for (Iterator i = documentationsElements.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
documentations.getList().add(new DocumentationImpl((Element);
return documentations;
* Adapted from public static List findTypesDerivedFrom(XSDSchema schema,
* String namespace, String localName) in class XSDSchemaQueryTools found in
* org.eclipse.xsd plugin.
* Find typeDefinitions that derive from a given type.
* @param type
* the type derived from
* @return List of any XSDTypeDefinitions found
public static List findTypesDerivedFrom(XSDTypeDefinition type)
ArrayList typesDerivedFrom = new ArrayList();
if (type != null)
XSDSchema schema = type.getSchema();
String localName = type.getName();
if ((null != schema) && (null != localName))
String namespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
// A handy convenience method quickly gets all
// typeDefinitions within our schema; note that
// whether or not this returns types in included,
// imported, or redefined schemas is subject to change
List typedefs = schema.getTypeDefinitions();
for (Iterator iter = typedefs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
XSDTypeDefinition typedef = (XSDTypeDefinition);
if (typedef instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
// Walk the baseTypes from this typedef seeing if any
// of them match the requested one
if (isTypeDerivedFrom(typedef, namespace, localName))
// We found it, return the original one and continue
return typesDerivedFrom;
* Adapted from protected static boolean isTypeDerivedFrom(XSDTypeDefinition
* typedef, String namespace, String localName) in class XSDSchemaQueryTools
* found in org.eclipse.xsd plugin.
* Recursive worker method to find typeDefinitions that derive from a named
* type.
* @see #findTypesDerivedFrom(XSDSchema, String, String)
* @param typeDef
* to see if it's derived from
* @param namespace
* for the type derived from
* @param localName
* for the type derived from
* @return true if it is; false otherwise
protected static boolean isTypeDerivedFrom(XSDTypeDefinition typedef, String namespace, String localName)
// Walk the baseTypes from this typedef seeing if any
// of them match the requested one
XSDTypeDefinition baseType = typedef.getBaseType();
if (baseType == null)
// typedef is a root type like xsd:anyType, so it has no base
return false;
// As this convenience method if our parameters match
if (baseType.hasNameAndTargetNamespace(localName, namespace))
return true;
XSDTypeDefinition rootType = typedef.getRootType();
if (rootType == baseType)
// If we've hit the root, we aren't derived from it
return false;
// Need to check if the base type is redefined/circular
// otherwise this will be an endless recursive call.
// Moved. See
// This method should be replaced with XSDConstants.isOrIsDerivedFrom(baseType, localName, namespace);
if (rootType.isCircular())
return true;
// Otherwise continue to traverse upwards
return isTypeDerivedFrom(baseType, namespace, localName);
* Returns the corresponding cmnode of the specified XML Schema node.
* @param target -
* an XML Schema node
* @return the corresponding cmnode.
public static CMNode getAdapter(Notifier o)
return (CMNode) xsdAdapterFactoryImpl.adapt(o);
* Adapted from public String getPrefix(String ns, boolean withColon) in class
* TypesHelper found in org.eclipse.wst.xsd.editor plugin.
* @param schema -
* the relevant schema
* @param ns -
* the relevant namespace
public static String getPrefix(XSDSchema schema, String ns)
String key = "";
if ((schema != null) && (ns != null))
Map map = schema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Object keyObj =;
Object value = map.get(keyObj);
if (value != null && value.toString().equals(ns))
if (keyObj != null)
key = keyObj.toString();
key = "";
return key;
* The Factory for the XSD adapter model. It provides a create method for each
* non-abstract class of the model.
public static class XSDAdapterFactoryImpl extends AdapterFactoryImpl
public Adapter createAdapter(Notifier target)
XSDSwitch xsdSwitch = new XSDSwitch()
public Object caseXSDWildcard(XSDWildcard object)
return new XSDWildcardAdapter(object);
public Object caseXSDModelGroupDefinition(XSDModelGroupDefinition object)
return new XSDModelGroupDefinitionAdapter(object);
public Object caseXSDAttributeUse(XSDAttributeUse object)
return new XSDAttributeUseAdapter(object);
public Object caseXSDElementDeclaration(XSDElementDeclaration object)
return new XSDElementDeclarationAdapter(object);
public Object caseXSDModelGroup(XSDModelGroup object)
return new XSDModelGroupAdapter(object);
public Object caseXSDSchema(XSDSchema object)
return new XSDSchemaAdapter(object);
Object o = xsdSwitch.doSwitch((EObject) target);
Adapter result = null;
if (o instanceof Adapter)
result = (Adapter) o;
return result;
public Adapter adapt(Notifier target)
return adapt(target, this);
* XSDBaseAdapter -- an abstract base node in the model. All other model nodes
* are derived from it.
public static abstract class XSDBaseAdapter extends CMNodeImpl
protected CMNodeListImpl documentation = new CMNodeListImpl();
* Returns the name of the node. The default value is an empty string value.
* All derived classes must override this method if they do not want the
* default value.
* @return the name of the node.
public String getNodeName()
return "";
* Returns true of the given factory is the factory for this XSD adapter
* model.
* @param type -
* a factory
* @return true if the type is the adapter factory for this model.
public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type)
return type == xsdAdapterFactoryImpl;
* Returns true if the property is supported for this class.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return true if the property is supported.
public boolean supports(String propertyName)
|| propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_MOF_NOTIFIER) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_DEFINITION_INFO) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_DEFINITION) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_CMDOCUMENT)
|| propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_IS_NAME_SPACE_AWARE) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_SPEC) || super.supports(propertyName);
* Returns the value of the 'Nillable' attribute. This represents the
* nillable infoset property. The default value is false. All derived
* classes must override this method if they do not want the default value.
* @return the value of the 'Nillable' attribute.
public boolean isNillable()
return false;
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode. The default
* value is null; All derived classes must override this method if they do
* not want the default value.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return null;
* Return a list of documentation elements. The default value is an empty
* CMNodeList; All derived classes must override this method if they do not
* want the default value.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected CMNodeList getDocumentation()
return documentation;
* Returns the property value for the property name. Returns null if the
* property is not supported.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return the property value for the property name.
public Object getProperty(String propertyName)
Object result = null;
if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_CMDOCUMENT))
result = getCMDocument();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_DOCUMENTATION))
result = getDocumentation();
result = Boolean.TRUE;
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_IS_NAME_SPACE_AWARE))
result = Boolean.TRUE;
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_NS_PREFIX_QUALIFICATION))
result = getNSPrefixQualification();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_NILLABLE))
result = isNillable() ? xsiDocument.nilAttribute : null;
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_MOF_NOTIFIER))
result = getKey();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_SPEC))
result = getSpec();
result = super.getProperty(propertyName);
CMDocument cmDocument = getCMDocument();
if (cmDocument instanceof XSDSchemaAdapter)
AnnotationMap map = ((XSDSchemaAdapter) cmDocument).annotationMap;
if (map != null)
String spec = getSpec();
if (spec != null)
result = map.getProperty(getSpec(), propertyName);
return result;
* Returns the value of the form [attribute] which affects the target
* namespace of locally scoped features. The default value is null. All
* derived classes must override this method if they do not want the default
* value. @return the value of the form [attribute].
public Object getNSPrefixQualification()
return null;
* Returns a general XPath expression for the node.
* @return a general XPath expression for the node.
public String getSpec()
return "//" + getNodeName();
* XSDSchemaAdapter implements CMDocument. A representation of the model
* object 'Schema'.
public static class XSDSchemaAdapter extends XSDBaseAdapter implements CMDocument
protected XSDSchema xsdSchema;
protected CMNamedNodeMapImpl namedNodeMap;
protected CMNamedNodeMapImpl entityNodeMap;
protected AnnotationMap annotationMap = new AnnotationMap();
protected Hashtable substitutionGroupTable;
* Constructor.
* @param xsdSchema -
* the schema node.
public XSDSchemaAdapter(XSDSchema xsdSchema)
this.xsdSchema = xsdSchema;
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return xsdSchema;
* Returns the filename.
* @return the filename.
public String getNodeName()
// See buildCMDocument() above.
return xsdSchema.getSchemaLocation();
* Returns true if the property is supported for this class.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return true if the property is supported.
public boolean supports(String propertyName)
return propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_TARGET_NAMESPACE_URI) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_IMPORTED_NAMESPACE_INFO) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_NAMESPACE_INFO)
|| propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_ANNOTATION_MAP) || super.supports(propertyName);
* Returns true if a prefix is globally required for elements.
* @param xsdSchema -
* the corresponding schema node.
* @return true if a prefix is globally required for elements.
protected boolean isPrefixRequired(XSDSchema xsdSchema)
boolean result = true;
if (xsdSchema.isSetElementFormDefault())
result = !(xsdSchema.getElementFormDefault().getValue() == XSDForm.QUALIFIED);
return result;
* Returns the property value for the property name. Returns null if the
* property is not supported.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return the property value for the property name.
public Object getProperty(String propertyName)
Object result = null;
if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_TARGET_NAMESPACE_URI))
result = xsdSchema.getTargetNamespace();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_IMPORTED_NAMESPACE_INFO))
List list = new Vector();
getImportedNamespaceInfo(xsdSchema, list);
result = list;
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_NAMESPACE_INFO))
List list = new Vector();
NamespaceInfo info = new NamespaceInfo();
info.uri = xsdSchema.getTargetNamespace();
info.prefix = getPrefix(xsdSchema, info.uri);
info.locationHint = null; // note that this locationHint info is null
// for the root xsd file
info.isPrefixRequired = isPrefixRequired(xsdSchema);
getImportedNamespaceInfo(xsdSchema, list);
result = list;
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_COMPLETE_NAMESPACE_INFO))
result = getAllNamespaceInfo();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT))
result = xsdSchema.getElementFormDefault().getName();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_ANNOTATION_MAP))
result = annotationMap;
else if (propertyName.equals("allElements"))
result = getAllElements();
else if (propertyName.startsWith("getElementForType#"))
int index = propertyName.indexOf("#");
String typeName = propertyName.substring(index + 1, propertyName.length());
XSDTypeDefinition td = xsdSchema.resolveTypeDefinition(typeName);
if (td != null)
LocalElementVisitor localElementVisitor = new LocalElementVisitor();
result = localElementVisitor.getCMNamedNodeMap();
result = super.getProperty(propertyName);
return result;
* Gather information on namespaces used in external references.
* @param theXSDSchema -
* the corresponding schema node
* @param list -
* the list of imported namespaces.
public void getImportedNamespaceInfo(XSDSchema theXSDSchema, List list)
for (Iterator iterator = theXSDSchema.getContents().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
XSDSchemaContent content = (XSDSchemaContent);
if (content instanceof XSDImport)
XSDImport xImport = (XSDImport) content;
XSDSchema importedXSDSchema = xImport.getResolvedSchema();
NamespaceInfo info = new NamespaceInfo();
info.uri = xImport.getNamespace();
info.prefix = getPrefix(importedXSDSchema, info.uri);
info.locationHint = xImport.getSchemaLocation();
if (importedXSDSchema != null)
info.isPrefixRequired = isPrefixRequired(importedXSDSchema);
* Returns set of named (top-level) element declarations for this schema
* node.
* @return a set of named (top-level) element declarations.
public CMNamedNodeMap getElements()
if (namedNodeMap == null)
namedNodeMap = new CMNamedNodeMapImpl();
// Note that if we call xsdSchema.getElementDeclarations()
// we get 'more' elements than we really want since we also
// get 'imported' elements. Below we test to ensure the elements
// actually have the same target namespace as the schema.
String targetNamespace = xsdSchema.getTargetNamespace();
for (Iterator i = xsdSchema.getElementDeclarations().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDElementDeclaration ed = (XSDElementDeclaration);
if (targetNamespace != null ? targetNamespace.equals(ed.getTargetNamespace()) : ed.getTargetNamespace() == null)
XSDElementDeclarationAdapter adapter = (XSDElementDeclarationAdapter) getAdapter(ed);
namedNodeMap.getHashtable().put(adapter.getNodeName(), adapter);
return namedNodeMap;
* Returns the built-in entity declarations.
* @return the built-in entity declarations.
public CMNamedNodeMap getEntities()
if (entityNodeMap == null)
entityNodeMap = new CMNamedNodeMapImpl();
// add the built in entity declarations
entityNodeMap.getHashtable().put("amp", new CMEntityDeclarationImpl("amp", "&"));
entityNodeMap.getHashtable().put("lt", new CMEntityDeclarationImpl("lt", "<"));
entityNodeMap.getHashtable().put("gt", new CMEntityDeclarationImpl("gt", ">"));
entityNodeMap.getHashtable().put("quot", new CMEntityDeclarationImpl("quot", "\""));
entityNodeMap.getHashtable().put("apos", new CMEntityDeclarationImpl("apos", "'"));
return entityNodeMap;
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
return DOCUMENT;
* Returns null. !!! Why are we not implementing this???? @return null.
public CMNamespace getNamespace()
return null;
* Returns this.
* @return this.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return this;
public CMNamedNodeMap getAllElements()
CMNamedNodeMapImpl map = new CMNamedNodeMapImpl();
for (Iterator i = getElements().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
CMElementDeclaration ed = (CMElementDeclaration);
addLocalElementDefinitions(map, ed);
return map;
protected void addLocalElementDefinitions(CMNamedNodeMapImpl map, CMElementDeclaration parentElementDeclaration)
CMNamedNodeMap localElementMap = parentElementDeclaration.getLocalElements();
for (Iterator i = localElementMap.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
CMElementDeclaration ed = (CMElementDeclaration);
if (map.getNamedItem(ed.getNodeName()) == null)
addLocalElementDefinitions(map, ed);
* Generates a List of NamespaceInfo objects corresponding to the target namespace of the given schema
* and the target namespaces of all its recursively imported/included referenced schemas. All namespace
* prefixes in the list are guaranteed to be unique. Prefix collitions are resolved by concatenating
* integer numbers to each repeated prefix found i.e. tns, tns1, tns2...
* All schema locations in the list are formated as encoded URIs relative to the given schema.
* Schemas that are imported/included but not referenced will not appear in the list.
* @return List of NamespaceInfo objects
public List getAllNamespaceInfo() {
List namespaceList = new ArrayList();
List resources = xsdSchema.eResource().getResourceSet().getResources();
Iterator i = resources.iterator();
while(i.hasNext()) {
XSDResourceImpl resource = (XSDResourceImpl);
if(resource.isLoaded()) {
XSDSchema schema = resource.getSchema();
if(!isDataInNamespaceList(namespaceList, 0, schema.getTargetNamespace())) {
NamespaceInfo info = new NamespaceInfo();
info.uri = schema.getTargetNamespace();
info.isPrefixRequired = isPrefixRequired(schema);
info.prefix = getPrefix(schema,schema.getTargetNamespace());
if("".equals(info.uri)) {
info.prefix = "xml";
} else if("".equals(info.uri)) {
info.prefix = "xmlns";
} else {
if(info.uri != null && info.uri != "") {
int n = 1;
if(info.prefix == null || info.prefix.equals("")) {
info.prefix = "p";
String prefix = info.prefix;
while(isDataInNamespaceList(namespaceList, 1, info.prefix)) {
info.prefix = prefix + n++;
URI relative = URI.createURI(xsdSchema.getSchemaLocation(), true);
URI absolute = URI.createURI(schema.getSchemaLocation(), true);
URI resolvedRelative = absolute.deresolve(relative);
info.locationHint = resolvedRelative.toString();
return namespaceList;
* Searches for a given value in a list of namespaces.
* @param namespaceList: List of NamespaceInfo objects
* @param data: integer representing the data in the namespace as follows:
* 0: uri
* 1: prefix
* 2: locationHint
* @param value String containing the value for search
* @return true if the value is found, false otherwise
private boolean isDataInNamespaceList(List namespaceList, int data, String value) {
if (namespaceList != null) {
Iterator i = namespaceList.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = (NamespaceInfo);
switch(data) {
case 0: if (namespaceInfo.uri != null && namespaceInfo.uri.equals(value)) {
return true;
case 1: if (namespaceInfo.prefix != null && namespaceInfo.prefix.equals(value)) {
return true;
case 2: if (namespaceInfo.locationHint != null && namespaceInfo.locationHint.equals(value)) {
return true;
return false;
* XSDAttributeUseAdapter implements CMAttributeDeclaration. A representation
* of the model object 'Attribute Use'.
public static class XSDAttributeUseAdapter extends XSDBaseAdapter implements CMAttributeDeclaration
// provides access to the XML Schema node
protected XSDAttributeUse xsdAttributeUse;
// provides access to the type of the attribute
protected CMDataType dataType = new DataTypeImpl();
* Constructor.
* @param xsdAttributeUse -
* the XML Schema node.
public XSDAttributeUseAdapter(XSDAttributeUse xsdAttributeUse)
this.xsdAttributeUse = xsdAttributeUse;
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return xsdAttributeUse;
* Returns a general XPath expression for the node.
* @return a general XPath expression for the node.
public String getSpec()
return "//@" + getAttrName();
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
* Returns the name of the node. Similar to getAttrName().
* @return the name of the node.
public String getNodeName()
return getAttrName();
* getEnumAttr method
* @return java.util.Enumeration
* @deprecated -- to be replaced in future with additional CMDataType
* methods (currently found on CMDataTypeHelper)
public Enumeration getEnumAttr()
return Collections.enumeration(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
* Returns the name of this attribute. Similar to getNodeName().
* @return the name of this attribute.
public String getAttrName()
return xsdAttributeUse.getAttributeDeclaration().getName();
* Returns the type of the attribute.
* @return the type of the attribute.
public CMDataType getAttrType()
return dataType;
* Returns the value of the default or fixed constraint.
* @return the value of the default or fixed constraint.
public String getDefaultValue()
return dataType.getImpliedValue();
* Returns the usage constraint for this attribute. The usages are defined
* in CMAttributeDeclaration class (OPTIONAL, REQUIRED, FIXED or
* @return the usage constraint for this attribute.
public int getUsage()
int useKind = OPTIONAL;
switch (xsdAttributeUse.getUse().getValue())
case XSDAttributeUseCategory.OPTIONAL : {
useKind = OPTIONAL;
case XSDAttributeUseCategory.PROHIBITED : {
case XSDAttributeUseCategory.REQUIRED : {
useKind = REQUIRED;
return useKind;
* Returns the value of the form [attribute] which affects the target
* namespace of locally scoped features. If the form is not set on this
* attribute, then see if there is a globally defined default. @return the
* value of the form [attribute].
public Object getNSPrefixQualification()
String form = null;
if (xsdAttributeUse.getContent() != xsdAttributeUse.getAttributeDeclaration())
form = "qualified";
else if (xsdAttributeUse.getContent().isSetForm())
form = xsdAttributeUse.getContent().getForm().getName();
XSDSchema schema = xsdAttributeUse.getSchema();
if (schema != null)
form = schema.getAttributeFormDefault().getName();
return form;
* Return a list of documentation elements.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected CMNodeList getDocumentation()
// Check if it is an attribute reference first
XSDAttributeDeclaration xsdAttributeRef = xsdAttributeUse.getContent();
if (xsdAttributeRef != null && xsdAttributeRef.isAttributeDeclarationReference())
// Determine if it has annotations
boolean refHasDocumentation = false;
XSDAnnotation refAnnotation = xsdAttributeRef.getAnnotation();
if (refAnnotation != null)
// Determine if there is documentation
if (!refAnnotation.getUserInformation().isEmpty())
refHasDocumentation = true;
if (refHasDocumentation)
return getDocumentations(refAnnotation);
// Otherwise proceed with getting the documentation as usual
XSDAttributeDeclaration xsdAttributeDeclaration = xsdAttributeUse.getAttributeDeclaration();
XSDAnnotation annotation = xsdAttributeDeclaration.getAnnotation();
return getDocumentations(annotation);
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return (CMDocument) getAdapter(xsdAttributeUse.getSchema());
* XSDAttributeUseAdapter.DataTypeImpl An inner class to hold type
* information for this attribute.
public class DataTypeImpl implements CMDataType
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
return CMNode.DATA_TYPE;
* Returns the name of the attribute type. Same as getDataTypeName().
* @return the name of the attribute type.
public String getNodeName()
return getDataTypeName();
* Returns true if the property is supported for this class.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return true if the property is supported.
public boolean supports(String propertyName)
return (PROPERTY_WHITESPACE_FACET.equals(propertyName));
* Returns the property value for the property name. Returns null if the
* property is not supported.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return the property value for the property name.
public Object getProperty(String propertyName)
return getWhiteSpaceFacetValue();
return null;
* Returns the name of the attribute type. Same as getNodeName().
* @return the name of the attribute type.
public String getDataTypeName()
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition sc = xsdAttributeUse.getAttributeDeclaration().getTypeDefinition();
String typeName = sc.getName();
return typeName != null ? typeName : "string"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the kind of constraint: none, default or fixed. The kinds are
* @return the kind of constraint: none, default or fixed.
public int getImpliedValueKind()
int result = IMPLIED_VALUE_NONE;
if (xsdAttributeUse.isSetConstraint())
if (xsdAttributeUse.getConstraint().getValue() == XSDConstraint.DEFAULT)
else if (xsdAttributeUse.getConstraint().getValue() == XSDConstraint.FIXED)
return result;
* Returns the value of the default or fixed constraint.
* @return the value of the default or fixed constraint.
public String getImpliedValue()
String result = null;
if (xsdAttributeUse.isSetConstraint())
result = xsdAttributeUse.getLexicalValue();
return result;
* Returns the enumerated values for the attribute type.
* @return the enumerated values for the attribute type.
public String[] getEnumeratedValues()
return getEnumeratedValuesForType(getXSDType());
* Generate a valid value for the attribute based on its type.
* @return a valid value for the attribute based on its type.
public String generateInstanceValue()
XSDAttributeDeclaration attr = xsdAttributeUse.getAttributeDeclaration();
return XSDTypeUtil.getInstanceValue(attr.getResolvedAttributeDeclaration().getTypeDefinition());
* Returns the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
* @return the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
protected XSDTypeDefinition getXSDType()
XSDAttributeDeclaration attr = xsdAttributeUse.getAttributeDeclaration();
return attr.getResolvedAttributeDeclaration().getTypeDefinition();
* Obtains the whitespace facet of the XSD simple type.
* @return The whitespace facet for the XSD type. If none is
* defined, or it is a complex type, null.
private String getWhiteSpaceFacetValue()
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition def = getXSDType().getSimpleType();
return (def != null && def.getEffectiveWhiteSpaceFacet() != null) ? def.getEffectiveWhiteSpaceFacet().getLexicalValue() : null ;
* ElementDeclarationBaseImpl implements CMElementDeclaration. This is the
* base class for XSDElementDeclaration and DerivedElementDeclarationImpl.
* Abstract methods in this class are: public abstract Object getKey(); public
* abstract Object getNSPrefixQualification(); public abstract
* XSDElementDeclaration getXSDElementDeclaration(); public abstract
* XSDTypeDefinition getXSDType(); public abstract List getXSITypes(); public
* abstract CMElementDeclaration getDerivedElementDeclaration(String
* uriQualifiedTypeName); public abstract CMNode getDefinition(); public
* abstract String getDefinitionInfo(); public abstract CMNodeListImpl
* getSubstitutionGroup();
public static abstract class ElementDeclarationBaseImpl extends XSDBaseAdapter implements CMElementDeclaration
protected CMDataType dataType = new DataTypeImpl();
protected CMNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap;
* Returns corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
* @return corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
protected abstract XSDElementDeclaration getXSDElementDeclaration();
* Returns corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
* @return corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
protected abstract XSDElementDeclaration getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration();
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
* Returns the name of the node. The same as getElementName().
* @return the name of the node.
public String getNodeName()
return getElementName();
* Returns the name of this element. The same as getNodeName().
* @return the name of this element.
public String getElementName()
String result = getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration().getName();
return result != null ? result : "";
* Returns true if the property is supported for this class.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return true if the property is supported.
public boolean supports(String propertyName)
return propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_XSITYPES) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_DERIVED_ELEMENT_DECLARATION) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_SUBSTITUTION_GROUP)
|| propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT) || propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_EXTERNALLY_DERIVED_ELEMENT_DECLARATION) || super.supports(propertyName);
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public abstract Object getKey();
* Returns the set of attributes defined for this element.
* @return the set of attributes defined for this element.
public CMNamedNodeMap getAttributes()
CMNamedNodeMapImpl map = new CMNamedNodeMapImpl();
XSDTypeDefinition td = getXSDType();
getAttributes(map, td);
return map;
* Gather the set of attributes defined for this element.
* @param map -
* used for returning the set of attributes.
* @param xsdTypeDefinition -
* the type definition for this element.
public void getAttributes(CMNamedNodeMapImpl map, XSDTypeDefinition xsdTypeDefinition)
if (xsdTypeDefinition instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
XSDComplexTypeDefinition ctd = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) xsdTypeDefinition;
for (Iterator i = ctd.getAttributeUses().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDAttributeUse xsdAttributeUse = (XSDAttributeUse);
XSDAttributeUseAdapter adapter = (XSDAttributeUseAdapter) getAdapter(xsdAttributeUse);
if (adapter != null && adapter.getNodeName() != null)
map.getHashtable().put(adapter.getNodeName(), adapter);
* Returns the content for this element.
* @return the content for this element.
public CMContent getContent()
CMContent result = null;
XSDTypeDefinition td = getXSDType();
if (td instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
DerivedChildVisitor dcv = new DerivedChildVisitor(td);
CMNodeList nodeList = dcv.getChildNodeList();
if (nodeList.getLength() > 1)
result = new CMGroupImpl(nodeList, CMGroup.SEQUENCE);
else if (nodeList.getLength() > 0)
result = (CMContent) nodeList.item(0);
return result;
* Returns the content type of this element. The content type is defined in
* @return the content type of this element.
public int getContentType()
int contentType = EMPTY;
XSDTypeDefinition td = getXSDType();
if (td instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)
String typeName = td.getName();
if (typeName != null && typeName.equals("anyType"))
contentType = ANY;
contentType = PCDATA;
else if (td instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
XSDContentTypeCategory category = ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) td).getContentTypeCategory();
if (category != null)
switch (category.getValue())
case XSDContentTypeCategory.ELEMENT_ONLY :
contentType = ELEMENT;
case XSDContentTypeCategory.EMPTY :
contentType = EMPTY;
case XSDContentTypeCategory.MIXED :
contentType = MIXED;
case XSDContentTypeCategory.SIMPLE :
contentType = PCDATA;
return contentType;
* Returns the name of the element type.
* @return the name of the element type.
public CMDataType getDataType()
CMDataType result = null;
int contentType = getContentType();
boolean hasDataType = contentType == PCDATA || contentType == MIXED;
if (hasDataType)
result = dataType;
return result;
* Returns the value of 'Min Occurs' attribute. The default value is "1".
* @return the value of the 'Min Occurs' attribute.
public int getMinOccur()
return getMinOccurs(getXSDElementDeclaration());
* Returns the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute. The default value is
* "1".
* @return the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute.
public int getMaxOccur()
return getMaxOccurs(getXSDElementDeclaration());
* Returns the referenced element declaration if this is an element
* reference. Otherwise it returns itself.
* @return an element declaration.
protected abstract CMNode getDefinition();
* Returns a string indicating whether the element declaration is global or
* local. Returns null if this is an element reference.
* @return a string indicating whether the element declaration is global or
* local.
protected abstract String getDefinitionInfo();
* Returns the elements local to this element declaration.
* @return the elements local to this element declaration.
public CMNamedNodeMap getLocalElements()
if (namedNodeMap == null)
LocalElementVisitor localElementVisitor = new LocalElementVisitor();
namedNodeMap = localElementVisitor.getCMNamedNodeMap();
return namedNodeMap;
* Returns the property value for the property name. Returns null if the
* property is not supported.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return the property value for the property name.
public Object getProperty(String propertyName)
Object result = null;
if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_DEFINITION_INFO))
result = getDefinitionInfo();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_DEFINITION))
result = getDefinition();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_XSITYPES))
result = getXSITypes();
else if (propertyName.startsWith(PROPERTY_DERIVED_ELEMENT_DECLARATION))
int index = propertyName.indexOf("=");
if (index != -1)
String uriQualifiedTypeName = propertyName.substring(index + 1);
result = getDerivedElementDeclaration(uriQualifiedTypeName);
int index = propertyName.indexOf("=");
if (index != -1)
String reference = propertyName.substring(index + 1);
result = getExternallyDerivedElementDeclaration(reference);
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_SUBSTITUTION_GROUP))
return getSubstitutionGroup();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_SUBSTITUTION_GROUP_VALUE))
return getSubstitutionGroupValue();
else if (propertyName.equals(PROPERTY_ABSTRACT))
return getAbstract();
result = super.getProperty(propertyName);
return result;
* Returns the value of the 'Nillable' attribute. This represents the
* nillable infoset property. The default value is false.
* @return the value of the 'Nillable' attribute.
public boolean isNillable()
if (getXSDElementDeclaration().isSetNillable())
return getXSDElementDeclaration().isNillable();
return false;
* Returns the value of the substitutionGroup attribute.
* @return value of the substitutionGroup attribute
public String getSubstitutionGroupValue()
XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration();
if(xsdElementDeclaration != null)
Element element = xsdElementDeclaration.getElement();
if(element != null)
if (element.hasAttribute(XSDConstants.SUBSTITUTIONGROUP_ATTRIBUTE))
return element.getAttribute(XSDConstants.SUBSTITUTIONGROUP_ATTRIBUTE);
else return null;
return "";
* Returns whether the element is 'Abstract'.
* @return true if the element is 'Abstract'.
public Boolean getAbstract()
boolean result = getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration().isAbstract();
// TODO... how do we handle elements with abstract type's ?
return result ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
* Returns a list of documentation elements.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected CMNodeList getDocumentation()
XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration = getXSDElementDeclaration();
XSDAnnotation annotation = xsdElementDeclaration.getAnnotation();
// Need to check to see if there are any documentation elements. Just because
// there is an annotation element doesn't mean that the documentation element is
// also there, as it could contain just appinfo elements.
boolean hasDocumentation = false;
if (annotation != null) {
if (!annotation.getUserInformation().isEmpty()) {
hasDocumentation = true;
// The element may not have annotation and if it is referenced
// check the referenced attribute for the annotations.
if (hasDocumentation == false) {
if (xsdElementDeclaration.isElementDeclarationReference()) {
annotation = xsdElementDeclaration.getResolvedElementDeclaration().getAnnotation();
return getDocumentations(annotation);
* Returns the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
* @return the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
protected abstract XSDTypeDefinition getXSDType();
* Returns a list of type names.
* @return a list of type names.
protected abstract List getXSITypes();
* Return the element declaration corresponding to the given uri qualified
* type name.
* @param uriQualifiedTypeName -
* a uri qualified type name
* @return corresponding element declaration.
protected abstract CMElementDeclaration getDerivedElementDeclaration(String uriQualifiedTypeName);
protected CMElementDeclaration getExternallyDerivedElementDeclaration(String reference)
return null;
* Returns a list of documentation elements.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected void addXSITypeAttribute(CMNamedNodeMapImpl map)
List list = getXSITypes();
int listSize = list.size();
if (listSize > 1)
CMDataType dataType = new CMDataTypeImpl("typeNames", (String) null);
CMAttributeDeclarationImpl attribute = new CMAttributeDeclarationImpl("type", CMAttributeDeclaration.OPTIONAL, dataType);
// See
// For now, don't clobber the attribute with the same 'type' name defined in the grammar
// with the xsi:type attribute. The impact of this change will be that for content assist, the non-xsi
// type attribute will be presented; the generated XML from XSD will have this attribute created, and
// not the xsi:type attribute.
Hashtable hashTable = map.getHashtable();
String name = attribute.getNodeName();
if (!hashTable.containsKey(name))
hashTable.put(name, attribute);
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
XSDSchema schema = getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration().getSchema();
if (schema == null)
return null;
return (CMDocument) getAdapter(schema);
* Returns the substitution group for this element. The group consists of:
* 1. the element declaration itself 2. and any element declaration that has
* a {substitution group affiliation} in the group
* @return the substitution group for this element.
protected abstract CMNodeListImpl getSubstitutionGroup();
* XSDElementDeclarationAdapter.DataTypeImpl An inner class to hold type
* information for this element.
public class DataTypeImpl implements CMDataType
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
return CMNode.DATA_TYPE;
* Returns the name of the element type. Same as getDataTypeName().
* @return the name of the element type.
public String getNodeName()
return getDataTypeName();
* Returns true if the property is supported for this class.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return true if the property is supported.
public boolean supports(String propertyName)
return (PROPERTY_WHITESPACE_FACET.equals(propertyName));
* Returns the property value for the property name. Returns null if the
* property is not supported.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return the property value for the property name.
public Object getProperty(String propertyName)
return getWhiteSpaceFacetValue();
return null;
* Returns the name of the element type. Same as getNodeName().
* @return the name of the element type.
public String getDataTypeName()
String typeName = null;
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition std = getXSDType().getSimpleType();
if (std != null)
typeName = std.getName();
return typeName != null ? typeName : "string"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Returns the kind of constraint: none, default or fixed. The kinds are
* @return the kind of constraint: none, default or fixed.
public int getImpliedValueKind()
int result = IMPLIED_VALUE_NONE;
if (getXSDElementDeclaration().isSetConstraint())
if (getXSDElementDeclaration().getConstraint().getValue() == XSDConstraint.DEFAULT)
else if (getXSDElementDeclaration().getConstraint().getValue() == XSDConstraint.FIXED)
return result;
* Returns the value of the default or fixed constraint.
* @return the value of the default or fixed constraint.
public String getImpliedValue()
String result = null;
if (getXSDElementDeclaration().isSetConstraint())
result = getXSDElementDeclaration().getLexicalValue();
return result;
* Returns the enumerated values for the attribute type.
* @return the enumerated values for the attribute type.
public String[] getEnumeratedValues()
return getEnumeratedValuesForType(getXSDType());
public String generateInstanceValue()
return XSDTypeUtil.getInstanceValue(getXSDType());
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return (CMDocument) getAdapter(getXSDElementDeclaration().getSchema());
* Obtains the whitespace facet of the XSD simple type.
* @return The whitespace facet for the XSD type. If none is
* defined, or it is a complex type, null.
private String getWhiteSpaceFacetValue()
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition def = getXSDType().getSimpleType();
return (def != null && def.getEffectiveWhiteSpaceFacet() != null) ? def.getEffectiveWhiteSpaceFacet().getLexicalValue() : null ;
* XSDElementDeclarationAdapter implements CMElementDeclaration. A
* representation of the model object 'Element Declaration'.
public static class XSDElementDeclarationAdapter extends ElementDeclarationBaseImpl
protected List derivedElementDeclarations = null;
protected Map externallyDerivedElementDeclarationsMap = new HashMap();
protected List xsiTypes = null;
protected XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration;
protected CMNodeListImpl substitutionGroup;
* Constructor.
* @param xsdElementDeclaration -
* the XML Schema node.
public XSDElementDeclarationAdapter(XSDElementDeclaration xsdElementDeclaration)
this.xsdElementDeclaration = xsdElementDeclaration;
* Returns corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
* @return corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
protected XSDElementDeclaration getXSDElementDeclaration()
return xsdElementDeclaration;
* Returns corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
* @return corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
protected XSDElementDeclaration getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration()
return xsdElementDeclaration.getResolvedElementDeclaration();
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return xsdElementDeclaration;
* Returns the referenced element declaration if this is an element
* reference. Otherwise it returns itself.
* @return an element declaration.
public CMNode getDefinition()
return getAdapter(xsdElementDeclaration.getResolvedElementDeclaration());
* Returns a string indicating whether the element declaration is global or
* local. Returns null if this is an element reference.
* @return a string indicating whether the element declaration is global or
* local.
protected String getDefinitionInfo()
if (xsdElementDeclaration.isElementDeclarationReference())
return null;
else if (xsdElementDeclaration.isGlobal())
public Object getNSPrefixQualification()
String form = null;
if (xsdElementDeclaration.isElementDeclarationReference())
form = "qualified";
if (xsdElementDeclaration.isSetForm())
form = xsdElementDeclaration.getForm().getName();
XSDSchema schema = xsdElementDeclaration.getSchema();
if (schema != null)
form = schema.getElementFormDefault().getName();
return form;
* Returns the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
* @return the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
protected XSDTypeDefinition getXSDType()
return xsdElementDeclaration.getResolvedElementDeclaration().getTypeDefinition();
* Returns a list of type names.
* @return a list of type names.
protected List getXSITypes()
if (xsiTypes == null)
return xsiTypes;
protected void computeDerivedTypeInfo()
xsiTypes = new Vector();
derivedElementDeclarations = new Vector();
computeDerivedTypeInfoHelper(getXSDType(), xsiTypes, derivedElementDeclarations);
protected void computeDerivedTypeInfoHelper(XSDTypeDefinition type, List typeNameList, List edList)
if (type instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
List derivedTypes = findTypesDerivedFrom(type);
ArrayList inclusiveDerivedTypes = new ArrayList();
if ((derivedTypes != null) && (derivedTypes.size() > 0))
for (Iterator i = inclusiveDerivedTypes.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDTypeDefinition derivedType = (XSDTypeDefinition);
XSDSchema schema = derivedType.getSchema();
if (schema != null)
String uri = schema.getTargetNamespace();
String name = derivedType.getName();
if (name != null)
name = uri != null ? ("[" + uri + "]" + name) : name;
DerivedElementDeclarationImpl ed = new DerivedElementDeclarationImpl(this, derivedType, name);
* Return the element declaration corresponding to the given uri qualified
* type name.
* @param uriQualifiedTypeName -
* a uri qualified type name
* @return corresponding element declaration.
protected CMElementDeclaration getDerivedElementDeclaration(String uriQualifiedTypeName)
CMElementDeclaration result = null;
if (derivedElementDeclarations == null)
for (Iterator i = derivedElementDeclarations.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
DerivedElementDeclarationImpl ed = (DerivedElementDeclarationImpl);
if ((ed != null) && (ed.uriQualifiedTypeName != null))
if (ed.uriQualifiedTypeName.equals(uriQualifiedTypeName))
result = ed;
return result;
protected CMElementDeclaration getExternallyDerivedElementDeclaration(String reference) {
Object declaration = externallyDerivedElementDeclarationsMap.get(reference);
if(declaration instanceof CMElementDeclaration)
return (CMElementDeclaration)declaration;
String schemaLocation = null;
String xsiType = null;
if(reference != null)
int index = reference.indexOf("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(index != -1)
schemaLocation = reference.substring(1, index);
xsiType = reference.substring(index + 1);
if(schemaLocation != null && xsiType != null)
XSDResourceImpl resource = null;
XSDTypeDefinition baseType = getXSDType();
String baseTypeNamespace = getXSDElementDeclaration().getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
resourceSet.getAdapterFactories().add(new XSDSchemaLocatorAdapterFactory());
InputStream inputStream = resourceSet.getURIConverter().createInputStream(URI.createURI(schemaLocation));
resource = (XSDResourceImpl)resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI("*.xsd")); //$NON-NLS-1$
resource.load(inputStream, null);
XSDSchema xsdSchema = resource.getSchema();
if(xsdSchema != null && baseType != null && xsiType != null)
String typeName = baseType.getName();
List typeDefinitions = xsdSchema.getTypeDefinitions();
Iterator iterator = typeDefinitions.iterator();
Object object =;
if(object instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
XSDComplexTypeDefinition xsdComplexTypeDefinition = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)object;
if(xsiType.equals(xsdComplexTypeDefinition.getName()) && isTypeDerivedFrom(xsdComplexTypeDefinition, baseTypeNamespace, typeName))
DerivedElementDeclarationImpl derivedElementDeclaration = new DerivedElementDeclarationImpl(this, xsdComplexTypeDefinition, reference);
externallyDerivedElementDeclarationsMap.put(reference, derivedElementDeclaration);
return derivedElementDeclaration;
} catch(Exception exception)
// Do nothing
if(resource != null && resource.isLoaded())
return null;
* Returns the substitution group for this element. The group consists of:
* 1. the element declaration itself 2. and any element declaration that has
* a {substitution group affiliation} in the group
* @return the substitution group for this element.
protected CMNodeListImpl getSubstitutionGroup()
if (substitutionGroup == null)
substitutionGroup = new CMNodeListImpl();
List sgroup = getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration().getSubstitutionGroup();
for (Iterator i = sgroup.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDElementDeclaration ed = (XSDElementDeclaration);
return substitutionGroup;
* DerivedElementDeclarationImpl extends ElementDeclarationBaseImpl
public static class DerivedElementDeclarationImpl extends ElementDeclarationBaseImpl
protected XSDElementDeclarationAdapter owner;
protected XSDTypeDefinition xsdType;
public String uriQualifiedTypeName;
* Constructor.
* @param owner -
* @param xsdType -
* @param uriQualifiedTypeName -
public DerivedElementDeclarationImpl(XSDElementDeclarationAdapter owner, XSDTypeDefinition xsdType, String uriQualifiedTypeName)
this.owner = owner;
this.xsdType = xsdType;
this.uriQualifiedTypeName = uriQualifiedTypeName;
* Returns corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
* @return corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
protected XSDElementDeclaration getXSDElementDeclaration()
return (XSDElementDeclaration) owner.getKey();
* Returns corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
* @return corresponding XML Schema element declaration.
protected XSDElementDeclaration getResolvedXSDElementDeclaration()
return ((XSDElementDeclaration) owner.getKey()).getResolvedElementDeclaration();
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return owner.getKey();
* Returns the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
* @return the corresponding XML Schema type definition.
protected XSDTypeDefinition getXSDType()
return xsdType;
* Returns a list of type names.
* @return a list of type names.
protected List getXSITypes()
return owner.getXSITypes();
* Return the element declaration corresponding to the given uri qualified
* type name.
* @param uriQualifiedTypeName -
* a uri qualified type name
* @return corresponding element declaration.
protected CMElementDeclaration getDerivedElementDeclaration(String uriQualifiedTypeName)
return owner.getDerivedElementDeclaration(uriQualifiedTypeName);
protected CMElementDeclaration getExternallyDerivedElementDeclaration(String reference)
return owner.getDerivedElementDeclaration(reference);
* Returns the referenced element declaration if this is an element
* reference. Otherwise it returns itself.
* @return an element declaration.
protected CMNode getDefinition()
return this;
* Returns a string indicating whether the element declaration is global or
* local. Returns null if this is an element reference.
* @return a string indicating whether the element declaration is global or
* local.
protected String getDefinitionInfo()
return owner.getDefinitionInfo();
* Returns the value of the form [attribute] which affects the target
* namespace of locally scoped features. @return the value of the form
* [attribute].
public Object getNSPrefixQualification()
return owner.getNSPrefixQualification();
* Returns the substitution group for this element. The group consists of:
* 1. the element declaration itself 2. and any element declaration that has
* a {substitution group affiliation} in the group
* @return the substitution group for this element.
protected CMNodeListImpl getSubstitutionGroup()
return owner.getSubstitutionGroup();
* XSDWildcardAdapter
public static class XSDWildcardAdapter extends XSDBaseAdapter implements CMAnyElement
protected XSDWildcard xsdWildcard;
public XSDWildcardAdapter(XSDWildcard xsdWildcard)
this.xsdWildcard = xsdWildcard;
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return xsdWildcard;
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
* Returns the name of the node. The default value is an empty string value.
* All derived classes must override this method if they do not want the
* default value.
* @return the name of the node.
public String getNodeName()
return "any";
public String getNamespaceURI()
if (xsdWildcard.getElement().hasAttribute(XSDConstants.NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE))
return xsdWildcard.getElement().getAttribute(XSDConstants.NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE);
return "##any";
* Returns the value of 'Min Occurs' attribute. The default value is "1".
* @return the value of the 'Min Occurs' attribute.
public int getMinOccur()
return getMinOccurs(xsdWildcard);
* Returns the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute. The default value is
* "1".
* @return the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute.
public int getMaxOccur()
return getMaxOccurs(xsdWildcard);
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return (CMDocument) getAdapter(xsdWildcard.getSchema());
* Returns a list of documentation elements.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected CMNodeList getDocumentation()
XSDAnnotation annotation = xsdWildcard.getAnnotation();
return getDocumentations(annotation);
* XSDModelGroupAdapter
public static class XSDModelGroupAdapter extends XSDBaseAdapter implements CMGroup
protected XSDModelGroup xsdModelGroup;
public XSDModelGroupAdapter()
public XSDModelGroupAdapter(XSDModelGroup xsdModelGroup)
this.xsdModelGroup = xsdModelGroup;
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
return GROUP;
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return xsdModelGroup;
* Returns a list of the children of this group.
* @return a list of the children of this group.
public CMNodeList getChildNodes()
CMNodeListImpl nodeList = new CMNodeListImpl();
if (xsdModelGroup != null)
for (Iterator i = xsdModelGroup.getParticles().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle);
XSDParticleContent content = particle.getContent();
CMNode adapter = getAdapter(content);
if (adapter != null)
return nodeList;
* Returns the name of the node. The default value is an empty string value.
* All derived classes must override this method if they do not want the
* default value.
* @return the name of the node.
public String getNodeName()
CMDescriptionBuilder descriptionBuilder = new CMDescriptionBuilder();
return descriptionBuilder.buildDescription(this);
* Returns the value of 'Min Occurs' attribute. The default value is "1".
* @return the value of the 'Min Occurs' attribute.
public int getMinOccur()
return getMinOccurs(xsdModelGroup);
* Returns the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute. The default value is
* "1".
* @return the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute.
public int getMaxOccur()
return getMaxOccurs(xsdModelGroup);
* Return operator of this group -- CHOICE, SEQUENCE or ALL value.
* @return the operator of this group.
public int getOperator()
int result = 0;
//todo... handle ALONE case by checkig if child count == 1
if (xsdModelGroup != null)
switch (xsdModelGroup.getCompositor().getValue())
case XSDCompositor.CHOICE : {
result = CHOICE;
case XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE : {
result = SEQUENCE;
case XSDCompositor.ALL : {
result = ALL;
return result;
* Returns a list of documentation elements.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected CMNodeList getDocumentation()
XSDAnnotation annotation = xsdModelGroup.getAnnotation();
return getDocumentations(annotation);
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return (CMDocument) getAdapter(xsdModelGroup.getSchema());
* XSDModelGroupDefinitionAdapter
public static class XSDModelGroupDefinitionAdapter extends XSDBaseAdapter implements CMGroup
protected XSDModelGroupDefinition xsdModelGroupDefinition;
public XSDModelGroupDefinitionAdapter(XSDModelGroupDefinition xsdModelGroupDefinition)
this.xsdModelGroupDefinition = xsdModelGroupDefinition;
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
return GROUP;
* Returns the key for this cmnode which is the corresponding XML Schema
* node.
* @return the key for this cmnode.
public Object getKey()
return xsdModelGroupDefinition;
* Returns a list of the children of this group.
* @return a list of the children of this group.
public CMNodeList getChildNodes()
CMNodeListImpl nodeList = new CMNodeListImpl();
XSDModelGroup modelGroup = xsdModelGroupDefinition.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup();
if (modelGroup != null)
CMNode adapter = getAdapter(modelGroup);
return nodeList;
* Returns the name of the node. The default value is an empty string value.
* All derived classes must override this method if they do not want the
* default value.
* @return the name of the node.
public String getNodeName()
CMDescriptionBuilder descriptionBuilder = new CMDescriptionBuilder();
return descriptionBuilder.buildDescription(this);
* Returns the value of 'Min Occurs' attribute. The default value is "1".
* @return the value of the 'Min Occurs' attribute.
public int getMinOccur()
return getMinOccurs(xsdModelGroupDefinition);
* Returns the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute. The default value is
* "1".
* @return the value of the 'Max Occurs' attribute.
public int getMaxOccur()
return getMaxOccurs(xsdModelGroupDefinition);
* Return operator of this group -- CHOICE, SEQUENCE or ALL value.
* @return the operator of this group.
public int getOperator()
return XSDCompositor.SEQUENCE;
* Returns a list of documentation elements.
* @return a list of documentation elements.
protected CMNodeList getDocumentation()
XSDAnnotation annotation = xsdModelGroupDefinition.getAnnotation();
return getDocumentations(annotation);
* Returns the cmdocument that is the owner of this cmnode.
* @return the cmdocument corresponding to this cmnode.
public CMDocument getCMDocument()
return (CMDocument) getAdapter(xsdModelGroupDefinition.getSchema());
* DocumentationImpl implements CMDocumentation. A representation of the
* documentation element part of the 'User Information' feature. Working with
* the documentation element requires dropping down into the DOM model.
public static class DocumentationImpl implements CMDocumentation
protected Element documentation;
* Constructor.
* @param documentation -
* a documentation element.
public DocumentationImpl(Element documentation)
this.documentation = documentation;
* Returns the type of the node. The types are defined in CMNode class
* @return the type of this node.
public int getNodeType()
* Returns an empty string value.
* @return an empty string value.
public String getNodeName()
return "";
* Returns false. This class does not support any properties.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return false.
public boolean supports(String propertyName)
return false;
* Returns null. This class does not support any properties.
* @param propertyName -
* name of a property
* @return null.
public Object getProperty(String propertyName)
return null;
* Returns the content of the documentation element.
* @return the content of the documentation element.
public String getValue()
String content = "";
boolean contentFound = false;
NodeList nodes = documentation.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++)
Node node = nodes.item(i);
if (node instanceof Text)
contentFound = true;
content += node.getNodeValue();
return contentFound ? content : null;
* Returns the xml:lang attribute value of the documentation element.
* @return the xml:lang attribute value of the documentation element.
public String getLanguage()
return documentation.hasAttributeNS(XSDConstants.XML_NAMESPACE_URI_1998, XML_LANG_ATTRIBUTE) ? documentation.getAttributeNS(XSDConstants.XML_NAMESPACE_URI_1998, XML_LANG_ATTRIBUTE) : null;
* Returns the source attribute value of the documentation element.
* @return the source attribute value of the documentation element.
public String getSource()
return documentation.hasAttributeNS(null, XSDConstants.SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE) ? documentation.getAttributeNS(null, XSDConstants.SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE) : null;
* XSIDocument extends CMDocumentImpl. This class is used to hold those
* attributes that are for direct use in any XML documents. These attributes
* are in a different namespace, which has the namespace name
* Attributes in this namespace
* include: xsi:type xsi:nil xsi:schemaLocation xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation
public static class XSIDocument extends CMDocumentImpl
public CMAttributeDeclarationImpl nilAttribute;
* Constructor. Creates the 'xsi:nil'
public XSIDocument()
// create the 'nill' attribute
String[] values = {"false", "true"};
nilAttribute = new CMAttributeDeclarationImpl("nil", CMAttributeDeclaration.REQUIRED, new CMDataTypeImpl("boolean", values));
* Note this XSD model visitor differs from the XSD model visitor in
* org.eclipse.wst.xsd.editor plugin. In visitModelGroup method we call
* getParticles() instead of getContents(). This gathers all of the content of
* a derived type.
public static class XSDCMVisitor extends XSDVisitor
public void visitSimpleTypeDefinition(XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type)
XSDParticle ctd = type.getComplexType();
if (ctd != null)
public void visitModelGroup(XSDModelGroup modelGroup)
if (modelGroup.getParticles() != null)
for (Iterator iterator = modelGroup.getParticles().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
XSDParticle particle = (XSDParticle);
public void visitModelGroupDefinition(XSDModelGroupDefinition modelGroupDef)
XSDModelGroup modelGroup = modelGroupDef.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup();
if (modelGroup != null)
* A visitor class that walks the xsd model and computes the list of children
* that belong to the initially visited element type.
public static class DerivedChildVisitor extends XSDCMVisitor
protected CMNodeListImpl childNodeList = new CMNodeListImpl();
protected List baseTypeList = new Vector();
Object root;
DerivedChildVisitor(Object root)
this.root = root;
public CMNodeListImpl getChildNodeList()
return childNodeList;
public void visitWildcard(XSDWildcard wildcard)
public void visitElementDeclaration(XSDElementDeclaration element)
public void visitModelGroup(XSDModelGroup modelGroup)
public void visitModelGroupDefinition(XSDModelGroupDefinition modelGroupDefinition)
* A visitor class that gathers all of the elements within a type definition.
public static class LocalElementVisitor extends XSDCMVisitor
protected CMNamedNodeMapImpl namedNodeMap = new CMNamedNodeMapImpl();
protected List baseTypeList = new Vector();
public void visitElementDeclaration(XSDElementDeclaration element)
XSDElementDeclarationAdapter adapter = (XSDElementDeclarationAdapter) getAdapter(element);
namedNodeMap.getHashtable().put(adapter.getNodeName(), adapter);
public CMNamedNodeMap getCMNamedNodeMap()
return namedNodeMap;